Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 169 Zhang Baihu

After Xu Kouniu drank a bottle of Western red wine that he had watched for 23 years, he finally left here with satisfaction under the forced smile of the madam.

Such a bottle of red wine costs twenty peace coins. Normally, Xu Kou would be reluctant to drink it, but today Shen Yugui paid for it, so he didn't care.

In fact, Xu Kou underestimated the price. Twenty Taiping is just the purchase price. If it is sold in a restaurant, it will be doubled. In a place like Chunlou Courtyard, it will be doubled or tripled. So for a bottle of red wine like this At least one hundred peace dollars is required. If Xu Kou wants to buy a bottle, it's not just a matter of half a month's payment, but also various subsidies.

Of course, if a Taoist priest at the chief level really wants to make money, a mere hundred Taiping is really nothing. For a crazy person like Liu Futong, three years is enough for one hundred thousand peace money. Even if there is a reason why the director of Zixian Mountain is fat, it can be seen that the power of the director level is great. As long as it is not a Qingshui Yamen like Requiem Secretary, other positions As a Taoist priest, it is not difficult to earn an additional income of several thousand Taiping money a year. Those who are brave can even earn five figures of Taiping money a year.

Qi Xuansu took inventory of various things on his body, including a "Dragon Hand Cannon", four rounds of "Dragon Eyes B-2", eight rounds of "Dragon Eyes B-3", some ordinary armor-piercing projectiles, and a single sword with the appearance of a spiritual object.

A short sword "Qing Yuan" with a spiritual appearance, but because of his status, it is not easy to use it rashly.

In addition, there is also a set of "Seven Phoenix Feathers" and six "Bliss Needles", which can surprise you.

If he faced Wang Baoyue again, Qi Xuansu still wasn't completely sure of capturing him alive, but he was 90% sure of killing him. After all, in the first fight, Qi Xuansu somewhat underestimated the enemy and was shocked by the alchemy arcana. Apart from using "Tantai Fist Intent" and firing a blunderbuss, nothing else worked. This made Wang Baoyue Escape easily.

However, this is only the case when Qi Xuansu is alone. If Xu Kou is added, it will not be difficult to capture Wang Baoyue alive.

Seeing that Qi Xuansu looked like a hunter preparing to enter the mountains, Xu Kou couldn't help but said: "It's not difficult for the two of us to capture that pirate. The key is whether Qingluan Guard can determine the location where the pirate is hiding."

Qi Xuansu hung the single sword on his waist and said, "Brother Xu, do you think Wang Baoyue has any other accomplices in the local area?"

Xu Kou was startled: "Old Wei, please speak more clearly."

Qi Xuansu said: "I always have a feeling that it is unbelievable that the men in black and the Qingluan Guards set up such a large array just to capture a pirate. What is so special about this pirate? So big It is even more unbelievable that a pirate leader who has landed at sea can escape again and again. If there is no one behind this pirate, I don't believe it. Who wants to capture the king? Baoyue? Who wants to keep Wang Baoyue?"

After Xu Kou listened, he said thoughtfully: "What Brother Wei said is absolutely true. What happened now is not as simple as arresting the pirates. It is more like a contest between two major forces. If Wang Baoyue has an accomplice If you agree, then his accomplice must have considerable influence here. Do you doubt Shen Mingshu? "

"It's hard to make a conclusion, but we can't rule out this possibility." Qi Xuansu said, "Shen Mingshu should be one of the branches of the Shen family of Taiping Road, and the Shen family is inextricably linked to the Li family. If it is really him, then many Are you still involved?"

Xu Kou said: "I've already agreed, so I can't break my promise. I don't really care about the conflict between the two forces. It's just that the pirate shot me. I don't like to suffer losses and I always want to get it back. "

Qi Xuansu smiled and said: "In this way, we have the same view. I am a person who must repay every penny spent. Wang Baoyue wants to kill me, but I don't want to just let it go."

Xu Kou smiled and said, "That's how it should be."

"How do you think Qingluan Guard will find someone?" Qi Xuansu asked.

Xu Kou thought for a while: "If I remember correctly, they still have a living person in their hands. I think they will use this living person to make a fuss."

Qi Xuansu naturally had the impression that there was a pirate hiding on the cargo ship to cover Wang Baoyue who was hiding on the passenger ship. So many pirates either died at sea, or were defeated by men in black after landing. Only these few people escaped with Wang Baoyue. It is conceivable that they are all Wang Baoyue's confidants. With Qingluan Guard's method of torture to extract confessions, he might be able to extract a lot of things.

While the two were talking, Liu Hu had returned.

Xu Kou said: "Let's go to the inn to rest for a night and wait for tomorrow's news. It's only the past few days anyway. If Qingluan Guard has no clues, no wonder we stand by and watch."

Qi Xuansu had no objection, and the three of them went to the inn in Wannian County together.

