Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 200 Daluo Hunyuan Umbrella

In fact, the right hand of the Buddha did hold up the invisible sword that fell.

Strictly speaking, these two are old rivals. When the Buddha was not torn apart and Xuansheng was still in the human world, the two sides had fought more than once. It was not the first time that the Buddha faced the "Su Wang".

It was just that the right hand of the Buddha held it up, but not completely.

Because the "Su Wang" was too big.

"Su Wang" and "Shun Tian Sword" are two extremes. The edge of the "Shun Tian Sword" is only a line, even thinner than paper, while the "Su Wang" is completely opposite. The width of its edge is comparable to a mountain range.

The edge of the sword is wider than the palm of the Buddha. Although the right hand of the Buddha held up the middle part of the edge of the sword, there were still invisible sword qi pouring down on both sides of the right hand of the Buddha like the Milky Way.

These invisible sword qi transformed by dragon qi submerged all the Buddha's light. The Dharma image of the Pure Glazed Bodhisattva was quickly shattered under the impact of the sword qi, and countless golden fragments peeled off layer by layer, just like the mottled and faded paint on the Buddha statue.

The Buddha's right hand was like a canopy, just covering the pagoda, and the sword energy did not hurt the original body of the Pure Glaze Master.

However, the power of the "Su Wang" still made it difficult for the Buddha's right hand to maintain. After all, this place is very close to Kunlun, and the dragon energy is abundant, so the Buddha's palm keeps sinking.

The Pure Glaze Master had to urge the "Seven Treasures Bodhi" in his hand to turn it into a hundred-foot-tall tree, rising up, as if a giant pillar supported the sinking Buddha's palm from below, stopping the decline.

Jiang Da Zhenren still held the "Su Wang" in his hand, making a downward chopping gesture, and at the same time transformed into a clone, which looked the same as himself.


The clone's left hand was on top, and it shouted loudly, which was magnificent and boundless, like the rolling thunder from the sky.

There were clouds and mists, as if the mighty breath of heaven was rising and brewing.

The Pure Glaze Master was also unwilling to sit and wait for death, reciting the true scriptures and mantras, and began to prepare his great supernatural powers.

In terms of cultivation, the two are not much different. They are slightly inferior to the three masters, but stronger than ordinary immortals. When they cast spells at the same time, their speed is naturally not much different. However, Master Jing Liuli has an advantage, which is the pagoda under him. It not only connects to the earth, but also stores divine power. With the blessing of the pagoda, Master Jing Liuli is confident that he can complete the magical power first.

In theory, when one reaches the realm of Master Jiang and Master Jing Liuli, any magical power can be cast instantly, but the power of magical power is proportional to the preparation time. The magical power used casually will definitely not cause much damage, or even be futile, so the two of them chose to use it in a way that requires a certain amount of power accumulation time.

Master Jiang's clone was using his right hand, but it seemed very strenuous. It was clearly a simple action, but it took him nearly half an incense stick of time.

This time is not long, but it seems relatively long in the battle between immortals.

The clone of Jiang Dazhenren shouted again: "Earth!"

The earth trembled and shook continuously, and gullies appeared, as if a dragon turned over.

The clone of Jiang Dazhenren had his left hand on top and his right hand on the bottom, which had become the power of heaven and earth.

Only the last word was left.

However, the magic of Jing Liuli Dashi was ready, and it was not unfamiliar. It was the "Buddha Light of Deliverance".

This is the first-class supernatural power in Buddhism. As long as the Buddha light shines, the opponent will kneel on the spot and repent, which is what Buddhism calls becoming a Buddha on the spot. This kind of repentance can take up to several decades.

The fundamental principle is to completely suppress and restrain the opponent's self with the Buddha light, and then create an opposing "heart demon". The difference from the "Thirteen Swords of Taiyin" is that the heart demon of the "Thirteen Swords of Taiyin" is evil, while the "heart demon" created by Buddhism is good, but the two have the same goal, both of which turn people into another person.

In the Taoist tradition, one must practice the last volume of the "I Volume" of the "Cihang Pudu Sword Canon" to cultivate the "Buddha Light of Saving the World". However, Buddhism is different. There is another special tradition. Even if you don't practice the "Cihang Pudu Sword Canon", you can cultivate the "Buddha Light of Saving the World".

With the realm of Jiang Dazhenren, the "Buddha Light of Saving the World" directly displayed certainly cannot save him, so it takes a long time to prepare. Even the "Buddha Light of Saving the World" that has been accumulated for a long time cannot last for a long time.

But this is enough.

At the moment when Jiang Dazhenren is about to complete his supernatural powers, saving Jiang Dazhenren will not only make his supernatural powers fail, but even backfire on himself.

In addition, the "Su Wang" will not be able to continue, then the Pure Liuli Master can drive the Buddha's right hand to turn defense into offense, and use the Buddha's right hand to turn into a five-finger mountain to slap Jiang Dazhenren, who was temporarily saved.

At that time, even if Jiang Dazhenren got rid of the state of salvation, it would be too late.

As long as Jiang Dazhenren is captured, the leaderless Taoist army will certainly be in chaos. Then this defense battle of Dazun Temple will be considered a victory. Even if things are hopeless and they have to negotiate, Buddhism can still take a certain initiative. At least Jing Liuli Dashi himself does not have to bear the stigma of defeat and dereliction of duty. It can only be said that it is not a crime of war.

A mighty Buddha light descended from the sky, not as dazzling as the golden light of the sun, but very gentle, but if you taste it carefully, it is a hidden tyranny in the compassion.

