Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 124 Qin Ling Pavilion

After Zhang Yuelu arrived in Yujing, he did not rush home. Instead, he went to Tiangang Hall first, intending to meet Master Cihang in person. Speaking of which, the master and apprentice had not seen each other for half a year. After all, master and apprentice are like mother and daughter.

However, after Zhang Yuelu arrived at Tiangang Hall, she learned that Cihang was not here, but had gone to Zi Mansion. She didn't know when she would come back, so she had to go to her Yaoguang Division along the way.

Coincidentally, Mu Jin happened to be on duty today, so she was very excited to see Zhang Yuelu back.

The relationship between the two is also very interesting. They are both superior and subordinate, but also more or less close friends. When they get along in private, they are quite casual.

Zhang Yuelu entered his signing room and asked casually: "Didn't I give you the leave? Why are you still on duty here?"

Mu Jin followed behind and said with a smile: "It's just because of the holiday that I came here to be on duty. That's three times the regular salary, and there's nothing else to do. I can do other things by the way."

"It's just you ghost." Zhang Yuelu laughed, "By the way, where is Xu Kou? Didn't he also come on duty?"

Because Xu Kou went home to visit relatives, he happened to miss the major case in Jinling Mansion, so during the period when others were resting, Xu Kou was arranged to be on duty. It happened that a Taoist priest at the first level was needed to stay behind. If anything happened Even emergencies can be handled alone.

As for Mu Jin voluntarily giving up her vacation to earn three times the regular amount of money and lighten Xu Kou's burden, it does not mean that Xu Kou can rest. He does not have a vacation.

Mu Jin said: "He heard that people from Confucianism and Buddhism arrived in Yujing today and went out to watch the excitement."

"Why didn't you go? I heard that the most beautiful man in the world came this time." Zhang Yuelu asked casually.

Mu Jin pouted and said, "It's just a gimmick. If he is the most beautiful man in the world, then I will be the most beautiful man in the world."

Zhang Yuelu asked again: "By the way, what's his name? Why haven't I heard of this person?"

Mu Jin was well-informed and said, "I know that this person's name is Qin Lingge. He is good-looking and an unprecedented genius."

In Yujing, the most indispensable thing is genius, so Zhang Yuelu didn't take it seriously. He just said: "What kind of genius can come from the world? How does it compare with Li Changge of Taiping Dao and Yao Pei of Quanzhen Dao?"

Mu Jin joked: "What kind of genius is this? As a mediocre person, I can't know. But some people know. I heard that the Qingping Association launched a wishful list, ranking Li Changge first, and Yao Pei ranked first." In second place, Qin Lingge is ranked third, and as for our Hall Master Zhang, he can only be ranked fifth. "

Zhang Yuelu waved his hand and said: "I have never considered myself an unparalleled genius. Even if they rank me at the 50th place, I have no objection at all."

Mu Jin said: "But having said that, the Ruyi List is the same as the original Shaoxuan List. It has an age limit. It mainly covers innate people under the age of thirty, excluding heavenly people. There are a total of 365 people on the list. , the vast majority are people in the Return to True stage, and there are only a few talented people in the Yuxu stage. You have now become a heavenly being, and have been removed from the list. Li Changge and Yao Pei are also not on the list. Qin Lingge is now truly the number one person. Also, Qi Tianyuan is also on the list, ranked tenth."

Mu Jin clicked her tongue and said, "It's been three days since we've been apart. I'm really impressed. I entered the Tiangang Hall together. Now I've been promoted to the fourth rank. I've been taught the Chuzhen Sutra. I've gone to the Wanxiang Taoist Palace to study in the upper palace. I'm so red." , we are still hanging around here."

"Are you envious?" Zhang Yuelu said with a smile, "I paid for it with my life. If you followed me to Yishan City, I'm afraid you would have lived in the Requiem Division by now."

Mu Jin snorted lightly, but did not argue: "Didn't you talk about Qin Ling Pavilion? Why did it involve me?"

Zhang Yuelu smiled and said: "Okay, go on to talk about this clan member."

"Qin Lingge was born in a royal family and held the title of a prince, but he had no real power. He was just an empty prince. Because he had lost his parents since he was a child, His Majesty the Emperor took him to the palace to educate him personally, so that he could be with the other princes. Let’s study together with the great scholars. You also know that the royal family has always believed in Taoism. All the emperors of the past dynasties have held the title of Great Master of our Taoist sect, alongside the Grand Master. Members of the royal family believe in Taishang Taozu. Although they also study Confucian classics, they must follow the Taoist sect. However, Qin Lingge was very obsessed with Confucianism and did not want to join the Taoist sect. He would rather give up his title as a prince and become a disciple of a Confucian sect. This move made him famous and attracted many Confucian scholars. People in the family praised him as a scholar who was rare in a century. "Mu Jin said she was disdainful of Qin Lingge, but she spoke of it as a treasure.

"It is said that after he joined the Confucian sect, he was recognized by a fairy from the Confucian sect and became the master of a cave."

"He has interacted with the three high priests of the Confucian sect, and all three high priests have taught them knowledge."

"Despite his young age, he is quite prestigious in the Confucian sect and is expected to become the youngest grandmaster."

