Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 95 Li Zhuyu (Part 1)

When Confucianism is at the head of the family, the world is governed by loyalty and filial piety.

After Taoism replaced Confucianism, although it overthrew loyalty and filial piety, it did not find a suitable replacement. Taoism is not Legalism, and it is not easy to rule the world with law. Taoism talks about governing by doing nothing. How can we govern the world without doing anything? Therefore, since the resurgence of Taoism, many Taoist sages have been committed to solving this problem.

Finally, a consensus was reached within the Taoist sect, taking the word "morality" from Taishang Taozu's five thousand words and replacing "loyalty and filial piety" with "morality".

In the Confucian era, people were often labeled as "disloyal and unfilial"; in the Taoist era, people were labeled as "immoral and immoral".

However, this "morality" is not the "morality of benevolence and righteousness" of Confucianism.

Confucianism teaches the principles of morality, which is actually the order of hierarchy. Therefore, the king is the principle of the ministers, the father is the principle of the son, and the husband is the principle of the wife.

If Taoism wants to oppose Confucianism, naturally it can no longer talk about principles and principles, so Taoism talks about equality.

Taishang Taoist Patriarch said: "Heaven and earth are not benevolent, and treat all things as stupid dogs."

The Taoist Master of Nanhua once said: "Looking at it from the Taoist perspective, things are neither noble nor cheap."

Heaven and earth treat all things equally, and there is no distinction between high and low in all things.

Because of this, the Daxuan court abolished humble status and military status, and no longer imposed specific restrictions on scholars, farmers, industry and commerce. Within the Taoist sect, it is strictly forbidden for Taoist priests to regard Taoists as slaves and does not allow personal attachment in a master-slave relationship. At the same time, the system of kneeling down, multiple concubines, etc. is also abolished.

In the past, children had to kowtow when greeting their parents, kowtow when meeting their superiors, kowtow when meeting their teachers, and kowtow when meeting their friends’ parents and elders. They even kowtowed to each other when they were friends. Nowadays, it’s no longer necessary. All you have to do is stand and salute. So when Qiniang scolded Qi Xuansu, he just stood up and listened with his hands down. In the past, he had to kneel and listen.

Of course, there is no absolute equality in the world, only relative equality, so there is still a grade system within the Taoist sect, and many new systems can only be implemented in Yujing. Outside Yujing, they are still influenced by the Confucian sect. The Taoist sect wants to use it for two hundred years It is still very difficult to completely erase the traces of thousands of years of Confucianism through restructuring.

This has two consequences.

The first consequence is that Confucianism still has great influence, especially after Xuansheng unbundled Confucianism in order to suppress Buddhism. Regarding the attitude towards Confucianism, there has always been a dispute between two lines within the Taoist sect, one is the complete deconfucianization, and the other is the unification of the three religions. The two sides are in dispute, which gives the Confucian sect a certain degree of room for maneuver.

The second consequence is that "losing morality" is an extremely serious crime within the Taoist sect. For example, the third-grade Youyi Taoist priest who was demoted for abusing his servants would be nothing if placed outside the Taoist sect. But within the Taoist sect, But the career of a high-quality Taoist priest was cut off. For another example, prostitution is a romantic affair for Confucian people, but it is a moral issue for Taoist people.

Now Qi Xuansu is about to become a fourth-level Taoist priest of wine sacrifice. He is no better than the unknown person before. Such a rapid promotion speed is too eye-catching. It will inevitably hinder the eyes of others, or he may offend someone without knowing it. Be especially careful. In this regard. If you are accidentally labeled as "immoral", your future will be ruined.

This kind of thing does not require any ingenuity. Find a young and beautiful female Taoist priest to have some relationship with Qi Xuansu, and then find a pen to write two empathetic articles. They ignore the facts and make a big fuss about personal ethics. Creating public opinion in Yujing and using public opinion to force decision-making can cause a promising young man to capsize in the gutter and become irreversible.

Therefore, Zhang Yuelu kept telling Qi Xuansu'er all the way, just to be careful, careful, and more careful.

At this time, the two of them had already boarded the flying boat back to Yujing. Of course, they were not debriefing. At this time, the Jinque discussion had not yet ended. It took two days to discuss, and it would take at least half a month to get a result.

The two of them were going to transfer from Yujing to Longmen Mansion by flying boat. Since they both came to Jinling Mansion on official business, they didn't have to spend money on the return flying boat. They only needed to buy tickets to Longmen Mansion.

The return journey was smooth and smooth, and we arrived at the port outside Yujing City smoothly.

Zhang Yuelu took him home by the way, but Qi Xuansu didn't follow him back, but went to buy a boat ticket.

