Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 161 Pirates and Guns

"What are you doing? I'm drunk. Don't point the gun at random people. Be careful of misfire." Qi Xuansu remained calm.

Wang Baoyue pursed his lips, and there was no longer a friendly smile on his face. Instead, he looked extremely cold: "I gave you a chance, but you insisted on drinking with me. If there is a road to heaven, you won't take it. If there is no door to hell, you will surrender. , then I can’t blame you.”

Qi Xuansu raised his hands to indicate that he would not engage in a duel with Wang Baoyue.

The blunderbuss in Wang Baoyue's hand is not a "Shenlong blunderbuss", or even produced by Tianji Hall or Shenji Camp. Instead, it has a very strong Western style and a large caliber. Judging from the way he holds the blunderbuss, he is an extremely experienced man. Gunslingers may not have received professional training, but they have considerable experience in killing enemies.

Wang Baoyue did not relax his vigilance just because Qi Xuansu raised his hands, and already pressed the hammer: "Brother Wei, you have a murderous aura that I am very familiar with. You should be a good hand among men in black, and there are lives on your hands. You are definitely not Those raw melon eggs that have never seen blood are comparable to those that have been comfortable for too long and have lost their vigilance. "

Qi Xuansu said nothing. He had no doubt that as long as he made the slightest move, Wang Baoyue would pull the trigger without hesitation.

Although the situation was somewhat beyond Qi Xuansu's expectations, Qi Xuansu was by no means incapable of fighting back. He just had two concerns. At such a close distance, he could not avoid it with complete confidence without using magical powers, just relying on reaction and speed. Moreover, he didn't know what kind of projectiles were used in Wang Baoyue's gun. Ordinary projectiles were fine, but armor-piercing projectiles were a bit dangerous. If it was the "Dragon Eye" series, his life would be in danger.

Although he has a secondary heart, which is derived from flesh and blood, after all, the head is no better than other parts, so it is not easy to try rashly.

Qi Xuansu said calmly: "This is not overseas, this is inland. The sky net is vast and there is no leakage. Even if you capture me, how long can you escape?"

Wang Baoyue did not deny Qi Xuansu's statement. The vast sea is vast and boundless. No matter whether it is the imperial court, Taoist sects, or the Western Holy Court, it is inevitable that it is beyond the reach. Therefore, the sea is a lawless place, and there are many outlaws. But it's different inland. The rules here are as big as the sky, and you can't help yourself at all.

However, no matter how big the rules are, there are still loopholes that can be exploited, but there is no need to talk about these to Qi Xuansu.

At this moment, the door opened again, and three more people came in. Although they were all wearing servants' clothes, they did not hide their fierce looks, and they also held firecrackers in their hands.

Qi Xuansu still didn't understand that these people were the Japanese pirates that Qingluan Guards were looking for, but Qingluan Guards' attention was attracted by the people on the cargo ship, and instead they let the real big fish go.

Qi Xuansu couldn't help but sigh: "Qingluan Guards are really a bunch of trash."

Only then did Wang Baoyue put down the firecracker in his hand, and instead the three people standing behind Qi Xuansu pointed the firecracker at Qi Xuansu.

"Take it to the back room." Wang Baoyue ordered.

Qi Xuansu stood up and was pushed by the three people to the back room. One of them pulled out his "Dragon Gun" from Qi Xuansu's waist and couldn't help but admired: "Good guy, this thing is not cheap."

In the back room, there was a naked corpse, huddled in a square iron cage, having been dead for a long time. Most of the clothes Wang Baoyue was wearing came from this corpse.

Qi Xuansu just glanced at it, not too frightened, and looked indifferent.

A man pressed a blunderbuss against Qi Xuansu's lower back: "Sun Yingzhao, you have good courage."

Qi Xuansu said calmly: "You are pirates, I guess. You have done many cases at sea, but from ancient times to the present, land has always been the place where the most people die. It's just a corpse, it's nothing."

After the words fell, another person put a firecracker against the back of Qi Xuansu's head: "You are not afraid of corpses, then are you afraid of death?"

"Afraid, of course I'm afraid of death." Qi Xuansu said, "But do you dare to kill me?"

"Eagle Claw Sun's mouth is quite tough." The man seemed to be angered by Qi Xuansu and immediately suppressed the hammer.

At this moment, Wang Baoyue's voice sounded: "Don't be impulsive."

Wang Baoyue seemed to be extremely majestic, and the three of them immediately showed fear and did not dare to make any more moves.

Pirates have always been fearful of power but not moral. To be able to become the leader of pirates is to carve fear into the bones of their subordinates.

Qi Xuansu always had his back to the three of them, with a calm expression. After all, strong winds and waves were coming. It would be nonsense to say that a few pirates could make him at a loss. No matter how ruthless the pirates were, they could not be compared with Wu Luo who broke the flying boat.

