Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 187 Young Men and Women

I saw a long sword in the hand of the man wielding the sword constantly drawing a circle, one aperture within another aperture, keeping it airtight, like a small boat in the shadow of countless sticks, rising and falling with the turbid waves in the sky, and sometimes disappearing Now, it seems that it will overturn at any time.

"This is the 'Wuji Sword' from the Taoist Quanzhen Taoist lineage." Long Wuji said softly, "'The Wuji Sword' is good at defense and long-lasting battles. The staff technique seems powerful and domineering, but the strong wind will not end. , the heavy rain will not end, and it is destined to be difficult to last. If the battle continues for a long time, I'm afraid..."

Qi Xuansu can naturally see that if he encounters this "Wuji Sword", if the two of them have the same level of cultivation, I am afraid that the "Dayan Spirit Sword" will not be able to take advantage, but he can directly summon the "Ghost Sword" "Knife", no matter how flawlessly you guard it, you can't stop this "ghost knife" that treats dead things as if they are nothing. Coupled with mental arithmetic and unintentional calculations, life and death can be separated with just one knife.

This is the biggest difference between fighting in the arena and fighting in the arena. This is also the reason why many people in the arena do not dare to show off their unique skills. If others are prepared, it will be difficult for them to achieve success with one move.

Qi Xuansu sat on the left hand side of Long Wuji. At this moment, another young man sat down on the right hand side of Long Wuji.

Long Wuji seemed to be quite familiar with this young man, and without saying hello, he asked directly: "Why are you here?"

"Something delayed me on the way. Isn't Qingnu out yet?" the young man asked casually.

"Not yet. The big courtesan has such a big air, how can he show up so easily." Long Wuji shook his head and said, "You kid is also obsessed with it. You don't like so many ladies from famous families, but you only like this romantic woman. ”

The young man whispered: "Although the young slave has fallen into the dust of the world, he has an innocent body. He has emerged from the mud and is not stained. He is cleaner than some rich ladies."

"Ha!" Long Wuji laughed, not hiding his sarcasm, "So what if Li Qingnu is a virgin? It's just that the Li family is selling her body at a price. It's not up to her to give her body to anyone in the future!"

The young man smiled bitterly and said nothing.

Long Wuji hated Tie Bucheng: "That day in the Imperial City, someone offered a price of 200,000 peace coins. What was the result? He was rejected by the Li family. The Li family wanted to use Li Qingnu as bait to catch a big fish. "It's not that I look down on you, and don't blame me for speaking harshly. Even if you have some achievements, you are still not worthy of the attention of the Li family."

Qi Xuansu heard it clearly and couldn't help but sigh.

He was wanted with a reward from Wuxu Palace, and his net worth was only 10,000 Taiping. Li Qingnu started out with a net worth of 200,000 Taiping coins. The Li family didn't sell it yet, so it was priceless in the market. Moreover, not to mention how she can control the wind and rain with the big tree of the Li family behind her, there are also many ministers under her skirt.

She felt aggrieved in front of Qiniang, like a weak woman who couldn't help herself. It turned out that she was just pretending.

Fortunately, he almost believed it.

Now it seems that it is true that Li Qingnu can't help himself, but he is not weak at all. If you really want to say that you can't help yourself, how many people in this world can't help themselves? Qi Xuansu had a family and it was difficult to return. He wanted to leave Qingpinghui but was unable to do so. Could it be that he had no choice but to do so? Speaking more broadly, the Sixth-generation Grand Master was controlled by the three deputy Grand Masters. Wasn't he unable to do so? How many people in the world can control themselves?

At this moment, Liu Hu, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said: "With such a good character and appearance, how can this young hero not be matched by a lady from a well-known family? Why should he be unable to let go of this woman from the court, ruining his reputation and ruining his future?" "

Liu Hu's words were so old-fashioned that Long Wuji and the young man were stunned.

Then Long Wuji said with a hearty smile: "What this little friend said is absolutely true."

The young man had a good temper and was not angry. He just shook his head and said: "The word 'love' has no origin and no end."

Liu Hu imitated the old man in the storybook and sighed, shook his head and said: "Young people are addicted to beauty, and it is difficult to extricate themselves from the trap of makeup and powder."

Liu Hu likes to read story books. After all, he is a bit of a child at heart. He always likes to imitate the characters and plots in the story books. The last time he taught Shen Yugui in Wannian County, she was the one who was most attentive, and she was also a bit cute.

However, these words were too moralistic. For a respected senior, it was nothing, but for a child, it was a bit rude. Qi Xuansu had no choice but to smooth things over: "Children are ignorant and talk nonsense. I hope so." Forgive me."

