Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 117 Farewell

Qi Xuansu is just an innate person who has just dabbled in the "Innate Divine Calculation", and he really cannot understand the heavenly beings who practice the "Tai Shang Forgetting Love Sutra".

Although Qi Xuansu failed to see through Yao Pei's reality, as long as he thought carefully, he could be sure that Yao Pei had become a heavenly being.

First of all, on the list given by Qingpinghui, Yao Pei is higher than Zhang Yuelu and second only to Li Changge. Since Zhang Yuelu has become a heavenly being, it is not incomprehensible that Yao Pei has also become a heavenly being.

You must know that there are also experts in the Qingping Association. They can't see through the depth of all the great masters, and they can't see through the depth of a few juniors? Even if these juniors have the appearance of immortals, they have not grown up yet, and their growth trajectory can still be predicted.

Although Zhang Yuelu took the elixir, Zhang Yuelu's disadvantage was also obvious. She was distracted too much. Fighting with this case and that case would only sharpen her combat skills and increase her combat experience, but it would not increase her realm cultivation. Zhang Yuelu is here In terms of performance, he was not as good as Li and Yao who were concentrating on cultivation. Zhang Yuelu used pills to make up for this disadvantage and smoothed the gap with Yao Pei.

Secondly, Taoism has a suspension system, and even Yao Pei and Li Changge must abide by it.

If you want to ignore the suspension system and get an exceptional promotion, one way is to accumulate merit that far exceeds what is needed for promotion. For example, the merit required for promotion is one, but the accumulated merit reaches three, then you can get an exceptional promotion. The most obvious example in this regard is Zhang Yuelu, who participated in two major Jiangnan cases and was promoted to the third rank of Youyi Taoist priest. Qi Xuansu also fell into this situation. This is the intensification of the three contradictions. In the early years when the Taoist sect was internally stable, Zhang Yuelu was so brave and diligent that he was almost already designated as the candidate for the next generation of great leader. However, there are still many variables.

Yao Pei and Li Changge have no great merit, and they don't even have positions. They are just in name. Naturally, they cannot be promoted based on merit. They are suitable for the second situation.

Although there is a system of cessation of seniority, Xuansheng felt that the Confucian school was not accepting young people at that time, and left behind the ancestral precepts of giving priority to young people. For low-grade Taoist priests, this ancestral precept is reflected in the special treatment of candidates and preparatory sacrificial wines, while for high-grade Taoist priests, it is reflected in the fact that there is no restriction on the age limit. In other words, as long as you can become a heavenly being before the age of thirty, you can ignore the age limit.

The reason why Yao Pei was able to come to the Upper Palace of Wanxiang Taoist Palace to study as a Taoist Priest of the Fourth Grade Wine Ceremony could only be because he was promoted to a heavenly being.

Qi Xuansu estimated that if the two of them really wanted to fight, he would probably not be his opponent. His greatest reliance is that he is experienced and good at using tricks, but the "Tai Shang Wang Qing Sutra" is to turn the human heart into the heaven's heart, and human calculations to become heaven's calculations, predicting the enemy's opportunities, leaving no loopholes, and precise calculations are better than experience , and abandoned all kinds of emotions, and made all kinds of psychological tricks almost useless, which was far more restrained than "Thirteen Taiyin Swords" and "Cihang Pudu Sword Code".

Qi Xuansu couldn't help but ask: "Qingxiao, Wanxiang Taoist Palace doesn't just teach theory, right? Does it teach magical powers?"

Zhang Yuelu seemed to have expected Qi Xuansu to ask such a question. He took out a name card from the Xumi object and handed it to Qi Xuansu: "If you don't want to waste three months here, go to Kunyuan to find this real person."

Qi Xuansu took the name card and saw the words "Sun Hewu of Wanxiang Taoist Palace" written on it.

You must know that the more small people are, the more they want to write all their names on it, but the big shots don't do these vain things. The higher the status, the fewer the number of words in the name post, or even only The name and place of birth, for example, Donghua Zhenren is Pei Xuanzhi of Lanling Mansion, and the world also calls him Pei Lanling. He will never add names such as Zhenren Zhenren, the leader of Ziweitang, and Zhenren, the chief counselor of Jinque.

This Sun Zhenren only has the four characters Wanxiang Taoist Palace in front of his name, so he is not a small person.

Qi Xuansu said: "The seniority of Quanzhen Taoism: Yiyang comes to restore the original, Hejiao will always be in the Ming Dynasty, Zhili Zong is honest, and the lofty successor method will prosper. Our Yaoguang Division's Sun Yongfeng and Sun are the disciples of the eighth generation of Yongzi. This It is indeed rare for Master Sun to be an elder of the sixth generation.”

In fact, the most common generation in Quanzhen Taoism today is the generation with the word "Yong", such as Zhuge Yongming, Sun Yongfeng, Bai Yongguan, etc. There are also many generations with the word "Jiao", and the generation with the word "He" is very rare, about the same as Li The "you" character in the family.

