Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 189: Too Much Right and Wrong

Li Qingnu led Qi Xuansu and Liu Hu to the second floor. After a while, Su Chou and Long Wuji also arrived here under the guidance of the maid.

Long Wuji was not surprised that Qi Xuansu would be here. He had expected it when the maid came to invite Qi Xuansu. The only thing that surprised him was that Liu Hu, who originally looked like a boy, turned into a girl.

Su Chou was a little surprised, and even had some unspeakable concern.

If a strange man suddenly appears next to the girl you like, you will inevitably feel a little nervous.

At this time, Li Qingnu turned back into the all-around courtesan, no longer the Li Qingnu who didn't care about his own image and vented his emotions freely in front of Qi Xuansu.

Everyone is complex and has two faces, or even more faces.

As strong as Zhang Yuelu, he also has a fragile side in the dead of night.

Liu Hu can not only kill people with a blazing gun coldly, but also imitate the story characters in the story like a child.

Li Qingnu is no exception. At this time, she is like a lady of the world. Every move she makes is in compliance with the rules, she is approachable, and she does not reject anyone thousands of miles away.

Because Li Qingnu had known Su Chou for a long time, after a brief exchange of greetings, Li Qingnu directly turned to the topic: "The reason why Qingnu held the martial arts meeting this time was not for fun, but because he encountered difficulties, so there is a No mercy."

Su Chou said seriously: "Miss Li, it's okay to just say it."

Li Qingnu smiled and waved to Liu Hu.

Liu Hu glanced at Qi Xuansu, and then came to Li Qingnu's side.

Li Qingnu was still sitting, holding Liu Hu's shoulders with his hands, and said: "This girl is my niece. Just because of some changes in the family, I have to send her to uncle Liaodong. It's just because of my identity that I Because of this, it is inconvenient to send her there in person..."

Long Wuji suddenly said: "This little girl just called Brother Wei uncle, so what is the relationship between Brother Wei and Miss Li?"

Qi Xuansu had already prepared: "We are sworn brothers and sisters. I am the third brother, Qingnu is the fourth brother, and Xiaohu's adoptive father is our second brother. As for the others, I can't tell you."

"I understand, I understand." Long Wuji nodded, "It's just that I didn't expect that Miss Li would have such a wide circle of friends."

Li Qingnu smiled and said nothing.

Qi Xuansu continued: "Our second brother is actually much older than me and Qingnu, so he has made many enemies in the world. It is inevitable that some people will have their thoughts on Xiaohu. To be honest, I Along the way, I also met some green forest people, but they were dismissed by me. Logically speaking, I should be a good person and deliver Xiaohu to her uncle in Liaodong personally. But I just got the news about my second brother. Something unexpected happened and I had to rush back early, so I had to leave the rest of the journey to my fourth sister. "

Li Qingnu took over the conversation: "Of course I also wanted to personally escort my niece to Liaodong, but I had no choice but to ask someone to do it for me, so I held this martial arts competition. Since it was Su Shaoxia who won, what do you think of Su Shaoxia? "

Su Chou wanted to agree, but was held down by Long Wuji.

Long Wuji said: "Miss Li, I hear what you two brothers and sisters mean. Going to Liaodong is not going to be smooth sailing. There is no reason to use people in vain."

Su Chou looked impatient and even wanted to help him by offering him money, but Long Wuji held him down.

Li Qingnu smiled and said: "It's a high mountain and a long road, so I'll be prepared for the expenses, so please don't worry."

Su Chou finally couldn't hold it any longer and said, "It's just a trivial matter, it's easy to do, so there's no need for any expense."

Qi Xuansu finally understood why Long Wuji hated iron for not turning into steel.

"Brothers will settle the score clearly, and one yard will be the other." Qi Xuansu said, "Su Shaoxia still accepts it."

Li Qingnu glanced at Qi Xuansu without leaving any trace. She was afraid of a mole in everything. She originally wanted to save some peace money, but now it seems that she probably won't be able to save it.

Qi Xuansu didn't dislike other people's good deeds. It wasn't because he wanted Li Qingnu to bleed more and take less money because he took one thousand Taiping money, but because he felt that using people's money to eliminate disasters, Su Chou and Long Wuji would be better off if they took the Taiping money. Be careful and nothing will go wrong.

