Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 111 Process and Results

What kind of person is Qi Xuansu?

It’s hard to say whether he is a bad person or not, but he is definitely not a good person.

Throughout Qi Xuansu's experience, from the beginning of the Longhu Club in Wanxiang Taoist Palace to the murder of his master, he did not offend anyone, but suffered various injustices. Fengxiantang did not give him justice, and Beichentang did not give him one either. Justice, he sought justice himself.

After such an experience, if he could still recognize the so-called rules, he would be a saint. So he killed Wan Xiuwu without hesitation, instead of trying to collect evidence to sue Wan Xiuwu. If it weren't for the fact that it was not easy to kill people in the Taiping Inn, he would not let Yue Liuli go so easily.

How could a person who is accustomed to the law of the jungle, where the weak and the strong prey on the strong, believe in the Taoist priest of the flower garden? Even if he had to believe it because of the situation, he would definitely not believe it in his heart. Qi Xuansu has never been a Xuansheng. He is a small person. Everything starts from his own standpoint. Those who are kind to me are good, and those who dislike me are evil. This may be his limitation, but he has to admit that experience will determine people's thoughts.

What is the law of the jungle? That is, after Qi Xuansu suffered injustice, he only hated himself for being too weak, rather than resenting the unfairness of the world. After this seed was planted, it was destined that Qi Xuansu was unlikely to be a reasonable person.

However, this world is inherently unfair, and the jungle has always been dominated by the weak. If Qi Xuansu was Zhenzhi Zhenren, then he would not kill Wan Xiuwu himself. He would just give the order, and someone would immediately go to investigate. Starting from the many parties involved back then, with a large number of witness evidence, the case was overturned, and the procedures were complied with. In the end, the criminals were brought to justice, and the various people who had protected him were held accountable.

But Qi Xuansu was not the real person of Shenzhi. When he killed Wan Xiuwu, he was just a seventh-grade Taoist priest who faked his death. Even if he knelt in front of Fengxian Hall for three days and three nights, no one came to reverse his case. He could only Use your own methods to seek justice.

To put it bluntly, if you have power, you should pursue justice in the process; if you have no power, you should pursue justice in the result.

If you have no power but insist on pursuing justice in the process, it will probably drag on for three to five years, endless wrangling, every step is within the scope of the rules, but the result is nothing.

Because of this, people will praise the knights who come and go in the storybook. From the perspective of Legalism, the so-called chivalry is actually the use of lynching. The process is wrong. Chivalrous people have no right to judge right and wrong. Everyone has his own justice. Your justice is not my justice, but the common people Why do you like, recognize and strongly praise chivalrous heroes? Probably because justice is in the heart of the people, probably because ordinary people are powerless and moneyless people, let alone people who cannot afford to hire a lawyer.

If Qi Xuansu was born in Yujing, like countless Taoist priests in the garden, and grew up in a civilized environment, maybe he would believe in the Taoist laws from the bottom of his heart, regard them as norms, and regard justice as the golden rule. It's a pity that there is no place for him in the flower garden. He is just a wild grass growing wildly in the wild jungle. He is just trying to live a good life.

Because of his own experience, Qi Xuansu naturally has a great distrust of laws and rules, so when he encounters problems, he always trusts his own sword. As for why my justice is not your justice, it is simple. Either let me go to see the King of Hell, or you can go to the King of Hell and talk to him yourself.

Summer insects cannot be compared to ice. How can people from two worlds have the same ideas? Qi Xuansu has long been fed up with these red tapes since he returned to Taoism. If he had Qiniang's level of cultivation, maybe he would choose to be Wei Wugui instead of Qi Xuansu.

As for Zhang Yuelu, except for Qi Xuansu, who is in the eye of the beholder, probably few people think that Zhang Yuelu is a good person in the traditional sense. Many people's evaluation of her is that she is not easy to get along with, has skills, is capable, dares to take responsibility, and is willing to do things. She even needs to be radical and extreme, but there is no such evaluation as selfless, impartial and strict.

Zhang Yuelu said more than once that she had selfish motives. Although she was never greedy for money, she knew that her subordinate Sun Yongfeng had a lot of unexplainable gray income, but she acquiesced to this fact. Because if the water is clear, there will be no fish. If she wants to have her own confidants and followers, she cannot be a morally perfect person.

Although Qi Xuansu said that Zhang Yuelu's heart was bright, Zhang Yuelu directly denied it, because compared with Qi Xuansu, Zhang Yuelu was indeed bright, but in fact, Zhang Yuelu knew that her philosophy was not Xuansheng's philosophy. What she had always said was change. Taoism, rather than saving the world. She knew that her ability almost ended here, and she could not bring peace to the world, and she could not create peace.