Zhang Yuelu said thoughtfully: "Do you regard the title of prince as a stepping stone to enter the Confucian sect? Not only does an empty prince have no real power, but he is also subject to restrictions everywhere. But giving up the title of prince in exchange for an opportunity to flex his muscles in the Confucian sect is Use retreat as a means to advance. If he can become a great master of the Confucian sect in the future, even if he is not as good as the great master of our Taoist sect, he will be better than an old empty-headed prince. Of course, if he cannot become a great master of the Confucian sect, he will have nothing. , even the title of prince is gone. It must be said that this is a risky move, but Qin Lingge probably made it correctly. "

Mu Jin was startled for a moment, and then sighed: "No wonder you are the deputy hall master, and you always have more acupoints than the rest of us."

Zhang Yuelu said: "In this way, this man is quite courageous. He is indeed not an ordinary person. But where does the title of 'the most beautiful man in the world' come from?"

When men get together, they inevitably discuss women. When women gather together, they naturally discuss men. There are two types of discussions about men, one is about one's own men, and the other is about other people's men. At this time, it falls into the latter category. Zhang Yuelu has no interest in Qin Ling Pavilion itself, but is a little curious about the gimmick of "the best in the world" .

Mu Jin said: "Let me make it clear first that I have never met him. I only heard from hearsay. It is said that Mr. Qin is extremely handsome and has an aura of poetry and calligraphy. Not only many women fall in love with him, but also many with the title of Longyang." Even a good man doesn't care about him. Although I am quite unconvinced, why is a Confucian person so crazy? Hearing his name but not seeing his person is a mystery. Even if he insists that Li Changge is an immortal from heaven, it still won't convince people, right? "

Zhang Yuelu was still old-fashioned and conservative at heart, and said noncommittally: "Whether a man or a woman is famous all over the world for his beauty, how is he any different from an actor or actress? The Li family is known as the descendant of Taoist ancestors, and they disdain to do this."

Mu Jin couldn't help but shook her head and said: "Qingxiao, you are really a disgrace. After hearing this, other women always think about how handsome they are, and even think about having something to do with such a man, but you think about an actor. "Aren't you a woman? Are you pretending to be a man?"

"Fuck you, you're just pretending to be a woman." Zhang Yuelu scolded with a smile.

Mu Jin said deliberately: "Then you are not famous for your beauty, so you are jealous of these beauties."

Zhang Yuelu nodded with a smile and said, "Yes, I'm just jealous. Who makes me not look like a country and a city?"

To be fair, Zhang Yuelu is also a beauty, but she is not a peerless beauty, let alone the title of number one in the world. However, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. For Qi Xuansu, Zhang Yuelu is naturally the most beautiful, followed by Qiniang, then Cihang, and finally Li Qingnu, Xie Jin, and Yao Pei. Wait, this is called the distinction between closeness and distance. As for why Qiniang is slightly inferior to Zhang Yuelu, it definitely has nothing to do with marrying a daughter-in-law and forgetting about her mother. The main reason is that Qiniang is a little older, so she can’t be said to be old. She can only be said to be half old, but her charm is still there. Not in their prime.

Mu Jin added: "By the way, this Mr. Qin has a love affair of a lifetime. You will never guess who the woman is."

"Who?" Zhang Yuelu asked directly.

Mu Jin lowered her voice slightly and said: "She is a female Confucian Grandmaster, only one step away from the Confucian Grandmaster. People say that Qi Tianyuan is a soft-boiled person. If you ask me, this is the real soft-boiled person. Food.”

The great master of the Confucian sect corresponds to the great real person of the Taoist sect, and the grand master naturally corresponds to the real person. Zhang Yuelu has just been promoted to the third-grade Youyi Taoist priest, and is still far away from the second-grade Taiyi Taoist priest. From this point of view, Zhang Yuelu is not as good as a woman from the Confucian sect. Grandmaster.

However, today is different from the past. The Confucian sect is no longer the Confucian sect that competes with the Tao sect in the past, but has become a half vassal of the Tao sect. When it comes to the specific power, it is difficult to generalize.

Zhang Yuelu asked: "How old is that female grandmaster?"

Mu Jin thought for a while and said, "He must be older than you. He must be over thirty years old, right? He may be forty years old, but he is less than fifty anyway."

Zhang Yuelu asked again: "How big is Qin Ling Pavilion?"

Mu Jin said: "She should be about the same age as Qi Tianyuan, at most one or two years older than Qi Tianyuan."

Zhang Yuelu laughed: "It turns out that the old cow eats the young grass."

Mu Jin said: "Don't laugh. This is a blessing. It can only be 'eighteen brides and eighty men', but not 'eighty brides and eighteen men'?"

"A pear tree is full of begonias, right? Don't take me with you. I'm going home. You can be on duty here." Zhang Yuelu didn't plan to talk nonsense with Mu Jin anymore.

At this moment, someone knocked on the door and said, "Is Senior Sister Zhang here?"

Mu Jin stood up and opened the door, and a girl who looked to be only fifteen or sixteen years old came in.

Zhang Yuelu recognized this person as a close disciple of Master Cihang, that is, her junior sister.

"Junior sister Xiao, is something wrong?" Zhang Yuelu asked.

The girl was very respectful to the famous Senior Sister Zhang: "Master is back, please come over."

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