Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 61 Main sluice

It is not difficult to clean a sedimentation tank, but a large water hall workshop has far more than one sedimentation tank.

Zhang Yuelu directly burned a Zimu Talisman.

Not long after, the half-length shadow of Master Cihang appeared in front of Zhang Yuelu. .

"Master, I'm afraid I'm unfortunately right." Zhang Yuelu got straight to the point, "Not only did we encounter demons and living corpses from the Zhiming Sect, but we also found a large number of strange fish in the sedimentation tank of the water hall. They should be what they call ' Gift'. The only good news is that there should be no warning."

After all, Master Cihang was a man who had weathered many storms, so he did not panic. After thinking for a while, he asked, "How is the situation in Jiangnan Daofu?"

Zhang Yuelu said: "It cannot be said that it is chaos, but it is not much better. After all, Jiangnan Daofu is responsible for the entire Jiangnan, and the key is maritime trade. With so many prefectures, ports, and warehouses, it is impossible for them all to be stationed in Jinling Prefecture, and After all the changes, to be honest, today’s Jinling Mansion is nothing more than a strong force on the outside.”

Master Cihang once took charge of Jiangnan Daofu, so of course he knew the situation.

There are also differences in the combat power between the various Dao Prefectures. For example, the Kunlun Dao Prefecture has always been responsible for defending Yujing, so its combat power is the highest among all the Dao Dao Prefectures. There is also the Western Region Dao Prefecture, which is located on the border and often happens. The war effort is equally strong. These two are like the imperial army and the border army, which are stronger than ordinary local garrisons.

But Jiangnan Daofu is not included in this list. In terms of strength, status, and importance, it is among the best within the Taoist sect. However, a large part of this strength is economic strength. In terms of combat power and armaments alone, Jiangnan Daofu is not strong. Compared to other Taoist houses, it is even a little weaker.

The reason is not complicated. Since ancient times, the world of flowers and flowers has been the most irritating to people's hearts. After all, Taoist priests are not men in black and cannot be restrained by military law. Living in the prosperous Jiangnan, it is inevitable to indulge in enjoyment. Therefore, Jiangnan Daofu is second only to Yujing's flower garden Taoist priests. The hardest hit area. Furthermore, Jiangnan Daofu is located in the core hinterland, where peace has lasted for a long time, and there are men in black garrison and Jiangnan Navy, so there is no need to place too many spiritual officers here.

The real person in charge of the Jiangnan Dao Palace and the deputy palace owners are all concerned about sea trade, and few people care about the military preparedness. It can even be said that the military preparedness is ineffective. That's all. The real person in charge of Jiangnan Daofu and several deputy hall masters are not in Jinling Mansion yet. If a major change occurs, it is quite unrealistic to expect Jiangnan Daofu to calm the situation alone. Even if the Jiangnan Provincial Government can calm down the situation, it may have already caused very serious consequences. Whether it is human casualties or property damage, it is immeasurable.

Master Cihang said slowly: "I will send a message to Bai Yingqiong, and you two sisters will discuss it and try your best to stabilize the situation in Jinling Mansion. I will hold a meeting as soon as possible to form a decision."

Zhang Yuelu asked directly: "How long will it take?"

Master Cihang shook his head slightly and said, "It's hard to say. Before that, I'll go see Master Pei first and listen to his opinion."

Zhang Yuelu said: "That's all we have to do."

Master Cihang interrupted the connection between the mother-child talisman and the mother-child talisman.

Zhang Yuelu took out another Zimu Talisman, but this time he contacted Mu Jin, asking Mu Jin to convey her order now and mobilize all available manpower to go to Shuitang Workshop.

Logically speaking, it should be the most reasonable thing to mobilize the manpower of Jiangnan Province to deal with the Shuitang Workshop. First of all, it is justified, and secondly, no matter how weak the military equipment of Jiangnan Province is, it is not difficult to deal with a Shuitang Workshop. It's just that Zhang Yuelu is not the deputy head of Jiangnan Daofu, so he can't overstep his authority. If he changes hands again, there will inevitably be delays. Moreover, the internal situation of Jiangnan Daofu is unclear and it is difficult to distinguish between ourselves and the enemy. It is better to directly mobilize one's own manpower to be more convenient.

As for Jiangnan Daofu, it is better to wait until Master Cihang and Bai Yingqiong have a clear relationship before making any calculations.

After Zhang Yuelu ended his communication with Mu Jin, Qi Xuansu said: "Although it has not been long, many strange fish have entered the waterway, but I don't understand, how can these strange fish spread the curse? They can't Someone is going to eat these weird fish.”

