Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 57 Taiyi Yunyi

Zhang Yuelu stood up and said: "Not to mention the water wells everywhere, there are three key water sources, one is the river outside the city, one is Zhenwu Lake in the city, and the other is the Qinhuai River that passes through the city. "

Qi Xuansu followed Zhang Yuelu's train of thought and said: "Zhenwu Lake is impossible. It's too sensitive there. It's located in the center of Daomen's nose. Even if it's dark under the lamp, it's not possible. It's not that we don't want to, but that we can't do it. "

"As for the big river, it is now the flood season in summer. Its water flow is large and its self-purification ability is strong, which is the peak of the year. Furthermore, there is a lot of rain this year, and there is even the possibility of floods. There are floods everywhere. Prepare for flood control, so the flow of the river at this time is at its peak in the past ten years. If you want to manipulate the river, it is impossible to do it in a short time, so the only way is the Qinhuai River. "

Zhang Yuelu took out a floor map of Jinling Prefecture from the Xumiwu and spread it out: "As a water supply, the most ideal is spring water or well water. However, Jinling Prefecture is a large city after the Imperial Capital with a population of several hundred. The demand for water is so huge that it cannot be met by spring water and well water alone. The Qinhuai River runs through both inner and outer cities. It has a large flow and has relatively good self-purification capabilities, second only to the big rivers. water source.”

Because of Uncle Feng, Qi Xuansu had just been to the Qinhuai River not long ago and had some impressions about it. After confirming it with the map, he already knew it.

The Qinhuai River is indeed an excellent place to start.

Regarding the protection of water sources, the Taoist sect and the imperial court will allocate corresponding manpower. If it is normal, there will be no chance to take action, but now Jinling Mansion is the most empty time. The governor, admiral, military affairs chief, governor, and guard The chief military officer and the real person in charge of Jiangnan Daofu were not in Jinling Palace. At this time, there was another fire, which involved most of the energy of Jiangnan Daofu, Qingluan Guards, and the Military Command Department.

There really is no better time than now to take action.

Qi Xuansu asked: "Do you want to report it to Jinque?"

Zhang Yuelu was silent for a moment and then asked: "Where is the evidence?"

Qi Xuansu was speechless.

They couldn't just report it to Jinque based on speculation and hope that Jinque would make a decision.

All their speculations were based on assumptions, and the premise of this assumption came from Zhang Yuelu's intuition and worries. It's not that speculation is impossible, it would be enough if it were replaced by a great master or a certain great master. The weight of the two of them is too light.

Zhang Yuelu revealed a deeper reason: "Don't forget, we are still insiders. From the three deputy heads to the great masters, down to the various Taoist houses in Jiutang, everyone knows what our position is. In the same words, Some people can say it, some people can't."

"If you are an outsider, there are no obvious interests involved. If you stand up and worry about the safety of Jinling Mansion at this time, it is selfish and selfless."

"As insiders, we are involved in the center of this whirlpool. If we stand up at this critical moment and say that Jinling Mansion is in danger or that Zhenwu Temple has just been completely burned down by a fire, what will others think? They They will not think that we are really worried about the safety of Jinling Mansion, they will only think that we are diverting attention, shirking responsibility, or even harboring evil intentions. This is called selfless and selfish. "

Qi Xuansu was silent there.

He was not stupid and had already understood the meaning of Zhang Yuelu's words.

After a while, Qi Xuansu slowly said: "Because we are involved in party strife, we will be regarded as party members from top to bottom. In the eyes of others, everything we do is in the interests of the party." Instead of starting from the interests of Taoism and the people, no matter how correct the approach is, it is just a high-sounding slogan and a shield. Then what we want to do will not be supported, but will be blocked. Now, no matter what we say, The higher-ups won’t listen, and even if they do, they will end up arguing with each other. Is this the truth?”

Zhang Yuelu nodded silently.

Qi Xuansu sighed: "We can only watch helplessly."

"We can also try to stop them on our own." Zhang Yuelu's eyes were firm, "I can't report to Jinque publicly, but I can inform Master privately and make corresponding preparations. If our speculation unfortunately comes true, then the Taoist sect will not If you are caught off guard, you can react immediately.”

Qi Xuansu nodded: "That's all it can do."

Zhang Yuelu pointed on the map with his finger: "Let's go to this place first."

Qi Xuansu then looked around and saw four small characters marked on the place where Zhang Yuelu pointed: "Shui Tang Workshop".

On ordinary maps, this place would not be marked. Because the map in Zhang Yuelu's hand was a special map inside the Daomen, this place was marked.

Shuitang Workshop belongs to Jiangnan Daofu. It is a semi-underground workshop. It is the largest water purification workshop in Jinling Prefecture.

Logically speaking, the river water should be relatively clean, but too many residents in the middle and upper reaches will cause the water quality to decline, and algae and various parasites will increase in large quantities. Drinking it directly will cause various diseases.

Daomen has set up many workshops to purify water. The process is not very complicated, and there are mainly three steps: sedimentation, filtration, and disinfection. Many facilities such as sedimentation tanks, filter wells, disinfection tanks, and water channels need to be built, which takes up a lot of space. Because water source safety is the top priority, this place is not marked on the map, and there is a dedicated person responsible for it.

There is no doubt that starting from here will save a lot of trouble.

Zhang Yuelu didn't have any clues, but put herself in his shoes and thought that if she were a member of the Zhiming Cult, she would most likely choose to take action here.

Qi Xuansu had no objection and asked again: "How many people will you bring?"

"It's just the two of us." Zhang Yuelu put away the map. "With more people, the target is too big, and it's easy to scare off the enemy. With fewer people, it's easier to move. But we need to inform the others so that they can prepare in advance."