Long Wuji also said: "Brother Wei is talking about emotion and reason. We should get one point at a time. We will not take more than what we shouldn't take. Naturally, we will not get any less than what we should take."

Su Chou wanted to speak, but Long Wuji said anxiously, "Why don't you go by yourself?"

Su Chou was about to agree, but Long Wuji added: "If something goes wrong, I'll see how you can come to see Miss Li."

Su Chou stopped talking.

Taiping money is still a small matter, the key is not to let Miss Li down. If he wanted to be safe, he really needed Long Wuji.

Li Qingnu kept smiling and said nothing, and finally said: "Su Shaoxia, please don't refuse."

For Su Chou, one sentence from Li Qingnu was worth thousands of words from others, so she agreed immediately.

The next step is to explain the details. Where to go in Liaodong, who to find, how to find them, how much peace money to give, who else to go with besides Su Chou and Long Wuji, these are all Li Qingnu's worries. It cannot be said that the matter has nothing to do with Qi Xuansu, and it really has little to do with it.

Qi Xuansu did not interfere.

Just as he was talking, Li Qingnu's personal maid walked in quickly with a look of panic on her face. She interrupted the conversation and walked straight to Li Qingnu.

Everyone looked at her.

The personal maid walked around behind the chair and whispered in Li Qingnu's ear: "Miss, someone from the Lu family is here."

Li Qingnu stood up suddenly. Su Chou also became nervous, looking first at the personal maid and then at Li Qingnu.

There are three major families in Taiping Road. The Li family is the first, followed by the Lu family and the Shen family. The three families are related by marriage to each other. Although in the eyes of outsiders, the Lu family and the Shen family are vassals of the Li family, the Lu family and the Shen family are not inferior to the Pei family and the Qi family of Quanzhen Taoism, and they should not be underestimated.

The Lu family is not only a vassal of the Li family, but also an in-law and ally of the Li family. Compared to the Shen family, the Lu family has advanced and retreated with the Li family long before the Taoist revival. It can even be traced back to the Taiping Dao Yellow Turban Rebellion. At that time, the Zhengyi sect at that time was still called Tianshijiao. Therefore, many times, the Li family had to accommodate the Lu family, mainly to appease them.

Li Qingnu relies on the Li family and is not afraid of many people, but the Lu family is an exception.

But she couldn't get into trouble first, and immediately pretended to be relaxed and said: "I understand, go and ask them to wait for a moment."

Then she looked at Su Chou and Long Wuji: "I have to excuse myself first, please wait a moment."

Su Chou immediately said: "I will accompany you there."

Just as Li Qingnu was about to refuse, Qi Xuansu also said: "You are the only one here. You have the final say, but you have to support it alone. It is difficult to deal with it, so we should go together."

Li Qingnu thought for a moment and nodded in agreement. "

Although she doesn't like Qi Xuansu, she admits that Qi Xuansu still has some strength. After all, Qiniang has the channel, and she knows more about Qi Xuansu.

The group of people left the pavilion and walked out. When they were halfway there, they suddenly heard someone say: "Li Qingnu."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a group of people walking towards this side. In the middle was a carriage, with a man sitting on it, with a white face and no beard, white clothes and a jade belt, a golden crown on his head, and a folding fan in his hand. He looked like a noble prince.

Li Qingnu stopped and said, neither humble nor arrogant, "Master Lu."

The carriage came in a meandering way and slowly stopped about three feet away from Zhang Yuelu. The people surrounding the carriage also lined up one after another. They were all in good spirits, not mediocre.

This is a member of the Lu family.

Mr. Lu sat upright on the throne, with no intention of getting down. He just sat upright and said, "Li Qingnu, I invited you to visit the house several times, but you refused them all. I have to come and invite you in person. Do you really think of yourself as the eldest lady of the Li family? "

Li Qingnu said calmly: "You can invite Mr. Lu, but I don't have to go. There is no reason why I have to go because Mr. Lu invites you. Could it be that Mr. Lu regards himself as the eldest son of the Li family?"

Mr. Lu's face was gloomy, and he glanced at Qi Xuansu, Su Chou and others: "I heard that you are holding a martial arts competition. Is this the minister you selected?"

Li Qingnu asked, "What do you want?"

"Not at all." Mr. Lu sneered, "It's just a competition, how about it?"


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