Zhang Yuelu explained: "These strange fish are actually the source of pollution. They don't have to do anything. As long as they disperse along the water flow, the water will be polluted wherever they pass. It is the same as putting the carcasses of dead animals in the water source." ”

Qi Xuansu said: "If this is the case, then the water wells in the city will probably not be saved. What should we do next?"

Zhang Yuelu pinched his eyebrows: "There should be a main water gate in this workshop. Close the main water gate first, and then slowly clean up the 'favor' here. At the same time, a message is sent to the local Qingluan Guards and the military command department to block the water well. The key is The purpose is to determine the location of that group of monsters as soon as possible, eliminate or control them, and not allow them to continue to act recklessly in the city. "

Speaking of this, Zhang Yuelu took out a stack of Zimu Talismans from her sleeve, but she suddenly remembered that she had just arrived in Jinling Mansion not long ago, and she had no contact information for the Qingluan Guards and the Military Command Department. The same was true for the men in black. Moreover, the highest official of the men in black is not in the city, and Daomen cannot mobilize the garrison of the men in black.

"It rained all night when the house leaked." Zhang Yuelu clenched his fists, "If you want to mobilize the Qingluan Guards and the Military Command Department, you still need Jiangnan Province to come forward to discuss with the government."

As he said, a Zimu talisman lit up. Zhang Yuelu took it out and found Bai Yingqiong's name on it.

"It seems that Master Cihang moved very quickly. You communicate with Master Bai first, and I will close the main sluice." Qi Xuansu immediately made a decision. Master Cihang communicated with Bai Yingqiong. In fact, it was Master Cihang's unilateral explanation. The time required for words is naturally very short, but it will take a long time for Zhang Yuelu and Bai Yingqiong to implement specific things.

Zhang Yuelu only hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said: "Okay, be careful."

The two parted ways. Because the terrain here was quite complex, there were special signs to guide the way. Qi Xuansu didn't need a map, he just followed the signs.

Many sedimentation tanks are connected by short or long iron bridges, and the other sedimentation tanks are just like the first sedimentation tank, crowded with strange fish.

It only takes a few hours at most. God knows how these things grow so fast, comparable to the flesh and blood of a warrior.

Qi Xuansu stopped trying to clean up these strange fish and just walked towards the main sluice.

After the sedimentation tank is the filter tank. Qi Xuansu found that the situation in the filter tank was not optimistic. Those strange fish had sharp teeth and sharp mouths and had torn the filter mesh. Except for some of them that continued to occupy the filter tank, the rest had already gone to the next process, which was the final disinfection tank.

Qi Xuansu doesn't think that the disinfection tank can solve these strange fish, and the two reservoirs for cleaning and cleaning have probably been destroyed. Closing the main sluice is indeed the only feasible way.

Along the way, Qi Xuansu also discovered several similar large rooms. After entering, there were no living people anymore. All the switches were pushed up, making the waterways unobstructed. There were also some living corpses wandering around, but they were not as huge. The living corpses, as well as the members of the Zhiming Cult who had no immortal power, were easily eliminated by Qi Xuansu.

However, Qi Xuansu has also seen the methods of the Zhiming Cult.

In just a few hours, a workshop with hundreds of people had turned into a dead zone filled with living corpses.

This cannot help but remind Qi Xuansu of Cuowenbu's workshop, where demons from the Zhiming Sect secretly spread curses, which eventually turned the living people into living corpses. Moreover, the living corpses could continue to infect other living people, and eventually turned into ghosts and monsters. The army of corpses formed a tide of corpses again, spreading to all directions and sweeping across, really like attacking a city and plundering the land.

Under this situation, in order to prevent the corpse tide from further expanding, Daomen had to choose to use "Fengyan Jiasan" to destroy the entire workshop together with the living corpses.

After many years, there is only ruins left there, but there are still some living corpses wandering among them. It is strange that these living corpses seem to be killed incessantly. They are exterminated every year and appear every year. They are like weeds in the fields that cannot be burned away by wildfires but reappear in the spring breeze. It can be said that they have caused trouble to this day.

If something like this happens in Jinling Mansion, the whole world will be shocked.

Finally, Qi Xuansu arrived at the location of the main sluice gate.

Qi Xuansu looked at the huge gate above the huge reservoir that was comparable to a city gate and the switch that was deliberately destroyed, and was silent for a long time.

Even with the winch and the iron chain connecting the gate, Qi Xuansu didn't think he could easily lower the gate. Not to mention the pitch black iron chain as thick as a bucket, the winch itself was ten times the size of an ordinary millstone.

If you want to turn such a big winch, even a martial artist in the stage of returning to his true form is still unable to do it.

But there was no other way at this time. Qi Xuansu took a deep breath, rolled up his sleeves, and walked towards the winch.

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