Qi Xuansu nodded and began to check various things he carried.

The "Dragon Hand Gun" was eaten by Marshal Tianpeng, and all the "Dragon Eyes" and "Phoenix Eyes" were also consumed. Although there was still a "Sun Shooting Long Gun" picked up, the ammunition was exhausted and there was no time to replenish it. , was temporarily thrown to a spiritual officer by Qi Xuansu. So at this time, Qi Xuansu only had the top spiritual item "Feiying", the top-grade spiritual item "Qingyuan", the inferior treasure "Nine Yang Lihuo Shield (imitation)", and four "Bliss Needles".

As for Zhang Yuelu, he was much richer than Qi Xuansu. He had a semi-immortal item called "No Photo Paper" and two top treasures "Cang Lei" and "Taiyi Yunyi".

Compared with Su Yunmei, the first generation Cihang master in his youth, Zhang Yuelu has a higher level of possessions and realm cultivation. Compared with the young Da Zhenren Yan Feiqing, Qi Xuansu was completely inferior in every aspect, let alone compared with Xuan Sheng.

At this time, the two of them were in a relatively secluded pavilion, leaning against Zhenwu Lake, and could see the situation over at Zhenwu Temple. Zhang Yuelu thought for a while, took off the "Taiyi Cloud Clothes" outside, revealing his original clothes, then handed the "Taiyi Cloud Clothes" to Qi Xuansu, and said: "I can't decide to give it to you, just treat it as a loan." For you."

Qi Xuansu waved his hand and refused: "Anyway, I have a warrior physique and am more resistant to fighting. Even if you are a heavenly being, you may not be as strong as me. I'd better wear it on you."

Zhang Yuelu did not refute Qi Xuansu's excuse at all, but said in a tone that left no room for doubt: "Lusuo, put it on as soon as I tell you to."

When it comes to resisting beatings, even if Qi Xuansu was beaten to death, her "Five Qi Yan Luo" might not be broken. After all, she was a banished immortal in the Five Qi Dynasty Realm, and was by no means comparable to an incomplete returning warrior.

The Five Qi Chao Yuan was originally the lofty realm after becoming an Earth Immortal, but Xuan Sheng used it to name the stage of freedom of heaven and humans that banished immortals. This fully shows the transcendent status of Heavenly Immortals over Earth Immortals. For Zhang Yuelu, "Tai "Yi Yunyi" is no longer of much use.

But Qi Xuansu was not a henpecked person, and still refused: "I remember that the great master of the Five Dynasties once said that if women wear men's crowns, men wear women's skirts, or even men apply rouge, women's makeup is used as beauty, and Longyang is used as beauty. Well, that is the sign of prosperity and decline, so he ordered the rectification of the atmosphere several times. I am not the fifth generation master, I can only control myself. As a man's husband, I don't wear women's clothes. "

To be fair, this "Taiyi Cloud Clothes" has been passed down from generation to generation in Cihang's lineage, and women have always been the masters of Cihang's lineage. Take this generation as an example, whether it is Cihang, Zhang Yuelu or Bai Yingqiong. It is a woman, so it is not unreasonable for Qi Xuansu to say that "Taiyi Yunyi" is a women's clothing.

"This is the style of a crane cloak with double breasts and wide sleeves. It is not a palace dress, so how can it be classified as men's or women's clothing?" Zhang Yuelu shook the "Taiyi Yunyi" in his hand.

Qi Xuansu pointed to the silk.

The so-called shawl is what is often called a streamer. One end is fixed on the chest strap of the half arm, and then draped over the shoulders and twisted between the arms. When standing, the draped silk droops naturally like the tranquility of a pond. When walking, it flows and stretches like willows blown by the wind. Movement and stillness complement each other. This is also the key to why "Taiyi Yunyi" can enable people to fly.

Generally speaking, the shawl used by married women is shorter, while the shawl used by unmarried women is longer. The shawl on "Taiyi Yunyi" is one foot long, so there is still an unwritten code in the Cihang lineage. According to the rules, after the real people of Cihang's lineage get married, "Taiyi Yunyi" must be passed on to the unmarried disciples. Now, although the real people of Cihang are not married, their cultivation level is too high to use such gadgets. , and passed it to Zhang Yuelu.

Zhang Yuelu was speechless for a moment.

She is not an unreasonable person, let alone making trouble without reason.

In the end, Zhang Yuelu could only say: "No big deal, it's okay to tie the shawl around your waist like a belt, as long as you can fly."

As she said that, she took the initiative to take off the shawl.

Zhang Yuelu gave in like this, and Qi Xuansu couldn't refuse anymore, so he could only take the "Taiyi Yunyi" without the silk and put it on his body.

People rely on clothes, Buddha relies on gold. Wearing a snow-white crane cloak, it is not stained by dust, and the clouds are self-generated, but it also complements Qi Xuansu's immortal demeanor, just like a fairy.

Zhang Yuelu signaled Qi Xuansu to open his hands, and wrapped a thin silk shawl around his waist with his own hands, which was somewhat nondescript.

Qi Xuansu whispered: "Wouldn't it be a bit of a waste of natural resources?"

Zhang Yuelu rolled his eyes at him: "Then wrapped in his arms?"

Qi Xuansu shuddered when he thought of how he looked like a flying Buddha: "It's better to wrap it around your waist, it's neat. It's also easier to do things with others."

After that, Qi Xuansu simply pinned "Qingyuan" and "Feiying" to the left and right around his waist, then put on a shoulder bag, a waist bag, and even hung a bell-shaped "Jiuyang Lihuo Cover" around his waist - —Since it’s neither fish nor fowl, it’s completely outrageous.


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