The night was uneventful, but the Qingluan Guards had a sleepless night. When the next day, the Qingluan Guard named Zhang came to see the two of them, they couldn't hide their tiredness.

Xu Kou asked directly: "Is there any result?"

Zhang's palm print Baihu screen retreated from the others, and replied: "We broke through for one night, and we have put everything we have learned in our lives to use. The men in black have also tightened the net, and we can be sure that Wang Baoyue has not escaped. ”

Xu Kou was originally from the Qingluan Guard, so he still didn't understand what breakthrough meant, and he even knew what the Qingluan Guard's lifelong learning meant.

"That pirate is a tough guy, but even toughest bones can be ground into bone residue." Palm Print Baihu continued, "He doesn't know the specific hiding place of Wang Baoyue, but he does know a local contact person."

Xu Kou asked directly: "Who is that contact person?"

Palm Printer Baihu said: "A local salt merchant has built a manor outside the city, but we suspect that the salt merchant is just a fake identity. In order to avoid leaks, we have not taken any action yet."

Qi Xuansu suddenly asked: "Zhang Baihu, are you familiar with Shen Mingshu, a big local businessman?"

Zhang Baihu was startled, and then asked: "Brother Wei suspects that I am Shen Mingshu's man?" Qi Xuansu's suspicion was not groundless. When Shen Mingshu appeared on the stage, there were several Qingluan guards behind him, making it difficult not to be suspicious.

Zhang Baihu said calmly: "My surname is Zhang, and I was born in Wuzhou in the Shangqing Dynasty. Shen Mingshu's surname is Shen, and he is from Huainan, Luzhou. How can we be from the same place? But Shen Mingshu has been operating here for many years, and there are many Qingluan Wei has a relationship with him, so I can only turn a blind eye."

Qi Xuansu understood immediately.

It is not unusual for a Taoist sect to become an official. Li Sanxin, whom he met in Fengtai County, was a disciple of Taiping Taoism and transferred to Qingluan Guard.

The Zhang family naturally represents Zhengyi, and they are also members of the same family as Zhang Yuelu. However, the Zhang family is too big and the inheritance is too long. This Zhang Baihu should be a branch of the branch, and then he left the Taoist gate and entered the Qingluan Guard.

In Qingluan Guard, there are differences between the Hundred Households with Palm Seal and the ordinary Hundred Households. In terms of actual power, it is slightly higher than some Deputy Thousand Households, and much higher than the ordinary Hundred Households. Although they are controlled by the Thousand Households with Palm Seal, the Thousand Households with Palm Seal There is no right to appoint, remove or detain personnel, only the right to participate in the performance. This leads to the fact that Qianhu, the chief seal of Luzhou Qingluan Guard Qianhu Station, is from Taiping Dao, and it does not mean that the entire Luzhou Qingluan Guard is monolithic.

As far as Wannian County is concerned, Zhang Baihu is backed by Zhengyi Yiyi and has the palm print of Baihu, which can be regarded as a force that can compete with Shen Mingshu. However, there are also disadvantages, that is, the Shen family has been operating here for many years, even if the Baihu family is Among them, there are also many people who secretly follow Shen Mingshu's orders. Zhang Baihu probably will not be Shen Mingshu's opponent, so he has to ask Qi Xuansu and Xu Kou for help.

Qi Xuansu thought about this and suddenly said: "I originally thought Zhang Baihu was doing it for merit, but it turned out that he was involved in the internal fighting of the Taoist sect."

At this point, Qi Xuansu stretched out his hand and pointed at Xu Kou: "Brother Xu is from Taiping Dao. I don't need to say more about the relationship between Taiping Dao and Zhengyi."

Zhang Baihu said seriously: "I didn't want to mention this at first, but now that Brother Wei has mentioned it, I have to say it. To be honest, I used the Zimu Talisman to contact Tiangang Hall who happened to be in Jinling Mansion afterwards. Deputy Hall Master Zhang, when she found out it was two people, she was very relieved and said that both of them can be trusted. "

Qi Xuansu and Xu Kou suddenly felt uncomfortable. One coughed slightly and the other looked down at the ground.

Fortunately for Xu Kou, he just remembered that he said bad things about Zhang Yuelu behind his back and felt a little guilty. In fact, even if Zhang Yuelu knew about it, nothing would happen. Except for Qi Xuansu, Zhang Yuelu is quite restrained in his treatment of his subordinates. He is neither too close nor deliberately distant. As long as it does not involve issues of principle, he is still easy to talk to.

Qi Xuansu was different. If Xu Kou had a guilty conscience, then he had a wrong heart. After all, he had fought against Zhang Yuelu not long ago. To be honest, he did not suffer a loss, but Zhang Yuelu suffered a small loss. Qi Xuansu couldn't even imagine what the consequences would be if Zhang Yuelu knew the truth. Moreover, Zhang Yuelu would probably not be restrained in his treatment of Qi Xuansu.

Qi Xuansu gathered his thoughts and said, "In that case, let's go there together."


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