Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 138 Palm Thunder

Xu Changwu only felt the cold wind blowing against his face. At the critical moment, he only had time to turn his head slightly to avoid the vital point, and then there was a tearing pain in his shoulder, which shocked his heart.

What a fast knife.

The "Dayan Spiritual Sword" is not a fast knife, but it appears mysteriously and unexpectedly. It looks even better than a fast knife.

After Qi Xuansu succeeded with the sword, he did not stop. Instead, he followed the sword and appeared behind Zhou Zizi again. He slashed the back of Zhou Zizi's neck with his backhand.

Zhou Laizi felt a chill on the back of his neck and the hairs stood on end. He did not dare to look back and rolled forward suddenly. Despite this, his hair was still set on fire by the flames on the blade, and the clothes on his back were torn horizontally by the blade's energy, leaving a scorched black wound.

Qi Xuansu is like an assassin. After taking action, no matter whether he hits or misses, he will immediately walk away and never be greedy for the sword. Xu Changwu and Zhou Laizi were the best, able to barely escape without being killed by one blow. But this kind of battle against someone with a higher level of cultivation depends more on the emergency response of life and death and years of experience and reaction. Some people who react a little slower, or panic, die immediately under Qi Xuansu's sword. .

The amount of experience is not directly related to age. Even if they are also from the Jianghu community, some people have been operating in groups all their lives. They may seem to be licking blood, but in fact they have only had few life-and-death experiences, so their experience will not be much better. .

To put it bluntly, whether it is an elite of the men in black or an experienced and sophisticated Jianghu person, in addition to being good at art, his luck cannot be bad. After all, it is a line between life and death, half of it is life and half of it is death. If he dies, Everything is in vain and there is no experience left.

Qi Xuansu was so powerful that everyone involved in the ambush was afraid.

There is no doubt that this person is truly at the stage of returning to his true form. Not to mention whether he can kill this person, even if he can kill him, he still won’t know how many corpses will be left behind. Who can guarantee that he is not among these corpses? No matter how good the peace money is, you still have to have the life to spend it.

When they feel that they have a chance to win, everyone naturally strives to be the first, but once they are frustrated, the shortcomings of the mob are immediately revealed, and everyone hesitates to move forward, just hoping that others will die so that they can follow behind and take advantage.

It was just that they were hesitant, but Qi Xuansu did not hesitate. He kept using his sword, and three more people fell to the ground.

Fortunately, Master Pili finally took a breath, bit the tip of his tongue, and spit out a mouthful of "True Yang Saliva". People have essence, Qi, and spirit. The blood of the heavenly spirit belongs to God, the blood of the middle finger belongs to Qi, and the blood of the tip of the tongue belongs to essence. The so-called "true yang saliva" is the essence and blood on the tip of the tongue, which is the most important place of yang energy in a person.

Master Pili used "True Yang Saliva" to draw a talisman on the palm of his right hand. Every stroke was sparkling and there was a faint sound of wind and thunder.

This bright light is very eye-catching.

It is said that there is only a wrong name, not a wrong nickname. Master Pili has the word "Thunderbolt" in his name. Of course, it does not mean how powerful his flying sword is. That is Mr. Chang's specialty. His real ability is actually thunder. Law.

As the lower rank of the Heavenly Immortal inheritance, the Earth Immortal inheritance ranks second among the Five Immortals inheritance. It is known as the mainstay of the Taoist sect and should not be underestimated. Among the five immortals, only the Human Immortal cannot use spells. The other four immortals can all use spells. There is another spell that is unique to the two immortals of heaven and earth, which is the thunder method.

The Taoism of the world regards the thunder method as the most respected, the most yang and the most strong. The "Five Thunder Heavenly Heart Zhengfa", the special skill of the lineage of Zhengdao Tianshi, is the authentic method among the thunder methods.

It is precisely because the thunder method is so powerful that it eliminates all illusions. Therefore, the alchemist who is the most proficient in magic and the wizard who is second only to the alchemist are not able to practice this method. Unless they reach the realm of yang and yang, they cannot practice it. Under such a high state, only the banished immortals and Qi refiners with a balanced Yin and Yang balance and Zhongzheng and peace can practice this method.

However, most of the superior thunder techniques are monopolized by the Zhang family, just like the superior swordsmanship is mostly monopolized by the Li family. Most of the other scattered thunder techniques are not systematic, or are missing and incomplete, or they are similar in appearance but different in spirit. If you practice rashly and fail to follow the method, there will be backlash.

The Eight Diagrams are divided into Qian, Kun, Kan, Li, Zhen, Xun, Gen and Dui, which belong to the five elements respectively. Qian is the sky, Kun is the earth, Xun is the wind, Zhen is the thunder, Kan is the water, Li is the fire, Gen is the mountain, and Dui is the river. Among the five elements, Gandui belongs to gold, Zhenxun belongs to wood, Kan belongs to water, Li belongs to fire, and Kungen belongs to earth.

