The alone time between lovers is always short and passes in the blink of an eye.

In the blink of an eye, it was already the moon at the top of the sky.

A huge bright moon hangs in the clear night sky, reflecting the moonlight all over the lake.

The two of them drank most of a bottle of "Drunk Life, Dreams of Death". Even though both of them were in the stage of returning to their true nature, and at the same time they continued to use their cultivation to resolve the alcohol's power, they were still drunk.

Qi Xuansu drank less and was about five or six points drunk. Zhang Yuelu drank more. Although her cultivation level was higher, she was still seven or eight points drunk.

Seeing that it was getting late, it was time to go back. Qi Xuansu joked: "Can you still walk? Do you want me to carry you back?"

Zhang Yuelu shook his head and said, "What kind of place is this? What's going on if others see it? Besides, you can't even stand still and you still carry me on your back. I'm afraid the two of us will roll into the lake together."

Qi Xuansu was joking and would not force anything, so the two of them supported each other and walked back together.

Zhang Yuelu also didn't forget to bring along the half-full bottle of "Drunk Life and Dreams of Death".

Fortunately, Zhang Yuelu's study is located in the deepest part of the whole yard, separated from the front yard by a moon gate. Without her invitation, no one would come to disturb it, so it is very quiet. So not a single person was seen along the way, and the two of them just supported each other to the door of the study.

It is said to be a study room, but it actually has three rooms inside and outside. The two rooms inside are Zhang Yuelu's living rooms, and the outside room serves as a signing room and reception room for his office.

Then Zhang Yuelu came to his senses: "Where are you going to stay tonight? Your room should be over there with Master Lei."

Qi Xuansu pretended to be stupid and said blankly: "Where do we live? Aren't we going to talk all night long?"

If it were Zhang Yuelu at ordinary times, he would naturally not agree, but at this time Zhang Yuelu was very drunk. Although he was not ignorant of the situation, his mind was groggy, so he nodded and agreed: "Okay, we will talk all night long."

The two of them entered the study, Qi Xuansu went to light the candles, and Zhang Yuelu casually put the "Drunken Life and Dreams of Death" on the table and turned around to go to the inner room.

She seemed to have forgotten Qi Xuansu's existence, because her movements were very natural, as if she were alone. She didn't seem to have forgotten Qi Xuansu's existence, because she didn't forget to lock the door.

Qi Xuansu had no choice but to sit on the bench next to the coffee table.

Not long after, Qi Xuansu heard the sound of water inside. Judging from the loudness of the sound, it's not washing your face, but taking a bath.

In terms of prosperity, Jinling Mansion is not inferior to the Imperial Capital or Yujing. As the largest Taoist temple in Jinling Mansion, Zhenwu Temple often receives dignitaries with high status, so in addition to occupying a vast area, the interior is also very impressive.

Take Zhang Yuelu's residence as an example. The furniture is all made of huanghuali, and the paper, pen, ink and inkstone on the desk are obviously of high quality and are arranged neatly. The tea sets on the table and coffee table are all made of fine fine porcelain, and there are vases and antiques.

Although kerosene lamps already existed, many people thought candles were more stylish. Therefore, there are various kinds of candlesticks. The four corners are standing candlesticks as tall as a person, there are also short candlesticks placed on the table and covered with lampshades, and there are even octagonal palace lanterns with tassels hanging above them. If they are all lit up, they will shine brightly, making the whole room as bright as day.

In addition, there is a huge pipeline system. Zhenwuguan has long said goodbye to manual water lifting, but directly introduces water to households through iron pipes. If you want to use water, just open the water valve, and you can naturally take a bath at any time without having to In the past, you had to boil water first.

Of course, ordinary people and even ordinary wealthy households do not have this condition.

Qi Xuansu listened to the faint sound of water, and his thoughts began to wander, imagining the scene inside. It's just that his imagination is really lacking, and he can only imagine figures filled with moisture and looming.

At some point, the sound of water stopped.

Qi Xuansu subconsciously sat up straight.

At this time, the night was deep, everything was silent, and all the small sounds became clearly audible.

Qi Xuansu only heard a rustling sound, which should be Zhang Yuelu getting dressed.

After another moment, footsteps came closer and closer, and the door latch was opened.

Zhang Yuelu appeared in front of Qi Xuansu again.

After Zhang Yuelu took a bath, his hair was still slightly damp, and he let it down casually. He changed out of the formal crane cloak and put on an ordinary dress.

As the saying goes, men should be pretty and filial, and women should be pretty and filial. Half of the ten women in the Taoist sect like to wear white clothes, but Zhang Yuelu doesn't like to wear white clothes very much, or in other words, she doesn't like to wear pure white dresses, so she always wants to embellish them. As for other colors, her dress at this time was mainly blue and white. It was no longer as sharp as usual, but a little more graceful and gentle.

This was the first time Qi Xuansu saw Zhang Yuelu like this.

Zhang Yuelu sat next to Qi Xuansu, occupying the other half of the bench. After taking a bath, she sobered up a little but not completely. She stared at the hem of her shoes sticking out of her skirt, lost in thought.

Qi Xuansu said he wanted to talk all night long, but at this moment, he didn't know what to say.

After a while, Zhang Yuelu raised his head and said, "Tell me more about your experience after leaving Jiangling Mansion."

