Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 116 The Taoist Priest in Charge

The morgue is not far from the medical center, which is reasonable. Those who cannot be cured are sent here directly. Both are under the branch name of Huashengtang and are under the dual leadership of Huashengtang branch and "Tianle Taoyuan".

According to the rules, even if the eighth day Yang is the deputy Qianhu of Qingluan Guard, he cannot go to the morgue of Daomen for autopsy without permission, just as no one in Daomen can go to Qingluan Guard without permission. It is the same as interrogating prisoners in prison.

But rules are rules, and no matter how big the rules are, they are set by people. In the end, they have to be implemented by people. Money can communicate with ghosts and gods, especially in this world where poverty is laughed at but not prostitution. Taiping money is the real sword. Invincible.

On the eighth day, Tianyang easily bribed the guards at the morgue and brought Qi Xuansu to the morgue.

The guards here are not high-level Taoist priests. They, along with the various monastery management personnel, are outsourced and recruited by "Tianle Taoyuan" themselves. After all, it would be a shame for the Taoist sect to let formal Taoist disciples do this kind of business openly. As for whether there are Taoist disciples doing such things secretly, such as making introductions to their bosses, donating beautiful women, etc., it can only be said that human nature is such that it is difficult to completely eliminate it.

As for outsourcing, also called outsourcing, it is nothing unusual. Even the "Inn" has non-staff personnel. Qingluan Guard's assassination business is even outsourced to the "Inn". With such a large foundation of the Dao Sect, it is impossible to do everything. Being hands-on, it comes naturally to leave some of the dirty work to others. The number of people who rely on Taoist sects for food may not necessarily be less than those who belong to Taoist sects. Taoists eat meat and they drink soup.

Members of the secret society often call Taoists "Taomen dogs", and those who follow Taoists to drink soup are scornfully called "Er Gouzi".

Arriving in front of the body, Qi Xuansu took a pair of gloves delivered to him on the eighth day and began to examine the body.

Liu Hu was not very afraid of corpses, but he was surprised by Qi Xuansu's "eruditeness".

Do Jianghu people need to know so much?

In fact, it is not that Jianghu people must learn these things, but the environment forces them to be proficient in everything. Take wound treatment and pharmacology as an example. It is inevitable to walk alone in Jianghu and fight with others. If you do not understand these, once you are injured, you will be injured. It's a deserted place in the wilderness, where you're probably waiting to die. Those who don't understand will die, and those who can survive will naturally understand.

The same principle applies to autopsies. It is said that people in the world are happy with their grudges, not to mention whether they are happy or not. They only talk about grudges. If you want to seek revenge, you must first know who the enemy is. The most direct way is to judge the murderer through the cause of death of the corpse. The number of origins. This requires a certain amount of experience and experience in the world, and if you kill a lot of people, you can roughly know what kind of wounds will be caused by what kind of weapons and moves, what kind of death will be caused by different spells or poisons, and it is similar to "a long-term illness makes a good doctor" It's pretty much the same truth.

This is one of the reasons why Tiangangtang prefers "wild Taoist priests".

In terms of details, Qi Xuansu is definitely not comparable to professional masterpieces. It can only be said to be barely adequate, but in terms of some insights, it is stronger than many masterpieces.

For example, in the case of a knife injury, Wu Zuo can explain clearly the angle and force of the knife, and even guess what kind of knife it is, but it is difficult to tell the specific knife technique. Then, through the knife technique, he can explore the identity of the person who used the knife. It is already the responsibility of Qingluan Guard. After all, most of them don't specialize in martial arts, and even if they do, they won't travel around the world. But Qi Xuansu and other Jianghu people can probably recognize this kind of sword technique as long as they have seen it. This is Jianghu experience.

Of course, logically speaking, Qi Xuansu does know a lot at his age. The key is that Qi Xuansu has Qiniang as his guide, which saves a lot of detours. In addition, Qi Xuansu has a good understanding, but his basic skills are not good. He just learns these theoretical things very quickly.

After you have enough theoretical knowledge, you can then walk alone in the world and compare the two, and you will naturally understand. In other words, systematic learning is far better than slowly exploring on your own.

The eighth day Yang said: "The fatal cause of death of the deceased was that someone dug out the heart with bare hands, and the method was very cruel. In addition, the deceased's arms had fractures of varying degrees, and many muscles throughout the body were torn and strained to varying degrees. hurt."

Qi Xuansu nodded. He could probably imagine how the guard died. It would not be an exaggeration to say that he had no power to fight back. This meant that the murderer was at least one level higher than the deceased, and he was an alchemist, a shaman, a Buddhist, or a monk. It is less likely to be a scribe, but more likely to be a martial artist or a monk.

Qi Xuansu asked: "What level of cultivation did the deceased have?"

"This kind of romantic place is the most likely to cause trouble, so most of the guards are at the Kunlun stage, which can be said to be quite impressive." Tianyang replied on the eighth day.

Qi Xuansu pondered: "In the Kunlun stage, the murderer must be at least at the Yuxu stage, or even at the Guizhen stage, which is a bit tricky."

On the eighth day, Yang Yang said, "There are also several corpses of the murdered people here. Do you want to see them?"

Qi Xuansu couldn't help but ask: "Why do Qingluan Guard and Zixianshan each hold part of the victim's body?"

"There is no way. Those who died in Shimen County are under our control, and those who died in 'Tianle Taoyuan' are not under our control." The eighth day Yang said with a bitter smile.

