Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 38 Make mistakes

At this time, there were many people standing in front of the gate of Tiangang Hall. Qi Xuansu found that the tall man with a big sword was also here, but he did not communicate with other people. He stood alone with his arms folded around his chest and was concentrating with his eyes closed. .

As if aware of Qi Xuansu's gaze, he opened his eyes and looked at Qi Xuansu unceremoniously.

Qi Xuansu smiled slightly and took the initiative to look away.

There is a sundial placed on one side of the gate of Tiangang Hall, with the hour mark marked on it, which means that it will take another half an hour before the door can be opened.

Qi Xuansu was not impatient. He also found a corner and waited quietly.

Not long after waiting, Qi Xuansu suddenly felt someone tapping him on the shoulder and was startled.

You must know that he has been walking on the rivers and lakes for a long time, and he is extremely vigilant. With the same cultivation level, it is impossible to be approached by someone without knowing it. Someone can take a picture of him without him noticing. shoulders, indicating that his cultivation is far above him.

Qi Xuansu turned around and saw Zhang Yuelu standing beside him.

But today's Zhang Yuelu is a little different, wearing a crane cloak, round-headed cloud shoes, and a pure Yang scarf.

Taoist priests offering sacrifices to wine.

Qi Xuansu was surprised but not surprised by this result. It was unexpected and reasonable, and finally turned into a helpless smile.

Zhang Yuelu asked with a smile: "Brother Tianyuan doesn't seem to be very surprised."

Qi Xuansu answered truthfully: "That day, Miss Tantai said that I would definitely be able to enter the Tiangang Hall. I thought about it over and over again. With such a tone, at such an age, and being in the same Tiangang Hall, and being a woman, this is the only possibility."

Zhang Yuelu asked knowingly: "What's possible?"

Qi Xuansu had no choice but to say: "Miss Tantai is Deputy Hall Master Zhang of Tiangang Hall, and Deputy Hall Master Zhang is Miss Tantai."

Zhang Yuelu smiled slightly: "It is said that friendship is based on sincerity. Brother Tianyuan, do you think I deliberately deceived you? To be honest, Jiaci's surname was Tantai, and the name 'Tantaichu' was exactly what Jiaci chose. In private, I also They all use this name. If Brother Tianyuan likes it, you can call me 'Tantai Girl' in the future."

While the two were talking, others also noticed Zhang Yuelu dressed as a Taoist priest of the Fourth Grade Wine Festival, and they were all a little surprised.

The fourth-grade Taoist priest, another young woman, appeared outside the gate of Tiangang Hall. Her identity was self-evident. She was undoubtedly the new vice-teacher Zhang Yuelu, but the seventh-grade Taoist priest who looked very familiar with Zhang Yuelu Who is it again? Is he a child of a prominent family?

After all, today they all wear the formal clothes of Taoist priests. It is difficult to tell their origins from their clothes, and they can only guess based on thin air.

For a while, everyone had various speculations. Some guessed that Qi Xuansu was a son of the Zhang family who was born in the Dazhen Mansion, and he and Zhang Yuelu were childhood sweethearts. Some speculated that Qi Xuansu was the son of the Li family who was born in the East China Sea, and was born in the direct line of Xuan Sheng. He is more noble than Li Tianzhen, who was born in the Donghuang lineage; some people think that Qi Xuansu is not from the prominent Zhang and Li families, but is a descendant of Zhang Yuelu's parents. What's even more outrageous is that some people even associate it with the Tian family royal family, thinking that Qi Xuansu might be a descendant of the clan.

Although Qi Xuansu didn't know what everyone was thinking, he could feel the various gazes falling on him, including envy, jealousy, hatred, contempt, and flattery.

This feeling is not pleasant.

Qi Xuansu even suspected that Zhang Yuelu deliberately roasted himself on the stove.

Previously, he couldn't figure out where he had exposed his flaw, which made Zhang Yuelu suddenly pay attention to him. Now he has completely figured it out. The bad thing was that chance encounter.

It was just a chance encounter, so there was nothing wrong with it. However, this chance encounter made Zhang Yuelu remember the name Qi Xuansu. When she saw the list submitted by Sun Yongfeng, it naturally attracted her attention.

Many things, at first glance, do not seem to have any problems. As long as they do not attract special attention from others, there will never be any problems.

But if you examine it carefully, you will find loopholes and cause trouble.

With his status, how could he stand so openly in front of everyone?

At this moment, an oxcart slowly stopped, and a person got out of the car. He was also dressed like a Taoist priest of the fourth grade wine ceremony. It was Sun Yongfeng who had received two hundred peace coins from Qi Xuansu.

For a fourth-grade Taoist priest, two hundred Taiping money is not a big sum, but he did not just receive money from Qi Xuansu alone. When accumulated, the amount is extremely considerable.

During the month from July 15th to August 15th, Sun Yongfeng was "full" and in a good mood. He was thinking about buying a residence in Xuandu so that it would be convenient for him to be on duty in the future.

But Sun Yongfeng didn't expect that as soon as he got off the car, he saw Zhang Yuelu who was already one step ahead. His expression tightened and he hurried towards Zhang Yuelu.

Although they are both fourth-grade wine-offering Taoist priests, their positions are different. Just like the real person Shenzhi Jinque discusses matters and the ordinary real person are both second-grade Taiyi Taoist priests, their statuses are also very different.

Zhang Yuelu didn't even need to talk about his age, future, or backing. He could suppress him just by doing business.

"Deputy Hall Master." Sun Yongfeng bowed.