Although Zhang Yuelu is not the kind of woman who likes to let men pay the bill, this time it was Zhang Yuelu who accompanied Qi Xuansu to attend the class reunion, so Qi Xuansu consciously bought the tickets for two people.

As a result, Qi Xuansu only had the last one hundred peace dollars left. He could not blame Qiniang, otherwise Qiniang would say that she had forgotten her mother after having a wife, and he could not make it clear to Zhang Yuelu that the regular money in the past few months was It was Zhang Yuelu who gave it to him personally. He couldn't explain where the Taiping money went, so he could only eat Coptis chinensis while being mute, unable to tell the story of his suffering.

Qi Xuansu took two tickets and sat on the bench in the waiting area. He was bored and took out the book "The Legend of the Ghost Fox" and flipped through it.

Chapter name "Painted Skin"

The story is not complicated. A scholar met an unidentified beautiful woman and took her home to play music every night. Later, a Taoist priest who caught ghosts told the scholar that he had encountered a ghost. The scholar was dubious, so he peeped outside the woman's window at night and saw an ugly and ferocious ghost in the room drawing a human skin, and the figure on the human skin was exactly that woman.

The scholar was horrified and went to the Taoist priest for help, but the evil spirit cut open his belly and tore out his heart. The Taoist priest used a mahogany sword to kill the ferocious ghost to death. The scholar's wife went to seek help from a crazy monk under the guidance of the Taoist priest. The old monk asked his wife to swallow the phlegm he spit out. The scholar's wife did as he was told and returned home to spit out the phlegm. When it reached the scholar's mouth, the scholar grew a heart and came back to life.

Qi Xuansu subconsciously touched his chest. If nothing else, he also had a different heart. And this story is undoubtedly a warning to men not to be seduced by beauty, so as not to be harmed by evil spirits in human skin.

At this moment, a woman walked towards Qi Xuansu. She doesn't wear a middle coat, only wears the main waist, and wears a trousers jacket, revealing a piece of white greasy on her chest, which is quite the legacy of Sheng Qi.

Although it is summer now, it is still chilly on the top of Kunlun. The woman dressed like this is undoubtedly very eye-catching and attracts the attention of many passers-by.

The woman looked around, walked straight towards Qi Xuansu, and then sat on the other end of the bench where Qi Xuansu was.

Qi Xuansu, who had just been given a thumbs up by Zhang Yue Luer, glanced at the dazzling word "painted skin" again and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

It can't be such a coincidence, right?

Qi Xuansu folded the "Ghost Fox Legend" in his hand and wanted to leave.

The woman lightly opened her red lips: "I have heard about Master Qi's name for a long time, but when I saw him today, he is indeed extraordinary."

Qi Xuansu stopped and took a closer look at the woman. She was about 25 or 26 years old, with an oval face, red phoenix eyes, and willow eyebrows. She was very tall, a bit better than Zhang Yuelu.

When the woman saw Qi Xuansu looking at her, she reached out and brushed her black hair from her temples, revealing a piece of her tender wrist with a red rope tied to it.

"I haven't asked for advice." Qi Xuansu said cautiously.

The woman grinned: "Beichen Hall, Li Zhuyu."

Qi Xuansu asked: "Are you from the Li family?"

"Yes, but she is just an anonymous adopted daughter, so there is no hierarchy." Li Zhuyu said.

Qi Xuansu had long heard about the large number of adopted sons and daughters in the Li family. Generally speaking, the more important adopted sons and daughters were ranked according to their seniority. For example, Li Minghuang, who abandoned Zhang Yuyue, although he was an adopted son, he had A character of seniority. Another example is Li Qingnu. Although he belongs to the generation with the character "ming", he cannot be compared with Li Minghuang, so there is no character for generation in his name.

Qi Xuansu was secretly surprised that Beichen Hall was so well-informed that when he returned to Yujing, they knew that he was indeed a Shangsan Hall.

However, Qi Xuansu kept his face quiet and asked: "I wonder what Miss Li is doing?"

Li Zhuyu's eyes narrowed into crescent moons, and he answered the wrong question: "In Beichen Hall, Chief Qi's file was originally only one page, and it was no different from the file in Tiangang Hall. It was nothing more than Bingzi of Wanxiang Taoist Palace, who was born in the Department of Jiabao. Master He died, but now it has been compiled into a three-inch-thick book. Especially since Master Qi survived the disaster, it is even more curious. "

Qi Xuansu's heart was already lifted.

His experience was indeed a bit outrageous. It wasn't that Zhang Yuelu couldn't see the strangeness, but she chose to believe Qi Xuansu, but the Li family would not be polite to Qi Xuansu. Even if Qi Xuansu was fine, they would still have to make some fuss, not to mention Qi Xuansu's background. It's not clean either.

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