Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 140: No suspicion of guilt

Although the Daxuan court successively abolished most of the old systems of the previous dynasty, such as the guards and the twenty-four yamen of the inner court, it also inherited a considerable part of the system, such as the road guide system.

The so-called road guide means that any person who is hundreds of miles away from the place of residence needs to be issued by the local government with an official document such as a letter of introduction or a pass. This is a road guide. If there is no road guide or is inconsistent with it, it is a road guide. Those who are punished according to the law. Luyin is actually proof of leaving home.

With the prosperity of land and sea trade and the frequent movement of people, this system should have been abolished. However, due to the rise of secret societies, the imperial court and Taoist sects still retained the system of road guides in order to facilitate the arrest of secret society members. Whether entering the city or staying in a hotel, a road guide was required. If there was no road guide, or the road guide information was not available, Anyone who does not comply must be reported to the hotel immediately.

Men in black, Qingluan guards, Taoist priests, scholars with meritorious status, etc. do not need road guidance and can travel freely to various places, but they need to show identification, such as Taoist priests' ultimatums and waist badges of men in black.

When Qi Xuansu came to stay in the city, he still used the identity of Wei Wugui. The prefect's Yamen found this out easily and quickly reported to Taiping Tower. Zhang Yuelu naturally learned about it.

As for the conflict between Zhang Yuelu and Yuan Shangdao, under the mediation of Pei Xiaolou, both parties took a step back.

After Zhang Yuelu learned of Wei Wugui's whereabouts, he felt that it was effortless to find a way out of iron shoes, but he did not forget that it was Pei Xiaolou who issued the pass token to Wei Wugui. It was quite suspicious that Xiaolou happened to appear here, so she did not show her interest in Wei Wugui in front of Pei Xiaolou. Instead, she made an excuse and offered to help the Yuan family rescue Yuan Fengchan as an apology.

Yuan Shangdao did not refuse. In fact, being lost by Zhang Yuelu was not something that was difficult to accept. Once Zhang Yuelu's status and identity were placed, her temper was also known. Secondly, with Li Tianzhen in front of her, even the dignified young master of the Li family could endure it. What could others not tolerate? Could it be that he is more noble than Li Tianzhen?

So Zhang Yuelu left Jiangling Mansion and ran with all his strength, even faster than a galloping horse, and finally caught up with Qi Xuansu who was ambushed.

Zhang Yuelu doesn't like fire guns as much as Qi Xuansu. She prefers ancient bows and arrows, and her shooting skills are quite good. At this time, she turned "photo paper" into bows and arrows. First, she killed the Denghua monk with one arrow, and then she cultivated according to her realm. High and low, they shot Pili Taoist and Zhou Laizi successively. The rest are nothing to worry about.

This was actually a successful sneak attack. If it were a head-on fight, even if Monk Denghua was not Zhang Yuelu's opponent, he would not lose his life in just one encounter. Unfortunately, Monk Denghua was not prepared at all. Just like when Zhang Yuelu was unprepared by the Tongtian River, he was also killed by two A woman from the Lingshan Witch Cult with low cultivation level was injured, and Qi Xuansu relied on sneak attacks to kill an opponent who was a level higher than himself.

However, Zhang Yuelu did not kill Wei Wugui in her eyes. In her opinion, Wei Wugui was deeply involved and must be captured alive.

Seeing this scene, the others shouted and fled in all directions.

Song Luodi, who had been hiding in the dark, did not hesitate to use the unearthed escape method and disappeared in an instant.

Only Qi Xuansu stayed where he was, turning around and looking at Zhang Yuelu. Fortunately, he was wearing sunglasses, which blocked the surprise and complexity in his eyes.

Zhang Yuelu walked slowly towards Qi Xuansu with a long bow in hand. The paper arrows he shot flew up on their own and returned to their original bodies as if they were spiritual.

Qi Xuansu was a little nervous. Although he didn't know why Zhang Yuelu appeared here, he didn't think it was a simple coincidence. He still remembered that Zhang Yuelu noticed some problems in his past through a few pages of files, forcing him to half tell the truth. He pretended to tell the truth about his master's murder, and then barely covered it up.

Learning from the past, it is hard to guarantee whether Zhang Yuelu will notice any clues this time.

Zhang Yuelu stopped three feet away from Qi Xuansu, and the long bow in his hand turned into a piece of paper, wrapped around his wrist.

The two stood opposite each other.

There was purple energy flowing in Zhang Yuelu's eyes.

This is the "Immortal Qi Watching Technique" used to banish immortals. If it is an ordinary disguise method, it can only change the appearance but cannot hide the breath. Naturally, Zhang Yuelu will see through it at a glance. However, Qi Xuansu is currently wearing the white fox face mask left by Su Ran. Hiding all the aura, Zhang Yuelu returned without success.