Qi Xuansu shook his head and said: "It has already reached the point of committing murder in the 'Tianle Taoyuan', but the Taoist priest in charge here still refuses to report it to Tiangang Hall. It is really strange."

On the eighth day, Qi Xuansu was led to another corpse.

Qi Xuansu continued to step forward to examine the body.

On the eighth day, Yang recounted the results of the autopsy: "The heart was dug out and a thunder pot was placed where the heart was."

"Thunder God Pot?" Qi Xuansu said in surprise, "If I remember correctly, this kind of thing is not cold-resistant and is only found in Lingnan, Borneo and Borneo."

The eighth day Yang explained: "Yes, but the sac of the Thunder God Pot can be used as medicine and can be seen in many pharmacies."

Qi Xuansu thought deeply: "In this way, this seems to be some kind of ritual killing, which is usually a method used by secret societies to sacrifice blood to ancient immortals. But whether it is Zhiming Cult, Lingshan Witch Cult, or other secret societies, there is no such thing. The habit of using the Thunder God Pot seems to be the key, does it have any special meaning?”

Speaking of this, Qi Xuansu twitched his nose gently and smelled a faint fragrance, mixed with a faint odor.

The eighth day Yang obviously also smelled it and said: "It's the smell of Thunder God Pot. It has a light fragrance during the day and a foul smell at night. I don't know why it remains for such a long time."

"So that's it." Qi Xuansu also saw that the eighth day was a professional after all, and he checked very carefully. This time he asked for help, which was somewhat like seeking medical treatment in a hurry.

While the two were talking, a guard hurriedly walked in, with a worried look on his face, and whispered: "Oh no, the two Taoist priests in charge have arrived." There are two Taoist priests in charge of "Tianle Taoyuan", both of them are four. Among the Taoist priests who taste wine, one is in charge of "Tianle Taoyuan" and the other is in charge of a branch of Huasheng Hall. As for why Zixian Mountain has set up a branch of Huasheng Hall, the reason is not complicated. Huasheng Hall is not only about curing diseases and saving people. , there are also various other drugs, such as those used between the bed and the bed to restore men's male prowess, etc., which are very profitable.

Another point is that there are some differences between the Taoist priests in charge here and those in Yujing.

After many outstanding people from the Wanxiang Taoist Palace went to Yujing and entered the Jiutang, the Taoist priests' grades improved quickly. There are many sixth-grade Taoist priests and fifth-grade Taoist priests, but they are not very valuable. Only after they become high-grade Taoist priests can they be considered true. There is real power, but considering that there are too many big shots in Yujing, the real power is quite limited.

But the local Taoist priests who offer wine for the fourth grade are different. For example, the Taoist priests in charge of "Tianle Taoyuan" and the Taoist priests in charge of various branch halls hold great power, just like the local emperors. It's just that this kind of position is quite limited, and it may be one of dozens of people, or even one of a hundred.

The Taoist priest in charge of the Requiem Division may only have a few dozen people under his command, but the Taoist priest in charge of Tianle Taoyuan is in charge of the livelihood of thousands of people. The two are of the same rank and have complete power and status. It cannot be said in the same way.

As for the first level of deputy hall master, the third-grade Youyi Taoist priest is the standard. Zhang Yuelu is just an exception. He will be promoted to the third-grade Youyi Taoist priest as soon as the suspension period is up.

However, it cannot be said that the rank is completely useless. Yujing, which has a high starting point, also has advantages, that is, if there is a way to be transferred to a local place to hold actual positions, because of the high rank, you can immediately hold real power.

For example, Sun Yongfeng, the chief Taoist priest, was transferred from Tiangang Hall to "Tianle Taoyuan" to serve as the chief Taoist priest. This was completely in line with the rules. No one could fault him. His actual power was far greater than that of his role as chief Taoist priest in Tiangang Hall.

It's just that the local Taoist priests also want to go further up and will also keep an eye on these positions, so the local places generally do not welcome high-quality Taoist priests who parachute from Yujing.

Under normal circumstances, Taoist priests from Yujing Jiutang will not be transferred to any place casually, except for some promising young talents who need to be put down to practice.

All in all, the Taoist priest in charge of "Tianle Taoyuan" is not of very high rank, but if he can secure this position, his energy will definitely not be small. Not only does he have a backer, but the backer is not small.

How could Tian Yang not understand the truth? He couldn't help but look like he had a headache.

After a while, two Taoist priests walked in, one man and one woman, both about forty years old.

On the eighth day, Tianyang said softly: "The man's name is Liu Futong. He is the chief of 'Tianle Taoyuan'. He is used to being domineering here and has a bad temper. The woman's name is Su Ran, the Taoist priest in charge of the local Huashengtang branch. I just transferred here and I don’t know much about it.”

The guard who had been bribed by Eighth Day Yang followed the two of them, sweating profusely and said: "Master, I, I don't know how they got in." At the same time, he winked at Eighth Day Yang in a very subtle way.

Liu Futong ignored this and snorted coldly: "Eighth Deputy Qianhu, I have warned you that you are not allowed to come here again to investigate the case without my permission."

Then, Liu Futong's eyes shifted to Qi Xuansu, and his tone became more severe: "Who are you?"

Qi Xuansu took off his gloves and took out the token given to him by Pei Xiaolou: "This is the token signed by Master Pei himself. Who do you think I am?"

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