Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 75 God descends

The sight of thunder and fire surging and black mist filling the air is truly terrifying.

The people in Jinling Prefecture had already closed their doors behind closed doors. The Taoist priests who were responsible for clearing the "gifts" in the city couldn't help but look up at the sky and were speechless.

Everyone can see that something huge has happened in Jinling City, and it is no longer as simple as the demons of Zhiming Cult spreading a curse.

Bai Yingqiong was very sure that this was indeed a divine gift.

As the chief deputy head of the Jiangnan Dao Palace, Bai Yingqiong is not among the thirty-six real people who know the truth, but she is qualified to attend the Golden Palace. She is among the 108 people who can observe, and has already reached the upper echelons of the Taoist sect. So I know many secrets.

The "Guxian" in the doorway means the gods of ancient times.

As for why it is a deity, rather than a heavenly deity, an earth deity, a human deity, a ghost deity or a corpse decomposing immortal, it is because deities are the only ones who can stay in the human world for a long time.

As for other immortals, they will have to go through a tribulation after a hundred years. If they can go through it, they can stay in the human world for another hundred years. If they can't go through it, they will die. If you are not sure, it is better to ascend and die as soon as possible before the natural disaster comes. Therefore, there are immortal people in this world, but there are few immortal people who can stay in the world for a long time.

Even if they survive the catastrophe, the second catastrophe in the next hundred years will be even more fierce, and the third tribulation will be even more ferocious than the second catastrophe. There will always be times when they cannot survive it. If the human world or heaven is regarded as a person, the intention is probably very obvious. The human world does not allow the existence of immortal people, either leave or die.

The only exception is the gods.

Immortals are the only immortals who can stay in the world for a long time, and they are also the only immortals who cannot ascend and die.

Immortals are an outlier among the five immortals. They use external will power to turn into divine power, build a golden body, and become gods in the world. Then they open up the kingdom of gods and feed on the power of incense and wish power. There is no limit to a hundred years.

However, gods are also extremely dependent on the power of incense and wishes. If the incense is cut off, their golden bodies will be covered with dust, and then they will gradually decay. The divine kingdom will be ruined and they can only survive. Eventually, their golden bodies will decay, the divine kingdom will collapse, and they will fall.

However, if the incense is at its peak, the gods will also benefit greatly. The golden body will not break down and the power of the gods will be immeasurable. If the believers can reach millions of people, they can even compete with the gods without falling behind in their own divine kingdom. Generally speaking, gods and other immortals have their own advantages and disadvantages. Other immortals are the method of transcending the world, and they cultivate themselves, while the gods are the method of entering the world, and they cultivate others.

Without the power of incense and wish, the gods are like water without a source and trees without roots. No matter how powerful they are, they will eventually fall one day.

This involves another question - why did these ancient gods go against Taoism?

Because the ancient immortals are all people who have returned from the dead. When they dominated the human world, the Taoist sect had not yet flourished. When they returned to the human world, the Taoist sect had already dominated the world and there was no longer a place for them. In order to compete for incense, they He had to become an enemy of Daomen. The Taoist sect is also unable to recruit all the ancient immortals.

The immortal died three times.

The first death is the decay and collapse of the golden body. This is just a false death, just like the rivers drying up and the lakes drying up. As long as new incense and will power are injected, the golden body can be rebuilt in the Kingdom of God.

The second death is the collapse of the Kingdom of God. This is true death, but it is not dead. There is still a trace of spiritual imprint left in the dark. As long as there are still people who remember this god, there will be a chance to return.

The third death is when everyone forgets about this god, and even the last mark is completely dissipated, and he will never die again.

From this point of view, gods are more difficult to eliminate than earth fairies, ghost fairies, and human fairies. Whether Wu Luo or Siming Zhenjun, they only died in the first stage, that is, the golden body decayed and collapsed, but the Kingdom of God still existed and entered a state of suspended animation. Thousands of years later, they came back again due to certain opportunities. The golden body was reappeared in the human world at a time when Buddhism and Taoism were competing, which not only stalled Xuansheng's process of integrating the three internal realms, but also allowed these returning ancient immortals to take the opportunity to develop and grow. Even Buddhism secretly supported the ancient immortals in order to restrain the Taoism. Immortals can be said to have left far-reaching disasters. Many people from Taoist sects gnashed their teeth when talking about Buddhism. If it were not for Buddhism, there would not be so many internal and external troubles today.

As for why Buddhism secretly helped the ancient immortals to restrain the Taoist sect, rather than the Taoist sect supporting these ancient immortals to fight against Buddhism, it was because the way of Shinto had declined in the Taoist sect, but it was flourishing in the Buddhist sect. Buddhism is far superior to Taoism in terms of Shinto attainments. In order to contain Taoism, Buddhism personally helped the ancient immortals through the most difficult early stage. The ancient immortals also reciprocated and helped Buddhism fight against Taoism.

