Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 115 Plain clothes

After Qi Xuansu settled down, he found that there was a map of the Upper Palace hanging in the study. Zhang Yuelu used this map to introduce the entire structure of the Upper Palace to Qi Xuansu.

The Mingtang of the Wanxiang Taoist Palace was built by Empress Mingkong, while the lower palace retained the layout of the Wanxiang Academy built by the Confucian sect. After the Taoist sect changed the Wanxiang Academy to the Wanxiang Taoist Palace, the upper part of the lower palace was based on the layout of Taiping Dao. The upper palace was built in Zhenjing Villa, which is directly connected to the second floor of Mingtang.

Zhenjing Villa is also known as the Eight Views Villa. When viewed from above, it looks like a Bagua shape, with eight courtyards, eight gates and eight sceneries, hence the name.

The upper palace of Wanxiang Taoist Palace is also divided into seven gardens, one gate and eight areas, named after Qian, Kun, Kan, Li, Zhen, Gen, Xun and Dui respectively. Among them, Zhenyuan is located in the east. The four characters "Zhen" are the residences of the Taoist priests who offer wine at the fourth level, and are connected to the east gate on the second floor of the Mingtang. The Dui Garden opposite is located to the west, with the four characters "Shuo Yan Hu Dui" written on it. It is the residence of the teachers of the Academy and is connected to the west gate on the second floor of the Mingtang.

Because the architectural layout faces south and faces north, the south gate is the main gate, which corresponds to "meeting and leaving", so this gate is also called Limen, connecting the long bridge that Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu walked when they came.

The north gate corresponds to "Laohukan", connects to Kanyuan, and is the main teaching area.

Except for the Limen, the seven parks are independent and connected. You can communicate with each other without going through the Mingtang.

Located in the northeast is the Gen Garden of "Chengyan Hu Gen", which is connected to Zhen Garden and Kan Garden. It is where the book collection of the Shang Palace is located. Although it cannot be compared with the Daozang Division of Yujing, it is also known to have a collection of millions of books, one of the few in the world. A place for collecting books.

Located in the southeast is the Xun Garden of "Qi Hu Xun", which is only connected to the Zhen Garden. It was originally a place similar to a school ground, and was the only place where you could do things in the palace. However, it has now been opened up as a candidate for wine sacrifices and preparatory sacrifices. The abode of wine. There is no single-person treatment for the candidates and the preparatory ones. They have to share a courtyard with several people. Although there are separate rooms, there is no separate study and living room. However, it is better than having several people sharing a room in the lower palace. too much.

In the northwest is the Qian Garden of "Zhan Hu Qian", which connects Kan Garden and Dui Garden respectively. In addition to an extremely open white jade square, there is also a huge auditorium where various ceremonies are held.

Finally, there is the Kun Garden located in the southwest, which is "Zhiyong Hukun". It is only connected to Dui Garden and faces Xun Garden across the Limen. This is the residence of the great master of the Zhang Palace and the high-level officials of the Dao Palace.

As for how to connect the upper palace and the lower palace, it is through the Mingtang. The upper palace is connected to the second floor of the Mingtang. From the second floor to the first floor, you can go out to the lower palace. If you want to go to places like Hoshino Lake and the Star Observatory, you have to go through Shimogiya. But Tianren is an exception and can fly directly there.

After listening to Zhang Yuelu's introduction, Qi Xuansu sighed: "So this is what going to the palace is like."

Zhang Yuelu asked: "Have you never come up through the Mingtang?"

Qi Xuansu shook his head and said: "There is a restricted area in the lower palace, and Mingtang is within the restricted area. We cannot get close to Mingtang."

"Then how do you find a tutor?" Zhang Yuelu asked again.

Qi Xuansu said: "The teachers in charge of the lower palace are all low-grade Taoist priests. They also live in the lower palace, but they can enter and exit various restricted areas at will."

Zhang Yuelu nodded and didn't say much. Although she was born in the Zhang family's small sect, she only received some contempt within the Zhang family. She would never receive such restricted treatment outside, so it was difficult for her to look up to those who came from the Wanxiang Dao Palace. People with complex mentalities can empathize with her and naturally won’t sigh with emotion, “So this is how it is in the palace.”

After Qi Xuansu sighed, Qi Xuansu suddenly remembered something and asked: "By the way, Qingxiao, where did you live when you came to the palace last time?"

Zhang Yuelu also had some thoughts of revisiting his old place, so he led Qi Xuansu to his former residence.

Unexpectedly, there was already an owner here. When the two of them arrived outside the courtyard gate, they saw a young woman standing in the courtyard with her hands behind her back, staring at a clump of water bamboo in the courtyard.

Hearing the sound, the woman turned around and looked at the two people.

Judging from the age, the woman and Zhang Yuelu are very different, and neither of them is stunningly beautiful, but their auras are extremely unforgettable, but the difference between their auras is huge.

Zhang Yuelu acts vigorously and resolutely, quite majestic and a bit like a city mandarin, and as his age and experience increase, his majesty continues to increase. It is conceivable that by the time Zhang Yuelu reaches the age of Jiazi, he must be indifferent to joy and anger. Don't be angry and be proud, many junior disciples don't dare to breathe in front of her.