Zhang Yuelu accepted the gift calmly and did not return the gift. He said with a half-smile, "Master Sun, I haven't thanked you enough for recruiting so many talented people for me."

Sun Yongfeng heard something was wrong in Zhang Yuelu's tone, and subconsciously raised his head to look at Zhang Yuelu, only to see Qi Xuansu standing next to Zhang Yuelu.

In fact, Qi Xuansu lowered his head the first time Sun Yongfeng appeared, so Sun Yongfeng failed to notice Qi Xuansu at the first time, but at this time, he could no longer hide away.

Qi Xuansu coughed lightly and looked away silently.

Sun Yongfeng was an old man and he still didn't understand. For a moment, he felt a chill on his back and was speechless.

Under the gaze of everyone, Zhang Yuelu still saved face for Sun Yongfeng. He glanced at the sundial on the side of the gate and said calmly: "Master Sun, get ready to start."

Sun Yongfeng responded quickly: "Yes."

Zhang Yuelu looked at Qi Xuansu again and said softly: "Brother Tianyuan, come with me."

Qi Xuansu could only follow Zhang Yuelu towards the main entrance of Tiangang Hall. For a moment, everyone's eyes were focused on him and Zhang Yuelu.

Zhang Yuelu was calm and calm, but Qi Xuansu felt a little like a light on his back.

Only then did Sun Yongfeng take out a white handkerchief from his sleeve and gently wipe the sweat on his forehead. At the same time, he cursed Qi Xuansu in his heart, since you know the deputy hall master, you can just go to the deputy hall master directly, why bother to come through my way? Isn’t this harmful to me?

Then he thought again, could it be that Zhang Yuelu deliberately set up the trap?

Zhang Yuelu first used Qi Xuansu to seize the opportunity for him to accept bribes, and then did not take action. He was like a sharp sword hanging high but not falling, making himself fearful. Although the deputy hall master does not have the power to remove the principal, if she violates the law openly and secretly, she only needs to hand over the evidence to Beichen Hall, and then she will be wronged, not to mention that this woman is originally from Beichen Hall.

In this way, I will have no room for excuses in the future and can only obey orders.

Thinking of this, Sun Yongfeng no longer dared to underestimate the young deputy hall leader based on his seniority. He put away the thoughts of revenge that he had just had and began to think about how to make friends with Qi Xuansu. After all, Qi Xuansu could help Zhang Yuelu do such a thing. , must be Zhang Yuelu's confidant.

At this time, Qi Xuansu didn't know that even in Sun Yongfeng's eyes, he had become Zhang Yuelu's man. However, he probably guessed a little bit of Zhang Yuelu's intentions. He was new to Tiangang Hall, so why was this woman the same? She is too young and has not yet established herself. She needs to develop her own inner circle of helpers from these newcomers to help her gain a firm footing.

Obviously, Qi Xuansu has been spotted by Zhang Yuelu and has become one of the candidates she plans to develop into a confidant.

Zhang Yuelu came to the main entrance of Tiangang Hall, and two gatekeepers wearing armor slowly opened the two heavy bronze doors.

Behind the door is a huge courtyard, with the main hall to the north, the duty room on the west, and the signing room on the east. Zhang Yuelu walked straight to the duty room on the west. Qi Xuansu had no choice but to follow behind her. Others did not do this. For treatment, you can only wait where you are.

When he came in to check the room, Qi Xuansu couldn't help but ask: "Deputy...Miss Tantai, don't you want to be interviewed?"

"It's over." Zhang Yuelu walked to the desk and sat down.

Qi Xuansu hesitated and said, "How do you say this?"

Zhang Yuelu took off the pure Yang scarf and put it on the table, and said with a smile: "As early as the first day of August, I have already met Brother Tianyuan. Has Brother Tianyuan forgotten?"

Qi Xuansu said: "Does this count? It's too childish..."

Zhang Yuelu interrupted in a tone that left no room for doubt: "If I say yes, then forget it."

Qi Xuansu could only be speechless if he was a senior official, let alone several levels higher.

Zhang Yuelu continued: "Brother Tianyuan and I are old acquaintances, so I won't go around in circles. This time, Tiangang Hall has added a new deputy hall master position. Correspondingly, two principals, six deacons and other people will be added. Etc. The candidate for the deputy hall leader is decided by the real person; the candidate for the principal is decided by the headmaster; the candidate for the deacon is decided by the deputy hall leader; in other words, it is in my hands. There are six deacon quotas, and I want Brother Tianyuan to serve as one of the six deacons. What does Brother Tianyuan think?"

Qi Xuansu's heart was moved, and he did not rush to agree, but said: "According to theory, the deacon of Jiutang should be a fifth-grade Taoist priest or a sixth-grade Taoist priest. I am only a seventh-grade Taoist priest, I'm afraid..."

Zhang Yuelu smiled: "If we put it this way, the deputy hall masters are usually held by second-grade Taiyi Taoist priests and third-grade Youyi Taoist priests. I, a fourth-grade wine-offering Taoist priest, shouldn't be the deputy hall master?"

Qi Xuansu could only say: "This is absolutely not the intention."

Zhang Yuelu said: "Since I can be the deputy hall master, then you can be the deacon.

There's just one thing, I'm just giving you a name. Whether the people below you can trust you or not depends on your own abilities. "

Qi Xuansu looked hesitant.

Zhang Yuelu's tone increased slightly: "Brother Tianyuan, don't pretend to be a garden Taoist priest in front of me. Why do people who are fighting in the light of swords and shadows pretend to be cowed?"

For this reason, Qi Xuansu could only agree, but smiled bitterly in his heart. This new boss was obviously not as easy to serve as Qiniang.

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