Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 175: Entering a Dream

There is no fourth great wizard.

Qi Xuansu seemed to have the upper hand. Facing the dignified Peacock King, he was able to suppress and injure the Peacock King, and he was still safe and sound, which was beyond the cognition of many people. However, this was Qi Xuansu's three-pronged axe, and it was gone after it was used up.

At least Qi Xuansu himself did not have it. If he really had the magical powers of the eleven wizards, it would mean that he had already joined the ranks of immortals. He didn't have to bother at all. He could directly open the Five Elements Formation and take down the Peacock King without any problem. Even if he faced the three masters, it was hard to say who would win or lose.

The key is that Qi Xuansu is still eight great wizards away from the eleven wizards.

So Qi Xuansu had to rely on external forces in the end.

Just as the "Shadow Gang Dissociation Divine Blade" cut through the golden body of the Peacock King, a cloaked figure also appeared behind the Peacock King. It was the "strange man" that many Taoists had noticed long ago.

The golden body of the Peacock King was injured and no longer perfect. This person used this wound as a breakthrough point, stabbed his palm into the back of the Peacock King, and held the heart of the Peacock King.

He exerted force with his five fingers, and was about to crush the heart.

However, it must be said that the golden body of Buddhism is still somewhat unique. The internal organs are also coated with a layer of golden light. No matter how the five fingers exert force, they cannot crush it. It just keeps twisting, and the golden light similar to gold sand keeps breaking and falling.

The Peacock King then returned a knife.

The person behind him had to withdraw, but the cloak on his body was still swept off by this knife, revealing his true appearance.

When the Peacock King saw this person, he was shocked: "Xiao Bodhisattva?"

However, he immediately realized that the person in front of him was definitely not Xiao Bodhisattva. Although it was the body of Xiao Bodhisattva, the inside was definitely not the same.

The Peacock King was well-informed and understood with just a little thought. Only a head of Xiao Bodhisattva remained, and the body naturally fell into the hands of the Taoists. Now it seems that it has been re-refined by the Taoists and turned into a divine vessel.

The Peacock King did not doubt the technical strength of the Taoist creation engineering.

This person was He Luoshen. Qi Xuansu did not choose to descend to the earth when the time came, but let He Luoshen descend to the earth early. Even though this would waste some divine power, it was more proactive. As the Peacock King said, after Qi Xuansu came to power, he would take risks but not be reckless, and always make full preparations within his ability. Of course, if it was beyond his ability, there would be no way.

He Luoshen did not complete the attack, so he was not discouraged.

She knew that Qi Xuansu had no good intentions. He gave her a divine vessel and divine power, and he certainly did not let her walk around freely in the world. There must be a big battle to fight. Sure enough, she met a Peacock King who was even more powerful than the Unconscious Dharma King.

However, this attack was not completely ineffective. It further expanded the injury of the Peacock King on the basis of Qi Xuansu, and Qi Xuansu's three axes were not wasted.

The Peacock King immediately focused on He Luoshen, and once again used the knife of cause and effect to cut He Luoshen.

He Luoshen used the body of Xiao Bodhisattva as a vessel for the descent of the gods, and was also contaminated with cause and effect. This knife could certainly kill her.

However, He Luoshen was not afraid. Her original body was high in the kingdom of gods, and this knife naturally could not kill her original body. But if her incarnation was killed, she would just return to the kingdom of gods. This is already invincible.

Besides, the Peacock King may not be able to kill Xiao Bodhisattva's body. At the beginning, the Taoist group also joined forces with many people, plus immortal objects and "Yinglong" to force Xiao Bodhisattva to abandon his body. Only with Cihang Zhenren alone, not only could he not kill Xiao Bodhisattva, but he would also be at a disadvantage. The Peacock King's own strength is certainly not comparable to that of the Taoist people.

This knife penetrated through the outer body and went straight into the inside.

It was a pity that the body of Xiao Bodhisattva was even more magical than Qi Xuansu. There was no flesh, bones, meridians, or Dantian inside. There was only endless dark void and traces of the Heavenly Dao that looked like talismans.

This knife directly touched the most core trace of the Heavenly Dao, and immediately washed away the knife intent.

The Peacock King then felt that the knife intent he had sent out was like entering the chaos and emptiness. The cause and effect relationship that had been established before became obscure and unclear, and he actually lost control of the He Luo God.

Even the Peacock King was backfired. Like Qi Xuansu, he felt the gaze of "Eternal Heaven". The surroundings suddenly became chaos and nothingness, confusing the spatial concepts of front and back, near and far, and the time concepts of the past and present.

The Peacock King shouted angrily, with an angry look on his face. It was not the angry eyes of Monk Xiao, but the Acala King.

All Buddhas and Bodhisattvas have two sides, one is peaceful and the other is angry. Vairocana is the peaceful form of the Buddha, and Acala is the wrathful form of the Buddha, known as the Acala or the Immovable.

The blade of the "Subhuti" in the hand of the Peacock King was covered with golden Buddha light, but there was no mercy in this Buddha light, only the coldness of the Buddha's anger.

The next moment, the knife light was brilliant, cutting through the chaos.

That's not all, after one knife, there were 9981 knives in succession, implying 9981 difficulties, and finally turned into a knife intent of disaster and destruction, which penetrated straight out, interweaving the sky net, covering a hundred miles.

Facing the Peacock King's means, He Luoshen had to use his real skills at this time. It was not that he deliberately didn't use it in the past, but that he couldn't use it. Now with the body of Xiao Bodhisattva, it was another matter.

