Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 3 The storm is coming

Qi Xuansu came all the way to Fengtai County this time, of course not for the one thousand peace deal, nor did he intend to get involved in the temple strife. He was acting on orders to take something from Li Hongwen.

So he used the "inn" to hide his identity and whereabouts, and at the same time, he also inquired about information in the "inn". Finally, he waited for the man who spent a thousand Taiping to protect Li Hongwen, and then learned about Li Hongwen from this man's mouth. Whereabouts - Qingluan Guards actually played a trick. After arresting the people at the county government office, they detained Li Hongwen's family in the county government office on the spot and did not escort them to the Hundred Household Center.

Although the man who issued the commission might be a fish that slipped through the net deliberately released by Qingluan Wei and used him as bait to catch big fish and shrimps together, Qi Xuansu was still determined to go.

Because he comes from Qingpinghui.

Today the world is like a yin and yang Pisces, "Yang" is the court, "Yin" is the Taoist door, both sides are interdependent, you have me, I have you, just like the black spots in "White Fish" and the "Black Fish" White dot.

But the Qingping Society belongs to neither the imperial court nor the Taoist sect. It walks between the two and is a secret organization.

The members of the Qingping Society were from three religions and nine streams, a mixed bag of good and bad. Moreover, its members often have two identities. On the surface, they are members of the imperial court or Taoist sects, and secretly they are members of the Qingping Society. Therefore, members of the society do not reveal themselves by their real names, but use their respective code names.

Qi Xuansu has been a member of the Qingping Society for two years, and his Ci brand name is "Jincuo Dao".

Some people mistakenly think that the "Jin Cuo Dao" is a kind of precious sword. In fact, the "Jin Cuo Dao" refers to the sword coins in ancient times. The text is engraved with gold. It is also called the "Cuo Dao" and generally refers to money.

But Qi Xuansu didn't have much money, so this brand name was a bit inappropriate no matter how you looked at it. In fact, only Qi Xuansu himself understood that "Jincuo Dao" means money, not necessarily having money, but also owing money. The name of this word brand reminds him that he owes a "debt".

Qi Xuansu's other identity is a Taoist disciple, but he is a seventh-grade Taoist priest, while Donghua Zhenren is a second-grade Taoist priest. The gap between the two is like the gap between the county magistrate and the minister. The so-called Donghua Zhenren commands the Qingluan Guard. Saying hello is nothing more than Qi Xuansu making nonsense to confuse the audience.

At this time, the man in the lobby of the "inn" who was completely drunk to death had fallen asleep and never woke up. He never expected that this drunkenness would keep him drunk for the rest of his life.

The shopkeeper came to his table, glanced at the pot of wine that had not yet been finished, and sighed: "'Inn' is about credibility, but 'Inn' is also about rules, that is, semicolons from all over the country are not allowed to participate in court affairs. , If you want to interfere in the temple, you have to go to the main office. If you break the rules today, you will die. "

After saying that, the shopkeeper turned the corpse so that it was lying on its back, then reached out and took out the appointment book from the corpse's arms. After scanning it to confirm that it was correct, he stacked it with the appointment letter left at the "inn" and casually Rub it until it turns into fly ash and disperses with the wind.

Then the shopkeeper high-fived him three times, and two sturdy servants walked out of a secret door.

The shopkeeper tore the official ticket worth a thousand Taiping coins into pieces, scattered them on the body, and ordered: "Old rules, be more neat."

The two servants silently lifted the body and disappeared silently through the secret door.

During the whole process, the lobby of the "inn" was silent, and some people looked as usual and turned a blind eye. Some people looked frightened and lowered their eyebrows.

The shopkeeper returned to the counter again, his face still full of kindness, not like a figure in the world, but like a smiling businessman.

Only the many old people who often live in the "inn" here know that this shopkeeper is not a simple person and has many lives on his hands. Otherwise, he would not be the head of the "inn" here. It's just that he is older and has a higher status. When he got older, he stopped fighting and killing, and began to pay attention to the worldly manners, be harmonious and make money, and cultivate his moral character. Only then did he develop a somewhat charitable look.

But this kind of charity is only superficial. The world is not a good place, so there are no good people.

The shopkeeper's actions just now were intended to scare the monkeys. Apart from this unruly man, the young man who was greedy for money also ended up not much better. The shopkeeper had mentioned something to him before, but he had no choice but to go his own way. As the saying goes, good words can't persuade a damned ghost. No wonder the shopkeeper.

Fengtai County, the county government hall.

A tall figure was pacing back and forth. He was also wearing cyan brocade, but it was more luxurious than the Qingluan Guard Xiaoqi who had died in Yi Zhuang. His belt turned into a jade belt, and his animal head turned into eye-catching white. The head of a tiger on the forehead.

The small flag is only from the seventh rank, the general flag is the real seventh rank, and this person is from the sixth rank, and he is already a real powerful figure in a county.

Further up are the 100 households in the sixth rank and the 1000 households in the fifth rank. As for the fifth-grade Master Qianhu, he is already a high-ranking figure in the Qingluan Guard, and there are only twenty Qianhu in the entire Qingluan Guard.

