Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 90 Afterwards (Part 2)

Zhang Yuelu calmed down and said, "If we don't talk about these things anymore, how do you feel now?"

Qi Xuansu said: "'Xuanyu' is very useful. I feel that I am only one step away from heaven."

Zhang Yuelu turned his eyes and looked at Qi Xuansu: "Tianyuan, do you know that Master Yao?"

"I don't know him, you introduced him to me." Qi Xuansu shook his head.

Zhang Yuelu agreed with this statement and asked: "Then why did she throw the 'Xuanyu' to you?"

Qi Xuansu coughed lightly and whispered, "Maybe it's that Master Yao who likes me?"

Zhang Yuelu clicked his tongue: "So, you are quite popular with women, and you can actually get into the eyes of the dignified Master Yao."

"Not as good as you, you can still gain the Dharma Eyes of the Earth Master." Qi Xuansu said plausibly, "Besides, I am the one who is favored by you. Doesn't this just mean that you have good vision? It is just like 'a thousand-mile horse always exists but a poor person cannot do it'" Often'.

"Don't be so playful." Zhang Yuelu said with a straight face, "Explain the problem honestly."

QI They all hid. Those who didn't dodge or didn't have time to dodge were knocked out. You can't say that Master Yao deliberately threw the 'Xuan Yu' to them. So logically, I should have been hit like the others. When I flew out, something unexpected happened. The 'Xuanyu' did not hit me, but integrated into my body. This was beyond Master Yao's expectation, but it cannot be said that Master Yao gave it to me on purpose. "

Zhang Yuelu thought for a while and felt that this statement was indeed reasonable. In addition, she did not doubt Qi Xuansu at all, so she agreed with this statement.

Qi Xuansu continued: "After I obtained the 'Xuanyu', I completed the inheritance of Wu Zhu, but I always feel that using the 'Xuanyu' to complete the Sanren is different from a natural banished immortal like you."

Then, Qi Xuansu expressed his doubts.

After listening to this, Zhang Yuelu said: "What you mentioned about flesh-and-blood derivation and Yin-spirits coming out of the body can actually be done by immortals. You don't have to fake it with foreign objects. You just need to learn specific techniques. Take the inheritance of immortals as an example. , The reason why Wufu can obtain the supernatural power of "flesh and blood" is because Xuan Sheng directly compiled and integrated this kind of skill into the Dacheng method inherited by Wufu. As long as Taoist disciples follow the practice, they will definitely obtain this kind of magical power. The requirements for Qi and blood are extremely high, and only warriors can practice it. Qi practitioners and alchemists cannot practice it. However, the reason why I can't do it is because I haven't learned it, but because I have limited energy. There has to be a choice.”

Qi Xuansu suddenly became speechless.

He thought about many possibilities, but he never thought of this.

Zhang Yuelu continues

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Said: "On the contrary, this kind of completion method cannot be chosen by oneself. It is more comprehensive at the beginning, but it has lost all possibilities. Maybe after a few decades, it will not be as good as the authentic banished immortal."

Qi Xuansu understood. Zhang Yuelu's energy was limited now, but if she had enough time and worked hard enough, she could always make up for it by studying Taoism and Tibet. Instead, Qi Xuansu completes himself through "Xuanyu". It is not Qi Xuansu's hard work. The key lies in "Xuanyu", which loses infinite possibilities.

To use an analogy that is not very appropriate, the completed acquired immortal is like a painter. Although his skills are superb, the rules are rigid and everything is framed, and he cannot go beyond the rules. The innate banished immortals are masters of painting. They can fly wildly, hang antelope horns, and always meet expectations.

However, this is reasonable. The original intention of Taoism is to create immortals in batches. There must be a unified standard "mold", and it is impossible to let these immortals develop on their own.

Qi Xuansu no longer struggled with this issue and said instead: "What does Jinque mean? With so many people dead, there must be an explanation."

"It's still being discussed." Zhang Yuelu's tone was a little low. "Except for me, the seven-member investigation team was all recalled to Yujing. Li Tianlan and others from Jiangnan Province were also ordered to go to Jinque for questioning. As for why I can The exception is because we discovered the Zhiming Cult's conspiracy immediately and immediately informed Jin Que, which is considered a meritorious service, so we do not need to return to Yujing to accept Jin Que's questioning. "

Qi Xuansu said: "Pei Zhenren, Lei Zhenren and others..."

