Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 143 Night Talk

It was still several hours before Chenshi, and the night was long, but boring.

If Zhang Yuelu were here, the two of them could still talk, but if it were Yao Pei, there would be nothing to say. Not to mention that the two had just met each other not long ago, and it was not easy for them to get along with each other. Let's just say that Yao Pei practiced "Tai The indifference after "Shang Wangqing Sutra" makes it difficult for people to be interested in communicating with them.

But today is an exception, because Yao Pei is awake, and has been awake for a long time. It seems that fighting against the various shortcomings of the "Tai Shang Forgetting Love Sutra" is very exhausting, so the usual half-asleep and half-awake are to reduce consumption and accumulate strength. Wait until you need it and then burst out in one breath.

After Yao Pei put away the cauldron and the imitation jade tablet, he suddenly asked: "Fellow Daoist Qi, do you like drinking?"

Qi Xuansu asked back: "You women all like to drink?"

"You guys." The corner of Yao Pei's mouth twitched slightly, even if he smiled, "Are you saying that fellow Daoist Qingxiao also likes to drink?"

Qi Xuansu said: "Although he cannot be said to be a heavy drinker, he is a good drinker and has a large capacity for alcohol."

Yao Pei said: "I don't like drinking, but since I practiced the 'Tai Shang Forgetting Love Sutra', I have been drinking frequently. They say that drinking makes people brave, and they also say that they utter truth after drinking. I found that drinking can stimulate my emotions. , although as I practice the "Tai Shang Forgetting Sutra", this effect becomes smaller and smaller, but for now, it is still somewhat useful, so I often drink to ensure that I am "sober" before doing something. ”

While talking, Yao Pei took out a wine jar from the Xumi object that looked very familiar to Qi Xuansu.

Qi Xuansu blurted out: "'Drunken life and dream of death'?"

"Good insight." Yao Pei placed the wine jar on the coffee table between the two main seats in the main hall, "It is the 'Drunken Life and Dream of Death'. After I became a heavenly being, this is the only wine that still has some effect."

Yao Pei sat in the main seat on the left, and Qi Xuansu sat in the main seat on the right. However, they were not facing each other. They both faced north and south.

Because the stamina of "Drunk Life and Dreaming Death" was too great, Yao Pei did not force Qi Xuansu to drink with her, but drank slowly from the wine jar.

As he drank more, Yao Pei gradually spoke more and more: "The Sixth Generation Grandmaster is a good person, but he is not a competent Grandmaster. On the contrary, the Fifth Generation Grandmaster is definitely not a good person in the traditional sense, but he is an extremely good person." If you were asked to choose a competent master, what kind of master would you want?"

Qi Xuansu said: "Now I am definitely not qualified to elect the Grand Master, so I must hope that the Fifth Generation Grand Master will be in office. At least he can restrain the three disputes and keep the Dao Sect stable. Only the Dao Sect is stable, and we Only Taoist priests can have a good life. But... if I have the qualifications to elect the Grand Master, then I can’t say for sure.”

"How do you say this?" Yao Pei kept drinking. Others became more confused and their faces turned redder as they drank, but she became soberer and paler as she drank.

Qi Xuansu hesitated for a while, as if he was debating whether to talk more deeply, and finally said: "Qiniang said that power is a poison that alienates human nature, and few people can withstand its erosion. I don't know what I will be like in the future. People, I can’t guarantee that my true intentions will remain the same. Sometimes I wonder, will I become another person when I am in power? Just like those people in the two Jiangnan cases. Now that I have the qualifications to elect the Grand Master, I am a big shot at the level of Shenzhi Zhenren. Am I still willing to have someone above me to control me in every aspect? "

Yao Pei looked at the night outside the door: "You're right. Many times, many people don't hate those in power, but they hate that they are not in power. When they really come to power, they still do the same old things. Very few people can keep their true intentions. Not much.”

Qi Xuansu said: "It's rude to come back without reciprocating. Since you asked me a question, can I also ask you a question?"

"Ask." Yao Pei continued to drink.

She and Zhang Yuelu both drank, but they were completely different. Zhang Yuelu likes drinking, not to drown his sorrows, but to taste the taste of wine, to enjoy the drunken feeling after drinking, and to indulge in indulgence, so he has a certain sense of pride. Yao Pei, on the other hand, regarded drinking as a last resort, similar to drinking medicine, so she drank without any emotion, no pride, no sadness, she just kept repeating it.

Qi Xuansu organized his words slightly and asked: "If you become the Grand Master, for example, the Eighth Generation Grand Master, will you be the Fifth Generation Grand Master? Or the Sixth Generation Grand Master?"

Yao Pei paused for a moment, obviously a little confused by this question, but he still said: "Actually, I don't want to be these two kinds of great masters. It is because of being a great master that the sixth generation of great masters have not only been clean for half their lives, but also All the fame is in vain, and even if you don't care about your reputation after death, you will be restrained in every way, so why bother?"