In front of outsiders, Zhang Yuelu never showed any sign of weakness. He was calm and majestic, with a bit of heroism at the same time, like a ray of sunshine.

However, in normal times, especially in front of people close to her, she will show her feminine side as a woman, including dressing up, which is a woman's habit, without any masculine style, and will not make people think that she is a Tomboy, quite a bit tough and soft at the same time.

As for the woman in front of her, she was completely different from Zhang Yuelu just in her dress. On some occasions, Zhang Yuelu would wear men's clothes either for convenience or to change her appearance, but usually she dressed as a woman. But this woman is dressed in a simple male outfit, with no extra decorations on her body. She only has a jade pendant hanging around her waist, which should be a proof of identity, and her bun is tied with an ebony hairpin.

There is no trace of majesty in his demeanor, he seems easy-going, but also reveals a bit of alienation and indifference, as if nothing in the world can make him worry or care, and his attitude has even reached the point of indifference. If Zhang Yuelu is said to be... Zhenlei belongs to Yang wood, so this woman is Xunfeng, which belongs to Yin wood.

In fact, the huge difference in gas state is nothing. The key is that this woman did not fall behind in the face of Zhang Yuelu, and she seemed to be evenly matched. This is very rare. You must know that Zhang Yuelu is now a heavenly being and holds a high position. Even if she doesn't deliberately show off her momentum, not just anyone can compete with her.

The two of them are yin and yang, one is as indifferent as the wind, and the other is as majestic as thunder. Just by standing here, you can see that they are not the same people. It even makes Qi Xuansu have an inexplicable idea that these two people may never be sisters in their lives. , even if it is difficult to be a friend, it is lucky not to be an enemy.

The woman didn't pay much attention to Qi Xuansu, she just looked at Zhang Yuelu, and then took the initiative to say: "Is it Deputy Hall Master Zhang of Tiangang Hall?"

Zhang Yuelu was also sizing up the woman, and after hearing this he said, "Nice to meet you. It's Zhang Yuelu of Tiangang Hall. I haven't asked for advice yet."

The woman said softly: "I have admired you for a long time, and it is indeed Zhang Qingxiao. I am Yao Pei, who has no position for the time being, and is officially in the Wanshou Chongyang Palace."

Qi Xuansu was shocked.

No wonder this little girl with such a great aura didn't take him seriously at all. It turned out to be Yao Pei of Quanzhen Taoism who was ranked equally with Zhang Yuelu.

Speaking of which, this woman has the same surname as Qiniang, and considering the special relationship between the Qingping Society and Quanzhen Taoism, she must be the same clan as Qiniang, right?

Zhang Yuelu seemed to have expected it, and was not too shocked. He just said: "It turns out to be fellow Taoist Yao, whose name I have admired for a long time. Fellow Taoist?"

Yao Pei cupped his hands and said, "Bearly named Su Yi."

In addition to the meaning of surname, "Pei" also means long clothes and appearance in "Shuowen". "Yili" says: "Long clothes are also pure cloth clothes." Suyi means white clothes, which also refers to purity and conduct. Therefore, the word "suyi" expresses his ambition to be pure and self-restrained and not to be tainted.

Zhang Yuelu said: "Did fellow Taoist Suyi also come to Shanggong to study?"

Yao Pei said: "I am ashamed. I heard a few years ago that fellow Taoist Qingxiao came to the Wanxiang Taoist Palace for further study and became the youngest Taoist priest of the fourth grade of wine worship. When I became a Taoist priest of the fourth grade of wine sacrifice, Fellow Taoist Qingxiao He is already a third-grade Taoist priest."

"I don't dare to take it seriously." Zhang Yuelu said seriously, "Speaking of it, it's a coincidence. When I first came to Wanxiang Taoist Palace, I lived here. I didn't expect that Taoist friend Suyi would also live here today. It's fate between you and me."

Yao Pei said: "It's not all fate. As far as I know, this courtyard has the best scenery, the best location, the most quiet place, and is the closest to the Gen Garden where the books are stored. The Wanxiang Taoist Palace will only arrange for the most outstanding disciples to stay. If all He is a mediocre person, so he would rather leave it empty. Speaking of which, Master Cihang, Master Donghua, and Master Qingwei all lived here."

"I didn't know there was such a saying." Zhang Yuelu was startled.

Yao Pei turned his attention to Qi Xuansu: "You are Qi Tianyuan who risked his life to save Qingxiao?"

Qi Xuansu finally said: "There is no talk of saving him. Even without me, Qingxiao will not be in danger of his life. He has not sacrificed his life. After all, I am still alive and well."

From beginning to end, there was no obvious expression on Yao Pei's face. She was not arrogant, easy-going, cold, or springy. It was just "indifferent". It was difficult for people to judge what she was thinking through her expression. She just listened. She said: "Fellow Taoist Tianyuan is a wonderful person, no wonder he can gain the Dharma vision of Master Donghua."

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