Compared with the "Buddha Light of Saving the World" of Cihang Zhenren, it is more than one level better.

First, the realm of Jing Liuli Dashi is above that of Cihang Zhenren, and second, Jing Liuli Dashi has been preparing for a long time, and his power is even higher.

But at this moment, a big umbrella unfolded out of thin air.

This umbrella is filled with muddy air. When it is opened, the sky is dark, the sun and the moon are dim, and countless muddy air pours down along the umbrella beads like a waterfall.

The Buddha's light fell on the umbrella, but it could not penetrate and was completely blocked. The Buddha's light flowed on the umbrella, helpless.

The Great Master Jing Liuli was shocked.

As the long-time enemy of Taoism, Buddhism certainly knew what the four immortal objects of the Grand Master were, so he also expected that Master Jiang could not block the "Buddha's Light of Deliverance".

But this big umbrella is not the immortal object of the Grand Master, but the immortal object of Master Donghua, named "Daluo Hunyuan Umbrella", which is a first-class defensive treasure, which can resist all methods and cannot be hurt by all weapons. When the umbrella is opened, it covers the sky and the sun, and the sky is dark.

How could Master Donghua's immortal object be in Jiang Hedao's hands?

Did the two exchange immortal objects, Jiang Hedao gave the last immortal object of the Grand Master to Master Donghua, and Master Donghua gave his own immortal object to Jiang Hedao?

How ridiculous!

This was not only beyond the expectations of Master Jing Liuli, but also caused Master Jing Liuli to misjudge.

At this point, Master Jing Liuli had no time to perform the second magical power.

Because the "Heaven and Earth Combination" was about to be completed.

The clone of Master Jiang Da Zhenren dropped his left hand and raised his right hand, and the two palms came together and fit tightly.


The heaven and earth shook at the same time.

At this moment, it seemed as if the entire heaven and earth began to close, slowly squeezing the "line" of space between the two, crushing everything.

The sky collapsed and the earth cracked, and the ground under the Dazun Temple was collapsing crazily, causing the entire temple to sink into the ground. The falling momentum of the sky above cooperated with the "Su Wang" to further squeeze the Buddha's right hand and the "Seven Treasures Bodhi".

Jiang Dazhenren was also very shrewd. He had long considered the Buddhist "Buddha's Light of Deliverance". This was an extremely mysterious magical power. Strictly speaking, it did not cause any substantial harm, but only "persuaded people to be good". Therefore, many conventional defensive means were difficult to defend against the "Buddha's Light of Deliverance". Whether it was magic weapons and armor or magical powers and spells, it was easy to "turn a blind eye" to it. Therefore, the "Buddha's Light of Deliverance" was difficult to cultivate, but once it was cultivated, it was definitely worth it.

Jiang Dazhenren was not sure that he could block it, so he thought about it and borrowed the "Daluo Hunyuan Umbrella", a defensive treasure, from Donghua Zhenren before the expedition. This thing contained a muddled aura, did not distinguish between yin and yang, did not distinguish between the six qi, and did not conform to the five elements. It could be said that it did not recognize any relatives. The compassionate face of the "Buddha's Light of Deliverance" naturally could not deceive the "Daluo Hunyuan Umbrella" and was blocked.

It can be said that Master Jing Liuli's choice to use "Buddha's Light to Save the World" was within Master Jiang's expectations. However, even if Master Jing Liuli did not use "Buddha's Light to Save the World" but used other means, he would still not be able to break through the "Daluo Hunyuan Umbrella".

To put it bluntly, Master Jiang has too many immortal objects and his advantage is too great. Under normal circumstances, it is difficult to make up for the gap in immortal objects.

With the collapse of the earth below, the connection between the pagoda and the earth was interrupted.

After the "Su Wang" above received the help of "Heaven and Earth", it pressed down again, causing the Buddha's palm to sink continuously.

Although "Seven Treasures Bodhi" is also an immortal object, it is not its forte. In terms of momentum, "Su Wang" is far superior to "Seven Treasures Bodhi", and it can't hold on at this time.

Finally, the constantly bent "Seven Treasures Bodhi" was broken and returned to its original shape.

The Buddha's right hand sank with a bang, his palm still holding the invisible sword of "Su Wang", and the back of his hand slammed hard on the top of the pagoda below.

Under the great power, the seemingly indestructible pagoda collapsed instantly.

And it was a total collapse, from the first floor to the highest floor, all shattered at the same time, and those lifelike reliefs were all turned into dust.

Countless golden fragments shot out in all directions.

The Pure Liuli Bodhisattva sitting on the top of the pagoda was also buried under countless ruins.

Jiang Da Zhenren stood on the auspicious clouds, with a Luo umbrella hanging high above, sprinkling a turbid breath. "Su Wang" had disappeared, leaving only the immortal sword and Ruyi, showing the demeanor of an immortal.

The shaking of the earth did not stop, and the sinking of Dazun Temple continued until it disappeared completely.

At the same time, the Taoist flying boat troops in the air and the imperial court's black armor heavy cavalry on the ground advanced at the same time. The weak men had numbers but could not stop them at all. They collapsed at the first sight.

The Buddhist monks of the Kalam can only retreat again and again. If they defend, it is not that they cannot defend, but now their morale has been lost and they are not willing to fight hard. The Dharma King Wuzhi does not want to fight either, so it is natural that they will be defeated.

In the end, it is people who decide the outcome of the war.

On the other side, the detachment led by Qi Xuansu also came straight from the direction of Chexia, and it was the Peacock King who was responsible for defending this direction.

This is the second time the two have fought.

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