Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 187 Xiu Yueyi

Qi Xuansu had deep considerations. Of course he was not afraid of the Xiu family's father and daughter, but there was no need to enmity with the Xiu family's father and daughter. If he catches Xiu Yueyi back, Xiu Nanxuan may not think well of him, Xiu Yueyi will most likely bear his revenge, and he will not be a human being inside or outside.

Then it would be better to help Xiu Yueyi, who has the favor of easing the relationship between father and daughter and recommending Tianji Hall. Xiu Yueyi will definitely think of him well, and maybe he can become one of his own.

By that time, with Shangguan Ya in the southeast and Xiu Yueyi in the northwest, a quarter of the eight tribes will be in the hands of Qi Xuansu. Isn't this good?

That couldn't be better.

There is a huge gap between coming and going.

This is a long-term plan, and now we are just taking the first step.

Qi Xuansu also considered the specific executor candidates. Cheng Lixue and Xiu Yueyi were in the same term, and Cheng Lixue was not only well-known in their term, but also well-known for being popular. It was neither abrupt nor convenient for Cheng Lixue to come forward. Use the relationship between classmates back then to get closer, and then get this thing done.

Qi Xuansu doesn't have to show up in person. All he has to do is say hello to Baili Zhenye and let Xiu Yueyi successfully join Tianji Hall. As long as Xiu Yueyi knows some ways about people, he will definitely thank Qi Xuansu in person to Cheng Lixue, and Cheng Lixue will convey it to Qi Xuansu. The time to appear was just right. Qi Xuansu could tell Xiu Yueyi the whole story. Although he was doing it for "Xuanyu", he was the one who refused Xiu Nanxuan's request to arrest people and came up with a better solution.

Qi Xuansu did not deny that he was repaying kindness. Being a saint could not lead the Taoist sect. The Sixth Generation Grand Master was a good person in the true sense, and he was also one of the most failed Grandmasters in the history of the Taoist sect.

If the Sixth Generation Grandmaster had the skills of the Fifth Generation Grandmaster, would it allow the Third Division to cause trouble? Daomen would not have reached this stage. But these methods are never bright, at least not all of them. The five generations of great masters can break through the siege of aristocratic families and successfully ascend to the throne. They can also overpower all the aristocratic families to control the inside and outside of the Taoist sect, and finally push the Taoist sect to its peak. Is it because of the two words of benevolence and righteousness? ?

A wise man like Taizong cannot avoid killing his brother and imprisoning his father. This has been the case since ancient times.

In a sense, being a good person is a luxury. Is being a good person something you can do if you want to? Others are rolling in the mud, covered in mud, and not clean. You are the only one who has emerged from the mud and is not stained. You are pure. Why?

To put it bluntly, they are heavily armed. If you don't send troops to Beijing, do you expect to rely on legal means to solve the problem? Go ahead and sue. Whatever law you want, we will make one for you.

Qi Xuansu contacted Baili Zhenye: "Master Baili, I'm going to cause you trouble again."

Baili Zhenye smiled and said: "Tianyuan, our family does not speak the same language."

Of course, this sentence is not without purpose. Regarding the matter of Master Donghua and Master Cihang, the Zhang family has begun to form a "mission". Naturally, the Su family will not know anything about it. Baili Zhenye is aware of it. , and also had an acquaintance with Qi Xuansu. Once the matter is completed, it will be a close relationship. Master Cihang is both Qi Xuansu's mother-in-law and Qi Xuansu's mistress, so they are one family.

Qi Xuansu said: "I have a friend. His daughter is now a Taoist priest of the Fourth Grade Jijiu. She just has no position and is a wild Taoist priest. She has been interested in Tianji Hall since she was a child. She also learned this in the Taoist Palace. Now she is older. , I don’t want to do nothing all day long, and I want to find a position, so I beg you to come here. I really can’t refuse, so I have to ask Master Baili to see if there is a suitable position in Tianji Hall and arrange it.”

Baili Zhenye pondered for a moment. He still had four places in his hands and had not made any arrangements. He was just doing it to deal with favors. Now that Qi Xuansu is asking him, it is not difficult to say the least. He must help him with this favor, but he just has to make a choice. , after all, these four places are also different.

Of course, Qi Xuansu also has a similar quota, which is already an unspoken rule agreed by the real people of Shenzhi.

So Baili Zhenye asked: "Does Tianyuan have any other requests?"

Qi Xuansu said: "There is really a requirement. She prefers technical things, salary and so on, but she doesn't care much."

Baili Zhenye understood: "Well, let me arrange her in Tianji City. It is impossible for her to work directly in the Great Wanxiang Furnace, but she can first familiarize herself with the relevant business processes in the Tianji City workshop, and then Let her follow Miss Ai and proceed step by step."

Daomen never worries about technology leakage. Audrey can be seconded to Tianji Hall, and Xiu Yueyi can do the same.

Because this series of results is not just data on paper, but also requires Daomen, Golden Tower, Creation Engineering, Tianji Hall, Jianxiu Mountain and nine major workshops, as well as thousands of supporting workshops, which is a complete set of huge systems.

Most people won't be able to use it even if they learn it. It can be said to be a dragon-slaying technique. Therefore, Qi Xuansu said when he was in the Dayu Kingdom, there are some things that you cannot accept even if we are willing to give them. That's the truth.