Zhou Feilong habitually clasped the bronze tiger head on his waist with one hand, and pressed the head of the "thin tiger knife" on his waist with the other hand, tapping the black-faced and white-soled official boots with his fingers. Stepping on the dark ground, there was a sound of neither light nor heavy footsteps.

Sitting on the main seat not far away was his colleague, Qingluan Guard Li Sanxin of the Hundred Households.

Zhou Feilong stopped and glanced at Li Sanxin without leaving any trace.

Although Li Sanxin was promoted to a trial hundred household just last year, as a trusted confidant of Master Qianhu, rumors have spread recently that he will be promoted to a full sixth-grade hundred household in the near future.

Li Sanxin seemed not to be aware of Zhou Feilong's gaze. He held the tea bowl in his left hand and used the bowl lid with his right hand to skim off the foam slowly, then gently blew the hot air away before taking a sip.

Zhou Feilong looked away, feeling a little gloomy.

This time when I came to Fengtai County to deal with Li Hongwen's matter, I only needed one trial hundred households. However, Lord Qianhu sent two trial hundred households. Their intentions were twofold: First, Lord Qianhu had no intention of dealing with Li Hongwen. He, Zhou Feilong, was worried. Secondly, Li Sanxin had a secret order.

Zhou Feilong had been an old Qingluan guard for decades, and even the prefect had arrested him, not to mention a magistrate like Li Hongwen, so he had nothing to worry about, so he expected that Li Sanxin had a secret order.

As for the content of this secret order, he had no idea.

At this moment, Li Sanxin put down the tea bowl in his hand, glanced at Zhou Feilong's untouched tea bowl, and said: "This tea is good. When you brew it with boiled spring water, the tips of the buds will stand upright in the tea." , It should be the first crop of new tea this year, picked at night when the buds are showing. With just your salary and mine, we can't buy a few taels in a year. It would be a pity if Brother Zhou doesn't drink it. "

A little smile appeared on Zhou Feilong's face, he sat back on the chair, picked up the tea bowl and took a sip.

"Okay, it's top quality." Zhou Feilong put down his tea bowl and praised it.

Li Sanxin smiled and asked, "Brother Zhou seems a little absent-minded?"

Zhou Feilong straightened his face and said in a deep voice: "Brother Li happened to mention this, so I will tell him directly. Although Li Hongwen has been brought to justice, many of his remnants are still outside. Let's escort his cronies. Let him out, use him as bait to lure out Li Hongwen's remaining members, and then catch them all in one go. Logically speaking, there is nothing wrong with this plan. After all, it has been done this way for so many years, but for some reason this time, it always stuck in my mind. Somewhat uneasy."

Li Sanxin's eyes suddenly became dark, and he picked up the bowl again. The rising heat covered his face: "Brother Zhou is worrying too much."

Zhou Feilong also picked up his bowl of hot tea that was also filled with white mist, swallowed it in one gulp, and said with dark eyes: "I hope so."

Li Sanxin looked at the sky outside the door. The originally gray sky seemed to have been splashed with thick ink.

Zhou Feilong stood up and came to the door, stood with his hands behind his hands, and said, "The weather in the south can change at any time, and it's moody."

He is from the north and is not used to the weather here.

"Rainy days are always a good time to kill people."

There were dark clouds outside, and the room became dark. Li Sanxin's face was hidden in the darkness, making it hard to see clearly. His voice came from behind Zhou Feilong, and it was deep and deep, which actually made Zhou Feilong a little nervous. The feeling of being like a light on the back.

Zhou Feilong turned around and looked at his colleague.

At this moment, thunder broke out, illuminating the sky and the earth, as well as the dim main hall.

Under the blue-white lightning, Li Sanxin's face became clear.

Li Sanxin smiled slightly at Zhou Feilong, his white teeth gleaming in the dim environment.

Wind and thunder are always with you.

After the thunder, the wind passed through the city, and the originally quiet city suddenly became lively. Women were busy collecting clothes to dry, children shouting, and vendors hurriedly closed their stalls to take shelter from the rain, and hurried home. Pedestrians were running in a hurry, their footsteps were chaotic, and the streets were in chaos.

Countless voices joined together, as if the entire city was whispering.

A heavy downpour came suddenly.

Raindrops the size of soybeans hit the eaves, making a crisp crackling sound. In an instant, they gathered on the tiles to form thin streams, flying down along the corners of the eaves, hanging out with silvery water lines.

The two people in the county government hall were indifferent to the heavy rain that had been brewing for a long time.

The same goes for the Qingluan Guardsmen who were guarding outside the hall with their swords and armor on, letting the raindrops hit their armor with fierce sounds.

The long street outside the Yamen.

A young man wearing a hat and cloak was walking towards the county government office, which did not fit in well with this small town full of fireworks.

The young man's cloak had also been soaked by the rain, revealing the shape of a sword.

Rainy days are indeed a good weather for killing people, especially in such heavy rains. As soon as the blood flows down, it will be washed away by the rain. After the rain passes and the sky clears, no traces will be left.

The rain hit his bamboo hat,

With a "pop, pop, pop" sound, the rainwater gathered on the slope of the hat and formed small streams, dripping down like lines along the edge of the hat. It actually formed a circle of rain curtains around the edge of the hat, like a curtain. cap.

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