Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 167: Teaching children in front of others

Shen Mingshu looked at Shen Yugui and said coldly: "Don't mortgage, don't ask why, just borrow money. Do you have to go out nine times and come back thirteen times? Let me ask you, is this lending?"

Shen Yugui lay on the ground: "Dad...Dad...I don't dare to do it anymore, please forgive me for this!"

Shen Mingshu angrily scolded: "Unscrupulous son, am I short of your food and clothing? Or am I not going to give you any money? Are you going to use such low means to make money and ignore the face of my Shen family?"

Shen Yugui seemed to be very afraid of Shen Mingshu. He reached out and slapped himself twice. While slapping him, he said, "It's my fault. I've embarrassed the Shen family. It's my fault. It's my fault."

Shen Mingshu ignored Shen Yugui, glanced at Zhao Ying, and said: "Girl, if you still have any grievances, just tell them. There are two adults here who will naturally seek justice for you. I will never cover up my son." ”

"Dad, dad, for mother's sake, please spare me this time! I don't dare to do it anymore!" Shen Yugui hugged Shen Mingshu's thigh and burst into tears.

Seeing him making a fool of himself like this, Shen Mingshu had a flash of disgust on his face. He wanted to curse a few more words, but finally found it boring. He sighed heavily, broke away from Shen Yugui, then turned to Qi Xuansu and Xu Kou and said, "Shen's tutor is not good." "Yan, I'm so ashamed for disturbing these two adults. I don't dare to show favoritism. I will send this beast to the county magistrate tomorrow and ask the two adults to be witnesses!"

Qi Xuansu and Xu Kou looked at each other, knowing already.

Xu Kou smiled but said: "You teach your children in front of others, but you teach your wife behind your back. Mr. Shen is a good tutor, and Xu admires him."

Shen Mingshu's face was full of shame, and he cupped his hands and said: "The traitor is usually spoiled by his mother. Shen also neglects discipline and fails to fulfill his duties as a father, making the two adults laugh. Shen is here to give the two adults and this The girl apologized."

Zhao Ying lowered his head, his shoulders trembled slightly, and said nothing.

Qi Xuansu did not settle the matter. He just said: "Mr. Shen, you are a gentry. We don't care whether you are sent to an official position or not. After all, we are not the local county magistrate, nor are we the censor of the Supervisory Council. I just hope that this matter will end here. , after we leave, please stop embarrassing this girl and her family in order to save face. What do you think of Mr. Shen?"

Shen Mingshu said sternly: "The traitor has always done bad things, and today's disaster is all caused by Shen's fault. Shen has no shame to defend himself. I just ask you two adults to rest assured. After today, Shen will be disciplined strictly. I will never let a traitor do anything wrong again.”

Xu Kou suddenly reached out and mentioned Shen Yugui, and the servants guarding the door suddenly became commotion. However, seeing that Shen Mingshu was indifferent, they all became quiet again.

Xu Kou did not hit anyone, but helped Shen Yugui to dust off his chest and said: "Mr. Shen, my name is Xu Kou, my ancestral home is Beihai Prefecture, Qizhou, and I now live in Haichanfang, Yujing. If you really want to find my wife To save face, you can come to me directly. No matter what method you use, whether you go to the inn to hire a killer or go to Fengxian Hall to sue me, as long as you make me stumble, I will admit it. "

"Don't dare, don't dare." Shen Yugui forced a smile.

Xu Kou reached out and pushed. Shen Yugui staggered a few steps and fell into Shen Mingshu's arms.

Shen Mingshu waved expressionlessly, and immediately a stooped old servant walked in quickly and took Shen Yugui from his arms.

Qi Xuansu clasped his fists and said: "Mr. Shen, our green mountains will not change and our green waters will always flow. We will meet again in the future if we are destined."

Shen Mingshu's face showed a kind smile again: "The two adults will pass through Wannian County in the future. Shen will have a banquet and have a good time with the two adults."

Everyone outside the door separated into a passage, Shen Mingshu strode out, and the others turned and left.

Qi Xuansu looked at Shen Mingshu's leaving figure and suddenly smiled: "Those wearing shoes are still afraid of bare feet after all."

Liu Hu was a little confused and asked, "Uncle Wei, wasn't that person just now a good person?"

