Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 131 Going to Gangneung (Part 2)

On the way to Jiangling Mansion, Qi Xuansu took the opportunity to study the white fox face mask he got from Su Ran and found that it was a good item.

Nowadays, Qi Xuansu is only one level away from heaven and human beings, and his horizons have naturally increased accordingly. Ordinary spiritual objects can no longer enter his eyes, such as the pair of swords. For Qi Xuansu, it can only be said to be unsatisfactory and not satisfactory, but this mask makes Qi Xuansu quite satisfied.

In terms of appearance, this white fox face mask is also a spiritual object, but it is the best among spiritual objects. It is very close to the appearance of a treasure. However, there is no such thing as a "semi-treasure", so it can only be regarded as a spiritual object.

Its main function is not reflected in fighting with people, but it is regarded as a kind of supporting spiritual creature.

The first magical effect is to increase inspiration. Even if you don't use magical powers such as "Yin Yang Eye" and "Transparent Dharma Eye", you can still see ghosts and other things, and you can see through some illusions and deceptions.

The second magical function is that it can hide one's own aura, and even various magical powers cannot detect it, including the "Qi-Wang Technique" of Sanren and the "Immortal Qi-Wang Technique" of the banished immortal. If Qi Xuansu had this "mask" early on, Feng Bo would not have discovered his whereabouts using magic.

The third magical effect is the fox clan's special skill of changing one's face and figure. Su Ran wanted to shock others, so he only used the white fox face mask to hide his aura and prevent his identity from being exposed. However, he did not change his face. Instead, he used the original appearance of the mask, which was the outline of a human face and the appearance of a white fox.

However, the white fox face mask is only a spiritual object after all, not a treasure, so the face that can be changed is quite limited, just like facial makeup, it has been fixed. Qi Xuansu can only choose one among several "facial masks", and cannot choose one according to his own wishes. play. The three existing facial masks are of a young and heroic young man, a charming and passionate young woman, and an immortal old man.

To sum up briefly, these three faces also have the characteristics of the fox clan. They are all beautiful. The men have sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, while the women have picturesque eyebrows. They are very suitable for seducing others.

In addition, the white fox face mask also has shortcomings. This spiritual object needs to be activated by magic power. The immortal's true energy can also be used, but the true energy of the qigong and the blood of the martial artist cannot. That's it, because the mask's changing face is not an illusion, but a real change of face, so it has considerable physical requirements. People with weak bodies cannot bear the slight damage caused by the mask's changing face. Over time, they will easily become facial paralysis. .

This is somewhat contradictory. In the inheritance of Taoism, except for the special existence of the banished immortal, those with magic power are weak and those with strong bodies without magic power seem to be specially prepared for the banished immortal.

But if you think about it carefully, it makes sense. This mask is not specially prepared for the banished immortal, nor is it specially prepared for Qi Xuansu, but is tailor-made for the fox demon clan. Among the demons, only the fox demon is born with both They are physically strong, proficient in magic and illusion, and are good at transformation. However, Banished Immortal and Qi Xuansu just fit the characteristics of the fox demon.

After Qi Xuansu put on the white fox face mask, he felt that the mask itself seemed to be integrated with his own skin, indistinguishable from each other. Then he activated his magic power, activated the mask, and chose the third face.

I saw Qi Xuansu's cheeks gradually sunken, and then wrinkles appeared, his eyes became cloudy, and white beards grew on his chin and lips, hanging down to his chest. In the blink of an eye, he turned into an old man with an immortal air and a white fox face mask. The snow-white fox fur on his head grew longer and turned into white hair, covering Qi Xuansu’s original hair.

Then Qi Xuansu took off his cloak and put on a slightly old-fashioned Taoist robe. He took out a pair of sunglasses and put them on. He stood with Liu Hu, looking like a pair of grandfather and grandson.

Seeing Qi Xuansu's dignity, Liu Hu couldn't help but smile and said: "Uncle Wei, you are like an old liar walking around the world now."

Qi Xuansu touched his long white beard, and his voice became very old: "We can't call him Uncle Wei anymore, we can call him grandpa instead."

When the huge "Yinglong" landed in the lake outside Jiangling Mansion, it could not be hidden from the eyes of those who were interested.

Soon, many powerful people in the city were aware of Zhang Yuelu's arrival.

Although Zhang Yuelu is only a fourth-grade wine-sacrifice Taoist priest, no one in Jiangling Mansion dares not to take Zhang Yuelu in their eyes. After all, which fourth-grade wine-sacrifice Taoist priest can ride "Yinglong" in an upright manner?

There are two capitals in the world, the Imperial Capital located in the east and the Jade Capital located in the west. We must always pay attention to them and never be careless. Now that the situation in Yujing is becoming clearer, the three candidates for the top leadership have each chosen their own successors. Among these three young heroes, Zhang Yuelu is the most famous. Recently, there have been rumors that Zhang Yuelu is just waiting for the end of the year. As soon as his years are up, he can be promoted to a third-grade Youyi Taoist priest, and will soon be transferred to the local area for practical training.

