Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 147 Doubts

Because Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu had already chased each other in the woods once, Zhang Yuelu was quite familiar with the terrain here and ran straight towards the small pool. I don’t know if she was out for revenge, but Qi Xuansu followed behind like a kite. He kept bumping into the branches of trees. Although he was not injured, he was still in a state of embarrassment.

After all, Qi Xuansu was a warrior and was not beaten to death on the spot. After taking a breath, it was not difficult for him to get down to the ground and run away. Qi Xuansu reached out and grabbed the trunk of a big tree, slightly fixing his body, and then jumped a few times, struggling to catch up with Zhang Yuelu, so as not to be dragged by Zhang Yuelu and bumped into the forest again.

The two of them ran side by side. Zhang Yuelu acted as if nothing had happened. He calmly put away the long rope made of "no photo paper" and asked, "How is the injury?"

Qi Xuansu replied: "I can't die for the time being, but that person... seems to be a heavenly being."

"It's not surprising, they wouldn't dare to kill anyone without the pressure of heaven and man. But I'm curious, who gave the Yuan family the courage." Zhang Yuelu said thoughtfully.

Qi Xuansu took a deep breath, adjusted his breath, and said casually: "The Li family."

"How did you know?" Zhang Yuelu couldn't hide his surprise.

Qi Xuansu said truthfully: "Of course it's a casual guess. There are only a handful of people in the Taoist sect with such a powerful background. Master Zhang was born in the Zhang family, and his family will not kill you to silence you. There are many factions in Quanzhen Taoism. Although The suspicion cannot be completely ruled out, but after all, with the reputation of the Earth Master, the suspicion is really not big. Then the only one left is the Li family of Taiping Dao. Even if it is not the direct instruction of the Li family, it is inseparable from the Li family. "

Zhang Yuelu was a little disappointed and said: "Although it makes sense, it's not good to be so arbitrary..."

At this moment, there was a sound from far behind. The two stopped talking and ran quickly. However, along the way, there was no trace of "Bu Yue" and Liu Hu.

Not long after, the Fang Xiaotan was in front of them. The two stopped suddenly and looked up. They saw a person standing above the waterfall with his hands behind his back. It was the old man who injured Qi Xuansu. He looked at the two people below with a half-smile. people.

Those who come later and arrive first are undoubtedly heavenly beings who ride on the wind.

Zhang Yuelu whispered: "If you and I join forces, we may not be this person's opponent."

Qi Xuansu did not deny Zhang Yuelu's statement. After all, Zhang Yuelu was not far from the heavenly beings. Coupled with Qi Xuansu, he was indeed capable of fighting.

Qi Xuansu pointed behind him and said: "There are still pursuers behind us, but we have strength in numbers."

"According to you, what should we do?" Zhang Yuelu asked.

Qi Xuansu said in a coherent voice: "I don't know why, but I always feel that this person doesn't have much murderous intention towards us. Otherwise, with his level of cultivation, a sneak attack on me would not be as simple as just wounding me. It would be completely possible for me to put him in a dangerous situation. Death place."

Zhang Yuelu's eyes flashed: "There is something fishy."

Qi Xuansu said in a deep voice: "Run in another direction."

Zhang Yuelu hesitated for a moment, then decided to follow Qi Xuansu's advice, and the two turned around and ran towards the northwest.

As expected, the old man just stood with his hands behind his back, but did not make any move to stop them. He watched the two people go away with a strange attitude.

The two of them ran wildly, gradually exiting the dense forest, and turned into a mountain road, gradually getting higher and higher.

The people behind seemed to know that if they could not kill Zhang Yuelu but allowed Zhang Yuelu to return to Yujing alive, they would be the ones who would die, so they all pursued him closely and kept shouting. Although the speed of these people was not as fast as Zhang Yuelu's, Qi Xuansu was injured after all, so his speed was slightly slower. Zhang Yuelu had to accommodate Qi Xuansu, so he couldn't help but slow down.

Not long after, mist appeared around them, showing that the two of them were already very high.

After walking for a while, an abyss appeared in front of them, filled with mist and bottomless. There was a naturally formed stone bridge-like passage on it, but it was broken in the middle, about three feet apart. For Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu, it was naturally not a problem. What, easily jumped over this fracture gap.

After crossing the bridge, Zhang Yuelu signaled Qi Xuansu to stop and hide his figure.

Qi Xuansu immediately understood what Zhang Yuelu was going to do. When he was chasing Zhang Yuelu before, Zhang Yuelu liked to kill him, so naturally he repeated his old tricks now.

As expected, someone soon followed.

Just because the mountain road was long and narrow, the pursuers moved at different speeds and gradually distanced themselves from each other. There were not many people who caught up with them in the first place, only four or five, but they were all elite players. They also saw the broken stone bridge and didn't care. They just thought that Zhang Yuelu and Qi Xuansu had fled far away. Without stopping, they had to jump over a mere three feet.

