Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 97 Just like yesterday

Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu boarded the flying boat to Longmen Mansion together.

Although Qi Xuansu bought an ordinary ticket, the director of Feizhou arranged the two of them into an "upper room" that only second-grade Taiyi Taoist priests were eligible to use. For no other reason than a man under thirty years old The deputy hall leader, a Taoist priest in charge who is less than thirty years old, has a bright future. Regardless of whether they are willing or not, there will always be someone who takes the initiative to offer some special treatment. In their words, it is a good relationship.

The two of them had no amorality and accepted this "goodwill".

Compared with an ordinary room that can only accommodate a bed and a table, the room of the second-grade Taiyi Taoist priest can be called luxurious. It is an inner and outer bedroom, with not only a small living room, but also a study and bedroom.

This is also the reason why many heavenly beings like to ride on flying boats. Flying on your own, you not only have to suffer from the wind and cold, but also consume energy. How can you be as comfortable as riding on a flying boat? If you have errands to attend to, you can also handle official duties.

Now that neither of them had any official duties, Qi Xuansu wanted to suggest playing some Xuansheng cards, but Zhang Yuelu took out two jade slips and handed them to Qi Xuansu.

Qi Xuansu took the jade slip and asked, "What is this?"

Zhang Yuelu said: "It's 'Innate Divine Calculation' and 'Qi-Wang Technique'."

Qi Xuansu was startled. These are the two magical powers of Sanren in the Holy Embryo Realm, especially the "Innate Divine Calculation", which is one of the core magical powers of Sanren. He has long wanted to learn it. In the past, his cultivation level was not enough, but when he reached the Holy Embryo Realm, At that time, he never had the chance. First, he escorted Liu Hu to Bohai Mansion, and then participated in the Jinling Mansion investigation, but never had time to learn.

Now, he is about to become a heavenly being, but he still has no fate with this magical power. He has almost forgotten it, but Zhang Yuelu still remembers it.

Qi Xuansu also realized at this time that Zhang Yuelu returned to Yujing just to get these two jade slips.

Thinking of this, Qi Xuansu didn't know what to say for a while.

Zhang Yuelu turned her face and looked out the window: "Neither of us are mother-in-laws, so we shouldn't be speechless and choking. Let's learn it quickly and remember to return the jade slip to me. When we return to Yujing next time, I still have to send the jade slips back to Daozang Division."

Qi Xuansu stopped talking nonsense and reached out to hold the jade slip marked "Innate Divine Calculation" and immersed himself in it.

Compared with traditional books, the advantage of this kind of jade slip is that it is more direct and can be "imprinted" directly into the mind. It is very efficient and easier to understand, and it perfectly solves problems that are difficult to explain in words.

The disadvantage is that every time "rubbing" is done, there will be losses, it will become more and more "faint", and eventually it will be completely discarded, and the cost of making jade slips is not cheap. What's more, using jade slips has a certain impact on one's own realm. There are certain requirements, and the threshold is higher. If the cultivation level is not enough, it is easy to be shocked by the impact on the soul, which can range from dizziness and vomiting to severe damage to the soul, resulting in symptoms of soul loss and separation.

Qi Xuansu is now in the Jiuzhonglou stage of returning to his true form, and has the inheritance of some alchemists, which is enough to withstand the impact of this kind of jade slip.

In a sense, there are some similarities between using jade slips and integrating "Xuan Yu". For Qi Xuansu, it can be regarded as a familiar road, and there is no need for Zhang Yuelu to give any advice.

After Qi Xuansu entered meditation, Zhang Yuelu did not cross his legs, but casually leaned on the Luohan bed, closed his eyes, pinched a magic formula with the thumb, index finger, and middle finger of his right hand, and stayed there motionless, his mind wandering away.

There was no words all the way. By the time the flying boat arrived at Longmen Mansion, Qi Xuansu had barely gotten a glimpse of the door. Next, the master would lead him in and practice on his own. He would slowly become familiar with this magical power, in order to gain access to it, and even become proficient in it. .

The flying boat descended slowly, and the water mist filled the air, bringing a refreshing coolness to the port here.