"Are you Wei Wugui?" Zhang Yuelu finally asked.

Qi Xuansu's voice was old: "My lord, Wei Wugui, thank you very much for your help. Have you asked me your name?"

Qi Xuansu recognized Zhang Yuelu, but Wei Wugui did not recognize Zhang Yuelu. This was the first time Wei Wugui saw Zhang Yuelu.

In a very short period of time, Qi Xuansu had calmed down. He temporarily suppressed all kinds of complicated emotions and did not do anything stupid like calling out Zhang Yuelu's name. He pretended not to recognize Zhang Yuelu.

Zhang Yuelu looked at Qi Xuansu and replied, "My name is Zhang Yuelu."

"It turns out to be Master Zhang, the youngest deputy hall master of the Taoist sect, whose name I have admired for a long time." Qi Xuansu immediately "suddenly realized".

Zhang Yuelu was not surprised that Wei Wugui had heard of his name, and asked again: "Why did you want to kill Wan Xiuwu?"

Qi Xuansu asked, "Who is Wan Xiuwu?"

Zhang Yuelu was silent for a moment and suddenly asked: "Is Wei Wugui that old?"

Qi Xuansu took off his sunglasses and revealed a pair of drowsy old eyes: "I don't understand what Master Zhang means."

"You went from Yanze to Xiping Mansion. On the way, you met Ba Tianyang and Qin Wubing. Then you went to Xijing Mansion, Guiguan, Longmen Mansion, and Zixian Mountain. Many people who met you said that You are a young man, how can you be an old man?" Zhang Yuelu stared at Qi Xuansu's eyes, intending to judge what Qi Xuansu was thinking through the changes in his eyes.

Qi Xuansu was shocked beyond words. He never expected that Zhang Yuelu had already grasped his whereabouts. He lowered his head slightly, lowered his eyebrows and closed his eyes, and replied: "It's just a disguise that I usually use when walking around in the world. It's nothing."

"You can deceive so many people by disguising yourself, which shows that you are very clever. In that case, are you disguising yourself now?" Zhang Yuelu suddenly took a step forward.

Qi Xuansu's body suddenly tensed up, and then he took a step back: "What do Master Zhang mean by this?"

It's not that he doesn't want to recognize Zhang Yuelu, but that he can't recognize each other now. Pei Xiaolou has promised that through the relationship with Master Donghua, he will let him return to Taoism in an open and honest manner, and he will naturally meet Zhang Yuelu by then. So why would he reveal his true identity at this time and place?

Zhang Yuelu smiled coldly: "Are you guilty of being a thief?"

Qi Xuansu said in a deep voice: "I don't know if there is any misunderstanding, but since Master Zhang said that I am a thief, evidence must be produced. In this regard, the Taoist sect has clearly stated that no guilt is suspected."

Zhang Yuelu's eyes flashed, and this was where she was in trouble. There was no doubt about the guilt, and whoever claimed it had to provide evidence. She deduced Wei Wugui's whereabouts through many clues, and suspected that Wei Wugui was a member of the secret society and killed Wan Xiuwu. , but there is no real evidence to support it. Take the eighth day Yang as an example. Zhang Yuelu used some tricks to get the words out of the eighth day Yang, but the eighth day Yang will never identify Qi Xuansu as a witness, let alone draw a bond. Testimony is equivalent to no evidence.

Then the speculation is just speculation, and Wei Wugui cannot be formally arrested.

Some people may say that Zhang Yuelu is pedantic. With her status, she can directly order Taoist temples to capture Wei Wugui. Not to mention the damage to the justice and majesty of Taoist law, this move is not very realistic in terms of feasibility.

If he was just an ordinary person, it would not be impossible, but when he knew that the backer behind Wei Wugui was Pei Xiaolou, why did Zhang Yuelu think that he could use the power of the Taoist sect to capture Wei Wugui within the Quanzhen Taoist territory?

Are the Taoist priests of Quanzhen Taoism recognized as brothers of Donghua Master? Or do you recognize Zhang Yuelu, who was born in Zhengyi?

Although Zhang Yuelu was favored by the Earth Master, Donghua Zhenren was the second-largest figure in Quanzhen Tao after the Earth Master. He was expected to compete for the Grand Master. Even if he failed to compete for the Grand Master, he would still be able to inherit the position of Earth Master. Moreover, Zhang Yuelu was not a direct descendant of the Earth Master, but Pei Xiaolou was the real brother of Donghua Master.

Which one is more important is clear at a glance.

In the end, Zhang Yuelu could only take action himself.

Qi Xuansu's eyes never left the piece of paper on Zhang Yuelu's wrist, and his hands reached back.


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