Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 135 Relatives

This palm is not big, at least a bit smaller than Qi Xuansu's palm. It is obviously a woman's. He is not old and has no fine wrinkles, which can exclude all the elderly real people in the Wanxiang Dao Palace.

Which woman can calmly hold down the mad Qi Xuansu?

Qi Xuansu suddenly turned his head and looked around, and sure enough, he saw a pair of indifferent eyes, which was in sharp contrast to Qi Xuansu's eyes full of murderous intent and madness.

Yao Pei.

Ranked second among the three great figures of the Taoist sect, second only to Li Changge and even higher than Zhang Yuelu.

Qi Xuansu struggled violently, the veins on the back of his hands popped out, and his true energy surged out.

But Yao Pei's palm seemed to be made of steel, motionless, no matter the strength of the martial artist's body or the infuriating energy of the Sanren, it was like the breeze blowing on the hills, leaving no trace.

After all, heavenly beings are heavenly beings and cannot be easily shaken by innate people.

What's more, as a young talent cultivated by Quanzhen Taoism, Yao Pei is not an ordinary person, so she can quietly appear beside Qi Xuansu and hold down Qi Xuansu's wrist lightly.

After a while, the bloodshot eyes in Qi Xuansu's eyes gradually receded, and some clarity returned.

"Are you awake?" Yao Pei then let go of his hand and leaned over to check Chen Longtu's injuries.

Qi Xuansu lowered his head and looked at his wrist, only to see five clear fingerprints that had not faded - Yao Pei almost crushed his bones.

Qi Xuansu put away "Fei Ying", moved his wrists, and covered his face with his hands, as if he was still awake after a good sleep.

On the other side, Yao Pei didn't know what method he used to help Chen Longtu stop the bleeding. After all, he was an innate person in the stage of returning to his true form. Even if his throat ruptured and blood poured back, it would not be considered a fatal injury. But if someone cuts off your head, you will still die, which is why Yao Pei finally stopped him. ..

After Yao Pei was sure that Chen Longtu's life was safe, he closed his eyes and let him fall into a deep sleep.

After doing this, Yao Pei stood up and looked at Qi Xuansu: "Have you learned the 'Devil Sword'? Then do you know what the consequences will be if the 'Devil Sword' loses control and openly kills people in the Wanxiang Taoist Palace? Self-destruction of the future, no one If I can save you, even my master Donghua Zhenren, the most I can do is save your life. Then you will have no choice but to defect from the Taoist sect and join a secret society."

"Tai Shang Wang Qing Jing" only makes people lose all kinds of emotions, but it does not affect the reason. Even after the interference of various emotions is gone, it makes the thinking clearer and sharper, like a sage. So Yao Pei is just a little weird, not crazy.

At this moment, Qi Xuansu had begun to wake up and said softly: "Thank you very much."

"I don't want you to thank me, I just want you to answer me a question." Yao Pei's tone did not fluctuate at all.

Qi Xuansu immediately understood: "You want to ask, what is the relationship between me and Master Yao?"

Yao Pei said: "You can rest assured that I don't have a voice talisman or anything like that on me, and I won't threaten you with this matter. I won't use such despicable means to deal with you."

Qi Xuansu still did not answer directly, but asked instead: "Master Yao's surname is Yao, and fellow Taoist Yao is also Yao. What is the relationship between you two?"

Yao Pei's tone was still calm: "As a matter of sincerity, I can answer you. Master Yao of Qibaofang is indeed the elder of my family, but I must also declare in advance that many things about this Master Yao, I am I heard it from the mouths of family elders, but I didn’t see it with my own eyes, nor did I experience it myself.”

Qi Xuansu pondered for a moment and said, "I am all ears. If Fellow Taoist Yao is really sincere, then I will tell you the truth."

He emphasized the word "really" with particular emphasis.

