Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 199 Another battle with the Xuanxuan jar

There are two main reasons why Qi Xuansu did not end up like Liu Futong this time.

One reason is that Su Yan remained neutral and did not act rashly like Su Ran.

Another reason is that what makes people fearful is not the identity of the fifth-grade Taoist priest, but the official letter from Ziweitang signed by Master Donghua himself. There are often fifth-grade Taoist priests, but not often the Taoist priests appointed by Donghua himself.

At this point, Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu are very similar. They are both low-grade and high-ranking. Zhang Yuelu is a fourth-grade Taoist priest who was promoted to deputy hall master by the Earth Master. Because Donghua Zhenren is one level lower than the earth master, Qi Xuansu is also one level lower than Zhang Yuelu. He is a fifth-grade Taoist priest and was promoted to be the chief Taoist priest.

Generally speaking, it is not uncommon for high-grade Taoist priests to hold low-level positions. Second-grade Taiyi Taoist priests hold lower-ranking deputy hall masters, deputy palace masters, and assistant managers, which are high-grade and low-level positions, such as Shangguan Jing.

The reason is not complicated. Either Jin Que believed that he was not capable enough to hold a position equivalent to his Taoist priest grade, so he arranged it downwards. Or, a certain position is particularly important, and Jinque pays special attention to it, so it specially arranges high-quality Taoist priests who are beyond the position to strengthen management. There is also a special situation. When a major problem occurs and a temporary emergency is provided, Jinque will appoint a high-grade Taoist priest to temporarily hold a low-level position. With the advantage of the Taoist priest's grade, he can make decisions and respond quickly, saving a lot of unnecessary wrangling. Once the situation stabilizes, normal adjustments will be made.

However, it is very rare for low-grade Taoist priests to hold high-level positions, and the reasons are not complicated. Except for temporary acting in special emergencies, such as the death of the deputy hall master, the Taoist priest in charge temporarily acts as the deputy hall master's command. The rest can be summed up in four words: a bright future.

Generally speaking, fourth-grade Taoist priests hold the chief position, but Qi Xuansu has a fifth-grade Taoist priest. In addition, he was personally appointed by Master Donghua and arranged to participate in the investigation. Anyone can see that this is someone who is involved. Master Donghua’s discernment has a bright future. If you continue to seek trouble, you will have trouble with Master Donghua.

Qi Xuansu never expected that when he was in Yizhuang, Fengtai County, he casually said "Master Donghua would like to say hello to the commander". His original intention was to confuse the audience, but in the end, his words came true. He actually became Donghua. For Hua Zhenren, nothing is more permanent than this.

Seeing that Qi Xuansu refused to accept his official ticket, Lu Fu'an did not dare to say anything, so he could only lead his people to leave the Huasheng Hall in despair.

Huashengtang, which was very busy just now, immediately became quiet.

Su Yan is still normal. She is also the Taoist priest in charge of Jiutang. In terms of Taoist priest grade, she is still higher than Qi Xuansu, so there is nothing to be afraid of. In her opinion, he was related to Donghua Zhenren of Quanzhen Taoism, and his surname was Qi, so he was probably a descendant of the Qi family of Quanzhen Taoism.

Su Yan signaled Qi Xuansu to follow her to the pledge room in the back hall. After all, they were all members of the Taoist sect, so the pledge room was not a forbidden area.

The layout of Su Yan's signing room is very simple and not luxurious. Compared to Liu Futong's signing room, it is far inferior. It is not much different from an ordinary study room. It only has some more green plants such as spider plants to add to the study room. A touch of color.

The two sat down separately, and Su Yan asked directly: "Isn't your surname Wei? Why do you have the same surname again? And you suddenly became a Taoist priest?"

Qi Xuansu had already thought of his words: "I have always been a Taoist priest of the Taoist sect. I just changed my name and disguised myself to investigate the case. Now that my errand has come to an end, I will go to Jinling Mansion to return to life soon, so there is no need to continue to hide." ”

"Is it convenient to disclose the progress of the case?" Su Yan asked, "To be honest, one of my cousins ​​was also involved, but she is already dead. She was just transferred to the branch of Zixian Mountain Huasheng Hall. Half a year ago, it probably had nothing to do with the Yanqing Chamber of Commerce. Whether it was because he was silenced or for other reasons, I still have no idea. "

Qi Xuansu's heart tightened, but the expression on his face remained unchanged: "Master Su should know the rules. Before the case is closed, without instructions from above, you cannot disclose the progress of the case at will. Please forgive me, Master Su."

Su Yan was not an unreasonable person. Although he did not hide his disappointment, he still nodded and said: "I understand, I can understand."

She stopped asking further and asked instead: "What's the gambling fight you just mentioned about?"

Qi Xuansu roughly recounted what happened.

