Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 28 Xumi Objects

The creation "Emperor Shitian" is Xu Wugui's masterpiece based on Ge Zao Taoism and integrating the strengths of ancient witchcraft and Quanzhen Taoism. It is comparable to the immortals.

The three major Yin objects are the pinnacle of Ge Zaodao. Compared with the "Emperor Shitian", the three major Yin objects are inferior in power, but the three major Yin objects have spiritual wisdom. In a sense , can be regarded as a living thing.

Because of this, they were able to help the Taoist sect manage the Ghost Kingdom Cave Heaven and plan their own retreat. There is no need to fall into a long sleep like "Emperor Shakti".

Of course, it's not that "Emperor Shitian" can't have spiritual intelligence, but Xu Wugui doesn't want to let it possess spiritual intelligence. At first, Xu Wugui used "Emperor Release Sky" as an external incarnation. After that, "Emperor Shakten" disappeared without a trace. Xuansheng ordered Ning Yi, the first master of Wanxiang Taoist Palace, to go to the Western Regions and find "Emperor Shitian".

The last time "Emperor Shakti" appeared was on the battlefield between Taoism and Buddhism, invincible. After Xuansheng, "Emperor Shitian" could only be used by the Grand Master in name. However, from the second generation Grand Master to the sixth generation Grand Master, this humanoid weapon was never used again, and it gradually became a legend.

The three major ghosts are different. They have spiritual wisdom. After submitting to the Taoist sect, although they rarely appear in front of people, it does not mean that their experiences are not as blank as "Emperor Shitian". Most of the time they are in the ghost country. Yin energy and corpses are processed in the cave, and there are records available.

In this process, the three major Yin objects are also constantly improving themselves, just like the Taoist priests improve their realm through practice. Although their strength is improved much slower than the Taoist priests' practice, the Taoist priests are still improving. The world only has a hundred years, but they have far more than a hundred years.

Two hundred years have passed slowly, and only they themselves know the strength of the three great ghosts, but one thing is certain, compared to them two hundred years ago, they must be different.

Qi Xuansu did not expect that Feng Bo would be killed with just one punch.

For no reason, Qi Xuansu remembered a not-so-good experience. That was when he was in Fengtai County, where he was almost beaten to death by a sixth-grade Taoist named Zhuge Yongming.

However, no matter how powerful Zhuge Yongming was, he did not kill Qi Xuansu with one punch. He only beat Qi Xuansu to the point of being depressed and vomiting blood. From this point of view, the gap between Master Wan and Uncle Feng is larger than the gap between Zhuge Yongming and Qi Xuansu.

After one punch, the fist retracted back into the portal.

From beginning to end, Master Wan never really showed up, just a punch. Qi Xuansu didn't even have a chance to say thank you.

When Master Wan's fist completely disappeared, the portal formed by mana as the medium and Yin Qi as the foundation became illusory and began to slowly collapse.

The Yin Qi that was originally surging like the ocean gradually returned to calm.

Qi Xuansu looked up and saw that there was no change in the cemetery. Thanks to Feng Bo flying in the sky at that time instead of standing on the ground, Master Wan's punch, although as powerful as a mountain, passed through the air and did not hurt the cemetery at all.

This undoubtedly saves a lot of trouble and leaves as few traces as possible. As for the remaining corpse energy, it is just water without a source and a tree with no roots. It cannot last for a long time and will soon dissipate on its own.

Qi Xuansu dusted off his clothes and prepared to "receive" Uncle Feng's inheritance.

The question of being a decent human being compared with the legacy of a heavenly being can be put aside for the time being and dealt with later.

Qi Xuansu came to the place where Feng Bo fell from the sky. There was no complete body, only some severed limbs were left. The entire torso and head directly turned into blood mist, and the remaining severed limbs were affected by corpse energy. Corroded, changed beyond recognition.

There is even a part of corpse gas visible to the naked eye permeating around it, which is extremely corrosive. In this case, even if Feng Bo carries official tickets, letters, mother-in-law talismans and other things on his body, they will be corroded, and in the end only the more solid spiritual objects, treasures and sumeru objects will be left.

Qi Xuansu naturally did not dare to reach out rashly, but he also had a way. He took out the "Nine Yang Li Fire Shield (imitation)" and used the last bit of mana to activate it, turning into a fire dragon and burning all the remaining corpse energy and Feng Bo's severed limbs. All gone, erasing all traces.

After the fire was extinguished, a ring finger lay among the ashes.

Qi Xuansu stepped forward and picked up the ring. It was not a spiritual object or a treasure, but a Sumeru object.