The gangway was lowered and passengers began to disembark one by one. Zhang Yuelu woke up from meditation on time and woke up Qi Xuansu who was still in trance.

Because the real person's exclusive room was located on a high floor, Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu walked last.

The two of them took advantage of the gap between people queuing up to get off the boat, leaning on the railing and watching.

The big lake where the flying boat is parked is called "Hoshino Lake". Under the moonlight and stars, the waves sparkle like a dream, so it got its name. Not far away is a scenic spot in the Wanxiang Taoist Palace, known as the "Star Observation Tower". The mountain is not high, but it has a wide view. It is said that there were warlocks who observed the stars here to predict the general trend of the world, hence the name. .

During the Three Yuan Festival, the Taoist Palace organizes disciples to enjoy the moon and have fun together.

Looking further into the distance, we can see the majestic and continuous Wanxiang Taoist Palace, just like a city within a city.

Qi Xuansu suddenly had many feelings, but for a moment he didn't know where to start.

Zhang Yuelu immediately noticed the subtle change in Qi Xuansu's mood and asked softly: "What are you thinking about?"

Qi Xuansu did not hide anything and said truthfully: "The first time I took a flying boat was around this time last year. In just one year, many things happened, just like a dream. If the time is extended a little longer, a few years ago In 2007, I came to Yujing for the first time with Master. It seems like it was just yesterday. I can still remember it vividly. The time I spent in the Wanxiang Taoist Palace can be said to be in my short life experience. The experience of Wanxiang Taoist Palace accounts for most of it, and it is undoubtedly a profound memory. I should be very familiar with this place, but now it feels a bit strange. If I have to describe it, it is like a world away. I did not expect that the ups and downs of life would be like this. So fast.”

Qi Xuansu's tone was very calm, as calm as if he was telling other people's stories. Zhang Yuelu listened carefully and carefully, without any impatience or disdain.

Qi Xuansu said: "When I was traveling around the world, I once met a sea trader. He was not a big businessman, but he just bought some goods and took other people's ships to do small business. He told me about "The Beheaded Queen" "She was too young at that time, and she didn't know that all the gifts given by fate had their prices secretly marked on them."

"I often think, if it is true as this story says, all gifts have prices, then I should be able to meet you, be with you, and be favored by Master Lei and Master Pei, etc. Is it considered a credit? I don’t know what the price will be if I pay it back in the future.”

"Speaking of meeting you, actually when I saw you for the second time, I was quite afraid of you. I felt that there was a power in you, just like the sun hanging in the sky. I, a little brat, didn't dare to come out to meet people. At that time, Not to mention that I wanted to work side by side with you in the future, but I never expected that you were my immediate boss, and I can’t hide from you now. "

Zhang Yuelu couldn't help but smile when he heard this: "It's not as mysterious as what you said. I'm not a saint, I'm just an ordinary person. I have selfish motives and can break the rules. As for the power you mentioned, I don't think it is. If If you insist on saying that, it should be a foil for others. "

"My background is really not low. I have never experienced hard times, and I don't have many low-level experiences. I also have many gifts from fate as you mentioned. Probably because of these, I have no interest in Li Tianzhen and others. Not only It’s just that they are different and not the same, but it’s also because what they have, I also have, and what they can do, I can do too. I don’t need anyone to protect me from wind and rain, let alone bring me so-called safety. Feeling, I don’t need any support, what I want is someone to walk with me.”

"My attitude towards this kind of thing is to let nature take its course. I watch the flowers bloom and fade in front of the garden, sweep away the fallen flowers, look at the clouds rolling in the sky, and cut the floating clouds with my sword. So along the way, we have gone through hardships and dangers, supporting each other, and even parting through life and death. When we meet again, we don’t have to make any deliberate decisions, it will happen naturally.”

Qi Xuansu's mood at the moment was neither peaceful nor peaceful.

Zhang Yuelu's words touched him greatly.

It wasn't Qi Xuansu who owned Zhang Yuelu, nor Zhang Yuelu who owned Qi Xuansu, but the two of them owned each other.

Yes, Zhang Yuelu is not his vassal, and he is not Zhang Yuelu's vassal. The two are fellow travelers traveling together on a long journey.


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