Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 150: No trace left

Account books were thrown into the fire one by one.

Hot air hits my face.

The Eastern calendar is different from the Western calendar, and the difference between the two is about one month. According to the Eastern calendar, it is already April, not long after the beginning of summer, and Jiangling Mansion in Huzhou is located in the south of the Yangtze River. Even at night, it is quite hot. With the weather like this and the fire burning, everyone had sweat on their foreheads.

But no one dared to neglect, there were several large boxes of account books, one was opened and confirmed, then thrown into the fire, another one was opened and read, and then thrown into the fire again, and the cycle continued.

Burning them one by one like this has been going on for most of the night, and there are still many account books left that have not been burned. I don’t know how much I sweat, the soot is stuck to the sweat, and my face is black.

These account books are the account details of the Yanqing Chamber of Commerce for more than ten years. They are far more detailed than the account books in Liu Fu's hands. They involve not only the same person Liu Fu, but also not just a purple fairy mountain. If it falls into the hands of a Taoist sect, , I don’t know how many people will die.

Not far away, under the eaves of the back hall, there are two deck chairs and a small coffee table. Sitting there are two old people, none other than Mr. Lei, the elder of the two elders, Yuan Chongzong and Fenglei.

"The situation has reached such a critical point? Didn't it mean that as long as Zhang Yuelu is killed, everything will be fine?" Yuan Chongzong can still remain calm after years of ups and downs, but he is also a bit uneasy.

Mr. Lei had a leisurely attitude: "That's right. As long as Zhang Yuelu is solved, everything will be fine. The key is that we failed to solve it and let her run away. Although hundreds of people are still searching the mountain, they may not be able to find her. If If she really runs back to Yujing, it will be a disaster that will destroy the family and the entire clan, so we cannot be careless and we must take precautions and make preparations in advance. "

Yuan Chongzong frowned and said: "With a heavenly being sitting in charge, how could there be so many masters letting a little girl run away?"

"Zhang Yuelu is not a little girl. As far as I know, Zhang Yuelu is only one step away from the heavenly beings, and she is carrying a semi-immortal creature. Even if the heavenly beings are in charge, they may not be able to kill her. Moreover, there are variables this time, Zhang Yuelu There is an extra helper around, who is a good hand at the stage of returning to the truth, which disrupts our arrangements." Mr. Lei picked up the tureen from the coffee table and gently skimmed off the tea foam.

Yuan Chongzong became a little impatient: "What you said before is absolutely foolproof."

Lei Lao said calmly: "It is indeed foolproof for two heavenly beings to kill one Zhang Yuelu. But you were afraid that Pei Xiaolou would come to trouble you, so you insisted on letting me stay here, so I had no choice but to agree to come down and look after your home and hospital. You are considerate, is this my fault?”

Yuan Chongzong was speechless and fell silent.

Lei Lao opened the lid of the tea, and the bud tips slowly rose to the surface of the bowl. He couldn't help but take a sip of the tea aroma: "Good tea, top quality."

Flames jumped and figures were confused.

Yuan Chongzong narrowed his eyes and looked at Mr. Lei.

There was no expression on Mr. Lei's face, he just drank tea leisurely.

Feng Lao walked against the wind and began to search the mountain.

However, those who were searching were not Zhang Yuelu and Qi Xuansu, but those who followed Yuan Shangdao to surround and kill Zhang Yuelu.

Except for some of the people who directly obeyed the orders of Feng Lao, none of the others could be let go.

Soon, this mountain forest became a Shura field.

These people never expected that instead of dying in Zhang Yuelu's hands, they would die in the hands of one of their own people. They died in an unknown manner, just like Yuan Shangdao and Yuan Fengchan.

The Yuan family was able to recruit so many skilled players thanks to the two elders, Fengling and Lei, who had been working together for many years. Nearly half of these martial arts masters were once subordinates of Mr. Fenglei, and half of them have always been directly taking orders from Mr. Fenglei. However, on the surface, they obey the orders of the Yuan family and hide in them on weekdays. Some kind of restriction from home.

When Feng Lao looked at the bodies of Yuan Shangdao and Yuan Fengchan, these people who were directly under Feng Lao's orders did not follow Feng Lao. Instead, they had all scattered out and began to hunt their former companions.

Although those who followed Feng Lao knew his identity, they were not his direct descendants, so naturally none of them survived.

The roundup and killing of Zhang Yuelu this time was indeed to kill people and silence them, but the target of the killings and silences was not Zhang Yuelu, but the "domestic slaves" who worked for the Yuan family.

