Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 68 In my name

Snow-white Jade Mountain, towering Kunlun.

Yujing stands on Yuxu Peak and is built according to the mountain, from low to high.

Xuandu is higher than Yujing, and Zifu is higher than Xuandu. Jinque is almost located at the highest point on the ground in Yujing, which is also the highest point of Yuxu Peak.

Jinque was founded by Xuansheng and is the highest authority of the Taoist sect. The struggle between the Grand Master and the Deputy Masters usually takes place here. The Grand Master of the Five Dynasties deposed the three deputy Masters and Great Masters through Jinque. Later, the three The deputy head master, Da Zhenren, also used Jinque to oust the sixth generation head master. After the Sixth Generation Grand Master ascended to the throne, various struggles between Taiping Dao, Quanzhen Dao, and Zhengyi Dao also took place here.

Whoever masters the Golden Palace masters the Taoist Gate.

Judging from the appearance alone, the Golden Palace is not simple and simple, and it is very consistent with the world's imagination of the palace of the Xian family. However, placed in the Jade Capital with numerous palaces, it cannot be said to be very outstanding or majestic. In the end, At least it can't match its reputation, but just in this palace, it determines how many people rise and fall.

In fact, when Xuansheng established Jinque, he simply regarded it as a place for discussion and never thought of giving it any sacred color. But as time went by, all government orders came from Jinque, and in the eyes of others, Jinque became aloof and mysterious.

Today, Jinque ushered in a mid-level discussion, with the participation of twenty-four masters. The previous major case in Zixian Mountain was just a small discussion, with only twelve real people involved.

Because this meeting came suddenly, some of the real people who attended the meeting could not rush back to Yujing in time. They could only participate in the meeting remotely through high-level Zimu talismans to express their opinions. However, in most cases, as long as it does not involve their own In the interests of others, the real people participating in the meeting will also choose to follow the crowd, which is human nature.

However, in recent years, the three contradictions have become more and more prominent. It has become increasingly difficult to follow the trend. We have to choose sides. Taking sides is risky. If you stand on the right side, it will be fine. If you stand on the wrong side, you will be in jeopardy. This made many people who were not so ambitious begin to miss the Fifth Generation Master. In any case, the Taoist sect at that time could still be twisted into a rope.

Generally speaking, the main meeting must be presided over by a deputy head master, and sometimes it is even presided over by the chief head himself, while the middle meeting is presided over by a great master Pingzhang, or the chief counselor. Therefore, today's negotiation was personally presided over by Pei Xuanzhi, the real person of Donghua.

The interior of Jinque is very large. At first glance, there are nothing but chairs.

Although the predecessor of the chair is the Hu stool, which is not a tradition of the Central Plains people, and the backrest chair comes from the Western Regions. The tradition of the Central Plains is to sit on your knees, but for thousands of years, chairs have replaced kneeling, so Xuan Sheng established it in Jinque At first, the suggestions of sitting on the floor, sitting cross-legged on a futon, or sitting on a couch were rejected and replaced by more convenient and simple chairs.

As long as you enter the Golden Tower, there is no need to kneel down, and there is no need to stand unless you accept questions. Everyone has a seat, and it is for sitting to discuss the Tao. There is a Xumizuo in the middle of the golden palace. There is only a simple rosewood chair with armrests on it. That is the position belonging to the Grand Master, and it is empty at the moment.

There are three chairs at a slightly lower position on both sides of the Grand Master's chair, and there are three chairs on the left and right, respectively corresponding to the Grand Master's wife and the great masters Pingzhang. If there is no wife, the number of Pingzhang Daren is exceeded or insufficient, and it can be increased or decreased according to the situation. There is no fixed number.

Behind the Grand Master's chair was a huge three-legged covered copper incense burner. The burner cover was hollowed out according to Bagua images. At this time, a faint cigarette smoke continued to flow out of the hollow. In the center of the north wall directly above the copper incense burner hangs a very plain white framed nave, with four big characters written on it: "Peace in the world".

This big headmaster's chair faces north and south, and there are twelve seats in each of the other three directions: east, south, and west, for a total of thirty-six seats, corresponding to thirty-six real people. And at the top of every twelve seats is another chair with superior specifications, a total of three seats, corresponding to the three deputy head masters. After the thirty-six seats, there are seats for people to observe the proceedings. There are about one hundred and eight seats, neatly arranged, and the spacing is not as loose as the thirty-six seats.

At this time, the three seats belonging to the great masters were also empty, and only thirteen seats were occupied by thirteen masters of Shenzhi, including Master Cihang, the temporarily unemployed former headmaster of Tiangang Hall Ning Lingge, The masters of Jiangnan Daofu, the masters of Kunlun Daofu, the masters of Huashengtang, the masters of Tianjitang, the masters of Duzhitang, etc., who have not yet returned to Jinling Mansion, are just missing. No trace of the real person.