Zhang Yuelu said: "This is a loyal elder with extensive knowledge. You can use my name to visit and ask for advice. The old man will not refuse for my sake."

Qi Xuansu smiled and said: "Qingxiao, you are so kind."

As he said that, Qi Xuansu seemed a little "uncontrollable" and wanted to hug Zhang Yuelu.

As a result, Zhang Yuelu took a step forward and floated back a few feet, just in time to avoid it. He said with a half-smile, "I'm not fake about being nice to you, and you're not fake about being nice to me. But after all, we're not Taoists, so we should behave accordingly." You'd better not do anything extraordinary. If you think I'm a watery woman, you're wrong."

Qi Xuansu coughed lightly and said seriously: "How dare I? Everyone knows that you are a woman from a serious family, and you are different from those crazy bees and butterflies. I just can't help myself, I can't help myself."

Zhang Yuelu did not try to criticize him, but instead said: "As soon as June 15th comes, the upper palace of Wanxiang Taoist Palace will be closed, and no one can enter or leave. I, an outsider, must also leave. During my absence, you Don't get carried away, and don't provoke other women. I know you are not the kind of person who wants to be flirtatious. You can be tempted by too many temptations, and it is inevitable that you will be distracted. If you let me know that you have done anything inappropriate, be careful of my methods. Of course, I will do the same. This is what we demand of ourselves, and we don’t engage in double standards to show fairness.”

This is not because Zhang Yuelu is careless, but because she has been to Wanxiang Dao Palace and knows that this place is by no means a pure land.

A woman's good looks are a natural asset. It is difficult for people in high positions not to make some decisions, especially those high-quality Taoist priests who have certain power and connections, who can bring certain help to the underachieving women they like. Women of Zhang Yuelu and Yao Pei's level naturally Look down on them, except for powerful people like Li Tianzhen, few people dare to take their ideas, but it is difficult for ordinary women to resist such temptations.

Some women will even take the initiative to rush in, that is, take the initiative to throw themselves into their arms, which is really a chaos. Zhang Yuelu once met a female Taoist priest. She was not too young. She was already in her forties. Although she was a fourth-grade Taoist priest, she was not in Jiutang and there was not much room for advancement. However, she had good looks and good facial expressions. She was extremely She has the charm of a mature woman and is very good at seducing men. During her training, she hooked up with a real man who already had a family. I don’t know who took the initiative to seduce whom. It was probably a firewood encounter and they ran in both directions. It is said that it ended After further training, he directly stayed at the Wanxiang Taoist Palace to teach. Not to mention being noble, there was no danger. Compared with the wild Taoist priests in Tiangang Hall who were desperately trying to survive and whose lives were in danger, I don’t know how much it would cost. The key is that the various subsidies and regular money were not enough. few.

Qi Xuansu is used to life-and-death fights and has rich experience in traveling around the world, but he has almost never experienced such battles. In this regard, he is not as good as Li Tianzhen and Shen Yuxi, who were born into wealth and have experienced it. This can be regarded as a shortcoming. Mr. Zhang Yuelu was really worried, fearing that he would follow suit.

Qi Xuansu patted his chest and responded: "I know it well."

Zhang Yuelu pointed out: "There are some things that can be tolerated and tolerated by all rivers, and there are some things that can only be done by standing in a wall and having no desires."

Qi Xuansu smiled and said: "Oh, I'm not a child, so I don't need to tell you."

Zhang Yuelu snorted and said no more.

She also felt that she was a bit nagging, which really didn't look like her. Is this because caring leads to chaos?

After Zhang Yuelu said a few words casually, he said: "Okay, you can study in peace, it's time for me to leave."

Qi Xuansu was somewhat reluctant to give up, but he didn't want to show it too obviously, so he asked: "Where are you going?"

"First go back to Yunjin Mountain to visit your parents, and then return to Yujing." Zhang Yuelu said, "I will practice meditation with no distractions for a period of time by Master's side to consolidate my realm."

Qi Xuansu took out "Taiyi Yunyi" and two jade slips: "Do you want to take them back together?"

"Take them all and return them to me when you become a heavenly being. I believe that day will not be too far away." Zhang Yuelu stretched out his hand to help Qi Xuansu straighten his clothes, "I'm leaving."

Qi Xuansu sent Zhang Yuelu to the door and watched her figure disappear in the direction of Xingye Lake. Then he looked away, only to find that Yao Pei had appeared beside him at some point and was startled.

Yao Pei looked at Qi Xuansu with a pair of dead fish eyes: "Tianyuan Dao is blessed with friendship."

Qi Xuansu took a few steps back: "Is something wrong with fellow Taoist Yao?"

Yao Pei asked: "Fellow Daoist Qingxiao was here earlier, so it was difficult to ask some questions. What is your relationship with Master Yao of Qibaofang?"


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