Changing the Taoism lies in eliminating conflicts and redistributing interests. Situ Xinglan once evaluated Zhang Yuelu, saying that she was a young person who advocated change. Change will inevitably affect the interests of others. As the saying goes, cutting off people's financial resources is like killing their parents. This is a life-and-death struggle. How can we follow the rules?

What Zhang Yuelu wants to do is to be a powerful prime minister with mixed reputations, not to be a moral saint. This is also the limitation of Zhang Yuelu's background. She has no experience at the bottom, she only sees the evil at the top.

However, her experience made her firmer in her thoughts. The two major Jiangnan cases eventually turned into unsolvable situations. This made Zhang Yuelu understand a truth. Procedures are procedures, just means. They themselves have nothing to do with right or wrong. It has nothing to do with justice, it is just a game process, so there is no need to give it the name of justice.

The two major Jiangnan cases have case files that are impeccable and there are no mistakes or omissions in the procedures. What is the result? As a result, the mastermind behind the scenes is at large and the abuses are getting deeper and deeper.

Although many people object that winning is right, they have to admit that this is a fact.

To put it bluntly, the so-called procedural justice is debate. Zhang Yuelu believed it in his early years, but later he stopped believing it. Why? Because she suddenly discovered, why are these so-called procedural justice cases involving powerful people?

She had never heard of eighth-grade Taoist priests receiving justice through procedural justice, but second-grade Taoist priests were often acquitted due to procedural justice.

Who is constantly advocating procedural justice while belittling result justice? They all seem to be proficient in the Code?

She has also read the case files of the Criminal Department. Ninety-nine percent of the prisoners are poor, and eighty percent of the prisoners cannot afford a lawyer. The outcome of the same case can be very different whether there is a lawyer or not.

Because we can’t hire a lawyer, we can’t find any loopholes in the procedure. So where is the so-called justice?

So-called procedural justice and consequential justice, no matter which one you choose, the powerful people get the so-called "justice", so what's the difference?

If you have power and money, you can pursue procedural justice. If you have no money, no power, then just do whatever you want.

There is essentially no difference.

Maybe there has been some progress, but it definitely cannot bear the word "justice".

Zhang Yuelu was not opposed to this kind of Legalist thought, but she did not want to uphold it as a guideline and vigorously defend it, so she only regarded it as a means rather than an idea. Even when she chose to help Qi Xuansu, she cleverly made use of the so-called correct procedures, that is, following the According to the rules, if Shangguan Jing's case needs to be investigated again, Jin Que must first be asked for instructions, and then he can go to Beichen Hall to review the case files, completely cutting off Wuxu Palace's retreat.

In Zhang Yuelu's view, since all laws must be judged and implemented by people and cannot be separated from people's will, there is no essential difference between procedural justice and consequential justice. They should go hand in hand, and the final implementation must be based on the facts. We cannot fall into the mold of Legalism, we cannot let the provisions of the code of law become a holy scripture that cannot be changed, and we cannot let the litigants and others become the priestly class with the sole power to interpret the holy scriptures. Taoism is the Taoism of Taoism, not the Taoism of Legalism.

Zhang Yuelu's idea may not be right, but in Taoism, it cannot be wrong. Because the Taoist sect is not the Daxuan court, the Taoist sect does not directly face the people, and the Taoist priests at the lowest level are also Taoist priests. As the saying goes, chivalrous men use force to break the forbidden. This is a group where everyone has the ability to use force to break the forbidden. It is by no means a matter of having enough food and clothing. If they are satisfied, their needs are more. If they cannot be convinced, then people like Qi Xuansu are by no means a minority.

If the Taoist sect is governed with the same ideas as governing the common people, I am afraid there will be big problems. The common people will never rebel until they are unable to survive. The common people are used to enduring suffering. But this may not be the case for Taoist priests. They are armed with sharp weapons and are full of murderous intentions. The eight tribes rebelled against Taoism just because of their different ideas. It is conceivable that if the conflicts within the Taoist sect continue to deepen, the lower-level Taoist priests may not dare to resist the high-level Taoist priests, even if there are immortals among the high-level Taoist priests.

Immortals have great power, they can turn Yunjin Mountain upside down, and they can also execute Zhang Jingchen, the deposed master, but they cannot kill all the low-level Taoist priests who are the cornerstone of the Taoist sect.



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