"Okay." Qi Xuansu agreed immediately. He smelled the fragrance of Zhang Yuelu and suddenly felt a little thirsty. He reached out and took the small half bottle of "Drunken Life and Dreams" on the table and took a sip.

Next, Qi Xuansu started from the boat ride, how he met Xu Kou, how he met Japanese pirates, what Shen Mingshu did, etc.

Zhang Yuelu listened intently, and occasionally took the jug from Qi Xuansu's hand and took a sip - because the wine glass was left in the pavilion, the two simply drank from the jug.

Just like this, one person talks, another listens, and they drink from the same jug. It's very harmonious.

Until Qi Xuansu mentioned Li Qingnu.

"Li Qingnu, is that the great courtesan who is famous all over the world?" Zhang Yuelu asked inadvertently.

Qi Xuansu was drunk and did not hear the dangerous meaning hidden in this sentence, so he said casually: "We met in Shangqing Mansion."

"I know." Zhang Yuelu seemed to have sobered up a little, and his thoughts became clearer, "Are you familiar with her? I didn't know your identity at the time, how did she know your identity?"

Qi Xuansu was startled. He had also sobered up a bit, but he actually had some quick wits: "Actually, I was careless. I gave the mask to Liu Hu and didn't hide my true face. She accidentally recognized her. Fortunately. She was not a member of the Taoist sect, and she didn’t know that Qi Xuansu was a ‘dead person’ at that time, so I just made the mistake.”

"Is that so?" Zhang Yuelu looked at Qi Xuansu, feeling drunk again.

"Of course." To support his statement, Qi Xuansu took out the white fox mask from his bag.

Zhang Yuelu took the white fox face mask, looked at it a few times, and was noncommittal. Qi Xuansu added another word: "I also reached a deal with her. I will help her deal with Lu Yunfeng, the young master of the Lu family, and she will help me transport Liuhu safely to Liaodong."

"Drunken life and dreaming of death" is no better than ordinary wine. Even Zhang Yuelu, who has not been drunk for a thousand cups, is drunk. Therefore, Zhang Yuelu is very different from usual at this time, as if he has become a different person. When she heard this, she exclaimed: "Heroes save beauties." ”

Qi Xuansu suddenly sobered up to 80%, and quickly said to himself: "It's a fair trade."

Zhang Yuelu showed a meaningful smile and raised an eyebrow at Qi Xuansu: "Lu Yunfeng had Li Qingnu's idea, and someone helped Li Qingnu to stand up. I don't have such luck. When Li Tianzhen had my idea, no one helped me. , I can only rely on myself.”

Qi Xuansu was a little dumbfounded. Normally Zhang Yuelu would never say such a thing. Besides, he didn't know Zhang Yuelu at that time, so he had no way of talking about his career. Isn't this unreasonable?

It seemed like she was really drunk.

Qi Xuansu thought so, but couldn't say it.

He then thought about what kind of person Li Tianzhen was, the legitimate son of the Li family. Among his peers in the family, he might only be inferior to Li Changge, who was of a different generation. At that time, Zhang Yuelu must have arrived in Yujing not long ago. She was born in a branch of the Zhang family. Li Tianzhen could freely enter and leave Zhenjing Courtyard, but she could not enter Dazhenren Mansion at will. At that time, she was not the designated successor of Zhenren Cihang, but one of many One of the disciples did not get the favor of the Earth Master.

Facing Li Tianzhen, she had no other help except that surname.

Although many people now use this incident to explain how Zhang Yuelu has a profound background and even Li Tianzhen does not take it seriously, but in fact it is the reverse of the cause. For Zhang Yuelu, it is not a good memory.

If she hadn't been so thoughtful and used words to stop Li Tianzhen, making him agree to a bet, and ultimately forcing him to leave Yujing, then she might not have ended well.

It's just that she has a strong nature, and she never wants to show any weakness in front of others, let alone express the helplessness, grievance, fear and other emotions in her heart. She will always show others with toughness, tenacity and magnanimity, as if she is the one who has reached the end of the world. A person with an iron heart.

I'm afraid that only when she was really drunk and in front of Qi Xuansu, who shared life and death, would she show off a little bit.

Thinking of this, Qi Xuansu couldn't help but feel great pity and pride: "Isn't he just Li Tianzhen? Don't worry, leave it to me. One day, I will make up for it for you."

Zhang Yuelu smiled and said nothing, just sipping his drink.

"You don't believe it?" Qi Xuansu asked.

"I believe it." Zhang Yuelu said, "Of course I believe it."

Qi Xuansu snatched the wine bottle from Zhang Yuelu's hand and took a sip. He couldn't help but burp: "I will do what I say."

Zhang Yuelu took the jug from Qi Xuansu's hand again: "Then, what happened after you helped Li Qingnu deal with Lu Yunfeng?"

"What else can I do? Of course I'm rushing back to see you." Qi Xuansu didn't dare to talk nonsense anymore, "After Master Pei informed me, I didn't stay for a moment, and I was ready to return home."

Zhang Yuelu blinked: "Really?"

"Of course it's true." Qi Xuansu said firmly.

Zhang Yuelu's eyes became brighter and brighter, but he lowered his head and took a sip of wine.

Eventually, both got drunk.

They cuddled up against each other on the bench and fell asleep.


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