Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 174 Pei Xuanzhi

The key to using arms is to use arms and hands, and the fingers are like fingers. The Tiangang Hall is the center of military use, and the soldiers of the Taoist sect are spiritual officers. Therefore, the Tiangang Hall is the hall with the most spiritual officers.

Since the spiritual officer is a soldier, then the Taoist priest is an official, and the cardinal who uses the official is Ziweitang. Therefore, Ziweitang, who has the power of personnel, is the head of the nine halls.

All the halls are located in Xuandu. The only exception is Ziweitang, which is located in Zifu. It has no direct communication with the other eight halls and is the closest to Jinque. This alone can also show the transcendent status of Ziweitang, which makes the other eight halls look at each other with suspicion.

Because Zifu is equivalent to the palace city of the Imperial Capital and is the center of Yujing. It not only has the Golden Tower, which symbolizes the highest authority of the Taoist sect, but also the Zixiao Palace where the Grand Master lives. Above the Chongyang Palace, the twin stars of Zixiao Palace and Jinque shine together. Naturally, Ziwei Palace cannot dominate the scene. Therefore, judging from the appearance alone, Ziweitang cannot be said to be simple, but when placed in Yujing, which is full of immortality, it appears to be very ordinary. It is far inferior to the other eight halls, and compared to many local Taoist mansions and Taoist palaces. It can't be compared to anything, just like an ordinary Taoist palace.

But it is such a seemingly ordinary place that determines the fate of hundreds of thousands of Taoist priests.

Lei Xiaohuan walked into Ziweitang and walked slowly along a path. There are Taoist priests in robes standing along the way. This is also the only place among the nine halls where Taoist priests replace spiritual officials. Everywhere reflects the aloofness of Ziweitang.

Lei Xiaohuan quickened his pace. These Taoist priests obviously recognized Lei Xiaohuan and did not stop him.

Lei Xiaohuan came to the main hall, and there was a plaque hanging above that read "The voice is heard in heaven". There was a young Taoist priest waiting here. When he saw Lei Xiaohuan coming, he silently led Lei Xiaohuan to the check-in office at the back.

Compared with the duty room in Tiangangtang, the duty room in Ziweitang is much smaller, and the furnishings inside are even simpler, with a table and a few chairs. Except for one chair placed behind the desk, the other chairs are placed on the left and right sides. Wall placement.

After Lei Xiaohuan came in, he saw a picture in the middle hall: "The world is at peace."

It is said to have been written by Xuansheng himself and has been hanging for two hundred years.

There is a person sitting behind the table. His eyebrows are somewhat similar to Pei Xiaolou's, but his aura is not the same at all. He does not have the wretchedness and slickness of Pei Xiaolou, but only has the spirit of immortality, and exudes a bit of compelling majesty. It was Lei Xiaohuan, who couldn't help but look solemn and didn't dare to show any slightness.

After the young Taoist priest led Lei Xiaohuan in, he quietly retreated.

The person behind the writing desk did not stand up to greet him, or even raised his head, and was still writing and writing.

Lei Xiaohuan didn't say anything, just stood and waited.

After a while, the Taoist finally finished approving the words, then raised his head and said in a deep and deep voice: "Brothers and sisters, don't be cautious, please sit down."

Lei Xiaohuan then sat down on a chair.

The Taoist is none other than Pei Xiaolou's elder brother, the master of Ziweitang, and the second-largest figure in Quanzhen Taoism, Donghua Master Pei Xuanzhi.

The word "Zhi" is used in the name, which means Taoist believers, similar to the Buddhist "Shi", "Fa" and "昙" used in the name. Therefore, many times, in families that have been practicing Taoism for generations, the names of the father and son have the word "Zhi", and there is no so-called taboo, such as the famous Shusheng family.

There is the word "zhi" in Pei Xuan's name, but Pei Xiaolou is not called Pei Louzhi. That is the attitude of the two brothers. Pei Xuanzhi has not gotten married yet, and the future Pei family will still fall on Pei Xiaolou. Lei Xiaohuan is the mistress of the Pei family, and Pei Xuanzhi treats his sister-in-law quite politely.

Pei Xuanzhi asked: "What are you here for?"

"Yes." Lei Xiaohuan nodded.

Pei Xuanzhi nodded and took out a warrant from the case files stacked on the table. After confirming it, he put it on the table and pushed it forward.

Lei Xiaohuan quickly stood up and took it.

Pei Xuanzhi said: "I have read his file. Except for some problems with the suspension of years, there are no other problems. As for the suspension of years, as long as it is below the fourth grade, it can be solved within the rules. There is only one thing, you guys How can we explain that he is not dead? If we can’t explain it clearly, it will be exposed and someone will use it to make a fuss.”