After a while, another ten slightly illusory figures appeared on the empty seats one after another - these were the Master Shenzhi who could not rush back to Yujing and could only participate in the discussion remotely.

Including Master Donghua himself who presided over the discussion, there were exactly twenty-four people.

Master Donghua arrived last as the host. He did not sit down, but stood next to the Grand Master's chair. He held one hand on the back of the chair, symbolizing his leading role in presiding over the proceedings on behalf of the Grand Master.

This time, the Golden Palace Meeting was held in front of the empty Grand Master's chair.

Pei Xuanzhi looked around and then went straight to the topic: "Let's start the discussion. There is only one thing in today's discussion, and that is about the Zhiming Cult's evil plot in Jinling Mansion. As for the fire at Zhenwu Temple that many people are concerned about, we will discuss it another day, so we won't discuss it today. . As of last night, many traces of demons from the Zhiming Cult and their spread of curses have been found in Jinling Mansion. Tiangang Hall has defeated a small group of demons, and Jiangnan Daofu has also begun to organize personnel to remove the curses. "

The real person in charge of Jiangnan Daofu immediately stood up: "This is my fault of negligence..."

Pei Xuanzhi raised his hand and interrupted: "Now is not the time to discuss the crime and take responsibility. What we are discussing is how to resolve this matter."

The words of the headmaster of Jiangnan Daofu stopped abruptly.

Because he has to worry about the balance of the three realms, Jinque will never put a powerful Master Shenzhi in the position of the real person in charge of Jiangnan Daofu, so as to maintain balance.

At this moment, Master Cihang said: "I have just received news that the communication in Jinling Mansion has been interrupted and it has become an isolated city. From this, it can be inferred that the situation has further deteriorated, and a decision must be made promptly and early."

The huge golden palace also became silent.

It’s not that the Master Shenzhi people were frightened by the Mingzhi Teaching, but because this was an unexpected situation, the Masters Shenzhi who participated in the meeting had almost no preparations. When they heard the news, it was difficult to react immediately. , or dare not react rashly.

There is no cost to express your opinion, but you will have to bear the consequences in the future if you come up with an idea. The three monks had no water to eat, not to mention that there were so many people, and they were all old foxes, so no one was willing to stand out.

This was also expected. Pei Xuanzhi looked at everyone again and raised his voice: "I think that I am responsible for Jinling Mansion, for the millions of living beings in Jinling Mansion City, and for Jiangnan Dao Mansion. I should immediately send Tiangang Tang to help Jinling Mansion. , suppress the Zhiming Cult and calm the situation.”

As soon as this statement came out, someone immediately objected: "Jinling Mansion is not the Western Region. Wouldn't it be too risky to directly dispatch Tiangang Hall?"

The headmaster of the ancestral hall said slowly: "The Western Region includes Xizhou, but Xizhou cannot include the Western Region. Therefore, the imperial court will not object to anything we do in the Western Region, but will actually support it. But Jinling Mansion is different. This place It’s too sensitive. The center of Jiangnan is known as the vice capital. If it is not recognized, it may cause many misunderstandings between the Taoist clan and the court. "

Pei Xuanzhi said in a deep voice: "According to the agreement between Xuansheng and the Master Yuxu Five Thunder Immortal Master, Taoist spiritual officers do not need anyone's approval to enter the Jinling Mansion."

The entire Jinque fell silent again.

Seeing that there was no objection, Pei Xuanzhi began to arrange specific matters: "Master Cihang, please mobilize two Yinglongs from the Fifth and Seventh Divisions of Tiangang Hall to Jinling Prefecture to assist Jiangnan Dao Prefecture in suppressing the Zhiming Cult. We must eliminate evil and prevent it from slipping through the net.”

The two had already communicated with each other, and Master Cihang would certainly not object at this time. Even under the instruction of Master Cihang, Tiangang Hall had already begun mobilizing preparations in advance, and would be able to leave for Jinling Mansion no later than today.

Pei Xuanzhi added: "If you have no objections, let's start preparations. Tiangang Hall needs various firearms, which are the responsibility of Tianji Hall, and the talisman pills that should be prepared, which are the responsibility of Huasheng Hall. Duzhi Hall starts the budget and establishes accounts. An audit will be carried out afterwards. Also, the deputy masters of Jiangnan Province should rush back to Jinling Mansion immediately."

Pei Xuanzhi stretched out a finger: "Strive to make the Zhiming Sect disappear from Jinling Mansion within twelve hours."

At this moment, an old man asked: "In whose name?"

Pei Xuanzhi suddenly emphasized his tone: "In the name of Daomen, in the name of Jinque, in my name."


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