Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 118 White Fox Face Mask

The sound of firecrackers and the screams of the steward woman sounded one after another.

Qi Xuansu could conclude that he failed to hit the shadow.

With a startled glance, Qi Xuansu saw that the black figure was wearing a furry white fox mask. The fox's eyes were narrow and narrow, and its mouth was sharp and sarcastic.

In the midst of this blunder, the figure wearing a white fox mask was already close to Qi Xuansu.

In such a hurry and at such a close distance, Qi Xuansu had no time to draw his sword, but he still had his fists.

The man wearing the white fox mask took out a hand from his sleeve. It was crystal clear and slender, like a mutton-fat jade carving. He pointed his index finger at Qi Xuansu, and saw a cluster of smoke-like light appearing on his fingertip, which seemed to be sword energy. .

Qi Xuansu did not dare to be careless, so he threw away the blunderbuss and used the hand knife to move the "Dayan Spirit Sword" to meet this finger, the sword was fierce.

The two are instantly separated.

The man wearing the white fox mask turned his fingers into palms and took a diagonal shot with one palm. Qi Xuansu saw that there was no flaw in this palm, so he could only focus on defense. Seeing that Qi Xuansu was heavily guarded, the man wearing the white fox face mask did not take it seriously. He skipped all the subsequent changes and directly exchanged palms with Qi Xuansu. Taking a few steps back, it seemed that there was no difference in victory or defeat.

However, Qi Xuansu looked down and saw a blood hole in the palm of his hand, which was slowly healing.

"What a 'Ten Thousand Flowers Divine Sword Palm'!" Qi Xuansu's face was awe-inspiring. The name of this palm technique has the word "divine sword" in it. It is naturally derived from the sword technique. Not only is the sword energy hidden in the palm, but also the palm is released. As sharp as a sword, its moves are complex and fantastic. Feint moves can be used to lure and disturb the enemy, but when approaching the battle, feint moves can also be turned into actual moves. The children of the Li family must learn the palm technique. However, this palm technique is not difficult to master, but it is difficult to master it. If the sword technique is not good, , the palm technique is not much better. But if the swordsmanship is good, this palm technique will also improve. Back then, Xuansheng was the only one in the world with this palm technique, and countless experts were defeated by Xuansheng's palms.

I saw the man wearing the white fox mask waving his arms, and there were palm shadows in all directions, either five empty and one real, or eight empty and one real, just like a sudden strong wind in a peach forest and thousands of flowers falling. Then countless palm shadows came together to wrap themselves around Qi Xuansu.

In terms of moves alone, Qi Xuansu is no match for this person, not to mention dismantling, even defending. However, Qi Xuansu has rich experience in fighting with others, and he has already figured out a countermeasure in the blink of an eye. No matter how many ways you come, I will only go one way.

Qi Xuansu raised his arms and used "Tantai Fist Intent". He let the shadow of his palm, either virtual or real, fall on him, and his fist went straight to the person's face.

Since you can't guard against it, stop guarding against it and trade injury for injury.

The man wearing the white fox mask said softly, seemingly surprised, and unwilling to trade injuries with Qi Xuansu. He suddenly retracted his palm and took the initiative to meet Qi Xuansu's fist.

A series of sounds of metal and stone were heard, but it was like the collision of swords.

The man wearing the white fox mask puts his hands together, and his palms are like knives and axes. Qi Xuansu understands the essence of "Tantai Boxing" and will never restrict himself with the word "boxing", but instead punches and palms suddenly. The claws and fingers suddenly flicker, and the movements are extremely versatile.

The two fought faster and faster, but not a single bit of energy escaped, and even the corridor under their feet was not hurt.

The so-called "return to one's true nature" comes from the meaning of returning to one's original nature. It is nothing to crack mountains and crack rocks with one palm. If you can move and retract freely without damaging foreign objects, that is the real mastery.

There is no doubt that both of them are masters at the stage of returning to their true nature.

During the fierce fight, Qi Xuansu still had the energy to speak: "I've heard for a long time that Taiping Dao is famous for its swordsmanship, but I didn't expect that its fist and palm skills are so profound."

The voice of the man wearing the white fox mask seemed to be overlapping: "It's actually the 'Tantai Boxing Intent', which is rare."

Before he finished speaking, the man wearing the white fox mask changed his moves and looked towards Qi Xuansu's face. Qi Xuansu was startled and raised his left palm to meet him. His right palm turned into a fist and struck the face of the man wearing the white fox mask, intending to grab the white fox mask off his face.

The man wearing the white fox mask flew his palms and sleeves together, neutralizing Qi Xuansu's more than ten palms. Instead, he caught a flaw Qi Xuansu showed and grabbed Qi Xuansu's wrist.