The so-called "encirclement and killing" is just a process, not the result.

In a sense, Zhang Yuelu is actually a bait, not a big fish to be caught, so even if there is an additional variable like Wei Wugui, it doesn't matter and does not affect the overall situation.

It is precisely because of this that Feng Lao deliberately forced Zhang Yuelu and Qi Xuansu to escape to the northwest mountain. The mountain road was long and narrow and steep, which would stretch the team very long. There was a cliff above, and one man could not get past it. .

As long as you guard both ends, this mountain road is an excellent road of no return.

As for Zhang Yuelu, he naturally cannot die. After all, Mr. Li has said that Zhang Yuelu is now more valuable than the granddaughter of the Heavenly Master. Killing Zhang Yuelu will not help calm the situation and will only cause fire. So just let her return without success, there is no need to add any unnecessary fuss.

The specific way to return without success is to cut off all clues.

Killing people there, burning account books here, it's gradually coming to an end.

At this moment, there was a knocking sound on the closed door of the backyard.

"Who?" Yuan Chongzong sat up straight suddenly, with a look of vigilance on his face.

A reply came from outside the door: "This is the old man. Zhang Zhongcheng and General Hu came to visit and said they must see the old man."

Yuan Chongzong's expression suddenly changed and he looked at Mr. Lei.

Mr. Lei also sat upright from the recliner and gave him a calm look.

Yuan Chongzong composed himself and asked: "They came here late at night. What's the matter?"

"They didn't say anything, and the villain didn't dare to ask." The voice outside the door replied.

Yuan Chongzong said: "Tell them, just say I am not here!"

The voice outside the door said: "The little one said this, but they just refused to leave. They forced the little one to go around looking for the old lady and the master."

Yuan Chongzong was a little anxious: "Block them all, block them all from me. Whoever lets them find this place, I will take their head!"

"Yes!" There was a voice from outside the door.

Yuan Chongzong couldn't hold it in any longer. He lost his usual self-cultivation, stood up abruptly, and said bitterly: "This is foolproof! This is a hard fight! Now it's better, people come directly to the door. "

Mr. Lei said calmly: "The governor is the top leader in the local area, and the admiral and military officer is the second in command, so the governor and the garrison commander are the third and fourth in command. It is not ordinary people who can invite these two powerful figures. ”

"It's Qin Gongfu. Only he has such a great reputation." Yuan Chongzong reacted immediately.

Lei Lao asked himself and answered: "After Qin Gongfu became an official, at least on the surface he has always maintained a non-political attitude. So who invited Qin Gongfu? It was Pei Xiaolou."

"Behind this Zhenren Pei is Zhenren Donghua, the Wanshou Chongyang Palace of Quanzhen Taoism. Qin Gongfu did not dare to risk offending Quanzhen Taoism by rejecting Pei Xiaolou, and he did not want to come forward in person to offend our backer, this old cunning man Let the governor and the garrison commander come out to make a gesture, so that both sides can save face, so don't mess up the situation, the matter has not reached the point of irreversibility. "

"In my opinion, as long as you say you're not here, they won't break in."

Hearing what Lei Gong said, Yuan Chongzong's expression softened slightly and he sat back down again.

After a while, Yuan Chongzong spoke again: "No matter what, we can't stay in Jiangling Mansion for a long time."

"Ancestor Jin has given instructions. The boat is ready and can leave at any time. The joints on the navy side have also been opened. As for where to go, go to Dongyang, go to Fenglinzhou. Go to Nanyang, go to Posas Island, go to Borneo. Continent. Even the farthest west is not impossible,” Mr. Lei said.

Yuan Chongzong suddenly fell silent.

Mr. Lei didn't push him, he just drank tea slowly.

Yuan Chongzong said slowly: "During the day, I was still a first-class gentry in Jiangling Mansion, but in just one day, did I become a loser? Such a huge family property..."

Mr. Lei interrupted softly: "The children of Jiangdong are so talented, and it is unknown whether they will make a comeback. If you keep the green hills, you won't be afraid of running out of firewood."

Yuan Chongzong stared at Mr. Lei, suppressed his anger and said: "Be prepared with both hands."

Mr. Lei put down the tureen: "This is called foolproof."

Yuan Chongzong pointed at Mr. Lei, trembling slightly: "I see, I finally understand..."

"You don't understand." Mr. Lei interrupted softly, "But now is not the time to talk about this. We have guests arriving."

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