Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 142: Chase and Escape

The "Sword Control Technique" is called sword control, but it is actually a weapon. Qi Xuansu was not the first to use this method to launch hidden weapons. Many Sanren were like this, especially when there was no flying sword.

"Bliss Needle" is not fatal, the key is to dissolve the true essence and create illusions, so the specific effect varies from person to person.

After Zhang Yuelu got the needle, there was no fear for his life, but his cultivation was definitely restricted. This is why Qi Xuansu didn't hold back. If Zhang Yuelu attacks with all his strength, Qi Xuansu is no match. The fact that Zhang Yuelu easily knocked down both swords just now is proof. Unfortunately, Zhang Yuelu wanted to capture Qi Xuansu alive but failed to do his best, which gave Qi Xuansu an opportunity to take advantage of.

After Qi Xuansu succeeded with the "Bliss Needle", both fists came out. Zhang Yuelu was not completely restrained by the "Bliss Needle". He waved his sleeves and the two forces were exchanged in the air. Qi Xuansu swayed and took three steps back in a row, his blood boiling. It is said that the eight extraordinary meridians all have the meaning of paralysis, and they are completely different from the paralysis caused by electric current passing through the body.

However, Qi Xuansu knew Zhang Yuelu well and immediately knew that this was another of Zhang Yuelu's most accomplished techniques, the "Six Void Tribulations". It was said to be passed down by the Earth Master. Xu Kou was defeated by Zhang Yuelu with this unique technique.

Zhang Yuelu took the opportunity to retreat quickly, with an extremely shocking move, and in the blink of an eye he was already submerged in the dense forest.

Qi Xuansu had to chase her. At this time, Zhang Yuelu's cultivation was damaged. If she fell into his hands, he would certainly not do anything to her. But if she was taken advantage of by the inn's Xiaoxiao and her life was taken away, he would regret it for the rest of his life.

Qi Xuansu entered the dense forest and ran for seven or eight miles. The front suddenly opened up, and he saw a small pool with a waterfall hanging from the top, like Bai Lian.

As soon as Qi Xuansu approached, he saw the water in the pool and waterfall turning into a wall of water, rising up and pressing down on him.

It turned out that Zhang Yuelu was hiding in the gap behind the waterfall, and when Qi Xuansu was chasing him, he suddenly took action.

Qi Xuansu jumped up and punched out with both fists. Because Tantai Yun was the leader of two major inheritances, the Earth Immortal and the Immortal, the "Tantai Fist Intent" was not pure. He could use both his true energy and his blood energy to face the wall of water together.

It's just that the true energy condensed in the water wall is far more pure than the true energy. Only the martial artist's body and spirit can compete with it, but his blood energy is absolutely inferior. Therefore, Qi Xuansu's fists were like hitting a copper wall and fell out involuntarily. After landing, his legs sank into the ground, reaching his knees. He felt a surge of energy and blood, and his chest felt tight.

The waterfall parted by a thin line, and Zhang Yuelu appeared, but instead of pursuing the victory, he planned to continue escaping.

Qi Xuansu immediately understood that Zhang Yuelu had not resolved the "Bliss Needle", so he immediately pulled out his legs, flew to catch up, and punched Zhang Yuelu, intending to force Zhang Yuelu to stop.

Zhang Yuelu managed to dodge, and the punch hit a big tree with great force, directly breaking it in the waist. The annual rings and meridians inside were shattered by the dark energy. The strong wind passed over Zhang Yuelu's face, causing a faint pain.

Qi Xuansu punched again. Zhang Yuelu had no choice but to send out a "palm thunder" with his left palm. The sound of wind and thunder was loud. Qi Xuansu did not dare to be careless and stepped aside.

Zhang Yuelu took the opportunity to flutter his sleeves, and his sleeves were flying in the wind, floating up like a big bird. He tapped the rock wall a few times and reached the top of the waterfall in a few ups and downs.

Although Qi Xuansu did not have such fancy skills, he used his hands and feet to climb up the rock wall next to the waterfall. He was faster than the ape and goat, and he caught up in the blink of an eye.

Qi Xuansu went to the top of the cliff and saw Zhang Yuelu running in front of him. He had not gone far yet. He immediately jumped to catch up and used the mountain momentum of "Tantai Fist Intention".

There is a saying in the Art of War of the Sage of Soldiers: "Therefore, it is as fast as the wind, as slow as the forest, as plundering as fire, as motionless as a mountain, as unpredictable as the clouds, and as moving as thunder." Tantai Yun was also a conqueror of mountains and rivers, and he is quite knowledgeable about the art of war. In Dabo, the mountainous momentum in her boxing intention not only means immobility, but also means standing on the wall and having no desire to be strong. It is still about defense.

At this time, Qi Xuansu attacked with a mountainous momentum, which was contrary to Fu Fu's main point. It was like hitting someone with a shield, showing to Zhang Yuelu that he had no intention of hurting her life.

Zhang Yuelu couldn't dodge, so he turned his palm to resist. The two of them exchanged strength, but saw Zhang Yuelu's fist reaching his body, but his body swayed, and then nothing happened.

Qi Xuansu was secretly shocked and changed the situation of mountains into rivers.

The gist of this trend is to imitate the surging waves of a river, endless.

Zhang Yuelu turned around and dodged again, but Qi Xuansu followed up with one punch after another, and the flow was continuous, gradually compressing Zhang Yuelu's dodge space. Zhang Yuelu had to reach out with his right hand and hook Qi Xuansu's left wrist. Qi Xuansu only felt six strands of real The Qi penetrates into the body and penetrates directly into the meridians.