Lei Xiaohuan hesitated for a moment and said: "Linge means, in the name of brother..."

"Lin Ge" is Pei Xiaolou's nickname, and Lei Xiaohuan would only use this title in front of Pei Xuanzhi.

"It is announced to the outside world that I saved him. As long as I admit it, the matter will stop here. Is this what you mean?" Pei Xuanzhi was not surprised.

Lei Xiaohuan nodded.

Pei Xuanzhi was noncommittal and said: "The future of Quanzhen Tao does not lie with the earth master, nor with me, but with the young disciples. When it comes to young people, it is not just as simple as one Yao Pei, a good man also needs three helpers." , we need a large number of outstanding young people. I have read all his information and resume. His qualifications can be made up for by nature, but his character is innate. It is our Quanzhen Dao disciple who should have gone to Zhengyi in the end. It has to be said that Zhang Yuelu still has some discernment, so it is abnormal for Zhang Yuelu to look down on him. "

Lei Xiaohuan did not expect that Pei Xuan, as the real person in charge of Ziweitang, would understand the past experience of a low-level Taoist priest in such detail, which showed his deep intentions. He couldn't help but ask tentatively: "Brother, what you mean is to let him return to the world." Quanzhen Tao?"

Pei Xuan's way: "The Yuan family was wiped out, which is just the tip of the iceberg. I don't know how big the iceberg is hidden under the sea. Jinque has decided that Ziweitang will take the lead and join forces with Tiangangtang, Beichentang, Fengxiantang, Duzhitang, and Wanshou The Chongyang Palace and Jiangnan Provincial Government have set up a temporary investigation team to conduct an in-depth investigation. Among the members, Linge represents the Wanshou Chongyang Palace, Zhang Yuelu represents the Tiangang Hall, and Ziweitang still lacks a representative, so you will come forward. Do you have any objection to putting him under your name?"

"No." Lei Xiaohuan replied with lowered hands.

Pei Xuanzhi waved his hand: "That's it."

"Yes." Lei Xiaohuan respectfully left the room.

Qi Xuansu and Xu Kou reboarded the iron ship and continued northward along the Grand Canal.

The prosthetic leg was wrapped in cloth by Qi Xuansu and carried on his back, which did not attract much attention.

After passing three more checkpoints, at the sixth checkpoint, the iron ship temporarily docked and replenished some coal. Qi Xuansu also disembarked and bought a copy of Daomen's Di newspaper.

Although it is a Daomendi newspaper, it is published by Qingping Bookstore and published worldwide. Anyone can buy it, but the quantity is limited and sometimes it may not be available. Qi Xuansu was lucky enough to buy one today.

Qi Xuansu saw at first glance that Jinque had made the decision to set up a temporary investigation team for the Zixian Mountain case, but the list of members was not announced. This is also the style of Taoism, which never conceals the general direction, but specific details are often blurred out of confidentiality and other considerations. Qi Xuansu speculated that Zhang Yuelu and Pei Xiaolou must be one of them.

Furthermore, anyone who has read Di newspapers for many years will understand the truth: the more words or the fewer words, the bigger the matter. If the number of words reaches the point where it becomes a long document, then it is an epilogue, used to integrate people's hearts and occupy the righteous name and moral high ground. The fewer words, very concise, without any comments or detailed interpretation, it shows the seriousness of the situation.

Qi Xuansu never expected that his killing of Su Ran in Zixian Mountain would lead to this situation. It can be said that his whole body was affected by a single move.

If the matter were exposed, I don't know how many people would want to put him to death.

Every time he thought about this, Qi Xuansu felt a chill down his back.

In addition, the Di newspaper also disclosed Liu Futong's crimes and the process of solving the case, and wrote a special book about Zhang Yuelu. If Qi Xuansu had not known Zhang Yuelu's character, he would have thought that Zhang Yuelu paid someone to praise herself.

As for Liu Futong's fate, although he has not been finally convicted, he will probably die, and his property will be confiscated. As for his family, including the concubines and illegitimate children, the Taoist sect will not involve them, but they will not pity or sympathize with them. From now on, they will no longer be a wife, a young master, or a young lady, but will have to rely on their own efforts.

Finally, just some general news. Qi Xuansu glanced at it and found a message released by Wuxu Palace, offering a reward for the murderer of Wan Xiuwu, a disciple of Wuxu Palace. As long as it was finally proven correct and the person who provided the information would be rewarded with a thousand Taiping coins. Whoever catches or kills the murderer will be rewarded with five thousand Taiping coins.

To be honest, Qi Xuansu himself was a little moved.

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