Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 170 Financial Issues

After Qi Xuansu finished the affairs in Yujing, he took Xiao Yin on his way back to the Taoist Palace in the Western Regions.

Now that Monk Xiao is dead, Bodhisattva Xiao has been severely injured, with only one head left. The main force of the Buddhist sect is contained in the Dazun area. Naturally, there is no need to worry about an ambush. Even if the Buddhist sect dares to do this, Qi Xuansu still has the "celestial sky" and He who is in full bloom. Luo Shen, Qi Xuansu is now very strong and not afraid at all.

While Qi Xuansu was still on the flying boat, Lu Yujue had already begun reporting to Qi Xuansu, and the work of "purging" the Taoist government had come to an end for the time being. It's just that the result is rather embarrassing. It's a lot of gain, but it seems like it's nothing. But it's not a gain at all, but it's still somewhat effective.

Qi Xuansu replied to Lu Yujue: "Well, I'll go back soon, and then we'll drink tea together and talk slowly."

Lu Yujue responded: "Okay, I'll wait for the Palace Master in Yaochi."

That being said, when Qi Xuansu actually returned to the Daxue Mountain Palace, it was Li Zhuyu who first found Qi Xuansu to report to him.

She is the chief deputy palace owner and is in charge of the financial affairs of the palace.

This time there is a major blood change in the Taoist government. The top four chiefs, the chief executive, the chief deputy master, and the second deputy master have all been changed. The new team has taken office. In addition to the top priority of the Dazun conflict and the Taoist personnel changes, Apart from this minor matter, the most important thing is the financial issue of the Taoist government.

Even if we ignore the issue of war costs, personnel is politics. The huge earthquake caused by this huge personnel change has also seriously affected the finances of the government. After Li Zhuyu took office, he found that what he inherited was a mess. He had to demolish the east wall to repair the west wall and find a loan from Taiping Bank.

Only with money can we maintain the normal operation of the Taoist government.

Qi Xuansu was busy with the various tasks assigned by Jinque some time ago, with military first, politics second, and finance third, and he had no time to intervene. Only now did Qi Xuansu have his hands free.

Although the real person in charge is in charge of personnel affairs, he also needs to take charge of the overall situation and cannot but take care of it. The two major powers are personnel power and financial power. If Qi Xuansu completely ignores the financial power, then the chief deputy palace master will have the qualifications to compete with him, so he must grasp it with both hands, and both hands must be strong.

According to the estimates given by Li Zhuyu, there is very little chance that the financial situation will be improved by the end of this year. Although Jinque will allocate money, it will be used for the war. It is earmarked and cannot be misappropriated without authorization. The daily operations of the Taoist government, including the Taoist priests' daily financial affairs, are still handled by the Taoist government themselves. They cannot default on the regular financial services. Financial problems have become the biggest problem faced by the new Taoist government team now.

At the same time, various financial report data for the first half of the year were also released. Compared with the same period last year, they dropped by about 10%. The figures are not good-looking. Li Zhuyu modified the final data with a stroke of his pen. He did not dare to increase the data, but it became the same as the same period last year.

Qi Xuansu said nothing and acquiesced to Li Zhuyu's behavior.

He had also been the chief deputy head of the palace, so he naturally knew that it was difficult to run a family. Now he could not give Li Zhuyu much practical help. The money of the Taoist palace still depended on Li Zhuyu, so it would be difficult to undermine Li Zhuyu. In the end, At least it has to be decent.

After all, the Western Region Prefectures cannot compare with overseas prefectures and coastal prefectures. In today's era, sea transportation is the most convenient and cheapest transportation.

The way of transportation is that the Taoist government in the Western Region is far away from the sea. Although there are land trade routes, they have declined. Once the war started, the trade routes were cut off. There is only a small area in the south of the Yangtze River outside the Great Wall. The rest of the land is mostly in the Gobi Plateau, which is deserted and can only wait for Jinque's adjustment.

Qi Xuansu also looked at Li Zhuyu's summary and found that the problems in the Western Region Taoist House were not complicated. In the past few years, we mainly relied on the support of Jinque, and took advantage of the Dongfeng of Tianji Hall and Kunlun Daofu to build the Five Great Walls, which meant investing in finance, which was like providing work for relief. With investment, everyone in the Taoist government will have money on hand, Taiping money can flow, prosperity will be achieved, and the financial situation will also improve. It is a positive cycle.

However, with the outbreak of two major wars, the Western Region War and the Fenglinzhou War, it cannot be said that the Taoist sect was completely devastated, but it was not as well off as before, resulting in a considerable deficit. Jinque had to send indicators to all the Daomen. The task was to make up for the shortfall. Qi Xuansu was still the chief deputy head of the Borneo Taoist Palace at the time. Because he was good at making up for the shortfall, he was successfully promoted to the chief deputy head of Beichen Hall by virtue of this shared style.

Because Jinque was in short supply, there was less support for the Taoist Government in the Western Regions. All large investments were stopped. The flow of Taiping money slowed down and almost stagnated. There was a shortage of money everywhere, and the financial difficulties became increasingly serious and entered a vicious cycle.

The key is next year, if the financial problem cannot be improved, then the Western Region Provincial Government will face the problem of not being able to issue special funds.

Personnel will affect finance, and finance will in turn affect personnel. If the special money cannot be issued, it will inevitably lead to an overall deterioration of the Taoist environment, and the Taoist priests will confidently

Qi Xuansu does not want to see some illegal things.

Qi Xuansu is not afraid of fighting tough battles. Whether it is Wang Jiaohe, Steam Gospel, Ancient God, Ancient Immortal, or Heavenly Demon, they can always find a way if they stand shoulder to shoulder.

