Early the next morning, Qi Xuansu arrived at the classroom in Kanyuan and happened to meet his teacher Ning Yuqing who was holding a pile of books.

"Why haven't I seen you in the past few days?" Ning Yuqing asked proactively.

"I have benefited a lot from being with Mr. Sun these past few days." Qi Xuansu immediately used Sun Hewu as a shield.

"It turns out that Mr. Sun gave you a small start. There are not many people who can enter Mr. Sun's eyes." Ning Yuqing said with a smile.

While they were talking, they saw Yao Pei walking towards him alone, with an aura of "don't let strangers in". Ning Yuqing had other things to do, so she said goodbye to Qi Xuansu without saying anything more.

Yao Pei didn't notice Qi Xuansu. He didn't say hello or make eye contact. He passed by Qi Xuansu and walked straight into the classroom. No one could tell that the two of them could become relatives.

Qi Xuansu also entered the classroom.

At this time, several people were already sitting in the classroom, chatting.

These fourth-grade wine-sacrifice Taoist priests come from all over the country, and some have never received formal training. They have crawled all the way and climbed out of the dead. They are even more wild Taoists than Qi Xuansu. Some are Huayuan Taoist priests who have never even seen the face of a cult demon, let alone killed someone with their own hands. The gap is huge.

Qi Xuansu came to his seat and sat down. The corresponding books were already placed on the table, and they didn't even need to pick them up in person. Qi Xuansu picked up a book and quickly looked through the catalog. He found that it was all boring theoretical content. It expounded the Taoist philosophy of governing the world at a macro level and explained the ideas and methods of handling various affairs in detail. It was indeed a course for a high-quality Taoist priest. It was completely different from what he had learned in the lower palace in the past.

After about two sticks of incense, people who were willing to attend class gradually arrived. Only two-thirds of the seats were filled, and there were still many empty seats. It seemed that people like Qi Xuansu did not attend class due to various circumstances. There are also a lot of people there. Then Ning Yuqing stepped into the classroom at the sound of the bell. She was not here to teach, but to make course arrangements.

Ning Yuqing didn't waste any time and said directly: "From today on, we will start a seven-day teaching session with real people. On the 21st, Sun Fuli will talk about 'On the self-cultivation of high-quality Taoist priests'; on the 22nd, Ning Fuli will give a talk about Jinque A summary of the resolutions in the first half of the year; on the 23rd, Fuli Zhang gave a summary of Fenglinzhou's trade exchanges; on the 24th, Fuli Yao gave a summary of the war in the Western Regions and the outlook for the future situation of the grasslands; on the 25th, Fuli Zhou talked about the countries in the Western Continent and the General History of the Holy Court; on the 26th, Xu Fuli gave a lecture on the Mohist school of the Three Religions and Hundreds of Schools; on the 27th, the master of Zhanggong was supposed to teach in person, but the master of Zhanggong was still in Jinque, and the date of his return was not yet determined, so the details The title has not been decided yet, it will depend on the situation. Do you have any other opinions?”

The courses have all been decided and will not be changed at will unless there are important reasons. Asking for opinions is just a formality, and no one has any opinions.

Ning Yuqing nodded and continued: "I hope you can prepare carefully so that when the assistant teachers are teaching, you can ask some key and quality questions and ask the assistant teachers to answer them. At the same time, if there are any other questions besides the courses, You can also come to me if you have any questions.”

After saying that, Ning Yuqing didn't stay long and turned around to leave the class. Not long after, Sun Hewu walked in. Today was June 21st, and he took the lead in giving a lecture on "On the Self-cultivation of High-quality Taoist Priests."

It makes sense to put this course first in order to be a good person before doing anything. But only the person attending the class knows how much effect it can have.

Qi Xuansu took out the corresponding textbook and began to listen to the class carefully.

In the next few days, Qi Xuansu maintained a very regular life. During the day, he attended lectures and dealt with some daily chores. In the first half of the night, he concentrated on practicing his sword, and in the second half of the night, he rested.

Qi Xuansu also thought about contacting Qiniang or Zhang Yuelu, but found that the isolation between the inside and outside of the Wanxiang Dao Palace was not just talk. After turning on the formation, it actually blocked the "Mother and Child Talisman", and only part of the sustainable "Xun Talisman Array" could still be used. Qi Xuansu had no choice but to give up communicating with the outside world.

During this period, as she said, Yao Pei had no interaction with Qi Xuansu, as if they were strangers to each other. Qi Xuansu would naturally not take the initiative to get involved, not to mention that Zhang Yuelu did not allow him to get involved with women. Even without this reason, Qi Xuansu is not the kind of person who covets other people's power.

As for Ning Yuqing, she invited Qi Xuansu to have a home-cooked meal. Qi Xuansu wanted to refuse, but because of Ning Lingyun's face, Qi Xuansu had no choice but to attend the banquet.

Only then did Qi Xuansu discover that when he visited Sun Hewu on the first day, the woman he saw who was shooting with a sun-shooting gun was Ning Yuqing. However, Ning Yuqing usually wore a Taoist priest's formal attire and did not wear sunglasses and a straw hat. Until today After changing into casual clothes, Qi Xuansu finally recognized him.

This homely meal was uneventful. Ning Lingyun only asked some trivial matters, such as whether he was used to living in the Wanxiang Taoist Palace, what books he had been reading recently, etc. As for Qi Xuansu's relationship with the Pei family and the Zhang family, he did not mention a word.

