Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 34 Confession

At this moment, Qi Xuansu, who was responsible for recording, spoke: "Isn't that right?"

Ye Xiu looked at Qi Xuansu and asked, "What's wrong?"

Qi Xuansu put the brush in his hand on the inkstone and said: "As far as I know, in the first month of this year, a group of cult demons in Xiping Mansion held the so-called 'Eagle and Dog Killing Conference' in Jiuwa Gang. It was the 'Tianting' Feng Bo handled it all by himself. Taking into account the preparation time, it can be seen that Feng Bo had arrived in Xiping Mansion as early as February. He organized people and opened a branch in late February and early March. He appeared in Xijing Mansion again and fought against the people of Wuxu Palace. In March and April, I, the deputy master of Ziwei Hall, Mr. Lei Zhenren, personally hunted down Uncle Feng and destroyed all the branches set up by the 'Tianting' in Xiping Mansion. Uncle Feng only escaped with his own life. It was not until the end of May that Uncle Feng appeared in Jinling Mansion and kidnapped Bai Xiaojin, the daughter of Zhenren Bai."

Ye Xiu's expression changed.

Qi Xuansu continued: "These are records that can be checked, there are witnesses that can be questioned, and I am even one of the parties involved. I would like to ask King Ye Beggar, Uncle Feng has been away from Jinling Mansion for at least half a year, how did you do business? Is your business not open for three years but open for three years? Or is there someone else doing business with you? "

Ye Xiu was silent again.

Mu Jin said: "King Ye Beggar, let me remind you that we still have the means to search for souls. After searching for souls, why can't we get anything? It's just that after searching for souls, people are useless, ranging from being crazy and stupid to being serious. It's like a tree. Although this technique is restricted because it is too cruel, King Ye Beggar is still so stubborn and deliberately resisting. It's not like we can't make an exception."

Ye Xiu's expression changed uncertainly.

In fact, it was impossible for Mu Jin to use the soul-searching technique on Ye Xiu, it was just to scare people.

Soul Search is certainly useful, but it has great limitations. In addition to the reason that it can only be used once and cannot be reversed, there is another point, that is, the information obtained from the soul search cannot be turned into a written document.

In other words, if it is blood revenge, there is no need to pay attention to any evidence files, just use the soul-searching technique to find the enemy, and then kill the enemy with your own hands, there is no problem. But if it is a fight between Taoist sects, where the two sides have equal status and the same power behind them, they must talk about rules and evidence. The effect of the soul-searching technique is not that great, because many times, you can know who is behind the scenes without the soul-searching technique. , the key is not the truth of the result, but how to prove this truth.

Zhang Yuelu finally said: "As long as King Ye Beggar cooperates honestly, I can't guarantee anything else, but I can guarantee that King Ye Beggar's life will be safe."

Ye Xiu said slowly: "Deputy Hall Master Zhang, and the two principals, if you ask this, the villain will naturally have nothing to say. But there is one thing that the three of you should know. The villain is just an insignificant person. The truth is what is said above. , The villain does what he wants, he is not qualified to push back and forth, let alone bargain. "

Qi Xuansu said: "Now we are not asking you whether you should do this, nor are we asking you whether you can't help yourself. We are asking you who is the 'higher' in your mouth."

Ye Xiu was immediately asked.

It’s hard to answer this one.

It’s not that I don’t know, it’s that I can’t say it or dare not say it.

After saying that, it would be a catastrophe that would destroy the family and the entire clan.

Qi Xuansu emphasized his tone: "Reply!"

Mu Jin raised the whip in her hand again, and after a deliberate pause, when Ye Xiu relaxed a little thinking that the whip would not fall, she suddenly whipped it out.

Ye Xiu only felt that the pain was like countless ants crawling in his bones, gnawing at the marrow. He couldn't bear the beating, so he had to say: "'Tianting' is not Feng Bo's 'Tianting' alone, there are so many There are many people, and whoever the people in the Heavenly Court listen to is the one above."

Qi Xuansu said: "When you say 'people from Heavenly Court', do you mean ordinary members of Heavenly Courtyard? Or the entire Heavenly Courtyard? If they are just ordinary members of Heavenly Courtyard, then naturally they will be Feng Bo." , Feng Lei and other senior officials of the 'Tianting', but if it is the entire 'Tianting' including Feng Bo and others, whose orders do they follow? "

This time, not only Ye Xiu's expression changed, but Mu Jin's expression also changed slightly.

This is the reason why Li Mingcheng wants to take Ye Xiuti away.

Ye Xiu's eyes suddenly became empty, how could she dare to reply to this.

Zhang Yuelu said: "You help a real person manage the industry, including the business of Xueyueyuan and other guilds. You just said that you were asked to do this by your superiors. Let me ask you, did that real person give you the instructions to work with the 'Tianting' business man?"

Ye Xiu's breathing became heavy: "If you have the ability, just ask that real person!"