If nothing else happens, Zhang Yuelu will first serve in Wuzhou Taoist Mansion. After all, this is the core territory of the Zhang family. There is no reason for his family not to take care of his own family. Even if something goes wrong, there are Dazhen Mansion and Shangqing Palace above, and he can't get out. What a mess. When Zhang Yuelu becomes familiar with various affairs of the local Taoist government and becomes the second-ranking official in the Wuzhou Taoist government, he will be transferred to the Wuxu Palace or Wanshou Chongyang Palace of Quanzhen Taoism as the chief assistant.

First it was a government office, and then it was a government office, but they were all deputy positions. Eventually Zhang Yuelu will transfer to Jiangnan Daofu. At that time, Master Cihang will either become the Grand Master, or the Deputy Master, or at worst, Master Pingzhang. Then Zhang Yuelu will be able to replace Master Cihang and stay. He knows the real person's position, truly takes charge of a mansion, and serves as the real person in charge.

At that time, Master Cihang rose from the position of Master of Jiangnan Daofu. This can be regarded as a master-disciple inheritance.

Once you get to this point, you can move forward and retreat freely. Retreat, cultivate the place deeply like Master Qingwei, and wait for the right time. If he enters, he will enter Yujing as the master master and become the leader of the hall, preparing to compete for the position of the master master. Even if the competition for the master master fails, Zhang Yuelu's surname is Zhang after all, and there will still be a Tianshi and deputy master master Da Zhenren. Wait for her.

This is what countless people call a promising future, and it is definitely not just a compliment.

Of course, the premise is that everything goes well. No one can guarantee whether something will happen midway. There are also examples of promising young talents who have died midway.

Furthermore, the incident in Zixian Mountain has spread, and outsiders don’t know about Su Ran’s affairs. They only assume that Zhang Yuelu went to Zixian Mountain because of Liu Futong’s corruption and malfeasance case. After all, Zhang Yuelu got in because of his participation in solving the Jiangnan case. Earth Master Dharma Eye, this can be regarded as her old skill.

This made many people feel guilty. After all, the Yanqing Chamber of Commerce was deeply involved, and many people were eager to get information from Zhang Yuelu.

Zhang Yuelu stayed at the Shenxiao Temple in Jianglingfu City, and gentry came to pay him a visit.

Zhang Yuelu refused on the grounds that he was tired from the journey, and asked the visitors of Shenxiao Temple to receive him on his behalf. Those people had heard about Zhang Yuelu's temper to some extent, and were not angry. They just left an invitation, which was nominally to help Zhang Yuelu clean up his dust, and it was Because of the respect of a local scholar with high moral character, Zhang Yuelu was invited to attend the banquet.

Over the years, in order to suppress the seemingly submissive but actually double-minded Buddhist sect, the Taoist sect has been supporting the Confucian sect and vigorously promoted the friendship between the Confucian and Taoist sects. The intensity was comparable to the time when they joined forces with the Buddhist sect to fight against the Confucian sect. Since there is a Confucian sect with the face of a great scholar, But it was difficult for Zhang Yuelu to refuse.

After the group of gentry left, Zhang Yuelu met the owner of Shenxiao Temple.

The master of this temple is Chen Shouchen, who is already in his sixties. Because Shenxiao Temple is a grand temple, he is a Taoist priest of the fourth level of wine worship.

The two were of the same rank, but Chen Shouchen was very respectful when facing Zhang Yuelu, treating himself as a subordinate at all times.

Zhang Yuelu looked at the gilded invitation and asked, "Guanzhu Chen, what kind of official is this old Mr. Yuan Chongzong?"

Although the Confucian sect has three high priests, which are equivalent to the three deputy leaders of the Taoist sect, the Confucian sect has not been restructured like the Taoist sect, so under the high priestly sect, the hierarchy is not as clear as the Taoist sect. However, most people in the Confucian sect serve as officials, and according to the official rank, they can almost correspond. For example, a Zhengyipin Pavilion elder in the current dynasty is roughly equivalent to a first-grade innocent Taoist priest in the Taoist sect.

Chen Shouchen replied: "This old Mr. Yuan has not served as an official, but he is famous all over the world. He is very impressive. In Jiangling Mansion, everyone respects him. They say that he and the old prince are equal in both civil and military affairs. Sit in Jiangling.”

Zhang Yuelu asked directly: "Is he related to Yanqing Chamber of Commerce?"

Chen Shouchen opened his mouth, but didn't say anything for a long time. After a while, he said: "This... I dare not make any judgments. It's just that the Yuan family is huge and intricate. There are many disciples and old officials in the officialdom, and many officials have to listen to Yuan." The heroes of the family have become the hawks and dogs of the Yuan family. They also hope to earn peace money from the Yuan family and become the lackeys of the Yuan family. In addition, the Yuan family has a Confucian background and is not related to Huzhou. There are several real people in Daofu who are good friends, at least in the Jiangling area, no one dares to mess with them. "

Zhang Yuelu nodded and said softly: "What a Yuan family."

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