Although Qi Xuansu did not have Xumiwu, he had used Zhang Yuelu's Xumiwu when he was in the Western Regions and knew the basic usage. So Qi Xuansu immediately tried to open this Sumeru object that looked like a thumb ring. He found that this Sumeru object actually had a "lock". It was essentially a miniature talisman array that was integrated with the Sumeru object. Without knowing the correct solution, he could not open it. , if cracked violently, everything in it will be destroyed.

There is no "lock" on Zhang Yuelu's Xumi objects. It seems that these demons in secret societies have guilty consciences and do not have any trust between people.

Logically speaking, a heavenly being like Feng Bo might not have a semi-immortal object, but at least a treasure would be with him. But from the beginning to the end, Qi Xuansu had never seen Feng Bo use a treasure. It seems that there is no need to use treasures to kill Qi Xuansu, but there is no need to use a bull's knife to kill a chicken. Faced with Master Wan's punch, he was killed on the spot without a chance to use the treasure.

But now I haven't seen the treasure, which makes people disappointed. It can't be that Uncle Feng went out in a hurry and forgot to bring it.

Immediately afterwards, Qi Xuansu thought of the possibility that the treasure might have been placed among the Xumi objects by Uncle Feng. After all, not every treasure can change its shape at will like the "No Photo Paper", nor can it change in size like the "Nine Yang Lihuo Shield". If the treasure is a big bow, Uncle Feng cannot carry it every day. Going in and out with a big bow is too eye-catching and does not suit Feng Bo's status. If the treasure is a spurge, it will be inconvenient to turn around when going out. Now that I think about it, this method of setting a lock on an object has its advantages and disadvantages. Needless to say, the advantages are unavoidable, but the disadvantage is that it is unavoidably cumbersome. Even when you use it yourself, you have to go through a lock-opening procedure. Normally, this is fine, but if it is a critical moment when fighting with someone, it would be a big mistake. This may not be the reason why Uncle Feng failed to use the treasure at the last moment.

Qi Xuansu weighed the ring in his hand.

Somewhat worried.

With his own ability, he will never be able to unlock the locks of Xumi objects, but with the ability of the Taoist sect, he will definitely be able to unlock the locks of Xumi objects.

The key is that he cannot explain the origin of Xumi to Taoism.

Where did Sumeru come from?

Got it from Uncle Feng.

Why should a congenital person kill a heavenly being?

It's because Master Wan, one of the three great demons, took action himself.

The Feng Bo of "Tian Ting" is not the Feng Bo in myths and legends, and the powerful ghost king of "Tian Ting" is just a mortal. On the contrary, Master Wan is more suitable for the title of powerful ghost king.

Master Wan took action personally, wouldn't an ordinary heavenly being be able to capture him?

Why do you let the three evil creatures take action? How did you enter the cave of the ghost kingdom?

We can no longer talk about this.

Should Qi Xuansu be allowed to admit that he has the "Xuan Jade of Death"? Or admit that he is involved in Tso Wenbu's matter?

At this point, Zhang Yuelu and Pei Xiaolou only knew a rough idea and did not know the whole story. Zhang Yuelu knew that Qi Xuansu had interactions with the three major yin beings and had reached a gentleman's agreement, but he did not know that Qi Xuansu could ask the three major yin beings to take action on certain special occasions.

It's not that Qi Xuansu had to hide Zhang Yuelu's identity, but the less he said, the less likely he would find any clues. Zhang Yuelu was always good at finding clues. If he really wanted to tell the truth, his Qingpinghui identity would most likely not be concealed. He didn't want to talk to Zhang Yuelu so early. showdown. In other words, Qi Xuansu didn't want to have a showdown with Zhang Yuelu at all, but planned to keep it a secret until the end - so as not to put Zhang Yuelu in a dilemma.

As for Pei Xiaolou.

Qi Xuansu also hesitated.

We are not Taoist boys of the Wanxiang Taoist Palace. We cannot tell everything from our hearts, so we must always leave some room.

But there is one other person.


She is Qi Xuansu's savior and guide. She is the reborn parent of En Tong. She knows all of Qi Xuansu's secrets and is also the person Qi Xuansu trusts the most.

Qiniang has great magical powers and will probably find a way.

Of course, there are also disadvantages. Qiniang can't afford to go early without any benefit. In such an insignificant matter, she will not help Qi Xuansu for free. Half of it is still a small amount when meeting. How much Qi Xuansu can get depends on Qiniang's mood.

But then again, it’s better to get less points than to not get them.

Qi Xuansu put away the ring and left the place quickly.

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