The reason why two of them belong to wood is because the acquired Bagua uses Kanli as the standard, so Kanli is single, and the others are one yin and one yang. Although Kanli is single, they are yin and yang to each other, so in the end there is still one yin and one yang, in line with the principle of yin and yang. Xun belongs to the southeast, Zhen belongs to the east, the right position is Yang, Zhen is Yang and Xun is Yin.

Therefore, thunder belongs to wood and is Yang wood.

In each human body, there are two qi of yin and yang, and the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. The heart belongs to fire, the lungs belong to metal, the kidneys belong to water, the spleen belongs to earth, and the liver belongs to wood. Improper practice of thunder will inevitably damage the liver. Every time you practice the thunder method, your liver will be damaged, and with each layer of damage, the damage to your liver will be deeper.

Heat accumulated in the liver meridian spreads to the eyes, resulting in white film on the eyes, dizziness in both eyes, and eventually blindness.

Master Pili, of course, does not have an authentic thunder method inheritance. He only accidentally acquired fragmentary fragments of it and practiced it forcefully. He became blind in one eye. If he continued to practice, he would not be able to save his other eye.

In fact, the fragment he got clearly stated that unless he cultivated to the state of unity between man and nature, he must not practice thunder method rashly. However, the thunder method is known as the king of magic in the world and is extremely powerful. As soon as he reached the stage of Yuxu, he tried it out. After practicing it, he immediately felt that its power was infinite. Once he was addicted, he could not stop himself. He continued to practice until he returned to his true form. At this stage, the warning words in the remaining articles have long been forgotten.

What's more, people in the world are in danger, and no one knows when they will die. Instead of worrying about hidden dangers in the future, it is safer to improve one's strength first.

As for the thunder method of the Zhang family, not to mention the "Five Thunder Heavenly Heart Zhengfa", it is the great method that the ancestor Tianshi obtained from Taishang Taoist ancestors. It has been passed down from generation to generation and has already figured out a complete system. What level of cultivation should be achieved? The first step, why not to rush forward greedily, and even how to eliminate hidden dangers, etc., are all detailed, and naturally there is no backlash.

When Xuan Sheng gathered the power of the Taoist sect to compile the fundamental methods of the five inheritances, he also added these experiences as comments. Unfortunately, Master Pili was a fake Taoist priest and was not a Taoist disciple, so he had no chance to meet him.

The move used by Master Pili at this time is called "Thunder in the Palm". It is both a spell and a supporting palm technique. It is one of the basic palm techniques of the Zhang family, which is equivalent to the "Ten Thousand Flowers Divine Sword Palm" of the Li family. , the threshold is not high, and it is easy to get started. However, as the cultivation level becomes higher and higher, the power becomes more and more powerful, which varies from person to person.

The difference is that the Li family hides sword energy in their palms, and the higher their swordsmanship, the deeper their attainments in the "Ten Thousand Flowers Divine Sword Palm", while the Zhang family hides thunder in their palms. "The attainments will be deeper.

Qi Xuansu had already experienced the Li family's "Ten Thousand Flowers Divine Sword Palm" in the hands of Su Ran, and today he saw the Zhang family's "Thunder Palm", so naturally he did not dare to underestimate it.

After Master Pili struck out with his palm, he shouted: "Get out of the way."

Everyone was in a hurry to hide around.

A bolt of lightning went straight towards Qi Xuansu.

Qi Xuansu also wanted to dodge, but he didn't expect that the lightning seemed to be spiritual and locked onto him. In desperation, he could only use both swords to block it.

In an instant, thunder light was transmitted to Qi Xuansu's body along the two knives in his hands, as if a fishing net transformed by lightning enveloped him, making a "crack" sound and sparks flying everywhere.

Liu Hu, who was watching the battle, couldn't help but exclaimed.

When the thunder and lightning dissipated, Qi Xuansu felt numb all over his body and electric current passed through his body. Although there was no pain from being chopped by a knife or an axe, it still had a different "feeling".

Qi Xuansu immediately put away his conductive swords and used his fists for close combat. After all, the blood turned into fists, which could block thunder and lightning to a certain extent and prevent lightning from entering the body.

When Master Pili saw Qi Xuansu approaching, he shouted: "Boy, accept your fate!"

These words hit my ears like thunder.

Before he finished speaking, Master Pili stepped forward instead of retreating. He took a few steps and slapped his right hand on the top of Qi Xuansu's head. The thunder and lightning was faint and fierce in the palm of his hand.

Qi Xuansu stood on one side, without fighting head-on, and let him pass lightly.

Master Pili's first palm failed, and the second palm followed, and this move was even more swift and fierce.

Qi Xuansu turned to the left and dodged. Master Pili struck out with his third, fourth, and fifth palms in succession. Lightning surged, and Master Pili seemed to turn into a thunder dragon, flying in the air and dancing rapidly, suppressing Qi Xuansu with nowhere to dodge.

Hearing a sudden "chi" sound, Qi Xuansu flew out sideways. His right sleeve turned into fly ash, and his right arm was exposed, showing a dark handprint. There was even a little bit of electric light left, and there was a faint smell of burning.

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