Because of this, the Taoist sect re-developed Shinto during the dispute between Buddhism and Taoism, established the inheritance of witchcraft and blessings, and expanded the group of spiritual officials.

In terms of Shinto attainments, in order to ensure the immortality of the Kingdom of God, Buddhism collects the souls of believers into its own Kingdom of God, so that they can be reborn in the Kingdom of God and live forever with the Kingdom of God. They may seem to have immortality, but in fact they are not free. It's just that ordinary believers don't feel restricted, but think this is a great gift.

Therefore, there are always countless Buddhas in the Buddha's kingdom. In Buddhist terms, they are as many as the sands of the Ganges River. These so-called disciples of the Buddha chant sutras day and night to keep the kingdom of God from declining and to strengthen the golden body of the Buddha.

However, the Kingdom of God is eternal. Whether you are a believer or a Buddhist, repeating the same thing for thousands of years will inevitably lead to insensitivity. Being insensitive does not mean piety, and the power of vows it can provide will be greatly weakened, so Buddhism created another After the six paths of reincarnation, believers in the Buddhist country are constantly reincarnated, washing away the memories of the past, starting over, rejuvenating, and naturally they will not be indifferent. This is the world of bliss.

The whirling world goes a step further and allows believers to be born into the human world in the form of ghosts and immortals. After a hundred years of experience in the human world, they can return to the Buddhist kingdom. The running water will not rot and the door hinges will not be beetrooted. And these people are often people with great wisdom and perseverance. After returning to the Buddhist kingdom, they are no longer as simple as ordinary Buddhist disciples, but will become the slaves of the Buddha, and even become Vajras and Arhats.

Therefore, people in Buddhism believe in the afterlife. In a sense, this is indeed the afterlife. However, the difference between this afterlife and the eternal life without liberation is a matter of opinion.

Because of this, people in the Taoist sect never believe in the theory of reincarnation. It is either the seizure of the body by ghosts and immortals, or the reincarnation of Buddhism. How can reincarnation come about? Therefore, Taoism has always believed that after death, the soul returns to the earth and the three corpses turn into ghosts. Being able to actively kill the three corpses is an incredible magical power.

Back to Shintoism, because the human world does not allow immortal people to exist for a long time, so whether it is the Buddha of Buddhism or the immortal of Taoism, although they can stay in the world for a long time, they also need to abide by some rules of a hundred years, that is, before the expiration of a hundred years, they can still You can appear in the world at will, but after a hundred years, you can't interfere in the world at will. Every time you take action, you have to pay a certain price.

This is the reason why the gods of many sects often performed miracles at the beginning of the establishment of the religion, but the miracles became less and less in the later stages.

Since Lord Siming is an ancient immortal, he has naturally passed the one-hundred-year period long ago. Therefore, if he wants to descend from the Kingdom of God to the human world, he must perform a grand descending ceremony.

Depending on the specifications of the divine descending ceremony, the power of the gods to descend to the human world also varies.

For example, in the Yulan Temple in Yishan City, it is the lowest level of divine descending, and Wu Luo only descended some divine power. At the Kunlun Pass, the level of divine descent was even higher. Wu Luo used the outline of the mountains and rivers to manifest the projection and casually broke the flying boat. When they arrived at Cuowenbu, Wu Luo came with more power. He no longer relied on external objects such as the outline of mountains and rivers for projection, but directly used his divine power to condense his divine body, destroying "Yinglong" and killing Shangguan Jing.

As for the arrival of True Lord Siming in Jinling Mansion this time, its specifications are only slightly inferior to the direct arrival of the golden body of gods to the human world and the manifestation of the Kingdom of God in the human world. It is located on the third level, that is, appearing in the human world through a container.

There are many kinds of containers that can hold gods.

It can be a human being, such as a person who is very compatible with the immortal's destiny. The higher the cultivation level, the better. If it is the remains of a dead immortal, that would be even better.

It can also be an object, such as a fairy object, or some special semi-immortal object, which can be used as a container. If it is a fairy object that has been used by gods, the effect will be best.

The quality of the container also determines the level of cultivation that the gods can achieve after they arrive.

The container chosen by the Zhiming Cult this time is the "Lord of Gifts" they carefully cultivated and the "gifts" scattered throughout the city, with Zhenwu Lake as the nurturing site and "Xuanyu" as the introduction.

The power that the Lord Siming who descended like this could exert was far greater than that of Tso Wenbu's Wu Luo.

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