Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 55 Small World

Under the fire, parts of the building began to collapse.

The alchemists from Jiangnan Daofu also arrived, and they began to prepare spells and talismans, which were more efficient than water trucks to put out fires. There are also Taoist priests from Huashengtang who are responsible for sending seriously injured people to the local branch of Huashengtang for treatment.

With Bai Yingqiong on hand to direct, there wasn't much confusion.

Zhang Yuelu looked at the sea of ​​fire, with a heavy heart, and said slowly: "So much evidence was burned to the ground. Ye Xiu also died. Many days of hard work were destroyed in one day just like this Zhenwu temple."

Qi Xuansu stood beside her and said: "At least they left a heavenly head."

Zhang Yuelu turned his head and glanced not far away.

There was a cylindrical glass jar, about the thickness of a bucket, filled with an unknown liquid - it was just begged from Huasheng Hall to facilitate the preservation of corpses or specimens.

Inside the jar was a head with messy white hair, eyes still filled with fear.

Marshal Lei.

It's hard to say who is more miserable between Marshal Lei and Marshal Tianpeng. One died without a complete body, and the other with no bones left.

Zhang Yuelu had no eccentric habit of using enemy heads as trophies. He just had to do so in case someone would make a fuss about this matter in the future and force the accusation on Zhang Yuelu's head.

They did it, and it is not impossible for Zhang Yueluan to be charged with dereliction of duty in the end.

With this human head, Zhang Yuelu will be more proactive. After all, her ability to kill a celestial being is already at her limit as a little Gui Zhen, so the blame will not be on her head.

To use an inappropriate analogy, this is like marching to war. Facing a hundred thousand people, it is more reasonable to only give 10,000 people and let 10,000 people defend the city. But if these ten thousand people are allowed to go out of the city to engage in a field battle with an enemy force ten times their own, they must also win a complete victory. If they fail to do so, they will be blamed. This will become a crime that is intended to be imposed and will not be convincing.

But the most likely thing is to attack Lei Xiaohuan. After all, Lei Xiaohuan is the person in charge of the investigation team.

Zhang Yuelu looked away and looked at the "Cang Lei" in his hand. This was Marshal Lei's relic. It was considered a top-notch treasure. Even for heavenly beings, it was a great help.

"Tian Yuan, I was thinking just now, how could Marshal Tianpeng disappear for no reason? This is leaving his post without permission, which is a taboo regardless of Taoist sects or secret associations." Zhang Yuelu said thoughtfully, "I always I feel something is strange, could there be a third party intervening? "

Qi Xuansu was somewhat accustomed to Zhang Yuelu's keen insight and was not panicked. He said, "It is indeed possible. Maybe someone lured Marshal Tianpeng away, or simply killed Marshal Tianpeng."

Zhang Yuelu gently held his forehead: "If there is a third-party force, is there a fourth-party force? I'm really afraid that someone will take advantage of the situation. Taking advantage of the chaos, the Taoist sect will fight among itself and start making trouble."

Qi Xuansu didn't speak, but was also thinking.

Qiniang said she was going to meet an old friend, which could be understood to mean that she didn't want to meet Zhang Yuelu yet, but with Qiniang's temperament, she could just leave if she didn't want to meet, so there was no need to deliberately find an excuse. So who is this old friend? Is it an old friendship between Lei Xiaohuan and Pei Xiaolou? Or some enemy? After all, it is very common in the world to call rivals and enemies of many years "old friends".

If Qiniang is regarded as a third-party force, will the old friend she talks about be a fourth-party force?

Today's Jinling Mansion is too weak.

For some people with bad intentions, this is a godsend.

Lei Xiaohuan had never been so angry, but he was helpless.

She knew that Cardinal Deacon Shi Luosi had bad intentions in setting up the dinner, even a banquet for the Overlord, but she thought that in the Taoist sect's territory, the people of the Holy Court did not dare to go too far, so she took people to the banquet calmly.

But she didn't expect that Shi Luosi would take action and trap her here.

At this time, Lei Xiaohuan is located in a small thousand world. This is a saying originated from Buddhism, which corresponds to the so-called big thousand world. Later, Taoism also adopted this term, which is referred to as the small world.

In the words of Western warlocks, this is a subspace constructed based on the real world but relatively independent of the real world.