Wang Baoyue walked in: "Brother, you just said that there is a friend here

Qi Xuansu laughed out loud: "You want to use our identities to get through?"

"Brother Wei is very smart. The identity of a gentry can fool you for a while, but not forever. The identity of the man in black is much easier to use than the identity of the gentry. You don't have to worry about the next few steps. Not only don't you have to worry, but you can also learn from it. The Qingluan Guards and the men in black got some useful information out of their mouths." Wang Baoyue explained the reason why he was not in a hurry to kill Qi Xuansu.

Qi Xuansu said: "That friend of mine is from Dao Sect Tiangang Hall. Aren't you afraid of getting yourself into trouble?"

"If you were afraid, why would you be a pirate? Wouldn't it be better to be a good citizen with peace of mind?" Wang Baoyue said calmly.

Qi Xuansu asked again: "What if I don't want to call him up?"

"Then you can't blame us." Wang Baoyue's face was slightly cold, and he pointed his blunderbuss at Qi Xuansu's head.

Qi Xuansu said in a deep voice: "Do you think I'm a fool? Why should I cooperate with you when it's clear that there is no way to survive? It's best if the fish is dead and the net is broken, and no one can survive. If you are really brave, shoot me right now. Beat him to pieces. If you are not brave enough and are afraid of disturbing others, just put away the fire stick in your hand."

Wang Baoyue's face flashed with anger, and he suddenly pulled the trigger, and fire spewed out from the muzzle.

Xu Kou, who was drinking alone, suddenly put down his wine glass with a solemn expression on his face: "The sound of a gunshot?"

Qi Xuansu's head was not shattered by the bludgeon, but his whole body was shattered and turned into a dissipating mist.

"'Cicada Slaughter Technique'?!" Wang Baoyue lost his voice.

Almost at the same time, Qi Xuansu appeared behind the man who took away his "Dragon Hand Gun" and punched without any fancy.

The man's head was hit so hard that it exploded, and his brains splattered everywhere.

Qi Xuansu took back his "Dragon Hand Cannon" and without looking, he fired a single shot based on his feeling, piercing the head of the person who had just put the handgun on the back of his head. A stream of blood arrows shot out, staining the carpet red. and wooden walls.

Until his death, the man still had an expression of disbelief on his face, unable to react at all. This man in black, who seems to have thrown himself into a trap, is not a caught fish at all, but a vicious shark that can break the net.

All this happened in a flash of lightning. Qi Xuansu had already pulled the last person and stood in front of him.

Wang Baoyue also raised the fire gun in his hand and pointed it at Qi Xuansu. It's just that Qi Xuansu shrank his whole body behind the last person. If Wang Baoyue wanted to beat Qi Xuansu, he had to beat his subordinate to death first.

"The 'Dragon Gun' can only be loaded with one projectile." Wang Baoyue remained calm, but his eyes revealed a bit of the ferocity and ferocity of a desperado.

Qi Xuansu's tone was equally calm: "Do you want to try my fist?"

"A martial artist in the Yuxu stage? If he is hit in the head, he will die as well."

"The sound of the gun has already alerted my friend. When he comes over, you can try to see if you can fight one against two."

"You'll be dead before he gets here."

"Then why don't you do it?"

The two of them talked useless nonsense and got into a confrontation, pacing slowly in a circle. No one dared to make a rash move.

Qi Xuansu discovered that although the projectiles in this person's handgun were not of the "Dragon Eye" series, the gun itself was not inferior to the "Dragon Eye Yi San" in power, and it could be fired continuously. It should be a fire gun from the West. Qi Xuansu had defeated many opponents, such as Yan Mingchen, with his fire gun, so he did not dare to be careless in the slightest.

Wang Baoyue was also a little afraid of Qi Xuansu. After all, he could smash his men's heads to pieces with one punch, which showed that the man in black was quite strong in close combat. He was not a martial artist, so he really couldn't show off his strength.

As for the pirate who was restrained by Qi Xuansu, he had no room to speak at all, and his face was full of horror.

The next moment, a sudden change occurred.

Wang Baoyue suddenly fired the gun, and the burst of fire directly beat the last pirate to pieces. Qi Xuansu, who was hiding behind the pirate, had long since disappeared and appeared next to Wang Baoyue, with a cold light flashing from his sleeves. , a "Seven Phoenix Feather" shot out and stabbed Wang Baoyue's wrist.

However, to Qi Xuansu's surprise, the "Seven Phoenix Feathers" that could hurt Monk Denghua failed to pierce Wang Baoyue's wrist. Instead, there was a sound of gold and stone colliding, and he was directly ejected.

Wang Baoyue grinned and aimed the black firegun at Qi Xuansu again.


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