"Who can get away with being involved in the situation? Jiangnan Daofu's dereliction of duty cannot be evaded, but the law does not blame everyone. In addition, Jinque is not someone's Golden Tower, so some people say that the reason why Jinling Mansion is what it is today The misfortune is entirely because the investigation team expanded the investigation. Naturally, some people will refute it, and in the end it is a confusing account. The intention is also very simple, either they will be punished together, or they will take a step back." Said slowly.

Qi Xuansu was no longer surprised.

Zhang Yuelu continued: "Originally, the merits of you and me are indispensable. If no one above speaks, the merits can also turn into faults. In the end, it was the Earth Master who said that we had merits, and the other two deputy headmasters Of course, the real person will not refute the Earth Master because of us two little people. Others are not qualified to refute the Earth Master, so the two of us can stay in Jinling Mansion."

Qi Xuansu smiled and said, "Then I have benefited from you."

Everyone knows that Earth Master Zhang Yuelu has blue eyes. If Zhang Yuelu's surname was not Zhang, Earth Master would have accepted her as a Quanzhen Taoist disciple. Zhang Yuelu was also grateful for Earth Master's kindness in knowing and meeting her, and even considered joining Quanzhen Taoism, but finally decided to do so. Considering the kindness of his parents and teachers, he chose to stay in Zhengyi.

Zhang Yuelu waved his hands and said: "Let's talk to each other. You are still a Quanzhen Taoist disciple recognized by Master Donghua personally. By the way, I

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This time we work together to kill the high-level leader of the Zhiming Sect, a heavenly being in the immeasurable stage. If you can't escape with just the 'Tian Zi Gong', you may be promoted to a fourth-grade wine-sacrifice Taoist priest like me, and I will probably be promoted. As a third-grade Youyi Taoist priest, his position and grade are equivalent. "

Qi Xuansu's eyes lit up: "Seriously?"

The so-called exception means ignoring the suspension system, even if Qi Xuansu has not yet become a heavenly being.

"About 80%." Zhang Yuelu said, "Since we have determined that we have merit, it is natural not to just talk about it, but to reward according to merit."

Qi Xuansu began to calculate the treatment of the fourth-grade wine-provoking Taoist priest.

At this moment, Zhang Yuelu took out a large envelope from the Xumiwu and said: "This is your regular money and subsidies for the past few months. As of the first day of June, according to the fifth-grade Taoist priest, five months Calculate, the basic standard is 50 yuan of peace money per month, the alternative wine subsidy is 20 yuan of peace money per month, and there is 70 yuan of peace money every month, a total of 350 yuan of peace money, plus 1,000 yuan Duzhitang has collected the Taiping money for your settlement, which is a total of 1,400 Taiping money.”

Qi Xuansu took the envelope and opened it. Inside was a stack of brand new tickets, still smelling of ink.

Originally, Qi Xuansu was at the end of his rope, but now that he has this money, he becomes rich in an instant. This does not include Qiniang's one thousand Taiping money and the three hundred dollars saved. If all are counted, it will be two thousand seven hundred Taiping money.

Qi Xuansu might even consider looking for a new house in Zhongbafang with a lease term of about ten years and providing it with a servant.

But if you want to buy a mansion in Taishangfang, you are still far away.

There is a mansion in Taishangfang under Zhang Yuelu's name with a lease term of a hundred years. It was given by Zhang Yuyue in the name of Tianshi, and its value is as high as 100,000 Taiping coins, which shows how wealthy these children of aristocratic families are.

Qi Xuansu put away the big envelope with satisfaction, and suddenly found that he was still wearing the "Taiyi Cloud Clothes" lent to him by Zhang Yuelu, so he wanted to take it off and return it to Zhang Yuelu.

Zhang Yuelu wanted to refuse, but then he thought about it. If Qi Xuansu wore this dress and paraded through the market, wouldn't it be equivalent to telling everyone that the two of them had an affair? After all, she was conservative and agreed.

Zhang Yuelu took the "Taiyi Cloud Clothes" from Qi Xuansu and put it on again - although she became a celestial being and did not need to use the "Taiyi Cloud Clothes" to fly, the protective cloud energy of the "Taiyi Cloud Clothes" was still there. For self-defense.

After Zhang Yuelu tidied up his appearance a little, he said: "Since you are awake, I don't have to stay here all the time. You can rest and recuperate. I will go to Jiangnan Daofu first and come to see you later."

Qi Xuansu nodded in agreement.

Not long after Zhang Yuelu left, the door opened slightly again, and a face came in, wearing sunglasses that covered half of his face.

"Qiniang!" Qi Xuansu blurted out.

(End of chapter)


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