Without Zhang Yuelu's instructions, Qi Xuansu quickly finished recording it, stood up and handed it into Zhang Yuelu's hands. After Zhang Yuelu looked at it carefully, he said: "Let him take a look. If he confirms it is correct, just make a mark."

Qi Xuansu came to Ye Xiu with the records and cinnabar, and held them up for him to read page by page.

Ye Xiu didn't know whether it was because of the torture or fear. She was trembling slightly and said nothing.

Mu Jin took Ye Xiu's hand, dipped it in cinnabar, and put a bright red fingerprint on the record.

Li Ming walked into Li Mingzhi's signing room like a gust of cold wind.

Li Mingzhi was sitting behind the desk, flipping through a case file.

Both of them are from the Li family, with the same seniority, position, and rank, and they don’t have so many scruples about what they say.

"Ye Xiu fell into Zhang Yuelu's hands." Li Mingcheng said straight to the point.

"If it falls into Zhang Yuelu's hands, it falls into Zhang Yuelu's hands..." Li Mingzhi was startled, "Who? Ye Xiu?"

Li Mingcheng said: "That Beggar King, known as the local snake of Jinling Mansion, is well-informed and cunning rabbits have three caves. As long as he hides, even the gods can't find him. As a result, he was taken down easily without receiving any news in advance. What a cunning rabbit with three caves, none of which are used, it’s really a waste.”

Li Mingzhi couldn't sit still and stood up.

Li Mingcheng continued: "I wanted to take him out, but Zhang Yuelu pushed him back. As you know, Lei Xiaohuan is the one who makes the decision now, and there is nothing we can do about her."

Li Mingzhi put his hands behind his back and walked slowly: "Can you let him go directly to see the King of Hell?"

Li Mingcheng said: "The spiritual officials of Jiangnan Daofu are only responsible for the realm outside Zhenwu Temple. Now the dungeons are full of spiritual officials from Tiangang Hall. These spiritual officials were specially transferred from the Western Regions by Master Cihang. They are not only related to Jiangnan. There is nothing involved, even with Yu Jing, it is not difficult to deal with. "

"Even if it's difficult, it must be done. Our ancestors sent us to Jiangnan to protect this family. You are from Beichen Hall and have experience in handling such things. Do you have any other ideas?" Li Mingzhi said, ""

Li Mingcheng hesitated for a moment and said, "At this point, we can only make a risky move."

He walked to the door of the signing room and ordered outside: "You all go outside the second hall. No one is allowed in now."

The person outside the door responded and left.

Li Mingcheng looked around and saw no one else. He set up another restriction and then said softly: "Prison robbery."

Li Mingzhi's eyes widened and his face turned a little pale: "This is a serious crime of confiscating the house and exterminating the family."

Li Mingcheng said in a low voice: "Of course we are not robbing the prison, let them go."

"Will they go?" Li Mingzhi was a little confused.

Li Mingcheng said: "Ye Xiu knows too many things. If we really want to reveal it, no one will be able to benefit from it. I can't help but let them go."

Li Mingzhi thought for a long time, and felt a little moved: "Then what."

Li Mingcheng continued: "Of course it won't be possible just by relying on them. So we have to find a way to transfer all the people from the Zhenwu Temple. At least Lei Xiaohuan and Pei Xiaolou cannot be in the Zhenwu Temple. "

"Transfer both Lei Xiaohuan and Pei Xiaolou out." Li Mingzhi said, "It's not difficult to ask Shi Luosi to come forward and ask for negotiations. In this way, at least one person will have to go to Pei Xiaolou and Lei Xiaohuan. . Then make some noise elsewhere to lure the other person away. "

Li Mingzhi paused for a moment: "The key is that the impact afterwards is so bad that it will inevitably alarm Jinque. Master Donghua and Master Cihang have no excuse to intervene on a large scale. If such a big thing happens, they will definitely If you make a fuss about it, you may even use it as an excuse to get out personally. At that time, it will be difficult to end it.”

Li Mingcheng said in a deep voice: "We don't want to make the matter a big deal, but it has already become a big deal. Once Ye Xiu confesses, it will not be as simple as Cihang and Donghua having an excuse, but there will be major progress in the case. Yu Jing All the methods arranged there are useless. But everything has two sides. If it succeeds, it will certainly give Cihang and Donghua an excuse to make a fuss, but it will also show that the case is progressing slowly and they can still get away from Yujing. Over there, put pressure on Lei Xiaohuan and gradually restrict the investigation team, so as to choose the lesser of the two evils."

Li Mingzhi pondered for a while, and then slowly looked at Li Mingcheng: "It is a matter of life and death. This matter must be clean, and no evidence will be left behind. If there is no evidence, even if they have an excuse to make a big fuss, they will not be able to do anything. to us."

Li Mingcheng said solemnly: "This is natural."

"It's all because of them, this is the only way, let's do it." Li Mingzhi sighed.

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