Before Qi Xuansu could speak, Xu Kou had already smiled and said: "Little girl, do you know what it means to be a traitor but to be loyal? Do you know what it means to say good things but do bad things? People like me, who risk their lives to kill people, and yet He can only kill a few people, but he is only worthy of being a rag. People like him, who come from a big family, can make everything change in a county or even a government. They can cover the sky with one hand. How can porcelain be destroyed along with earthenware and jade? Wearing shoes."

After all, Liu Hu was young, had little experience, and could only understand half of what he heard.

Qi Xuansu explained: "There is a big difference between a man with a family and without a family, with a family business and without a family business. With a family and a family business, he has more worries and less impulsiveness. Unfortunately, What's more, neither of us has a family or a family business, and we are talented in martial arts. In Shen Mingshu's eyes, we are not much different from desperadoes. What is the benefit of him fighting with us? He kills us? It won't make a fortune, but it will cause a lot of trouble. If you accidentally kill us, do you think we will retaliate? Are we like knocking out our teeth and swallowing them? When weighing the two sides, it is better to give in and take the initiative to make a big deal out of a trivial matter.”

Liu Hu said softly: "How did he know you were single?"

Qi Xuansu coughed lightly to cover up his embarrassment: "For people like Shen Mingshu, knowing people is the most basic ability, and he has also heard of Brother Xu's name. Brother Xu still has Gaotang alive, but he belongs to Qizhou No one who belongs to the Taoist family dares to cause trouble. Even if the Taoist family fights within the family, it is taboo to attack the Taoist family members. "

Xu Kou added: "One more thing, thanks to our official status, without this status, he would not come forward in person, but would only borrow the official's knife to kill people. If we dare to resist, that is confrontation The imperial court is a rebel. Unfortunately, we have this status, so he can't borrow the official's sword, and he can't accuse us of killing people."

Qi Xuansu continued: "As soon as there was any movement here, he rushed over immediately, which shows that his eyes and ears are sharp and he is well-informed. His son has been doing these bad things for more than a day or two. Would he not know? I don't believe it. If he was really a good person, he wouldn't just mention the loan-lending thing. He wouldn't mention anything about raping women, or what this girl said about setting up traps to harm people. This is called avoiding the important and taking the easy. In his battle, the local guards and Qingluan guards were like his domestic slaves. Even if they were sent to the county government, they would not even be punished with three drinks, but it would appear that he was righteous enough to kill his relatives. Do Jue. With such a clever mind, you can only imagine what kind of things such a person can do.”

Liu Hu was thoughtful.

"They take the initiative to give in, and they are giving us face. We have to continue. If Mr. Shen's face falls to the ground, the two of us will not get any relief. After all, we are foreigners and we are alone. So there's only so much we can do." Xu Kou took a bottle of wine and looked at it carefully for a moment, "Good guy, a bottle of authentic Jiushi 23-year-old Western red wine costs 20 peace coins. It’s worth half of my monthly salary.”

Qi Xuansu turned to look at Zhao Ying and sighed softly: "We are not the master of Qingtian, and we cannot defeat the Shen family with its big tree and deep roots. We can only do so much. Shen Mingshu should not make things difficult for you anymore, but the people under him will It’s hard to say, you’d better leave here as soon as possible.”

Zhao Ying bit her lip, knelt down to the three of them, and kowtowed three times.

Xu Kou had already uncorked the red wine and drank half of the bottle in one go: "If Deputy Hall Master Zhang encounters this, he'll have to wait and see. I'm afraid Shen Mingshu's pretense of being a grandson won't work."

Qi Xuansu didn't say anything. He had a vague hunch that his fate with the Shen family would not end here, and would continue for a long time to come.

Liu Hu took the initiative to lift Zhao Ying up, took her out, and sent her away from this place.

Qi Xuansu did not stop him. After all, Liu Hu was at the Kunlun stage of cultivation. When he was at the Kunlun stage, he had already gone back and forth between life and death several times.

Xu Kou wiped the wine stains from the corner of his mouth and said, "Old Wei, although we have analyzed everything in detail, I still think it's not that simple for Shen Mingshu to just admit defeat."

Qi Xuansu mused: "It's a bit strange for the father and son to get along. Shen Mingshu, a man with such a deep family, would actually raise a playboy, which is somewhat like a tiger father and a dog son."

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