Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 155: Searching (Part 2)

Under the cover of Pei Xiaolou, Qi Xuansu successfully escaped from Zhang Yuelu's "devil's claws" and began to search for Liuhu.

However, Qi Xuansu did not search aimlessly, but first sorted out his thoughts.

If a heavenly being robbed Liuhu, even if the heavenly being could fly to the sky and escape to the earth, it would be impossible for the heavenly being not to leave even the slightest trace of the horse's hooves. After all, it was unlikely that the heavenly being would abduct the horse together.

If it is some kind of moving spell, it is unlikely. This kind of spell requires a certain amount of preparation time and is unlikely to be improvised. It must be targeted. So how do you predict that Liuhu will definitely enter the woods?

So both possibilities can be ruled out.

Qi Xuansu suddenly thought of a possibility, could there be something wrong with "Bu Yue"?

It turns out that "Bu Yue" is an ordinary old horse, a little clever, not very strong, and not resistant to freezing. But after following him on a trip to the "Ghost Kingdom Cave", "Buyue" seemed to be completely reborn. Not only did he not look old, but he also had a yin energy about him.

When Qi Xuansu thought of this, he couldn't help but think of the magical power he had obtained from the "Jade of Death", which could open a "Yin-Yang Gate" leading to the "Ghost Kingdom Cave", although he could not pass through the "Yin-Yang Gate" due to his own blood. ", but that doesn't mean other "people" can't pass through.

Thinking of this, Qi Xuansu waited patiently until nightfall, and after confirming that no one was following him, he quietly left Jiangling Mansion, and then summoned the female ghost he had subdued in a deserted place.

The female ghost's intelligence is not low, and she is naturally very sensitive to yin energy. Under the guidance of the female ghost, Qi Xuansu found a cemetery outside the city, and could even see a few will-o'-the-wisps.

This is the first time Qi Xuansu has used this kind of magical power. There is no need to draw talismans, recite incantations, or fight on foot, but there are certain requirements for the loss of mana. In other words, the amount of mana consumed has a great relationship with the environment. If it is a place with strong Yin Qi, such as the location of Emperor Liu in the Ghost Kingdom Cave, the consumption will be minimal, but if it is a normal place, the mana will be greatly lost. If it is a place with strong yang energy, it may even be impossible to open the portal.

Even though the cemetery here has some yin energy, it is quite limited close to a densely populated city like Jiangling Mansion, so after Qi Xuansu opened the portal, he felt that nearly half of his mana was gone in an instant.

Then I saw the sparks connecting into a line, and then the lines connected end to end, turning into a rectangular faint portal.

Ripples rippled through the portal.

Logically speaking, this portal can summon one of the three great yin beings, but looking at this posture, it does not look like the three great yin beings coming to the human world.

After a moment, a horse head poked out from the door. When he saw Qi Xuansu, he blinked first and then snorted.

Qi Xuansu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, he really guessed it right.

Then he saw "Bu Yue" walking out of the door, with two girls, one big and one little girl, sitting on horseback.

The older girl is naturally Liu Hu, and the younger girl is considered a half-acquaintance, and is Mr. Yin's granddaughter.

Qi Xuansu still can't figure out where the granddaughter of a thousand-year-old ghost came from.

"Hello." Miss Yin took the initiative to wave to Qi Xuansu, "You are wearing a mask? It's really interesting."

Probably only Qi Xuansu can open this portal, so even if Qi Xuansu wears a white fox mask that can hide his aura, he still can't hide it from Miss Yin. But there are other possibilities. For example, Miss Yin may be able to see through the appearance.

"Hello, Miss Yin." Qi Xuansu cupped his hands and looked at Liu Hu, who was sitting behind Miss Yin.

Liu Hu's face turned slightly pale. Although this "overcast" did not last long, it shocked her quite a bit. Fortunately, Miss Yin comforted her and said she would be able to leave soon, and she felt a little relieved. Now it seems that he did not lie to her.

Liu Hu got off the horse, came to Qi Xuansu's side, and said softly: "Uncle Wei."

Qi Xuansu nodded slightly, very calmly, as if everything was as he expected, and he deliberately sent Liu Hu to the "Ghost Country Cave" for refuge.

Qi Xuansu turned his attention to "Bu Yue" again, reached out and patted the horse's head: "You actually have the ability to travel through yin and yang? It's quite interesting to run to the 'Ghost Kingdom Cave Sky' when the situation is bad."

