Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 139: The Headmaster and the Library

"It's the Sixth Generation Grand Master." Sun Hewu said calmly.

Qi Xuansu became more and more puzzled because when the Sixth Generation Grand Master was in power, it was the time when Zixiao Palace was in extreme decline. It was only better than the current state of disintegration, but far from being comparable to the period of the Fifth Generation Grand Master.

Sun Hewu saw Qi Xuansu's doubts and took the initiative to explain: "It is true that the sixth generation of great masters is weak, but it is also compared with other generations of great masters. If compared with other people, even the three deputy chiefs Da Zhenren, alone, cannot be compared to him. In any case, he is the most respected master and has the cultivation of an immortal. Who dares to directly disobey his orders? He wants to seal Tianshui Yixinlou? Yes, of course we have to obey.”

According to the seniority of the Taoist sect, Sun Hewu and the Sixth Generation Grand Master were of the same generation and had even worked together, so his tone was not that respectful.

Qi Xuansu asked cautiously: "Master Sun, what kind of person is the Sixth Generation Grand Master?"

Sun Hewu was not without scruples. He looked around, set up a soundproof ban, and then said: "If we talk about the talent of cultivation, then there is nothing to say. Li Changge, Yao Pei, or that girl Zhang Yuelu can't follow One of the reasons why he can be the Grand Master is that he is the youngest among the immortals. He has already reached the realm of Immortal before he was fifty, and became the Grand Master at the age of fifty-five. "

Qi Xuansu couldn't help but exclaimed: "I would be satisfied if I could become a heavenly being at the age of thirty, but I would never dare to think about becoming an immortal at the age of forty."

"As for being a person, he is also good." Sun Hewu continued, "You can even say that he is a good old man. He is courteous and polite, and he never relies on his talent. It is said that the first-class people have the ability but not the temper, the second-class people have the ability and the bad temper, and the third-class people don't. He has no ability to have a temper, and the fourth-level people have no ability to have a big temper. From this point of view, he can be said to be the first-class person in the world. At that time, the entire Taoist sect praised him, and he was also the second person to become a great leader. Important reasons. Without these two reasons, even if the three deputy head masters are willing to support, they will not be able to help. "

"Look at you kids again. You haven't learned much about your skills, but you have learned a lot about your arrogance. If you had a little bit of skills, you would wish you had eyes on the top of your head. If you ask me, the kid from the Li family who has been in the limelight recently is the second-class kid. People are not fake when they are capable, and they are not bad at temper.”

Qi Xuansu said: "I am a third-class person, I have no ability and no temper."

Sun Hewu smiled: "Then you should be more capable and strive to be a first-class person."

Qi Xuansu asked: "Since this six great masters are so outstanding, why has it ended up in this situation today?"

Sun Hewu said meaningfully: "If you are thick but cannot control, if you love but cannot control, if you are chaotic but cannot control, you are like a arrogant man and cannot be used. Compassion cannot control soldiers, and righteousness cannot control wealth, let alone a great leader who has such power in the world." position? Xuan Sheng is generally recognized as having a good reputation, but in order to integrate the Taoism, Xuan Sheng also did some things against his will. In the words of our disciples of later generations, this is the sixth-generation master who uses the heart of a Bodhisattva to act like a thunderbolt. "Teacher, does he have the skills of Xuansheng? Does he have the foundation of Xuansheng? If he doesn't have that, why should he be a good person in the position of Grand Master?"

Qi Xuansu was silent.

Although Sun Hewu is an old scholar who is engaged in learning, his experience is here, coupled with the clarity of bystanders, he can see it more clearly: "A good old man cannot be a great master, and a great master cannot be a good man. But the three deputy chief masters can't be great masters." , out of various considerations and after mutual compromise, he was pushed to that position. "

"He is self-aware but not self-aware. It is said that he is self-aware because he also knows that he is not a suitable candidate for the Grand Master. He declined in every possible way, but in the end... Let's just say that it is difficult to reject the kindness. In response to the enthusiasm of the real people in Jinque I hope that, thanks to the sincere support of millions of Taoist priests in the Taoist sect, I will be promoted to the position of Grand Master.”

"It is said that he has no self-awareness because after he ascended to the position of Grand Master, he was indecisive. He could neither continue to implement the various political orders that continued the five generations of Grand Master, nor did he have his own opinions and ideas. He also tried to correct the chaos, for example, taking the initiative to depose Zi The various powers of Xiao Palace made Jinque dominate, and in the end they were unable to barely maintain the situation, leading to further intensification of the three disputes. "

"That's all. He has been a kind and good man all his life, and finally he got angry. When the situation got out of control, he chose to ascend early in anger and passed away, leaving an empty position of Grand Master. . Although many of the practices of the three deputy head masters are indeed open to question, and the Taoist sect’s current situation cannot be blamed on him alone, how can the responsibility of the chief head be such a trivial matter before all the ancestors? He will leave a bad name in the future.”

Only then did Qi Xuansu understand why the Sixth Generation Master had a "dark" evaluation.

Sun Hewu sighed with emotion: "Virtue is not worthy of its place, no matter what, no matter what."

Qi Xuansu asked: "Why did the Sixth Generation Grand Master seal off the Tianshui Yixin Tower?"