Qi Xuansu felt his wrist tighten suddenly and couldn't break free. He had tried all his methods but was easily resolved by this person one by one. Instead, his wrist was held by someone, which showed that this person's fist and kick skills were superior to Qi Xuansu's. This is also reasonable. Qi Xuansu has always been pursuing how to defeat his opponents quickly. He can use firearms without using swords, and can use weapons without fists. Naturally, he is a bit weaker.

However, Qi Xuansu also responded. His sleeves bulged and a black mist spread, revealing the female ghost he had captured in the "Xuan Jade of Death".

Strictly speaking, this already belongs to the category of magical powers and is beyond the scope of fists, but after all, this is not a competition of martial arts.

The man wearing the white fox mask had no choice but to let go of Qi Xuansu's wrist, and then flexed his index finger and kept snapping his fingers to disperse the black mist, making it impossible to gather it together for the time being.

The masters exchanged blows, but the difference was only a hair's breadth. Qi Xuansu had this free time, took a deep breath, let his true energy flow freely, immediately regained his momentum, and punched again.

The man wearing the white fox mask pushed out with one palm, holding the sword energy in but not letting go.

The fists and palms met, and Qi Xuansu was injured by the sword energy again. However, the man wearing the white fox face mask was also shocked, and the fist's intention was penetrated to the inside.

Qi Xuansu relied on the magical power derived from the martial artist's flesh and blood. Regardless of the injury, he turned his fist into a knife and struck at the face of the man wearing the white fox mask.

The man wearing the white fox face mask knew that he could not stand up to Qi Xuansu in front of him. With a slight tap, he saw a bright light shooting out from his fingertips, like light and air, moving around his fingers and pointing at Qi Xuansu's wrist.

Qi Xuansu retracted his hand, the knife in his hand turned into a claw, and he grabbed the wrist of the man wearing the white fox mask with his backhand.

The two of them remained motionless, only changing their hand movements, and competed with each other for dozens of moves. In the end, Qi Xuansu was slightly inferior, and was hit on the wrist by the man wearing the white fox mask. However, Qi Xuansu had some ruthlessness of his own, and used the force of his fist with his backhand. Force into the opponent's body.

The man wearing the white fox mask had just neutralized Qi Xuansu's strength when a figure suddenly flashed in front of him.

Qi Xuansu's figure was like a ghost, and he suddenly approached the man wearing the white fox mask. The man wearing the white fox mask used the "Ten Thousand Flowers Divine Sword Palm" again, and the shadow of his palm flipped. However, this time because the distance was too close, Qi Xuansu could see through the truth and hit the palm with a finger.

The man wearing the white fox mask was suddenly shocked, turned around and ran away.

Qi Xuansu took advantage of the situation to pursue him, but he didn't expect that the man wearing the white fox mask actually used a trick to drag the sword with his backhand.

There was a lot of sword energy in this palm, hesitating, Qi Xuansu was shocked, he could only close his arms to block the palm of the man wearing the white fox mask, but the sword energy penetrated into his body, reaching the sea of ​​​​Qi Dantian, his body shape stagnate.

The man wearing the white fox mask took the opportunity to climb over the railing and jumped directly from the "Qiong Tower" which was more than ten feet high.

After Qi Xuansu dispelled the sword energy in his body, he quickly came to the railing and looked down. He saw only a dark red light and shadow, and the figure of the man was nowhere to be seen.

At the same time, the noise here also alerted the guards, who rushed up from downstairs and upstairs respectively.

Qi Xuansu didn't give these guards a chance to suspect that he was the murderer. He directly raised the token and struck preemptively: "The murderer has escaped. He is wearing a white fox mask. Chase him quickly!"

The guards were startled, a little at a loss.

The frightened woman in charge finally came to her senses and said sharply: "Didn't you hear what this mage said? The murderer, the person who came out of Huaqi girl just now is the murderer. You chase me quickly. What are you doing standing there in a daze?" Woolen cloth?"

The guards turned around and chased after each other, causing chaos.

Qi Xuansu picked up his gun, took back the female ghost, and then called several guards: "Come in with me."

Faced with Qi Xuansu's rebellion, several guards were really shocked by him and followed Qi Xuansu into Hua Qi's room.

The woman in charge lit the lamp and gasped.

I saw the long-established oiran woman hanging in her room, naked and naked.

However, there was nothing strange in the eyes of the men present, only solemnity, and even several guards showed fear.

Because this oiran lady was disemboweled and her heart was taken out like the other deceased people.

This was already the fourteenth death, and he still killed people under their eyes, and then walked away.

Qi Xuansu was silent for a moment and then ordered: "Put the body down."

Several guards looked at each other in shock, but seeing Qi Xuansu's awe-inspiring appearance, they did not dare to disobey and obediently stepped forward and put the body down.

Qi Xuansu took the candlestick and took a look. Sure enough, there was a green Thunder God Pot leaf cage in the corpse's chest.

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