Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 80 A gun and a knife

Whether the pawn crosses the river or not makes a huge difference. Although there is still no retreat, the pawn who has not crossed the river can only move forward. Without a second way, the pawn who has crossed the river can swing left and right. It is called a "cart". ".

What is a river?

The threshold of heaven and humanity is the river. Only by becoming a heaven and humanity can we cross the river and have unlimited possibilities.

Qiniang also had a piece of "Xuan Jade" in her hand, which she got from Fengtai County, but it was too small to support Qi Xuansu's promotion to heaven.

Of course Qi Xuansu didn't know what Qiniang had done, and he had no intention of thinking about crossing the river at this critical moment. He and Zhang Yuelu were thinking about how to capture Sikong Cuo.

Although Sikong Cuo was controlled by the "Red Lotus Karmic Fire", it cannot be said that he had no power to fight back, and his cultivation level was also greatly damaged. It was a good time to take advantage of his illness to kill him, but Sikong Cuo was not a fool and hid directly in Si Mingzhen. At your feet, it is a difficult problem to kill Sikong Cuo under the eyes of True Lord Siming.

Just when the two of them were hesitant, they saw a flaming meteor that seemed to come from outside the sky, dragging a long tail mark, and hit Lord Siming right in the face.

Yin energy can also play the role of "fire-proofing talisman" to a certain extent, but for Qiniang, this is not a problem.

Lord Siming had already noticed the cannon coming from the Ascension Platform, but he was unable to move at this time and could only mobilize some personal guards to block it.

It's just that the power of "Dragon Eyes Yi San" is too great. Wherever it passes, all the personal guards who want to resist are turned into flying ashes.

After Lord Siming was hit in the face by this "gun", no matter how powerful he was, he was still extremely embarrassed, and his huge body shook violently.

Because "Dragon Eyes Yisan" is not only the pinnacle of firearms, but also the masterpiece of Taoist talismans. There is no problem of hitting the real thing or not. Even an invisible old ghost with thousands of years of age is guaranteed to fly away with one shot.

Siming Zhenjun's flat crown turned invisible, and his face behind the bead curtain was completely unrecognizable. People were never able to see his true face from beginning to end, but his two eyes were still intact and equally profound. Like the starry sky, there is a blazing day in the left eye, and a quiet black moon hanging high in the right eye.

This scene surprised everyone, including Bai Yingqiong, who was already desperate.

As the chief deputy master of Jiangnan Taoist Palace and a real upper-level Taoist sect, Bai Yingqiong naturally recognized "Long Jing Yi San" and couldn't help but be surprised and delighted. Could it be that the man in black took action?

However, she immediately thought that the men in black in Jinling Mansion would not be equipped with powerful firearms such as "Dragon Eyes Yi San". After all, Jinling Mansion was not an important border town. Even if it wanted to defend, it would only be to defend against enemies at sea, so it should be equipped with them. Jiangnan Navy.

To put it ten thousand steps back, even if the men in black in Jinling Mansion have "Dragon Eyes Yisan", in the absence of the Admiral Jiangnan Military Affairs Chief, the Chief Military Officer guarding Jinling, and the Deputy Chief Military Officer assisting in guarding Jinling, the remaining People below are not qualified to use firearms of this level. It's not that they don't want to, but that they can't. Qiniang modified the trigger structure. This is a unique example. The regular "Long Eye Jia San" firing artillery requires special talismans to activate, and these talismans are usually carried by several high-ranking military attachés.

Bai Yingqiong would never have thought that someone could carry artillery with him.

This not only requires Xumi objects with a huge capacity, but also a wide network of contacts. You can get "Dragon Eyes Yisan" and the artillery used to launch "Dragon Eyes Yisan" from Tianjitang. Moreover, assembling artillery with bare hands is not something you can do with high level of cultivation. You also need to be proficient in its principles. You must understand not only the way of mechanisms, but also the way of talismans. This makes 90% of Taoist disciples discouraged. There is only one It is possible for real people to do it, but they will never have such crazy ideas.

Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu also didn't know where the shot came from or who fired it, but they understood that this was an excellent opportunity and rushed towards Sikong Cuo without hesitation.

Zhang Yuelu is in front and Qi Xuansu is behind. Zhang Yuelu is in the light, Qi Xuansu is in the dark.

In an instant, Sikong Cuo sensed a huge crisis.

Although Sikong Cuo, as a creation realm alchemist at the infinite stage, should not have to fear Zhang Yuelu, who is lower than himself, even if he is a banished immortal, but at this time, he was controlled by Bai Yingqiong's "Red Lotus Karmic Fire", and half of his cultivation was Used to resist "Red Lotus Karmic Fire".

