Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 113: Going to the Palace (Part 1)

For Qi Xuansu, the Wanxiang Dao Palace is all too familiar.

But strictly speaking, this "familiarity" was only for the lower palace. He was not even as familiar with the upper palace as Zhang Yuelu, who had only stayed there for three months.

There is no way. The difference between the upper palace and the lower palace is just like the difference between a high-grade Taoist priest and a low-grade Taoist priest. They are completely two worlds.

Every time he thought about this, Qi Xuansu couldn't help but imitate the poet and literati and lamented that "the joys and sorrows of the two worlds are not the same" and so on. Joy is not the same, and the joys and sorrows of people are not connected. When he was almost killed by Wan Xiuwu and Yue Liuli, he felt sad and angry, but maybe in the eyes of others, it was just a joke. If he goes to complain, others will not sympathize with him and will only feel noisy.

Several Taoist palaces and state palaces of Quanzhen Taoism are very interesting. From the Wanshou Chongyang Palace in Difei Mountain to the Wuxu Palace in Xijing Prefecture, to the Summer Palace in Beimang Mountain, and finally to the Wanxiang Taoist Palace in Longmen Prefecture, the distance is not far away. It's far away, and even from a big map, it looks like it's a bit crowded together. If we go by land, it may take a few days, but if we fly by air, it won't even take half a day.

Around noon, Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu arrived at the Wanxiang Taoist Palace.

The Vientiane Taoist Palace is like a city within a city, with towering buildings and continuous buildings. Although Qi Xuansu grew up in the Wanxiang Taoist Palace, he had never walked through the main entrance once. In the past, whether they sneaked out or followed the teachers, they always used the side entrance. The main entrance is tall and grand, and the foundation alone is much higher than the many side entrances. It is connected to the ground by ninety-nine steps, which can accommodate twenty people walking side by side without being crowded. The difference between the upper and lower entrances is immediately apparent.

Only those who go to the Upper Palace to study can enter the Wanxiang Dao Palace through this main entrance.

Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu came to the main entrance of Wanxiang Taoist Palace. Because they were inside the city, there was no mountain gate. Under the steps stood a group of spiritual officials on duty, with wild geese wings lined up.

The leader was a fourth-grade spiritual officer. When he saw a young man and woman coming side by side, he thought they were candidates for offering wine or preparing to offer wine. However, he soon saw Zhang Yuelu's belt hanging around his waist and the "Chu Zhen Sutra Urn". I couldn't help but shudder.

It is not unusual for a Taoist priest of the fourth grade to offer wine, but such a young Taoist priest of the fourth grade to offer wine is rare. After seeing the waistband clearly, he had already guessed the identity of the woman, and hurriedly stepped forward to salute: "I have met Deputy Hall Master Zhang. "

Zhang Yuelu was a little surprised: "Do you recognize me?"

Lingguan is also an honest man: "You are so young, and the only deputy hall master of Tiangang Hall is Zhang. Moreover, Jinque has already announced that he has promoted deputy hall master Zhang to a third-grade Youyi Taoist priest, making him the youngest in the past ninety years. The third-grade Youyi Taoist priest is also the youngest among the existing third-grade Youyi Taoist priests in the Taoist sect.”

Ordinary people who are promoted to the third rank of Youyi Taoist priests generally do not publish it in the Di Bao. However, Zhang Yuelu's situation is special. The word "youngest" is both a gimmick and a special meaning, so it is worthy of a special mention in the Di Bao, and even A brief biography of Zhang Yuelu will be published, such as participating in solving the Jiangnan case, the Zixian Mountain case, experiencing the Jinling Mansion catastrophe, etc.

Qi Xuansu suddenly thought of Qin Xiang's words "the legendary Zhang Yuelu" and couldn't help but want to laugh. In fact, he was not the same. Before he set foot on the flying boat to Yujing, Zhang Yuelu was also a legendary figure to him, and Dong Just like Hua Zhenren, they are all floating in the sky.

Where did the legend come from? Naturally, it comes from these Taoist residences. The news was even faster than that of Pei Xiaolou, which also indirectly shows that Zhang Yuelu's promotion to the third-grade Youyi Taoist Priest had been decided before Pei Xiaolou finished the Jinque questioning, and someone had leaked the news to Qingping Bookstore in advance.

However, this spiritual official obviously did not recognize Qi Xuansu, which also explained that the Di newspaper only wrote about Zhang Yuelu's promotion to the third-grade Youyi Taoist priest, and did not mention Qi Xuansu's promotion to the fourth-grade Jiujiu Taoist priest. After all, Qi Xuansu is older than Zhang Yuelu and is one rank lower than Zhang Yuelu. They are just regarded as green leaves together. There is really nothing to say. Moreover, Qi Xuansu's background is not clean, so it is better to deal with it in a low-key manner.