"Buyue" shook his head.

Miss Yin jumped off the horse and said goodbye to Qi Xuansu: "It's time for me to go back. If you have anything to do in the future, just open this door. By the way, your horse can also be stored here. It can come here on its own. I I will take care of it for you.”

Upon hearing this, Qi Xuansu glanced at "Bu Yue" and said, "Thank you so much, Miss Yin."

Little Miss Yin turned around and walked back into the portal. The portal opened by Qi Xuansu quickly shrank, and finally turned into a black spot and disappeared completely.

Qi Xuansu put away the female ghosts, leaving only "Bu Yue" and Liu Hu.

Liu Hu asked: "Uncle Wei, are we going to Jiangzhou next?"

Qi Xuansu pondered: "Zhang Qingxiao and Pei Zhenren are going to Jiangzhou to continue investigating the case. It's not easy for us to go with them. But this case is related to Taiping Road. If we go to Zhili by land through Taiping Road, the risk is really not small. But it’s a dilemma. But there is a third way, which is to take a boat north along the Grand Canal. You can stay on the boat all the way without going into the city. "

Qi Xuansu was not so much discussing with Liu Hu as he was asking and answering questions for himself.

Waterway, seaway, landway. All roads lead to Zhili.

After going through the Zixian Mountain incident, Qi Xuansu really felt what kind of behemoth Taiping Dao was. He could mobilize hundreds of martial arts experts to destroy the Yuan family at any time. They would entertain guests in the morning and burn them to the ground in the evening. They didn't even have to Taiping Dao or the Li family took matters into their own hands, but the peripheral forces of the Li family stepped in to clean up the mess.

Now he is asked to cross Taiping Dao and the core sphere of influence of the Li family. If he does not feel guilty, he is deceiving himself.

However, Qi Xuansu also has an advantage, that is, his target is small, and Taipingdao is unlikely to notice a small person like him.

Even though it was him, a little person, who stirred up the situation, snatched the "Xuan Jade", killed Shen Yuxi, killed Su Ran, and indirectly led to the outbreak of the Zixian Mountain case, Taiping Dao did not know about it.

Thinking of this, Qi Xuansu suddenly discovered a problem.

These three things are all related to Qiniang.

Looking back now, Fengtai County's fight for "Xuan Jade" was really strange. Taiping Dao only sent a group of ordinary Qingluan guards and two trial hundred households, and no other Taiping Dao people were seen. Even if Taiping Dao has the consideration of not wanting to attract the attention of Zhengyi Dao and Quanzhen Dao, it is still unreasonable.

Without Qiniang's secret escort, would Qi Xuansu be able to meet the masters of Taiping Dao? Or is it that Qiniang killed more than just Zhuge Yongming?

There is no need to say more about Shen Yuxi. It was the first time Qi Xuansu killed someone, and it was Qiniang who taught him step by step.

As for the Zixian Mountain matter, it seems that it has nothing to do with Qiniang, but it was Qiniang who single-handedly facilitated this "business".

Qi Xuansu had known for a long time that Qiniang was not simple, but he did not expect that Qiniang was so different.

If Qiniang represents the Qingping Hui, then based on the relationship between "Tianting" and Taiping Dao, who is the peripheral force of the Qingping Hui? Right together? Or Quanzhen Tao? Or is it the Confucian sect that has been silent all these years?

Qi Xuansu didn't think deeply, nor did he want to think deeply.

Even though Qiniang had some plans, she didn't harm him, let alone force him.

Not to mention that Qiniang was his savior, if not for Qiniang, he would have become a dead soul by others. Even if he was lucky enough to survive, without Qiniang's help, let alone avenging his master, he would not even know who his enemy was.

Without Qiniang, he would not have the mysterious power and bright future he has today. He would be an ordinary wandering Taoist priest. Zhang Yuelu is an unattainable fairy in the sky. Pei Xiaolou and Lei Xiaohuan would not The big shots who looked at him, Yue Liuli and Wan Xiuwu were young heroes that he would never be able to catch up with. The grudges from back then could only be swallowed with all his teeth.

What is grace and reinvention? That's it.

This is no more than how a mother treats her own son.

Because of this, Qi Xuansu never wanted to think deeply about the meaning behind Qiniang's actions.

So what if you figure it out? The two people who were originally like mother and son are estranged and then become a loner?

Means nothing.

Qi Xuansu gathered his thoughts and finally made a decision: "We will take the waterway of the Grand Canal."

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