Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 22 Dungeon

In an instant, like a strong wind, the tiles on the house roared and jumped, and there was a sudden earthquake, and dust and tiles rustled down.

Only the sound of tearing cloth was heard, and then the powerful ghost king groaned.

I saw that the clothes on the chest of the Strong Ghost King had been completely shattered, and there was an oblique wound, about two feet long, with bones visible deep and blood and flesh blurred.

The eyes of the powerful ghost king were gloomy. It was not that his cultivation level was not as good as the person in front of him, but that the horizontal knife in this person's hand was too sharp. Except for his arms that had already condensed his body and soul, his martial arts body was unable to withstand this person. The sword technique is also weird and difficult to guard against. If you are not careful, you will find a flaw and take advantage of it.

Qi Xuansu was merciless in his attack. He swept away his body and struck him in the head with his sword.

The powerful ghost king blocked the sword with his arms that had condensed his body and soul, and intertwined them into the character "乂".

However, the two Zhenzhen masters struck each other with all their strength twice in a row, causing the ground under the feet of the Dali Ghost King to finally bear the weight, shattering, and a pit appeared, into which the Dali Ghost King instantly sank.

Qi Xuansu hesitated for a moment and then jumped into it.

Then Qi Xuansu discovered that there was a cave here, which was actually a dungeon. No wonder those carriages were parked above, but the woman in the carriage was nowhere to be seen.

The dungeon is long and narrow, and the corridors are divided into many small compartments. Each room can only accommodate a bed, a table and a stool. There is a brocade embroidered curtain hanging on the bed, which is quite gorgeously decorated. There is a woman in each room. , either sitting or standing, with a lifeless face and a dull look.

There is a circular area in the deepest part of the dungeon. In one of the rooms, Bai Xiaojin is sitting huddled on a bed covered with brocade quilts. Her body is already a little stiff. She just feels that this day is simply terrible. She has never suffered this kind of injustice. , I cried silently at first, and soon the tears dried up, so I had to sit in a daze, hoping that the nightmare would wake up soon.

In the past, Bai Xiaojin relied on the power of her mother Bai Yingqiong. Jinling Mansion was like her own garden to her, so she only brought a few followers with her whenever she went out. The young lady's bastards, the big shots in Jinling Mansion, whether it is the master of Jiangnan Dao Mansion or the Governor-General, all recognize her. Even if they have any unpleasantness with Bai Yingqiong, they will not cause trouble for her junior.

Early this morning, she took a carriage out of the city and passed by the Old Imperial College. There are not very many residential and workshops here, giving it a somewhat desolate atmosphere. When the carriage reached an intersection, an old man suddenly appeared and blocked the way. He beat her entourage to death, took her into another prepared carriage with tents on all sides, and quickly left the intersection.

There was someone else on the carriage who blindfolded her. The old man told her that as long as she obeyed, he would send her to see Bai Yingqiong.

After hearing this, Bai Xiaojin's heart was already cold. This person knew that his mother was Bai Yingqiong and still dared to kidnap her. He must not be a little thief, but he might also be a great figure in the Taoist sect.

Then Bai Xiaojin felt that the carriage bumped for a long time, as if it was walking on a dirt road, got off the carriage, and entered somewhere. After staying here for a while, she was taken into the carriage again. Bai Xiaojin only felt like turning left and right, not knowing where she was. At first, she wanted to remember the southeast, northwest, and northwest, but then she gave up completely.

After getting off the carriage again, all the way down, the blindfold was taken off, and Bai Xiaojin found that she was being held in a dungeon. However, most of the people detained here were women, with only a few handsome men.

While she was in a daze, there was a sudden loud noise outside, as if the ground was shaking.

She quickly looked up and saw a tall figure walking in, with two horns on his head, which was very scary.

The powerful ghost king scanned the dungeon for a week, passing by all the women with numb expressions, except for Bai Xiaojin, who paused for a moment.

Soon, Qi Xuansu also walked in, holding "Feiying" in his hand, not in a hurry, as if he was taking a leisurely stroll.

Unable to retreat, the powerful ghost king stretched out his hand to grab, broke open the cell door, sucked a woman into his palm, and then threw it towards Qi Xuansu.

Qi Xuansu frowned, but he didn't dare to confront her. He turned around to avoid the woman flying towards him.

With a "bang" sound, the woman exploded in the air and turned into a ball of blood mist.

Blood mist fell like rain on the ground, poking out many small pinhole-like holes.

