Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 163 Tianji Hall

The warehouse of Ziwei Hall is located in Kunlun Cave Heaven. This is the first time Qi Xuansu has come here.

Unlike a warehouse in the ordinary sense, this place is more like a small world in a cave heaven. This is not surprising. Qi Xuansu has experienced it once in Yunshen Cave Heaven.

Since it is a small world, it can be shaped at will. It is shaped into the appearance of a starry sky. Walking in it is like walking in the starry sky. The fake stars in it are the storage.

Looking carefully, this starry sky is actually a star map. Compared with the star map that Qi Xuansu saw in the inverted tower and the Yin and Yang Hall, the star map of Ziwei Hall has fewer changes and is more magnificent, showing the atmosphere of Taoism as the master of the world.

Gong Jiaojun is very familiar with this place. In addition, the star map has not been changed, so it is easy to find the meteorite iron stored here by Donghua Zhenren. It is the size of a human head. Under the same volume, the weight is about nine times that of iron.

Qi Xuansu also read some works of Western alchemists in his spare time. Among the metals known in the world, the heaviest metal is only about three times that of iron, but this piece of meteorite iron is nine times that of iron. No wonder it is said to be from the outer world. This metal does not exist in the world.

This is not the second, the key is that the meteorite iron is contaminated with the breath of the outer demon and has some special magic.

Strictly speaking, the outer demon will continue to absorb and devour, and at the same time continue to spew out, like a periodic tide. Many objects will undergo some unpredictable changes after being sucked into the body of the outer demon, and when they are spewed out again, they have completely changed their appearance.

If you have the cultivation of an immortal, you can try to "catch the sea", and you may have a good harvest.

This piece of meteorite iron was spewed out of the body by the outer demon and fell into the world, so it is called "meteorite iron from the sky".

If the aura of the outer demons on the meteorite cannot be removed, then it cannot be refined into an artifact or weapon, because the aura of the outer demons, as an aura that does not belong to the human world, will destroy the rules of the human world and cause the talisman to fail.

But if the aura of the outer demons on the meteorite is removed, the effect of the meteorite will be greatly reduced. Even if it is better than the metal in the human world, it is not very meaningful.

So the meteorite is a bit useless. Although it is good, it is difficult to find a place to use it. After Master Donghua got this meteorite, he could only put it aside until today.

Qi Xuansu took this meteorite and thought about how to use this strange iron to repair the body of Bodhisattva Xiao.

Gong Jiaojun said softly: "Tianyuan, Donghua Zhenren said that if you want to refine this piece of meteorite iron, you can go to Tianji Hall and use the Tianji Hall's big furnace."

Qi Xuansu asked curiously: "Big furnace?"

Gong Jiaojun said: "Tianyuan, you are not often in Yujing, so you are not familiar with these. The so-called big furnace is just a colloquial name. The official name is the Great Wanxiang Furnace, which can refine everything, even the soul can be refined in an instant."

Qi Xuansu asked: "Is the 'Manifold Body' also refined with this?"

Gong Jiaojun was a little surprised: "Tianyuan also knows this?"

Qi Xuansu said: "Xiangzhou Daofu Su Zhenren once mentioned it."

Gong Jiaojun suddenly realized: "No wonder, Su Zhenren and Tianji Hall Baili Zhenren are half-brothers."

Cihang Zhenren made great efforts in Baili Zhenye's several key promotions. When they were private, the two simply called each other brother and sister.

Qi Xuansu, as the son-in-law of Cihang Zhenren, went to Tianji Hall to borrow the Great Universal Furnace, and Baili Zhenye would not give him face.

Gong Jiaojun said: "Zhenren originally asked me to accompany Tianyuan to Tianji Hall, but now it seems that I am no longer needed."

Don't underestimate Gong Jiaojun. In a sense, the secretary system is more like an apprentice system. It is not only about serving the boss, but also about learning. Following the boss to see how the boss handles affairs, and teaching by example in various senses, those who can be selected as secretaries are elites, so after the secretaries are sent out, they can often be independent.

Of course, secretaries also have advantages and disadvantages. As the secretary of Donghua Zhenren, Xie Jiaofeng is obviously not as good as Gong Jiaojun. It is not surprising that Qi Jianyuan, who is also a disciple of Donghua Zhenren, is not as good as Qi Xuansu.

Gong Jiaojun obviously has a bright future. If Donghua Zhenren can become the chief master, then Gong Jiaojun will become the assistant of Zixiao Palace, which is the assistant of Zhenren level.

Qi Xuansu said goodbye to Gong Jiaojun, left the warehouse of Ziwei Hall, and went to Tianji Hall.

In fact, when Qi Xuansu first came to Xuandu, he was impressed by the main hall of Tianji Hall.

The first reason is that the main hall of Tianji Hall and the main hall of Huasheng Hall are next to each other, and they are connected by an arch bridge in the middle. They can go directly without going through the main gate. After all, they are all heirs of the creation project, just in different directions.

The second reason is that the main hall of Tianji Hall is very unique and far more ostentatious than the upper three halls.

Qi Xuansu walked towards Tianji Hall.