But the issue of Taiping Money is a big problem.

Conquer the world immediately, but cannot rule the world immediately. These are two systems.

The Taoist ancestor said that governing a big country is like cooking small dishes. Xuansheng said that governing the world is actually about two issues: where does the money come from and where does the money go.

Daomen has understood a truth very early on. As long as you have money, you can cover up and suppress most conflicts. As long as you don't have money, all conflicts will burst out in one fell swoop, and eventually they will be irreversible.

Not to mention that Qi Xuansu is not a god, even if Qi Xuansu is a god, he still can't make so much peace money.

Qi Xuansu could only say: "Now we can only hope that after the Darzun conflict is over, there will be some turning points. For now, our first priority is to end the Darzun conflict and ensure the selection of the Grand Master for the Shangyuan Festival on the 15th day of the first lunar month. No interference, this is Jinque's request to the Taoist government, we must work together to help you, Chief Danjin, I will have to work hard for you during this time."

Li Zhuyu naturally understood this truth, so what else could he say, he could only agree.

Not to mention that being a high-ranking official kills people, what Qi Xuansu said is both emotion and reason, and it can only be like this. However, Li Zhuyu also made a request. She could come forward to Taiping Bank. As for the branch branch, she still hoped that Qi Xuansu, the real person in charge, would come forward to apply and try to get some support from the branch branch.

Beichen Hall, Fengxian Hall, and Shibo Hall return to Taiping Road, Ziwei Hall, Tianji Hall, and Huasheng Hall

Guiquanzhen Tao, Tiangang Hall, Ancestral Sacrifice Hall, and Duzhi Hall are all together. Li Zhuyu, as a Taiping Taoist, does not deal with Zhengtong. If she goes to Duzhi Hall, it may be counterproductive. Qi Xuansu is the son-in-law of the Zhang family. That's different.

Qi Xuansu was a little helpless and even doubted whether Li Zhuyu did it on purpose. If he didn't tell him when he was in Yujing, he would wait until he came back. He couldn't rush back to Yujing immediately.

There are nine masters in charge, not to mention the master in charge of Shangsantang, who are very familiar with each other. The other six masters in charge are: Ning Lingge, the master in charge of the ancestral hall, Baili Zhenye, Hua, the master in charge of the Tianji Hall. Xu Dacheng, the master of the Shengtang, was relatively familiar to Qi Xuansu, and he had little contact with the other three. Among them, Yun Qingping, the master of the Duzhitang, and Qi Xuansu had met Qi Xuansu a few times, but they were not friends.

It is no exaggeration to say that the Taoist clan problem is still quite serious. Xuansheng thought about solving this problem by splitting the three sects first and then solving the clan problems. However, the Buddhist sect interrupted this process and the three sects could not be undone, let alone Talk about aristocratic family. The problems that Xuansheng failed to solve will naturally not be solved by future generations of great leaders. Some of the great leaders are even members of aristocratic families and do not want to solve this problem at all.

Qi Xuansu is an outlier among many aristocratic families, but he has to do it under the banner of the Yao family and the Zhang family.

The Taoist family is not static.

When the three paths were first divided, Lao Qi's family originally belonged to Zhengyi Dao, and Lao Yun's family belonged to Taiping Dao. Later, there were changes. Lao Qi's family went to Quanzhen Dao, and the Yun family went to Zhengyi Dao.

Yun Qing Ping is from the Yun family, and the clouds are in the blue sky and the water is in the bottle.

Nowadays, the vast majority of senior Taoist men are men.

Numbering is essentially dominated by men. After all, there is no such thing as equality when it comes to power. Among the thirty-six Zhenzhi Zhenren, the number of female Zhenzhi Zhenren can be counted on one hand, except for Cihang Zhenren, Li Ruoshui, and Ye Qingshuang. , Yun Qing Ping also counts as one.

However, as a member of the small discussion, Yun Qingping disdained to join the Female Taoist Mutual Aid Association. After all, the Female Taoist Mutual Aid Association already had Master Cihang. As a contemporary of Master Cihang and a leader among seven generations of female disciples, she was still a little bit The meaning of secret competition is that he is not willing to go to the Female Taoist Mutual Aid Association to be inferior to Master Cihang.

Qi Xuansu heard people say that this Yunzhangtang was not easy to deal with. This is also reasonable, people who are easy to talk can't control their money bags.

Therefore, Qi Xuansu has little confidence, and Yun Qingping is not convinced by Master Cihang, so naturally he will not betray his face because of Master Cihang's face. From a practical point of view, it is not just the Western Region Dafu that is in difficulty. Some other inland municipalities are also in difficulty. Why should we help the Western Region Daofu?

However, things had to be done, so Qi Xuansu had to write a letter to Duzhitang in his own name, explaining the situation of the Western Region Taoist House, hoping that Duzhitang would consider the difficulties of the Western Region Taoist House and provide some assistance. It's just that Yun Qingping didn't reply. It seems that Qi Xuansu has to go to the Duzhi Hall in person.

Next, Qi Xuansu talked to Lu Yujue again, asking Lu Yujue to enforce the law strictly, to have strong evidence, not to make unjust, false and wrong cases, and to pay attention to the problem of people taking this opportunity to eliminate dissidents.

Lu Yujue wrote them down one by one.

Then Qi Xuansu held a Taoist meeting to arrange work. He will not stay too long when he returns to Daxueshan Palace this time. He has made arrangements

After the Taoist affairs, we have to rush to Huqian County.

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