The reason for this is because the powerful ghost king forcibly injected his warrior blood into the bodies of these women. If Qi Xuansu had just the slightest bit of sympathy and cherished the beauty and reached out to take it, he would have been injured by the blood of the powerful ghost king, or even shaken to death. Internal injuries, even the body will be blown to pieces.

This is the benefit of experience in the arena. If you are a newcomer to the arena, even if your realm is not weaker than the powerful ghost king, you will inevitably suffer a big loss. But Qi Xuansu is different. Although he is still young, he has rich experience in the arena. , avoid it directly. Whenever Qi Xuansu showed any soft-heartedness that he shouldn't have, he was already hurt by the powerful ghost king.

Seeing this scene, the gloom in the eyes of Dali Ghost King became more and more intense, but his thoughts were not completely in vain. While Qi Xuansu avoided the woman, Dali Ghost King had already reached the deepest part of the dungeon and grabbed Bai Xiaojin in his hand.

The powerful ghost king reached out and pinched Bai Xiaojin's neck. With just a little force, he could crush the woman's throat and said sternly: "If you don't want both jade and stone to perish, don't act rashly!"

Dali Ghost King obviously thought Qi Xuansu was Bai Yingqiong's man and thought he was here to save Bai Xiaojin.

Qi Xuansu didn't recognize Bai Xiaojin, and he didn't even know about Bai Xiaojin's kidnapping. His first thought was: Just grab someone and let me restrain myself, and treat me like a living Bodhisattva who eats fast and chants Buddha's name?

As for why he died because of him, it's all nonsense. It was clearly the powerful ghost king who committed the murder, but it is blamed on him for not saving him. How can this make sense? It's just as unreasonable as if a wicked person can become a Buddha immediately by putting down his butcher's knife.

Probably because they bully the weak and fear the strong, the world always criticizes good people and tolerates evil people, because evil people will really come to them for trouble, so Qi Xuansu has never wanted to be a good person in the true sense.

Qi Xuansu remained unmoved and continued to move forward with the sword in hand.

In this way, the powerful ghost king would be unable to get off the tiger. If he really wanted to kill Bai Xiaojin, he would be afraid that he would not be able to give an explanation afterwards, and Bai Yingqiong would be furious. The superiors would always give Bai Yingqiong an explanation, and then he would definitely become an abandoned son.

Fortunately, Bai Xiaojin spoke at this time, unable to hide her panic: "Don't kill me, don't kill me. My mother is Bai Yingqiong. Whatever you want, my mother will give it to you."

Qi Xuansu's steps stopped.

Bai Yingqiong is Zhang Yuelu's senior sister.

He still knew this.

Zhang Yuelu also said that he would visit Bai Yingqiong.

Bai Yingqiong's daughter was actually taken hostage to this place?

In an instant, Qi Xuansu figured out one thing - "Tian Ting" had already started to take action against the investigation team.

Even Qi Xuansu knew that this was a violation of rules and would inevitably lead to many unpredictable consequences.

Seeing Qi Xuansu's hesitation, the Dali Ghost King breathed a sigh of relief. He thought a few times and realized that the person in front of him was really difficult. If it was a life and death battle, he might not be completely sure of winning. It would be better to wait until his companions came to help him, so naturally he would not be afraid of this person.

The powerful ghost king had already made up his mind, but suddenly he saw a flash of fire. Before he could recover, he felt a sharp pain in his chest.

Qi Xuansu saw a blunderbuss in his hand. Taking advantage of the distraction of the Demon King, he suddenly used his cold hand and shot "Dragon Eyes Yiyi" directly through the chest of the Ghost King.

Qi Xuansu can risk his life for Zhang Yuelu because he likes Zhang Yuelu, and Zhang Yuelu also likes him. The relationship between the two is a life-long friendship, which does not mean that Qi Xuansu can risk his life to save any woman.

Qi Xuansu is not that sympathetic yet. His cultivation level is only about halfway between that of the powerful ghost king, and he is not completely sure of winning. How can he dare to distract others again?

So Qi Xuansu only hesitated for a moment before firing directly.

On the contrary, Dali Ghost King thought Qi Xuansu was frightened by him, so he relaxed his vigilance and was attacked by Qi Xuansu in a sneak attack.

Almost at the same time, Qi Xuansu threw away the gun, waved his hand again, and two "Bliss Needles" pierced the eyes of the powerful ghost king.

Dali Ghost King's vision suddenly went dark, he screamed in pain, and subconsciously let go of Bai Xiaojin in his hand.

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