Sun Hewu was silent for a moment and said: "Logically speaking, these things should not be told to you, but they are all trivial matters, and there is really nothing to hide. The reason why Tianshui Yixin Tower is closed is because inside A big demon was sealed."

Qi Xuansu's expression was very strange: "Big demon?"

"You also find it unreasonable, don't you?" Sun Hewu said regretfully, "So many collections of books were collected with great effort by Confucian people. Although they all have copies, they are not the originals after all. When I think of so many precious books and a I think it’s outrageous to be accompanied by animals, it’s really a waste of natural resources.”

Qi Xuansu asked again: "Master Sun, why do you want to imprison the big monster in the library? I remember that there is a monster locking tower in Tiancang Mountain that specifically suppresses monsters."

Sun Hewu said: "There are mainly two reasons. First, since it can be called a great demon, it is naturally not an ordinary person. It is very difficult to send it to the Demon Locking Tower safely. For example, you find that there is a big demon in the house. There is a mouse. If you close all the doors and windows, the mouse will be trapped in the house, but you don't dare to open the door rashly to catch the mouse. Secondly, why don't you kill this big monster? Naturally, it was because of the orders of the Sixth Generation Grand Master that he made a bunch of clichés about God having a good life and not committing crimes that would lead to death. In short, he was not allowed to kill it. He was temporarily imprisoned in the Tianshui Yixin Tower and dealt with later, so he With the order from Zixiao Palace, we can close the Tianshui Yixin Tower."

Qi Xuansu had more and more questions: "Has the Sixth Generation Grand Master also begun to reuse Zixiao Palace?"

"It's too late." Sun Hewu said unceremoniously, "By the time he came back to his senses and wanted to re-activate the Zixiao Palace, the original Zixiao Palace system had been broken up by the three deputy head masters. Shasha. When the Fifth-generation Grandmaster was in power, the Jiutang was controlled by the Grandmaster's lineage. However, after the Sixth-generation Grandmaster deposed the power of Zixiao Palace, Jiutang was gradually controlled by the Three Dao. At this time, If the nine masters are allowed to concurrently serve as assistant ministers of Zixiao Palace, they will only act in a positive and negative way. Although the chief master has the power to appoint and remove personnel, it will not be possible to replace all the key positions of Jiutang with his own people. , we need to pay attention to methods and strategies, and we also need to pay attention to timing. Acting rashly may cause the situation to be shaken and lead to internal troubles and foreign troubles. Does he have the skills to shoulder the responsibility? "

Qi Xuansu couldn't help but sigh: "It turns out that the Grand Master can't do whatever he wants."

Sun Hewu continued: "Later, the sixth generation Grandmaster passed away, and the so-called future disposition was not followed up. Jinque was busy competing for the position of Grandmaster, and had long forgotten this matter. We It’s not easy for the Dao Palace to act rashly. If someone accidentally releases the big demon and is caught, they can’t afford to be held accountable in the future, so they can only keep it sealed like this.”

Qi Xuansu thought of Sun Hewu's analogy about the mouse and asked again: "Could this big demon be caught in Tianshui Yixin Tower?"

Sun Hewu suddenly became energetic and said in a tone of talking about interesting anecdotes: "I find it incredible when I talk about it. A demon transformed into a human form, disguised as a Taoist disciple and sneaked into the upper palace. He did not steal treasures or eat people, but came to steal Learn the art of immortality from our Taoist sect.”

"The method of great success?" Qi Xuansu asked in surprise.

Sun Hewu nodded: "Exactly."

"Then how was it discovered?" Qi Xuansu became increasingly curious.

Sun He realized: "Seriously speaking, this demon seems to be bold, but in fact it is very thoughtful. In addition, it has advanced cultivation and deep planning. No one has discovered its identity, but it never expected that Tianshui Yixinlou and Tianshui Yixinlou The Daozang Division of Yujing was connected, and it happened that the six masters came to Tianshui Yixin Tower to borrow books, and the two happened to bump into each other. Others could not see through the illusion of this great demon, but the six masters were living immortals, and they could tell at a glance. I saw through its disguise and captured it immediately."

Qi Xuansu already understood: "After the Sixth Generation Grand Master interrogated this big demon, he learned its purpose and felt that its crime was not worthy of death, so he sealed it in the Tianshui Yixin Tower and ordered that no one should come near it. , and will be dealt with later.”

Sun Hewu nodded and said: "That's it. Now it seems that there is still a title to be granted. At least we have to wait until the seventh-generation leader comes to power, calms down all kinds of internal and external troubles, and stabilizes his power, then he will have the mind to deal with this. matter."

Qi Xuansu said worriedly: "This big demon won't break through the seal and escape, right?"

Sun He realized: "Don't worry, even if you do something casually, it is still the work of a living immortal. It shouldn't be difficult to maintain it for decades."

Qi Xuansu thought of the various horrific scenes left by Xuan Sheng in Yunjin Mountain, and felt that there was nothing wrong with this statement. Finally, he asked: "By the way, what is the origin of this big demon? Could it be from the Qingqiu Mountain lineage?"

"The Qingqiu Mountain lineage can come in openly, how could it be them?" Sun Hewu put his hands on his back and looked in the direction of Tianshui Yixin Tower, "It's a dragon."



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