In the blink of an eye, Zhang Yuelu was in front of Sikong Cuo, and the "Cang Lei" in his hand was pointed directly at Sikong Cuo's eyebrows.

Sikong Cuo couldn't get out of his body, so he could only reach out and draw a simple talisman in the void.

A faint blue wall appeared in front of him, blocking Zhang Yuelu's way.

Zhang Yuelu pierced the wall with his sword without hesitation, causing numerous cracks to appear. Then he did not try to draw the sword. Instead, he let go of the long sword in his hand and hit it with his body, directly smashing the wall into pieces.

Zhang Yuelu threw away the "Cang Lei", turned the "photographic paper" into a paper sword, and slashed towards Sikong Cuo's neck.

Sikong Cuo retreated in panic. He was not a witch and did not want to die, so he did not have the immortal power given by Lord Siming in his body. If he was killed by this sword, even if the Yin God could survive alone, he would only be able to seize the body. , not only will one's cultivation turn into flowing water, but there may also be a mystery in the womb.

There are two situations in the inheritance of ghosts and immortals.

One is to directly seize other people's bodies, which is very risky. If you are not careful, you can easily be killed by others. Even if it succeeds, there will still be the problem that the body and the soul cannot perfectly fit. Where can I find a suitable body in a hurry? Not only will the cultivation level regress, but there are also many hidden dangers, and it is very likely that the cultivation level will not improve from now on.

The other is to seize the body of an unborn fetus, which is equivalent to reincarnation. The risk is very small, but there is a mystery in the fetus. That is, after the ghosts and immortals seize the body of the fetus, it is easy to lose themselves in the fetus, forget all the past, and never forget the past. When you grow up from a baby state, you have to start from scratch.

Of course, alchemists can also temporarily attach themselves to something, and then find a host, and then inhabit the host in the state of a yin god, providing benefits, cultivating the host, and acting as a senior master. If he has a good character, he can expect the host to become stronger and help him find a suitable body. If the character is not good, the host will be used as nutrients, or the host will be taken away directly in the future, just like cultivating a human-shaped elixir.

Many young people who are not familiar with the world usually think that it is an adventure falling from the sky and accept it happily. However, this takes a long time, is not cost-effective, and is risky.

No alchemist would take the path of seizing the body unless absolutely necessary.

The same was true for Sikong Cuo, but after he barely dodged the sword, he still couldn't close the distance. Zhang Yuelu was already close to him, so he had to bite the bullet and catch Zhang Yuelu's paper sword. In terms of close combat, the alchemist ranked last among the five immortals, even worse than the Sanren. Therefore, the two of them could only exchange more than ten moves, and Sikong Cuo was already at a disadvantage.

After another sword blow, Sikong Cuo drifted back, with a sword wound on his face, extending from his temple to the corner of his mouth.

Zhang Yuelu didn't give him a chance to breathe and attacked again with his sword.

Sikong Cuo gritted his teeth and faced him.

In a head-on fight, after all, he had to suppress the "Red Lotus Karmic Fire" in his body. Sikong Cuo gradually found it difficult to hold on, so he could only fight and retreat. Finally, after exchanging more than a hundred moves, the two exchanged blows.

Zhang Yuelu stabbed Sikong Cuo between the eyebrows with his sword, injuring his upper dantian, causing Sikong Cuo's mana to drain away.

Zhang Yuelu was hit head-on by a huge fist made entirely of mana. He flew backwards and crashed to the ground more than ten feet away. His uncontrollable body even bounced on the ground and continued to slide backwards. Only ten feet away could he stop. When Zhang Yuelu reluctantly sat up, his true energy was in chaos, his face was pale, and his forehead was red and swollen.

This is a special spell of the alchemist. The alchemist manipulates the mana to form a huge mana palm to move, and finally forms an effect similar to that of a martial artist's punch. Even if there is a protective treasure that is "invulnerable to all magic, water and fire can prevent changes", It is also unable to resist such spells that are biased towards the physical level.

Sikong Cuo temporarily fought off Zhang Yuelu, but he was at the end of his strength and was about to flee when he suddenly couldn't move.

At this moment, the world was silent, leaving only the howling wind.

Sikong Cuo slowly lowered his head and saw the tip of a knife emerging from his heart.

The tip of the knife was stained red with blood.

Then countless bright red flames spurted out from Sikong Cuo's seven orifices and wounds.

Then Zhang Yuelu saw a face tilted out from behind Sikong Cuo.

It was Qi Xuansu.

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