The ground under your feet is divided into squares like a chessboard, but they are not the nineteen vertical and horizontal lines of Go, nor the Chu-He-Han boundary of chess, but black and white squares. There are eight grids horizontally and vertically, arranged in a staggered manner, for a total of sixty-four squares.

There are a total of thirty-two chess pieces, also divided into two groups of black and white, sixteen in each group. Each player holds a group, divided into two types, namely a king, a queen, two chariots, and two bishops. Two knights, eight praetorians. Similar to the rook, bishop, knight, and pawn in chess.

Lei Xiaohuan was well-informed and knew that this was chess. He couldn't help but think of the founder of Quanzhen Taoism named Wei. He had a similar treasure that could forcibly open up a small world and accommodate people in it. Unless You can forcefully break the small world, or wait until the treasure's spiritual energy is exhausted, otherwise you can only leave by playing a game of Go and winning.

This Go treasure came from the hands of Earth Master Xu Wugui. For immortals, it is naturally a child's toy, but for ordinary people, and even heavenly beings, it is an extremely useful treasure - provided that it is suitable for one's own chess skills. Extremely confident.

The Patriarch surnamed Wei was a chess player. He traveled around the world, made friends with chess, and made a living by gambling. After the age of twenty, he had few opponents. So he went to the imperial capital to challenge a national player, and won all three matches, becoming famous. But when he left the Imperial Capital, the well-connected national warrior bribed a group of bandits and almost killed him in the woods outside the city. Fortunately, Earth Master Xu Wugui happened to pass by and rescued him. Only then did he become a member of the Taoist sect.

Lei Xiaohuan knew this story and understood the working principles of this small world. He even felt a little emotional. It seemed that people at home and abroad had similar ideas in ancient and modern times. Disguising such treasures as chessboards would be the easiest way for people to be fooled.

No, she was fooled.

The difference is that one is Go and the other is chess.

Lei Xiaohuan tried it, but after finding that he could not break this small world, he became a little desperate. After all, she is only in the ever-changing realm of martial arts, and has not yet reached the realm of Shattered Void. If they were alchemists of the same level and specialized in their art, it would be possible to crack this small world.

As for why she felt desperate, the reason was simple. She knew chess but couldn't play chess. Wanting to win was a fool's errand.

She could only wait for the time to come and the small world to collapse on its own so that she could escape.

But she also understands one thing. Although she is trapped here, although her life is not worried, a lot of things can happen outside. Shi Luosi took such a big risk, he couldn't have fallen in love with her and wanted to have a good communication with her.

She is quite aware of her appearance.

Furthermore, even if Shi Luosi becomes insane, others will not miss this great opportunity and will definitely take action.

Zhihu Moruoqiu, based on her experience, Pei Xiaolou is not a very reliable person from any aspect, otherwise Pei Xuanzhi would not let him only be an assistant, and this time the investigation team did not let him take the lead. .

Zhang Yuelu is very reliable, but he is too young, and his qualifications, experience and realm cultivation are somewhat insufficient. If she had the cultivation level of the Immeasurable Heaven and Human stage, that would be almost the same.

As for Qi Xuansu, it can only be said that the future is promising. He had all the shortcomings that Zhang Yuelu had, and he also had all the shortcomings that Zhang Yuelu didn't have. For example, the position is of a lower grade, lacks the support of the family from which they were taught, lacks prestige, lacks experience in overall planning, etc.

Now she can only hope that Qiniang will arrive in time to save the situation. But Qiniang is an unstable variable. She has the ability to do things well and make people put their hearts into their stomachs. However, she also often does things like sit on the shore and watch the boat capsize. This depends on the amount of Taiping money. Is it enough.

If the deal is done, no matter how she vents her anger with Shi Luosi afterwards, it will not help. After all, Shi Luosi was from the Holy Court, and she couldn't really kill him.

She can only blame herself for being too careless.

Shi Luosi, dressed in white robes, sat on a high-backed chair made of gold and studded with gems. He rested his elbows on the armrests, propped up his chin, and looked quietly at Lei Xiaohuan opposite him.

Compared to Lei Xiaohuan's anger, the cardinal deacon was very calm, and his blue eyes were like a quiet lake.

Of course he knew the consequences of doing so, but he did it anyway. The reason is simple. He was also involved in this whirlpool. To protect himself, he could only choose the lesser of two evils.

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