There was no need for Zhang Yuelu to explain in advance. The two people hiding here took action at the same time, which was exactly the half-crossing attack in the art of war.

These masters were in mid-air, unable to turn around, unable to dodge, and unable to ride the wind like heavenly beings. They were directly knocked off the cliff by Zhang Yuelu and Qi Xuansu. They only heard a few screams, which became increasingly fierce. Far away, quickly disappeared into the thick fog.

The two of them were not in a hurry to leave, and waited for a while while the second batch of people arrived. This time there were more people, more than a dozen people, and this group of people had to be much more cautious. They first observed the surroundings and then jumped over one by one.

After about half of the people jumped across the broken bridge three feet away, Qi Xuansu suddenly let out a loud roar that shook the valley. The two people who were in mid-air lost their minds and fell directly into the abyss below.

The two men were heard screaming in unison, and they rushed forward into the white mist. Then the screams quickly sank, from the bridge to the bottom of the valley, and became silent in an instant.

The few people who had come over were also swaying, and they were also distracted for a moment.

At the same time, Zhang Yuelu appeared, and the "photo paper" in his hand turned into a long rope, but it was stretched straight. Then he swept forward, and these people suddenly lost their footing and fell backwards into the abyss.

The screams of these people were heard so loudly that they came all the way up from the abyss. Everyone who had not yet crossed the bridge was horrified when they heard this, and they couldn't help but take a few steps back, for fear that they would also fall.

Zhang Yuelu and Qi Xuansu were not in a hurry to leave. They acted like one man was in charge of them all.

After a long stalemate, everyone gradually came to their senses and took out their crossbows, fire blunderbuss, flying swords, hidden weapons and other objects, aiming at the two men.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Yuelu and Qi Xuansu stopped staying and turned around to leave.

Seeing the two people leaving, these people were afraid that there was a trick involved and did not dare to rush forward. They waited in place until the third group of pursuers arrived before they dared to try to cross the bridge. However, Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu had already gone far. .

This abyss is actually the boundary between the two mountains. Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu went up the mountain from one side and crossed the abyss stone bridge. The other side was naturally the way down the mountain.

The two of them ran wildly, and Zhang Yuelu asked, "What is your relationship with Pei Xiaolou?"

Qi Xuansu kept silent for fear of being tricked by Zhang Yuelu.

Zhang Yuelu asked again: "You and Pei Xiaolou came to Jiangling Mansion one after another. Is it related to the Jiangnan case?"

Only then did Qi Xuansu know that Pei Xiaolou had also come to Jiangling Mansion. But when this happened, where did Pei Xiaolou go? Could it be that he was held back by someone?

Yes, since the other party can send a heavenly master to suppress Yuan Shangdao, he can also send a heavenly master to entangle Pei Xiaolou.

But why did the heavenly master wait until the last minute to take action? After making a move, he kept his hand, and his attitude was really puzzling.

It's very foggy and confusing.

Taiping Tower.

After Zhang Yuelu left, Pei Xiaolou also said goodbye and left, but he did not go outside the city, but stayed in the city.

Shortly after Pei Xiaolou left, two old men came to Taiping Tower and went to the private room on the third floor with Yuan Chongzong and Yuan Shangdao to have a secret meeting. Not long after, one of the old men and Yuan Shangdao hurriedly left Taiping Tower and began to convene. manpower.

Another old man went to Yuan Garden in the city with Yuan Chongzong.

The Yuan family is an aristocratic family, and its mansion is a typical Jiangnan garden, with water flowing into the house and pavilions and pavilions. There is not much superficial luxury and grandeur, and the heritage is always in the inadvertent details.

For example, in the living room there is a red sandalwood chair, a rosewood coffee table with marble surface, and a same color marble floor, each of which is inlaid with marble stars.

There are rosewood carved armchairs on the left and right of the center seat, with an old man sitting on each side.

Yuan Chongzong sits on the chair on the left, and an old man with white hair sits on the chair on the right. However, compared to the elegant Yuan Chongzong, this old man is taller and has a martial arts atmosphere. At first glance, he is a powerful figure in the martial arts world.

Yuan Chongzong looked worried: "If I miss..."

The white-haired old man said calmly: "Brother Yuan, at this time, why do you still have these suspicions? That is an autographed letter from Patriarch Jin. It was sent through the 'Message Array' and was stamped with his private seal. Are you Confirmed.”

"It's not that I'm suspicious, it's just that I don't feel at ease." Yuan Chongzong took a deep breath.

The white-haired old man said: "It is impossible to do great things but cherish your life, and to forget your life when you see small profits."

"Then afterwards..." Yuan Chongzong said again.

The white-haired old man took the tureen, took a sip of tea, and said softly: " will naturally end here."

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