Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 158 Qi Xuansu and Li Changge

Qi Xuansu discovered a very interesting phenomenon. People in the three realms seem to have fixed faces.

For example, the Zhengdao people, from Tianshi to Cihang Zhenren, are mainly kind and kind, just like the traditional Zhengdao people in the storybook. They are broad-minded, open-minded and adaptable, and often provide various kinds of help to the protagonist in the storybook.

People on the Taiping Road are like die-hards in the righteous way. They are stubborn, rigid and irritable. They have good intentions but always perform wrongly. They are dedicated to causing trouble for the protagonist of the story. They are very concerned about the protagonist's life style and guard against the protagonist and the witch. , witches and their like hook up.

The image of Quanzhen Taoists is a bit biased towards the villains in the storybooks. They are a hodgepodge of weird shapes, each with its own characteristics. Some are particularly mysterious, some are idle clouds and wild cranes, some are arbitrary and domineering, some are easy-going, and there are even a few. He is a kindhearted person who is both an enemy and a friend to the protagonist.

I don’t know if this is a heritage or a stereotype.

In any case, Xiao Yin got the benefit of being a "person of the righteous way", and his mouth seemed to be filled with honey: "The righteous way is the best in the world, and the Celestial Master is the first deputy headmaster of the Taoist sect."

Naturally, the Heavenly Master was very pleased: "The first deputy head master? The three of us have been equals for so many years. This is the first time that someone said that I am the first deputy head master."

After this incident, Master Cihang wanted to return to Yujing to resume his life. Qi Xuansu was not in a hurry to return to the Taoist Palace of the Western Regions and went to Yujing together.

What a coincidence, Li Changge also returned to Beijing to report on his work.

The New World is not peaceful either. There are still some twists and turns. Because of the abolition of blood sacrifice, the conflict between the new god king Ixichel and the northern god of death Apuch has become increasingly fierce.

The gang started a large-scale killing. In addition, there are still constant frictions between the Southern Continent and the Northern Continent, which is also a chain reaction. Steam Gospel believes that the Dao Sect's attention is attracted by Buddhism and is unable to take care of the Western Dao Sect, so Steam Gospel launches a series of temptations and provocations at the border. move.

In short, Li Changge has not been idle during this period. His biggest achievement is the reconstruction of the destroyed Northern Continent intelligence system. His return to Beijing this time to report on his work is mainly about this aspect.

Logically speaking, the two people should have nothing to do with each other. They are just two non-intersecting lines, each with its own responsibilities. The problem of Buddhism has not yet risen to the level of the entire Taoist sect. Except for the Western Region Taoist Office, which is highly involved, the other Taoist Offices are not deeply involved. They still go their own way, and even the years are quiet.

The flames of war in the Western Regions cannot burn New West Capital, and the smoke from the Rio Grande cannot blow into the Snowy Mountains.

However, Qi Xuansu and Li Changge are neighbors. This is a coincidence, even a bit of black humor, but Xiao Yin and Qin Henghua are still good friends.

In most cases, Li Changge is not there when Qi Xuansu is at home, and Qi Xuansu is not there when Li Changge is at home. You go out early and I come back late, so we are not allowed to worship the neighbors.

This time we caught up, both of them were at home, and they even bumped into each other when they went home.

Due to emotions and reasons, both of them wanted to exchange a few words. After all, the two of them have not actually broken up with each other, and they have worked together many times, so they always have to get along in terms of face.

But if I have to say who started it, it was Li Changge.

Li Changge walked towards Qi Xuansu first, and Qi Xuansu could only take the initiative to greet him.

Taishangfang is always quiet. Most of the people who can buy houses here do not live here.

Here, Qi Xuansu and Li Changge are examples.

So there were only two people walking side by side on the streets of Taishangfang - Xiao Yin followed Master Cihang to Xuandu to spend the night, and happened to take Zhu Guo correctly under the guidance of Master Cihang, so he didn't go home these days.

Neither of them brought a secretary. After all, this was the way home, not to work.

The sun was setting, and the light was fading inch by inch.

It was dusk, and the sun was setting in the west, dragging the two people's silhouettes together.

"Brother Tianyuan, have you just returned to Yujing?"

"Yes, I just got off the flying boat. Brother Yongyan also just came back?"

"Like Brother Tianyuan, I just returned to Yujing today, but I went to Beichen Hall first and was about to go home."

"The journey from the New World to Yujing is not short."

"Brother Tianyuan, I'm really sorry that I couldn't be there in person to congratulate you on your wedding."

"Brother Yongyan, your words are serious. You have official duties, so you should put them first."

"Brother Tianyuan was ordered to take over the Western Region Taoist Mansion this time, and he killed Monk Xiao and avenged Master Chen. It is really admirable. If the Taoist sect can have more people like Taoist Brother Tianyuan, it will be easy to defeat Buddhism."

"Brother Yongyan is overly praised. Brother Yongyan has also done a good job in the New World and cleaned up the mess I left behind."

After a brief exchange of greetings and compliments, Li Changge extended an invitation: "I wonder if Brother Tianyuan has time? Can you come to my house for a few drinks?"

This invitation was a bit unexpected, which made Qi Xuansu startled. What do the two have to talk about as competitors? However, Li Changge's identity was unusual, and Qi Xuansu couldn't refuse. This was Yujing, and Li Changge couldn't do anything, so Qi Xuansu couldn't refuse.

After being stunned for a while, Xuan Su agreed.