After Su Yan heard this, he couldn't help but said: "So, this young master of the Lu family is indeed very mean. Not only does he force women, he is also narrow-minded and can't afford to lose. The Lu family has been completely embarrassed by him."

Qi Xuansu placed the jade pendant on Su Yan's desk and said, "Please ask Mr. Su to estimate the price. As long as it's similar, I'll sell it."

In business, Su Yan was not polite to Qi Xuansu: "The Lu family said it themselves, the original price of this thing was five thousand Taiping coins. The high-grade spiritual objects are indeed worth this price, but in my opinion, the applicability is too low, that is, this Only sons from aristocratic families who are not short of money will buy it. It seems to be a big advantage. In addition, it is a second-hand product, so I can't buy it at the original price, so I can only give it a price of 2,500 Taiping."

The acceptable price for Qi Xuansu was 3,000 Taiping coins, and he immediately said: "Even if the price is high and you have to pay it back, it is a genuine spiritual object after all, and it is too much to cut it off in the middle. Besides, even if it is second-hand, it is still The young master of aristocratic family uses it for his own purposes, and he is not comparable to rough people like us who come and go through wind and rain. "

Su Yan shook his head and said: "Even if it is for the princess's own use, it is second-hand, not new."

Qi Xuansu said: "Add five hundred Taiping coins to make up the whole number, three thousand Taiping coins, and I will sell it."

Mountains of soil and seas of water formed. The two of them struggled for a long time over the five hundred Taiping coins. Finally, Su Yan came up with a compromise plan: "Let's take a step back. I'll pay two thousand Taiping coins and two more." A Xuanxuan jar, which can be regarded as three thousand Taiping coins. If you don’t agree, then I can only offer two thousand five hundred Taiping coins, or you can go to the black market to see the market.”

Qi Xuansu also knew that this kind of spiritual object was different from the "Flame Knife". It was difficult to sell and had a price but no market. He had to leave for Jinling again, so he had no time to waste on the black market. After arriving at Jinling Mansion, there may not be time to go to the black market.

After thinking about it, Qi Xuansu could only agree to Su Yan's proposal, but he also vaguely felt that Su Yan had no good intentions and wanted to clean up the inventory of Xuanxuan jars.

It's just that Qi Xuansu still has hopes for his own luck, and he still remembers the "Three Cing and Three Ding Fire Method". After all, it would be too painful to have an empty treasure and not be able to use it.

Su Yan didn't lie to him. When these Xuanxuan jars were shipped, there was a list attached, which probably recorded what was in these jars. It was just that the specific contents of which jar was unknown. This was why Su Yan You will be curious about what Qi Xuansu can prescribe.

Seeing that Qi Xuansu agreed, Su Yan immediately asked someone to send the contract. After signing the contract, he handed over the money and delivered the goods, and then led Qi Xuansu to the familiar warehouse.

Qi Xuansu randomly picked a Xuanxuan jar and directly opened the sealing talisman.

After a burst of light, there was an old official ticket worth two hundred Taiping on the table.

"Congratulations." Su Yan was too lazy to hide it.

Qi Xuansu's face twitched slightly, and he silently put away the old official ticket, comforting himself that at least he didn't lose everything. However, he did not intend to sell it, but decided to keep it as a souvenir.

There is also a Xuanxuan jar.

Qi Xuansu took one casually, took a deep breath, and opened the seal again.

After the light flashed, there was an old thread-bound book on the table.

Qi Xuansu was overjoyed and looked at it intently. He saw the words "Three C and Three Ding Fire Methods" written clearly on the cover.

To be fair, this is a successful method, and it is a copy that can be printed at will. If it were just a secret book of this method, Qi Xuansu would not be very happy, but after having the "Nine Yang Lihuo Shield", its value is comparable to It's better than a perfect method.

Qi Xuansu couldn't help but put his hands on his hands and said with a smile: "Master Su will never deceive me."

This time it was Su Yan's turn to be embarrassed: "Finally, your wish came true."

Qi Xuansu cupped his fists and said, "We are all happy together."

Not long later, Qi Xuansu left the branch of Huasheng Hall with two thousand peace coins and a copy of "Three C and Three Ding Fire Methods" with satisfaction.

After returning to Wutongyuan, Qi Xuansu spent most of the day studying the "Three Cing and Three Ding Fire Techniques". With his cultivation in the stage of returning to the truth, it was not difficult to practice the Zhongcheng method. He soon got a glimpse of the method. Although there is still a long way to go before entering the palace, it is enough to control the "Nine Yang Lihuo Hood (imitation)".

The treasure is worthy of being a treasure. Once you learn how to control it, you can shrink it to the size of an ordinary bell and hang it around your waist. You no longer need to put it in a box. In addition, even if it is not used against enemies, as long as mana is injected into it, it will emit light and can also be used as a lamp.

This made Qi Xuansu very satisfied.

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