Yao Pei didn't care about the word tricks in Qi Xuansu's words, and said calmly: "The ancestors of our Yao family are great real people who once followed and assisted Xuansheng Zhongxing Taoist sect. Even though the Yao family is not as good as the Zhang and Li families, they are It is not inferior to the Pei, Lu, Yan, Shen and other families. It can be regarded as an aristocratic family. This generation of earth masters is from our Yao family, two generations higher than me, that is, our ancestors. However, the earth masters are also like the heavenly masters, not I am a Taoist monk and have no children, so I am not the direct granddaughter of Earth Master. My grandfather was just a master of Shenzhi. He waited all his life for Pingzhang Dazhen, but he died with regrets. However, my great-grandfather did become Pingzhang Dazhen. "

Qi Xuansu was not surprised by Yao Pei's prominent background, and the sentence "just a Shenzhi Zhenren" also explained the problem very well. Not just any aristocratic family could treat the position of Shenzhi Zhenren so lightly.

As for the age gap, it is reasonable. Because people in Taoist sects live very long, they usually get married and have children late. Even if you don't take into account the exaggerated seniority in large families, the age difference between the three generations of normal inheritance is often very large, even equivalent to five or six generations of ordinary people. This is the case for the Zhang family. Zhang Yuelu is the grandson of Tianshi, but in terms of age, Tianshi is enough to be her great-grandfather or even her great-grandfather.

Of course, it is nothing compared to Li Changge and his peers as a national master. This is also the reason why there is another set of seniority and seniority within the Taoist sect, which is based on the time and length of the apprenticeship and entry into the Taoist sect, and there are clear regulations on the age of the disciples. If you want to engage in the act of accepting apprentices as a master, you must apply specifically to prevent this kind of dislocation of seniority and age. This also makes the national master five generations apart from Xuan Sheng from the Taoist side, but In terms of seniority in the Li family, he is actually Xuan Sheng's grandson.

As for the specific scope of a generation, it is relatively vague and has no clear regulations. Generally speaking, someone who is at least twenty years older than themselves is considered one generation older, and someone who is at least fifty years older than himself is considered two generations older. Cihang Zhenren, Donghua Zhenren and others are all between fifty and sixty years old, so for Qi Xuansu, they are just father figures, while Pingzhang Dazhen people are generally over eighty, so they are grandfather figures.

Kinship is also included here. In other words, after Li Changge officially entered the Taoist system, even though Li Tianzhen was two generations younger than him at home, they were equals within the Taoist sect. Even though he is the brother of the national master Li Changgeng, within the Taoist sect, he is the grandson of the national master.

As for how to discuss it in private, it is not within this category.

Yao Pei continued: "I think you should know that the Li family has always had a tradition of accepting adopted sons and daughters. For example, Li Minghuang, the deputy head of Tiangang Hall, is the adopted son of the Li family. Some even say that the Li family is a family member wearing the cloak of the family. Sect. It is undeniable that this is one of the reasons why the Li family has been so prosperous, so our Yao family has also imitated the Li family’s behavior.”

"It is said that my great-grandfather once brought back an abandoned baby girl from outside. Seeing that the baby girl had good bones, my great-grandfather wanted to adopt her as an adopted daughter. At that time, my great-grandfather was already ninety years old. I My grandfather was also in his forties, so my grandfather wanted to have the baby girl in his name. But for some unknown reason, my great-grandfather refused my grandfather's request and instead considered him an adopted daughter. So my grandfather got a younger sister. That’s my great-aunt.”

Yao Pei stared at Qi Xuansu: "This great-aunt is the youngest in my grandfather's generation and ranks seventh."

Speaking of which, Qi Xuansu still doesn't understand. His surname is Yao, Xing Qi, so he just needs to name him.

As for why Qiniang was on the same level as Pei Xiaolou and others, it was still the same sentence. The seniority of the family is not equal to the seniority of the Taoist sect. In terms of Taoist seniority, Li Changge, the young ancestor of the Li family, is still the junior of Qingweizhenren.