He Luoshen stretched out his hand to grab the void next to him. It seemed empty, but there were ripples like water waves in the void, and He Luoshen's hand was like reaching into the water. The void is like water, soaking everything.

The original form of He Luo Shen is He Luo fish, and she also achieved enlightenment in the eye of the sea. Her magical powers are closely related to water.

At the same time, there was a sudden distortion above the head of Peacock King, and a huge hole was formed out of thin air. Endless sea water gushed out of it, and then strangely floated in the air, evolving into a vast ocean, spreading out, vast and deep, covering the sky and the sun. People can't help but have the illusion that the sea and the sky are upside down.

This kind of power of moving mountains and overturning seas made the minds of all the spectators dazed and shaken. The Peacock King, who was the first to bear the brunt, did not change his expression, but just operated the knife of cause and effect with one heart and mind.

He Luo Shen was in harmony with the eye of the sea, and opened the Yin-Yang Gate with the gap in the underworld to summon infinite majestic water power, and attacked with the momentum of the sea and the sky turning upside down. For a moment, this plateau land actually presented a scene of heavy rain pouring like water when a wind disaster passed through, with sparkling water and twisted and collapsed.

The sea and sky seemed to collapse in all directions, the waters of the four seas seemed to stand, and the clouds of the nine heavens seemed to droop. The sky and the earth were confused and indistinguishable. The void was shaking, and the ups and downs were surging. The Peacock King's sword force, which seemed to fill the sky and the earth, was constantly retreating. However, every time he retreated a foot, his resistance increased. When the range of his sword force retreated to only cover the three feet around him, the eighty-one sword forces with their own mysterious artistic conception had intertwined to form an indestructible cage, as if an iron curtain across the East and West worlds slowly fell, and even the collapse of the sky and the crack of the earth could not shake it.

On the other side, Qi Xuansu was not idle either. He had already sacrificed the "Tai Chi Bagua Mirror" and was waiting for a suitable opportunity to freeze the Peacock King and create an opportunity for He Luoshen.

But at this moment, Qi Xuansu suddenly felt something strange and turned his head abruptly.

Xiao Yin, who was still full of energy just now, had fallen asleep without knowing when.

Although Xiao Yin had to go to bed on time every day, she would not fall asleep on the battlefield. To put it bluntly, it was just a normal child's work and rest schedule. It was naturally abnormal for her to fall asleep at this time.

Qi Xuansu immediately thought of the dreamland inherited by the ghost fairy. Being able to enter other people's dreams, could there be such people hidden in the Buddhist sect?

With this in mind, Qi Xuansu had to make He Luoshen suffer a little and let her face the Peacock King alone, while he himself separated his thoughts and entered Xiao Yin's dream.

In the past, Qi Xuansu upheld the idea of ​​respecting children's privacy and never peeped into Xiao Yin's dream, so this was the first time.

After entering the dream, Qi Xuansu found himself in a dark country, with a black tone as a whole. The architectural style and layout were a bit like the ghost country cave, a bit like Yujing, and even some traces of Lion City and Jinling Mansion.

Qi Xuansu was standing on a wide street at this time. Judging from the direction and specifications, it was probably the main road.

At this time, a group of people came from the east, holding banners and flags, playing music, and the person in the front was leading the way and shouting: "The Emperor Xiao Yin inherited the destiny of heaven, and he is a man of great virtue and martial arts. Long live! Long live! Long live!"

Another group of people came from the west, with gongs and drums, black flags waving, and there was also a leader, who also shouted: "The Great Master Wanmiao has benefited the people, his merits are immeasurable, and he will live for thousands of generations!"

Qi Xuansu couldn't help but laugh. It turned out that this girl was dreaming of becoming an emperor. It was really a daydream.

This is also the case that people get red when they are close to vermilion and black when they are close to ink. Listening to adults talking about the competition for the Grand Master all day long, this is a dream at night.

At this time, the two groups collided with each other. At first, they were pushing and shoving, but soon it turned into a fight.

Children are children after all - only children make choices, and adults must have everything, both to be the emperor and the Grand Master.

Qi Xuansu thought about it and flew in his dream, heading straight for the core of the dream. It was too conspicuous. Right in the middle of the city, there was a huge emperor willow tree that stood tall and straight, with its canopy covering the sky and the sun. No matter where you were, you could see it by looking up.

There was also a city within a city at the root of the emperor willow tree. Perhaps because Xiao Yin had never been to Zixiao Palace, he used the relatively familiar Snow Mountain Palace in his dream, which was somewhat out of place.

Qi Xuansu went directly into the Snow Mountain Palace. The meeting hall where the Daofu had held the grand meeting was converted into a palace by Xiao Yin. Xiao Yin was sitting high on the huge throne, not leaning back on the back of the chair, not leaning on the armrests on the left and right, and his feet were not touching the ground, which was quite funny. There were also many people kneeling around the throne, including Li Tianzhen and Qin Quanxiao, both of whom were defeated by Xiao Yin.

On the left of the throne stood "Qi Xuansu" and on the right stood "Zhang Yuelu", both of whom were expressionless, like puppets.

Xiao Yin shouted, "Bring my treasures here!"

"Yes, sir!"

"Qi Xuansu" presented a large box with various collectible cards inside.

"Zhang Yuelu" held a large plate with both hands, which was full of cooked dragon meat.

Xiao Yin held the cards in one hand and stuffed the dragon meat into his mouth with the other hand, feeling very comfortable.

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