Of course, we can learn from the Holy Court, but the two directions are not the same, and their role is limited. In fact, when the Holy Court and Taoism compete in the arena, the victory or defeat does not depend on the level of skills, but on the level of Tao. In other words, beings of this size will not die due to external troubles, but only due to internal strife. Whoever can die slower, who can persist to the end, and whoever can resist civil strife, will be the winner.

Qi Xuansu thought for a while and said, "Then there is Master Lao Baili."

Then the two of them said a few polite words, nothing more than going to Yujing for tea next time, and ended the call.

Qi Xuansu asked Yan Yongzhen to send Xiu Yueyi's files to Tianji Hall using the "Xun Fu Array".

Baili Zhenye received the file and asked his secretary to contact the deputy hall leader who assisted the real person in charge of the hall in managing personnel.

The deputy hall master’s surname was Zhu. Hearing that the master in charge was looking for something to do with him, he hurriedly said, “Master Baili, what instructions do you have?”

Baili Zhenye said: "Instructions are out of the question. I have something to ask you."

Deputy Hall Master Zhu said: "Master Baili, please give me your instructions if you have anything to do!"

Baili Zhenye said: "That's right, I asked you to arrange a person for me, a Taoist Priest of the Fourth Grade Liquor. He has no position, but was introduced by Master Taiwei. He is also a graduate of Wanxiang Taoist Palace. He prefers to study technology and has good grades. Excellent. Mr. Taiwei came to me personally and took this matter more seriously. I looked at the relevant files and found that he is indeed a talented person with sufficient seniority. There is no big problem in arranging positions. We can't just do it perfunctorily. We must arrange it properly. Say so?"

Deputy Hall Master Zhu immediately said: "This is natural, this is natural, of course we must arrange it properly."

Baili Zhenye said: "Well, let me leave this matter to you?"

Zhu Zhu, the deputy hall leader, agreed: "No problem, please rest assured, Master. I just want to ask, where do you plan to arrange her?"

Baili Zhenye said: "Tianji City is fine. Specifically, it is related to strong technology. As for the others, there are no additional requirements. I will ask the secretary to send you the relevant files."

Deputy Hall Master Zhu probably had some confidence in his mind: "I will report to you after I have made arrangements."

Baili Zhenye said: "Okay, thank you for your hard work." After that, he ended the call.

After Deputy Hall Master Zhu took over the task from Baili Zhenye, he asked his secretary to call his assistant manager.

After the assistant manager came over, Deputy Hall Master Zhu directly handed the file he had just obtained to the assistant manager: "You take a look first."

The assistant manager took it and scanned it roughly, and he understood in his heart that it was almost inseparable. He probably had to solve a job problem. Is the native place on the file the northwest or the Wanxiang Taoist palace? Maybe it was related to Taiwei Zhenren.

As expected, Deputy Hall Master Zhu began to arrange tasks: "I remember you still have a free spot, right?"

The assistant manager didn't dare to hide it and said: "A chief executive just resigned in the first half of the year. The position is still vacant and no one has been arranged."

Deputy Hall Master Zhu Zhu said: "Well, you immediately arrange for this cultivator girl to be an ordinary director first. When there is an opportunity, you make a report for her and promote her to the chief director or second director. I will approve it."

The assistant said: "Okay, okay."

Deputy Hall Master Zhu asked again: "Does your budget still have enough?"

The assistant manager said: "It's okay, we can get subsidies."

Deputy Hall Master Zhu said: "In addition to the normal bank payment, all kinds of subsidies have been paid. Don't miss out. Then give her a house in Tianji City."

The assistant manager nodded in agreement: "Okay."

Deputy Hall Master Zhu finally said: "Remember to keep it secret and don't make the whole city a storm."

The assistant said: "Please rest assured, Deputy Hall Master, I will pay attention to it."

On the other side, after receiving Qi Xuansu's order, Cheng Lixue immediately rushed from Wanxiang Taoist Palace to Yujing and visited this female classmate.

Xiu Yueyi was very surprised by Cheng Lixue's sudden visit, but still received Cheng Lixue.

Cheng Lixue did not come alone this time. Considering that he was a man, Xiu Yueyi might misunderstand and become wary, so he brought Song Yu with him. It would be easier for women to communicate with each other.

It has to be said that this move was quite effective. Song Yu said that she came to Yujing for business and accidentally found out about Xiu Yueyi, so she came to visit. Xiu Yueyi didn't think much about it. After all, no matter how prestigious her father was, , it was impossible to instruct a Taoist palace assistant to do things, so under Song Yu's guidance, Xiu Yueyi began to talk about the conflict between her and her father. Every family has its own scriptures that are difficult to recite.

At this time, Cheng Lixue took advantage of the situation and put forward the suggestion to go to Tianji Hall.

Xiu Yueyi was naturally overjoyed and agreed.

On the next day, Cheng Lixue led Xiu Yueyi to Tianji Hall. Deputy Hall Master Zhu warmly received the three of them, exchanged a few words, and then asked the assistant to personally lead Xiu Yueyi through the procedures and directly take up the post of director.

By this time, Xiu Yueyi had also had some regrets.

Xiu Yueyi expressed her gratitude to Cheng Lixue, and Cheng Lixue said: "Don't thank me, I don't have such great ability. There is someone else who can speak for you, otherwise such a thing cannot be done so quickly."

Xiu Yueyi knew in her heart that Cheng Lixue came to power because she had Qi Xuansu's lap. This person was probably Qi Xuansu.

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