The spiritual official asked: "The Taoist priest who was promoted to the fourth grade of Jijiu will go to the Wanxiang Taoist Palace for further study, but there is no saying that the Taoist priest who was promoted to the third grade of Youyi will come to the Wanxiang Taoist Palace for further study. Is Deputy Hall Master Zhang going to revisit his old place?"

Zhang Yuelu said: "I came here with my friends. It's not yet the start of school on June 15th. I should be able to go in, right?"

"Okay, okay." Lingguan's eyes then turned to Qi Xuansu.

Qi Xuansu saluted and said: "I am Qi Xuansu, a newly promoted fourth-grade wine-provoking Taoist priest, here to further his studies."

"Good guy." Lingguan couldn't help but said, "It turns out to be Master Qi. He has a bright future. Congratulations, congratulations."

In fact, it is a very simple thing to tell the age of a Taoist man. Just look at whether he has a beard or not. This is an unwritten and rigid rule. Young people before the age of thirty regard it as beautiful not to have beards, and after they are thirty years old, they grow short beards. After the age of ten, you can grow a long beard. Qi Xuansu looks like a young man who is not yet thirty years old.

The Taoist Priest of the Fourth Grade Liquor Ceremony who is less than 30 years old, even if he is not as good as Zhang Yuelu, he is still better than 99% of his peers. If nothing else, the position of a real person has been stabilized, which makes the spiritual officer sigh. point.

At this moment, three more people came towards the main entrance from Hoshino Lake. The leading man's surname is Lu, and his name is Lu Shuihan. He is a direct descendant of the Lu family of Taiping Road. His two companions are both leaders among the younger generation. The woman is Bai Yuru and the man is Zhao Huang.

Lu Shuihan is now the candidate for the fifth-grade sacrificial wine, while Bai Yuru and Zhao Huang are the sixth-grade candidate for the sacrificial wine. The three of them had a small "misunderstanding" with Zhang Yuelu in the past.

This misunderstanding is also related to Qi Xuansu. When Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu met for the second time, they had a bowl of beef noodles together in Taiqing City. After seeing this, the group commented on the two of them, saying that Zhang Yuelu was raising a pretty boy and so on. However, Zhang Yuelu was Found out and taught them a little lesson.

Later, after Zhang Yuelu and Qi Xuansu got acquainted, they talked about this matter. It's just that Qi Xuansu's cultivation level was too low at the time of the incident and he didn't find any trace of this group of people. Later, he only knew that there was such a group of people, but he didn't know what this group of people looked like.

After Qi Xuansu heard about this, he even teased Zhang Yuelu, and they were right. He was either like Deputy Hall Master Zhang's little lover, or Deputy Hall Master Zhang's little lover. As a result, Qi Xuansu was also taught a little lesson by Zhang Yuelu.

When the three of them saw Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu, they couldn't help but be stunned, unable to move forward or retreat.

Zhang Yuelu noticed something and looked at the three of them, making them awed.

At that time, Zhang Yuelu had not yet become a heavenly being, he was just a Taoist priest of the fourth grade offering wine, and they were no match for him. Now that Zhang Yuelu has made great progress and has successfully become a heavenly being, he is no longer an opponent. In terms of rank and position, they have to take the initiative to salute, even if Zhang Yuelu is a few years younger than them.

The three of them bravely came to the two of them and saluted in unison: "I have met Deputy Hall Master Zhang."

"No need to be polite." Zhang Yuelu returned a half-ceremony.

Qi Xuansu looked at Zhang Yuelu, showing some doubts.

Zhang Yuelu said concisely and concisely: "Taiqing City, eat noodles."

Qi Xuansu immediately remembered and said with a smile: "So we are old friends, and the three of you are here to study? Then we will be classmates from now on. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you."

The three of them also recognized Qi Xuansu, who was the pretty boy they had made fun of before. Looking at his current posture, did they become a couple? Did they really get it right? And this wild Taoist priest and country bumpkin also wants to participate in the Wanxiang Taoist Palace for further training?

Lu Shuihan was still quite calm and did not get entangled. He cupped his hands and said, "If there is nothing else, we will go in first."

"Excuse me." Qi Xuansu returned the gesture.

After the three of them had gone far, Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu also bid farewell to the spiritual officials and walked towards the main entrance of Wanxiang Taoist Palace.

Qi Xuansu said softly: "I thought there was going to be a jealousy drama. By the way, Li Tianzhen is also in the Wanxiang Taoist Palace, right?"

Zhang Yuelu shook his head and said: "I am known to be a loner and difficult to get along with, and I am not the most beautiful person in the country. Except for those who are greedy for my status, few people will like me. As for Li Tianzhen, he is better than You are much older, already in your thirties, and have already become a Taoist Priest of the Fourth Grade."

Qi Xuansu nodded, knowing what he was thinking.

As for being lonely and difficult to get along with, he didn't think so. Maybe he wasn't someone who was easy to get along with, so the two lonely people just matched each other.

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