Although it was night, Tianji Hall was still brightly lit. Its overall style was similar to the Taiping Palace of Luzhou Daofu. What caught my eye was a giant wheel, which was ten feet high and was slowly turning and circulating. There were many long mechanical unicorn arms connected to the giant wheel, and I didn’t know where it led to. It was the famous "Tianji Wheel", which was called by the Taoists, and Westerners called it "steam turbine".

Of course, the Tianji Wheel is not comparable to ordinary steam turbines, but is a steam turbine with the highest specifications of the Steam Gospel. One Tianji Wheel can drive the largest ironclad ship in the world, and the power is more than enough.

The Taiping Palace of Luzhou Daofu only has nine Tianji Wheels, while the main hall of Tianji Hall has thirty-six Tianji Wheels.

After entering the gate, the steps of Tianji Hall are all moving and divided into two. The left side moves upwards and the right side moves downwards. As long as you stand on the steps without taking a step, they will move up and down with the steps under your feet. . A clear "click-click" sound came from the bottom of the steps, and through the gaps between the steps, one could see that the gears, large and small, were rotating continuously.

The style of this steam machine is incompatible with the Taoist immortal style, and it is also very different from Huashengtang. Huashengtang focuses on a living creature. Huashengtang can create steps completely composed of activated flesh and blood, which are soft and sticky. It can be soft or hard, but it is too scary, too scary, and unsightly, so it is strictly prohibited by the Taoist sect.

Qi Xuansu followed the moving steps to the front of the lobby of Tianji Hall. Two Taoist priests from Tianji Hall were guarding here. Although they did not recognize Qi Xuansu, they recognized Qi Xuansu's white jade lotus crown - Qi Xuansu changed into formal clothes because he wanted to see the real person Donghua. , so the gatekeepers of Tianji Hall didn’t dare to ask, and just let him go.

The two Taoist priests were also smart people. They could not recognize them but they could guess them. After all, the Taoist sect strictly prohibited rejuvenation. There was only one such young Taoist Master Shenzhi, and the three Taoist sects were still ordinary Taoist priests.

"Master Taiwei." The two of them saluted quickly.

Qi Xuansu signaled that there was no need to be polite and asked, "Is Master Baili here?"

A Taoist priest replied: "Master Zhangtang has been in Kunlun Cave in the past few days and should not have left."

Qi Xuansu said: "I came here temporarily and did not notify Master Baili in advance. Please go and inform me."

The Taoist priest took the order and left.

Qi Xuansu walked around freely in the lobby. The ground under his feet was paved with black marble, which was like a mirror, reflecting the figures of people. The dome of the palace is a star map, made of an unknown material. The large and small stars not only emit faint light, but also move slowly according to a certain pattern. Unlike the star map of Ziweitang, it is uniform and perfectly matched.

There are many glass covers placed around, and inside are the masterpieces of Tianjitang, mainly models of various types of ironclad ships, various types of flying boats, and various heavy firearms, including the "Phoenix Eye" series and the "Dragon Eye" series.

Qi Xuansu was astonished by what he saw. It was even the first time for him to see many firearms, because these firearms were mainly used in large-scale combat. Against pseudo-immortals or first-level immortals, they still had to rely on the "Dragon Eyes" series.

Not long after, Baili Zhenye hurried over: "Tianyuan, you are a rare visitor. Why did you come to my Tianji Hall today?"

When Jiang Dazhen visited the Taoist mansion in the Western Regions, Baili Zhenye also went with him. As early as that time, Qi Xuansu and Baili Zhenye had dealt with each other.

Qi Xuansu smiled and said: "People say that I don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything. I came to Baili Master today, so naturally I have something to ask for."

Baili Zhenye said: "With the relationship between you and me, there is no need to use the word 'beg'."

There is indeed no deep relationship between the two, but there is a relationship with Master Cihang. This is the benefit of marrying Zhang Yuelu, otherwise it would be a marriage.

Qi Xuansu got straight to the point: "To be honest, I want to use Tianji Hall's Great Vientiane Furnace to refine a piece of extraterrestrial meteorite."

Baili Zhenye thought for a while: "Is it the piece from Donghua Zhenren?"

Qi Xuansu said in surprise: "Master Baili knows."

Baili Zhenye smiled and said: "Meteorites are not uncommon, but those that use the Great Wanxiang Furnace are rare. After thinking about it, many people saw the piece of meteorite in the hands of Master Donghua. , It is said that it is rare to see it in a hundred years. At first, Master Donghua wanted Tianjitang to refine a long sword, but later he gave up because of the aura of the demon. After all, without the aura of the demon, the meteorite iron became a slightly better quality mortal. Iron, but the devil’s breath cannot be neutralized.”

Qi Xuansu said: "It doesn't matter, I just want to retain the devil's aura, just reshaping the appearance is enough."

Baili Zhenye glanced at Qi Xuansu in surprise, but didn't ask any more questions. He just said, "Let's go to the Great Wanxiang Furnace to discuss it in detail."

Qi Xuansu said: "Speaking of which, I haven't been to the Great Wanxiang Furnace yet."

Baili Zhenye said: "The Great Wanxiang Furnace is in Kunlun Cave, and I have been at the Great Wanxiang Furnace during this period."

Qi Xuansu asked: "Because of the 'Sen Luo Wanxiang Body' thing?"

Baili Zhenye smiled bitterly: "It's not Su Gongfu's fault, I have to make up for the 'deficit'."

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