But Qi Xuansu didn't know what to say. After all, Qiniang kept shouting "for mother" one after another and regarded him as her godson. He couldn't say to Yao Pei: "Yao Taoist friend, I am Qiniang's adopted son. I come from your Yao family." In terms of seniority, you should call me cousin. Of course, we have different opinions. If you call me cousin, I will still call you Yao Daoyou. "

Even if Yao Pei practices the "Tai Shang Forgetting Love Sutra" and his emotions weaken, there is no guarantee that he will not take action against him. If the power is accidentally broken, according to Zhang Yuelu, it can range from going crazy to being possessed, or dying on the spot. She has both advantages and disadvantages. Why don't the Yao family fight with him?

Qi Xuansu coughed slightly, his eyes wandering.

Yao Pei looked at him steadily: "Fellow Daoist Qi, you still think I am not sincere enough? Forget it, I will say more. These words can come out of my mouth and reach your ears. I hope that Fellow Daoist Qi can keep it secret. If anyone else knows, Don’t blame me for not caring about fellow Taoist Qingxiao’s face.”

After that, Yao Pei continued: "My father is actually not much different in age from my great-aunt. This is why my grandfather wanted to adopt an adopted daughter for my great-grandfather. In the year when my father married my mother, this year The great-aunt left without saying goodbye and has not been seen since.”

Qi Xuansu's heart sank, and she cried secretly: "Qiniang, Qiniang, did you have a past with Yao Pei's biological father when you were young? Then wouldn't my cousin have been demoted a generation? But Having said that, it makes sense that they were childhood sweethearts and had no blood relationship. Seeing that my sweetheart married the daughter of the Pei family, I was filled with grief and anger. I thought that I was an orphan and had no place to live in the huge Yao family, and I happened to be young and frivolous. At this age, I might as well run away from home..."

Yao Pei stared at Qi Xuansu, seeing his strange expression, and roughly guessed what he was thinking. Gujing Wubo's tone finally had some waves, interrupting Qi Xuansu's random guessing: "My father has always been very respectful to my seventh aunt. , no disrespect at all.”

Qi Xuansu was very embarrassed when his suspicions were exposed in person: "This is natural, this is natural."

Yao Pei calmed down a little and said: "Actually, this seventh aunt's grandmother had already wanted to leave the Yao family, but she was stopped by the earth master. Later, for some unknown reason, the earth master let her go and ignored her. Because of her seniority, she and others were even more difficult to manage, so she took advantage of her father's wedding and left quietly, leaving only a letter but not saying where she was going. "

"Later, a Master Yao appeared in Jianghu Shangzhong. We thought she looked like her. After many inquiries and verifications, we finally determined the identity of this Master Yao, who was the runaway seventh aunt. The elders in the family told this matter We reported it to the Earth Master, but the Earth Master seemed to have known about it for a long time and just said to let her go. In addition, this Yao Fang Master rarely showed up, so we stopped worrying about the matter. We just didn't expect that the Jinling Mansion would be catastrophic, and Yao would be in trouble. The owner of the workshop actually appeared in Jinling Mansion City and competed with Wu Guangbi, the leader of the 'Tianting', for the 'Xuan Jade'."

"As for the person who benefited the most from this matter, as far as I know, it is Fellow Daoist Qi. That's why I want to ask Fellow Daoist Qi, what is your relationship with Master Yao? I am not Fellow Daoist Qingxiao who is trying to deceive myself and others. I hope that Fellow Daoist Qi can be truthful. answer."

Under Yao Pei's gaze, Qi Xuansu couldn't stop quibbling, thinking: "Qiniang has a close relationship with Quanzhen Taoism and the Pei family, so she can't lie. The Yao and Pei families are in-laws. From this, Yao Pei's words are 80% credible. If Qiniang's identity is revealed, the Yao family will not be able to escape the relationship. From this point of view, the Yao family and I are in the same boat, and we are not afraid of exposing our identity. Seven mothers take care of each other. If they take money from me in this name, I can't just suffer a loss and simply become a relative of the Yao family. "

So Qi Xuansu took heart and said bravely: "Master Yao Fang is my adoptive mother."

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