"As for the Great Master of the Five Dynasties, he is glamorous, and it is true that he holds great power. But he does not have the huge prestige of Xuansheng, so why can he concentrate power in one person? In addition to ability, it is also because of two words, intention. It is said that the Great Master of the Five Dynasties The teacher spends nine of the twelve hours a day dealing with various affairs, and can even reach the level of a more important Taoist priest. He knows the situation of each palace, mansion, and hall so well that no one can be deceived. Only in this way can we achieve a high degree of control over the Taoist sect and concentrate the power in our own hands. However, if we do not have the ability and are unwilling to pay attention, we can only delegate power to others. However, this kind of power is too tiring even for immortals. , it consumes too much mental energy and experience, so only one fifth-generation master has been born in so many years.”

"Furthermore, whether the fifth-generation Grandmaster's thunderous methods, rectifying the atmosphere, or implementing the New Deal, he offended many people, and his reputation after his death was not very good. At most, he was slightly better than the Sixth-generation Grandmaster. It can be said that it is a mixed blessing. After ascending to the throne, it cannot be said that people have taken political measures, but many measures have been abolished, and they have been in vain. "

Qi Xuansu sighed: "If it's so difficult, why are you still fighting for it? If it's not for justice and reputation, is it for your own selfish interests?"

Yao Pei asked back: "Does this 'you' include Zhang Yuelu? Does it also include you?"

Qi Xuansu did not answer directly, but just said: "Yao Taoist friend thinks highly of me too much. I am a commoner and a wild Taoist, so what can Taoism do to me?"

Yao Pei calmly said: "If I can be a great leader, I will follow the example of Taishang Taoist ancestors and rule by doing nothing, without right or wrong, without merit or fault, without good or evil."

Qi Xuansu smiled: "Xuansheng once said: A person who is extremely yang has no desire and is fearless, and a person who is fearless is afraid of everything. A person who is extremely yin always does nothing but does everything. I probably can't see the supreme rule of doing nothing. In this realm, one can only see omnipotent authority.”

Yao Pei had no expression on his face and just raised his head to drink.

A jar of "drunk life and dreams of death" was quickly consumed by her.

From the beginning to the end, Qi Xuansu not only never drank alcohol, but also did not cross the line at all and abided by the promise he made to Zhang Yuelu.

In fact, Sun Hewu's words gave Qi Xuansu a wake-up call. He even felt that the old man's words seemed to be addressed to Yao Pei, but seemed to be warning him in advance not to have any inappropriate thoughts. After all, judging from the fact that Zhang Yuelu could trouble Old Master to open a convenient door for Qi Xuansu, the relationship between the two should be good, and Old Master must be partial to Zhang Yuelu.

Qi Xuansu did not think that Zhang Yuelu and Yao Pei were the same people. Judging from Yao Pei's "little enchantment method" and imitation of jade cards, Yao Pei, like Qiniang, was by no means a kind person. If Yao Pei wanted to target Zhang Yuelu, he could really break through Qi Xuansu.

Whether Yao Pei can like him or not, and whether he has such thoughts, is Yao Pei's business. Whether Qi Xuansu has inappropriate thoughts about Yao Pei and whether he can keep his distance is his business. He just needs to do his own thing well.

Yao Pei put the empty wine jar aside and began to close his eyes and rest.

Qi Xuansu was just thinking about all kinds of messy things, including Zhang Yuelu, Qiniang, and his own future.

He suddenly realized that his situation seemed to be really small. After thinking about it, it was just the matters of his own family, what happened to the world, and how the people were, rarely concerned him.

How can such a person be a great leader?

The two of them sat like this for half a night, until dawn came and it was midnight again.

Yao Pei opened her eyes, stood up and put away the talismans and red threads she had attached to the four corners, and said, "It's almost time, let's set off."

Qi Xuansu stood up.

The two of them left Zhenyuan separately, came to Genyuan, and then went directly to the library as usual. Even if someone saw it, they wouldn't be surprised. After all, the two of them have been like this for the past half month, wind and rain. Unobstructed.

Qi Xuansu did not practice swordsmanship today. He just sat in the stone room of the "Magic Sword" and looked at his pocket watch. After the first hour of the morning, he came out of the cave in the library and met Yao Pei.

After last night's experience, the two of them were familiar with the road this time, but they chose another more deserted alley. As Yao Pei said, the imitation token was no different from the original one and could be opened freely. After being banned, the imitation jade token became much darker after just one use.

After entering the alley, Yao Pei took out another talisman and temporarily generated an illusion at the entrance of the alley, turning it into a translucent crystal wall. There was even a Taoist gate sign of Tai Chi Bagua, which was exactly the same as the original restriction. If you don't touch it personally, you will never find out that this is an illusion, but at this time, no one will come here to test whether the restriction is true or false.

Qi Xuansu couldn't help but sigh: "You have really been planning this for a long time."

Yao Pei said calmly: "Only by planning for the future can we gain some confidence."

Then, the two of them entered Tianshui Yixin Building again. Since time was tight, they didn't care about anything else and went straight to the stairs to the second floor.



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