Qi Xuansu also learned about some changes in Yujing from Ning Yuqing, and Ning Lingge became the head of the temple.

There is also the matter of discussing Taoism and practicing martial arts. Zhang Yuelu defeated Qin Lingge of the Confucian sect in discussing Taoism. However, his slightly outrageous remarks also caused a lot of controversy within the Taoist sect. Many people criticized Zhang Yuelu for destroying the relationship between Taoism and Confucianism and hurting the feelings of the Confucian sect. , although this cannot be used to convict Zhang Yuelu, it is still a minor trouble, diluting Zhang Yuelu's promotion to the third rank of Youyi Taoist Priest. There is no doubt that there is someone behind the scenes who is deliberately targeting Zhang Yuelu.

Then there was the unexpected appearance of Li Changge in the martial arts performance on the second day. With Zhang Yuelu and Yao Pei successively becoming heavenly beings, everyone believed that Li Changge had also become heavenly beings, and even the wishful list given by the Qingping Society had been removed. Li Changge. But the result is that Li Changge did not become a heavenly being, and still stayed in the stage of returning to his true form. This can also explain why Li Changge did not appear at the Wanxiang Dao Palace to participate in the upper palace training.

During the martial arts performance, Li Changge personally took action and single-handedly defeated all the young masters from the Confucian and Buddhist sects, helping the Taoist sect win this martial arts performance, almost recreating the Donghuang style of the year. What is even more amazing is that Li Changge showed the magic of the Qi Refiner, Alchemist, Warrior, Wu Zhu and other inheritances in the battle, actually integrating the five major inheritances into one.

Thanks to the Li family's momentum, Li Changge became famous through this martial arts performance, almost eclipsing Zhang Yuelu's limelight, with titles such as "The First Person of the Young Generation", "There Are No False Scholars Under the Famous Name", "The Legacy of the Eastern Emperor", " He is worthy of being a descendant of Xuansheng" and other praises are heard endlessly.

It was as if he wanted to build momentum for Li Changge.

This is not an insignificant move. When electing the Grand Master, in addition to the three factions competing against each other, there are also quite a few neutral people. Most of them are just grassroots who will fall wherever the wind blows. To put it simply, when there is a Grand Master, they only obey the orders of the Grand Master, but they do not belong to the Taoist lineage of the Grand Master, and are considered to be a lineage of the Grand Master that is independent of the three ways. When there is no big leader, they will help whoever has more momentum. This is the meaning of building momentum and attacking and smearing each other.

Discredit Zhang Yuelu and build momentum for Li Changge, a two-pronged approach, the effect is immediate.

Now that we are building momentum, we can't just improvise. We can't wait until Li Changge is about to compete for the headmaster position before thinking about building momentum. It will be too late. The momentum was not built in one day, but was continuously moisturized silently. Naturally, it was necessary to plan in advance. From time to time, Li Changge appeared in the eyes of the world, and various news came out. Over time, when talking about the candidate for the head coach, Li Changge will naturally be thought of, and everything will fall into place.

Furthermore, after Li Changge finished his martial arts performance, he directly became a heavenly being, thus showing that he can become a heavenly being at any time, it just depends on whether he wants to or not. Then he was promoted to the fourth level of Taoist Priest Liquor and will participate in the palace training in the coming year.

There are gains and losses. Since Li Changge wants to seize the opportunity of the Three Religions Conference, he must miss his last trip to the palace for further study this year and take a step slower. Yao Pei happened to be the other way around and voluntarily gave up on discussing Taoism. In addition to taking a step forward, he also took the initiative to avoid Li Changge's intention. After all, there can only be one person in the limelight in the Three Religions Conference.

July has arrived in a blink of an eye.

During this period of time, Qi Xuansu seemed to have returned to the lower palace one step away, regaining the feeling of the past, repeating the same things every day, regular and comfortable, without so many dangers and unknowns.

As for the harvest, of course there is.

For example, what Qi Xuansu learned in the past was all the skills of a small soldier, how to use firearms, bows and crossbows, how to maneuver a boat and ride a horse. He didn't have to think about why he did it, he just had to follow orders. Now he is beginning to learn how to lead troops and learn to consider the overall situation.

This made Qi Xuansu have a lot of feelings. Looking back at the series of events he experienced, he gained a new understanding of many things that he could not figure out originally, or things that could only be figured out after Zhang Yuelu and Qiniang reminded him.

From the establishment of the Yaoguang Division in Tiangang Hall, to the changes in Kunlun Mountain Pass, Yishan City, and Cuowenbu, to the second major Jiangnan case in Zixian Mountain, Jiangling Mansion, and Jinling Mansion, until this time the Three Religions Conference, these things can be seen They seem to have nothing to do with each other, but in fact they all revolve around the same goal and have never changed.

All the people involved in this goal are like chess pieces, connected to form two big black and white dragons, strangulating each other on the chessboard. Jinling Mansion and other places are like the corners of the chessboard, and Yujing is the middle, and people are constantly being picked up. There are always new moves. There are even many chess pieces outside the chessboard that have never been played.

This game of chess is far from over and will continue for a long time.

If you want to win, you can't care too much about the gains and losses of one city or one place. You must look at the overall situation. Naturally, some people will become abandoned players who have to sacrifice in order to win.

Qi Xuansu has fallen into this huge vortex and cannot escape.

Qi Xuansu did not want to become an abandoned son.

He also suddenly understood what Zhang Yuelu once said: "I hope none of us will regret it when we reach the end of the journey."

Once you get into the game, there is no turning back.

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