"Last time Princess Chiying came to visit, she had a very pleasant chat with Qingxiao. As the saying goes, courtesy should be reciprocated. Since Brother Yongyan invites you, there is no reason not to go."

So the two went to Li Changge's mansion.

The Taoist sect strictly controls the number of Taoists. No matter how high their status is, they are not allowed to form slaves in groups, at least in Yujing. As for their own homes located in the local Taoist government, they generally have no control over them.

Therefore, Li Changge's home is similar to Qi Xuansu's home. It is big enough and gorgeous enough, but it is empty, lacks popularity and fireworks. It is no wonder that Princess Chiying feels uncomfortable living here and prefers to go to the old house in Xuanyuanfang. Live at home.

The situations of Qi Xuansu and Li Changge are still somewhat different. Qi Xuansu likes to tell Zhang Yuelu everything. Zhang Yuelu is not only Qi Xuansu's Taoist companion, but also Qi Xuansu's ally, strategist, and helper. Li Changge didn't like to tell Princess Chiying about his affairs. He made his own decisions. Princess Chiying didn't even know that Li Changge had returned from the New World, so he was not at Taishangfang, but at Xuanyuanfang.

However, even if the hostess is not here, there are still some old Taoists left here. They are all Taoists who have served the old Li family all their lives. They are absolutely reliable. Qi Xuansu lacks this kind of background, so he uses the Zhang family, that is, he follows Zhang Yuelu as a "dowry" The old Taoist from the Zhang family came here.

These old Taoist people of the Li family have all seen the world and met many big figures, but they still feel that this young guest is a bit strange. I don’t know who it is that makes their master so solemn. Looking at this person’s dress, although It's all in one

He is dressed in regular clothes, his hair is tied up in a hairpin, and he does not wear a lotus crown, but many of the details are those of real people, and they have a lot of background.

When their master said "Brother Tianyuan," the Taoists finally realized that it was the famous Master Taiwei, who was also his master's biggest competitor.

No wonder, no wonder, but also strange.

After the two of them sat down, the hostess, who was belatedly aware of the news, came over. The two of them were not in the main hall, but in a private side hall, where a few friends could sit and talk. When Princess Chiying entered the house, she found that Li Changge was making tea by himself, using small sticks of wood as long as a finger and adding them little by little to the small stove. The flames were swaying and the water in the pot was gradually boiling, which was quite artistic.

Seeing the guest again, Princess Chiying was a little surprised. It turned out to be Qi Xuansu, who was also Li Changge's biggest competitor, and the one who currently had a greater advantage. With these two opponents sitting opposite each other, could they be making wine with green plums?

Nowadays, the saying of "three beauties of Taoism" has changed, and everyone has begun to talk about "double walls of Taoism".

Princess Chiying was not as deeply involved in Taoist affairs as Zhang Yuelu, and she did not think deeply about Li Changge's intentions. However, since the visitor was a guest, she had to take over Li Changge's work.

Li Changge gently waved his hand, indicating that there was no need, and said: "Go and prepare two pots of the 'Baihua Brew' I brought from Qizhou. I want to treat Taoist Brother Tianyuan to a drink."

Princess Chiying said nothing and turned to leave.

This is the style of the Li family. The main room and the main room are clearly visible. Especially when there are guests, meals must be eaten at separate tables.

Qi Xuansu did not receive such treatment. He usually pointed out that

If you can't get Zhang Yuelu, you still have to bargain with Xiao Yin. Not to mention Qiniang, it would be nice not to call Qi Xuansu.

After the tea was brewed, Li Changge personally filled a cup of tea for Qi Xuansu.

Qi Xuansu held the teacup, and it was actually very cold. He could not feel the temperature of the tea at all. However, the tea was still scalding hot in his mouth, and did not become colder because of the teacup. This shows that the heritage of the old family and the things they use are always revealed inadvertently. It's so precious, otherwise it would take three generations to know how to dress and eat.

Qi Xuansu was very calm and never took the initiative to ask Li Changge about his intentions. There was tea and wine. If you don't speak, I will go home.

Maintaining the status quo.

Qi Xuansu looked into Li Changge's eyes with a smile.

Li Changge couldn't see the true meaning behind Qi Xuansu's smile, but he couldn't avoid it and could only respond with a smile.

No wonder Li Changge couldn't see it, because Qi Xuansu's smile had no meaning and was just a poor imitation of the Heavenly Master. Li Changge was overthinking it.

Li Changge thought Qi Xuansu was on the fifth floor, but actually Qi Xuansu was on the first floor.

When Princess Chiying came back with two pots of "Hundred Flower Brew", she saw the two of them smiling at each other. It was still the kind of smile that hides a knife in the smile. It had nothing to do with sympathy or a hero over a hero, and it was extremely weird. Her hands trembled and she almost threw the wine on the ground. She even thought about finding a time to talk to Zhang Yuelu. They might be seriously ill.

However, Princess Chiying also broke the awkwardness between the two. Li Changge took the "Hundred Flowers Brew" and stopped going around in circles and started to get to the point: "As the name suggests, this wine is made from a hundred kinds of flowers."

Brewed from flower nectar, the floral fragrance is immersed in the wine, just like walking in the spring suburbs, making people drunk before drinking. "

Qi Xuansu said: "Then I want to have a good taste."

Li Changge said: "The wine pot that holds the 'Baihua Brewing' is specially made. If you use other wine glasses, there will be miscellaneous flavors, so just drink directly from the pot."

Li Changge directly picked up one of the pots: "Brother Tianyuan, please."

Qi Xuansu hesitated and picked up another pot: "Please."

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