Qi Xuansu didn't have time to think too much, so he punched out with both fists, one punch using the mountain force, and the other punch using the river force, working together with the mountain force. Zhang Yuelu was unable to completely resolve the intention of the fist, so he swung his body and jumped back, his blood energy surged up, and his pretty face turned red.

Qi Xuansu tried to find out that Zhang Yuelu's cultivation level had not recovered, so he was about to take advantage of the victory and pursue him. Unexpectedly, his true energy moved, and his blood energy just started to flow, and his eight meridians suddenly felt sore and weak, and his body couldn't help but sway.

Qi Xuansu's face changed, and he forced his true energy and blood energy, punched out with both fists, and met Zhang Yuelu's palms. Qi Xuansu suddenly gained the upper hand, and Zhang Yuelu also snorted slightly, obviously suffering from a heavy loss.

But just when Qi Xuansu wanted to take advantage of the situation to pursue him, six more strange qi surged out of Zhang Yuelu's palm, causing Qi Xuansu's qi and blood to suddenly collapse. Qi Xuansu couldn't help but retreat, with a look of shock on his face.

Zhang Yuelu showed no mercy when he gained the upper hand. He flew in front of Qi Xuansu and slapped him with his palm.

Qi Xuansu felt that there was a strong wind and thunder in Zhang Yue's deer palm, and he hurriedly waved his fists to resist. Before the fists and palms were exchanged, Zhang Yuelu's moves suddenly changed, turning his palms into fingers and pointing at the center of Qi Xuansu's eyebrows. Qi Xuansu had to slash out with his left palm, causing Zhang Yuelu's finger to move slightly away, but there was still a blood mark on his cheek.

Qi Xuansu felt awe-struck and immediately took action with all his strength. But at this moment, he suddenly felt that six different kinds of Qi were gushing out of his body. They were changing erratically and running erratically. The eight extraordinary meridians were sore and numb, and he still couldn't use this move.

Suddenly, a thought flashed through Qi Xuansu's mind: "Controlling the debate between the six qi, yin, yang, wind, rain, darkness, and light. Is this the power of the 'Six Void Tribulations'?"

In order to confirm what he was thinking, he punched again, Zhang Yuelu retreated in response to the situation, Qi Xuansu once again noticed six strange qi, and the punch failed halfway.

After all, Zhang Yuelu is only one step away from the gods, and he is an orthodox immortal. After being hit by the "Bliss Needle", he still has the strength to fight, but it is not without any impact. Zhang Yuelu has to use most of his cultivation to suppress the "Bliss Needle". At this time, when fighting against Qi Xuansu, he only had half of his cultivation level and could not use any magic sword formation.

However, Qi Xuansu could not be considered a weak hand even in the stage of returning to his true form. His "Tantai Boxing Intention" was extremely fast and powerful. Zhang Yuelu had no choice but to resort to "Six Void Tribulations". Unfortunately, Zhang Yuelu could not master the practice and could only temporarily If Qi Xuansu is restrained, the calamity force cannot remain in Qi Xuansu's body forever. If the earth master uses it, the calamity force will take root in the body, like a gangrene attached to the bone, feeding on the host's qi, blood and true qi, and it will never stop dying and cannot get rid of it for the rest of its life.

For a time, Qi Xuansu was controlled by the "Six Void Tribulations", and Zhang Yuelu was controlled by the "Bliss Needle". Each of them had their own fears, and they faced each other from a distance, and neither could do anything to the other.

However, Qi Xuansu knew that the influence of the "Bliss Needle" on Zhang Yuelu would become weaker and weaker. When Zhang Yuelu regained all his cultivation, he would definitely be defeated. He could not delay it any longer. He could either retreat now or fight hard to capture Zhang Yuelu.

Qi Xuansu hesitated for a moment and then fought with Zhang Yuelu again.

Qi Xuansu is very experienced, so he simply doesn't use blood energy or true energy, and instead uses the "Tantai Boxing Intention" tiger style, punching with only physical strength. Zhang Yuelu's body is not as good as Qi Xuansu's, and the "Six Void Tribulations" consume a lot of energy on her, so she cannot use it repeatedly. She can only deal with Qi Xuansu's quick attacks with clever moves.

I saw the two of them advancing and retreating like the wind, punches coming and going. After fighting like this for dozens of rounds, Qi Xuansu suddenly saw Qi Xuansu fighting hard with both fists, striking out with the power of the Five Tigers. Zhang Yuelu raised his arms to block, and his body swayed. It seemed that he was repelled by the power of the punch, but in fact he used the Quanzhen Tao's unique skill "Wuji Jin". "Defuse it, then use the opportunity to turn over, get into the forest not far away, and disappear.

Qi Xuansu unexpectedly hit Zhang Yuelu with a punch, which seemed to fall into the air. Seeing that Zhang Yuelu was not injured, he immediately caught up with him.

Qi Xuansu had just entered the forest and saw no trace of Zhang Yuelu. He immediately felt alarmed. Before he could turn around, a strong wind was blowing behind him. Qi Xuansu quickly raised his strength, turned around and punched, fists and palms connected. Zhang Yuelu's palms were filled with thunder and lightning, heading towards Qi Xuansu. Drilling hard inside the body.

Qi Xuansu couldn't help but groaned and fell back, his whole body paralyzed and his blood boiling. Zhang Yuelu, however, borrowed the power of his palm and disappeared into the forest.

Qi Xuansu couldn't help but smile bitterly. He hunted geese all day long, but he was pecked in the eye by the geese. Fortunately, I pride myself on being rich in experience, but I didn't expect to follow Zhang Yuelu's advice.

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