While they were talking, the two fighting men finally decided the winner. Just as Long Wuji said, although the person using the bamboo stick attacks quickly and fiercely, it cannot last long. If he cannot attack in one go, he will be exhausted again and again. In the end, he was defeated by someone using the "Wuji Sword".

I saw the person using the sword taking a step back, pointing the long sword diagonally at the ground, and the person holding the bamboo stick was obviously a good spiritual object. It was not cut off by the sword, but his face was expressionless. He was pale and out of breath. Both his true energy and physical strength were exhausted, and he had no strength to fight anymore.

The man with the bamboo stick didn't look very good, but he didn't bother him and turned around to leave. The man with the long sword had a somewhat proud expression on his face, and after paying tribute to all around, he left.

The woman in colorful clothes knocked again.

The young man stood up slowly, with a tap of his toes, he had already entered the arena.

Immediately afterwards, Huang Ning also stood up, moved his steps lightly, and came to the young man gracefully.

Qi Xuansu asked: "Brother Long, this Miss Huang is ranked 20th on the Ruyi List. What is the chance of your little brother winning?"

"Between brothers." Long Wuji said, "My little brother's surname is Su, and his last name is the word 'sorrow'. He is ranked 19th on the wishful list."

Qi Xuansu nodded: "That's it."

Long Wuji suddenly asked: "Brother Wei is a member of the Taoist sect?"

Qi Xuansu did not answer directly, but asked: "Brother, why did you say this?"

Long Wuji laughed: "Of course I guessed."

In fact, Long Wuji had been observing Qi Xuansu, not to mention his disapproval of the people in the world. Even the two people ranked twenty on the Ruyi List did not make this person show the slightest surprise.

There are only two possibilities. The first possibility is that this person has a very high level of cultivation and is on par with the two of them, or even a step above them. The second possibility is that this person has a good background, that is, he is from the Taoist sect.

The natural sense of superiority of Taoist disciples cannot be learned, it is infiltrated over a long period of time. Even a Taoist disciple in the Yuxu stage dares to look down on a Jianghu person in the stage of returning to his true nature, no one else, just because there is a Taoist sect behind him.

Qi Xuan smiled and said: "My brother guessed wrong. I am from the imperial court and come from the prince's palace."

"So that's it." Long Wuji nodded and didn't go into details.

While the two were talking, Su Chou and Huang Ning had already taken action.

The two of them were fighting with bare hands. Huang Ning turned his fingers into claws and grabbed Su Chou face to face. This grasp was silent and fast, but in the blink of an eye, his fingers had touched Su Chou's cheek.

At this time, Su Chou had no time to dodge, and his left foot flew quickly, kicking Huang Ning's chest. Unexpectedly, Huang Ning hooked his backhand and hit the Huantiao point on his leg with an elbow hammer. This move was extremely tricky.

Su Chou only had to shrink his legs, and Huang Ning's left hand would dig out a pair of his eyes. He immediately raised his hand to make a false grab. He expected the enemy to be very accurate. With this grab, Huang Ning's left hand was just in the palm of his hand, but he was also hit. On the Tiao point in Zhonghuan, my legs went numb, I was unsteady and fell to my knees.

Su Chou was about to seize the opportunity to twist Huang Ning's wrist when he felt that the woman's hand he was holding was soft and soft. His heart softened, but he did not hit hard. Instead, he picked up Huang Ning and threw it away, but was hit by Huang Ning's backhand palm. Chest, face slightly pale.

Qi Xuansu saw it clearly, shook his head and said: "When facing an enemy, you can't be merciful just because your opponent is a woman, it will kill someone."

Long Wuji snorted: "Love kind? Coward!"

However, to Qi Xuansu's surprise, Huang Ning also did not pursue the victory, but chose to show mercy.

Qi Xuansu was a little bit confused: "Isn't this Miss Huang interested in Brother Su?"

Long Wuji twitched his lips: "Who knows what happens between young men and women."

There is a three-story pavilion not far from the school grounds. The uppermost terrace is decorated like a garden. There are not only various rare flowers and plants, but also hanging baskets woven with vines. Next to the hanging baskets is a coffee table with a stove placed on it. There are three things in the bottle, burning special insect repellent incense, as well as iced pickled plum juice and various exquisite foods.

In the hanging basket, a woman sat with her knees bent, her stockings taken off, a pair of bare feet, half a cage of light gauze, and two bent snow arms. She was Li Qingnu.

She was holding a monocular "thousand-mile telescope" to observe the situation on the school field. In addition to watching people fight, she also did not forget to sweep around the auditorium. As a result, she swept three times and twice, and just happened to catch Qi Xuansu.

Li Qingnu was slightly surprised: "This guy came so fast."

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