Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 145 Gong Candle Staff

Yao Pei did not explain directly, but said: "There is no calendar day in the mountains, and the year is unknown in the cold weather."

This dragon girl is an extremely smart person, otherwise she would not go to the Wanxiang Taoist Palace to learn the art of immortality. She also understands the three teachings. She immediately heard the hidden meaning of this poem, frowned and said: "You are not ordered to kill me. Are you here to let me out?"

Yao Pei said: "We won't kill you, nor will we let you go. We just want to take something away."

The joy that had just appeared in Long Nu's eyes disappeared in an instant, and became cold and gloomy again: "Where is your great master?"

"The Grand Master has no time to come here." Yao Pei replied in a more indifferent tone, "So let the two of us come to collect the things left here."

Qi Xuansu said nothing, secretly thinking that Yao Pei at this time was somewhat like Qiniang, but because of the "Tai Shang Forgetting Love Sutra", he was very blunt emotionally, and was not as tear-jerking and touching as Qiniang. ability.

The dragon girl said angrily: "What on earth is he going to do? His skills are inferior to others. I admit it. He wants to kill or cut into pieces. I also admit it to take away the dragon ball. Does he plan to imprison me for the rest of his life? Mortals only live for a hundred years, but we have to live for thousands of years." Then he will die at the end of his life.”

Yao Pei said: "The Great Master's mind is as deep as the ocean, how can we know about it?"

The dragon girl let out another dragon roar.

The sound waves were almost visible to the naked eye, but Qi Xuansu was on guard this time, closed his hearing, held his breath and concentrated, and still stood firmly.

Because of the restriction, no matter how loud the dragon girl chants, nothing can be heard outside.

Yao Pei emphasized his tone and said: "Nowadays, there is a loud voice in the Taoist sect against the killing of dragons. In the past hundred years, the Taoist sect has rarely hunted dragons anymore. As long as you don't cause trouble, the Grand Master will not kill you, and maybe he will." I will take you under the Taoist sect, give you a name and a good background, and use you as a role model."

"Who cares?" Dragon Girl sneered.

Yao Pei said: "The ancient immortals are rare, and the Qingqiu Mountain lineage is also rare. With this level of status, the foxes in Qingqiu Mountain can not only enter and leave Yujing openly, but they can also hold various positions. How can they be better than being thieves?" official?"

The dragon girl was silent.

If it were her before, she would have rebutted and ridiculed him without hesitation, but after being imprisoned for so long, her anger and edges had been worn away.

What’s more, because the dragon clan is too powerful, all of them have never interacted with each other until death. There is no concept of the so-called “dragon clan” at all. For them, the Taoist sect’s killing of the dragon is more of a physical injury to its kind than a blood feud. If If she could really be let out, even if she was asked to work as a cow for the Taoist sect, she would admit it. It would be better than being locked up in this dark place, dead silent, no one communicating, and not even aware of the passage of time. It would really drive Long crazy. . And she is not an old dragon, nor can she sleep for more than ten years.

If Yao Pei is already a real person in Shenzhi and has the realm of the creation stage, then she may have some thoughts to take this female dragon out, take it under her command, and be a servant to help, but now she is just a first-time heavenly being. , without the help of immortal creatures, it would be difficult to control this dragon. If you act reluctantly, it is like a child holding a big dog. The big dog is loyal. If the big dog turns against you, the child will not only be unable to hold the big dog, but may even be eaten by the big dog.

So Yao Pei's words were just to appease Jiaolong and hope that Jiaolong would not cause trouble. Her main target was still the semi-immortal object.

Seeing Jiaolong's silence, Yao Pei's eyes turned to a pillar.

Qi Xuansu also followed Yao Pei's gaze and looked at the pillar.

Qi Xuansu immediately noticed something was wrong. The pillar was a bit abrupt and not symmetrical.

Yao Pei walked to the pillar, took out the seal of "Master of Jianxiu Mountain" again, and pointed the engraved seal at the pillar.

Long Nu looked at Yao Pei coldly, silently, and soon showed a surprised look.

Wherever the seal held in Yao Pei's hand passed, the surface of the pillar disintegrated, gradually revealing its true appearance.

A thick black staff that seemed to be tangled with tree vines. The material was neither gold nor wood. The head of the staff was cast with a smiling white skeleton, with sharp white teeth exposed in the mouth. The appearance was very ferocious and strange. What was even more strange was the staff. Two long snakes were entangled around the body, seemingly like living creatures, meandering up and down.

"What is this?" Qi Xuansu asked softly.

Yao Pei put away the seal and answered the question: "When thunder falls from the Changsheng Heaven, the sky turns into chaos. The thunder contains infinite power. When light and darkness meet, the flames of heaven and earth change instantly. The messenger comes and masters the power." , governs all things. When it comes, thunder resounds in the sky, flames descend on the earth, and the blazing wind turns living things into corpses. All people praise him. The messenger with great power must control the life and death of all things."

Qi Xuansu became more and more confused.

Yao Pei showed an expression of imperceptible disdain, seeming to be mocking Qi Xuansu for his lack of knowledge and skills, and then explained: "What I just recited was the content of the 'Eternal Life Fundamental Law'. This staff was originally from the shamanism of the Golden Horde Khanate. The original name of this semi-immortal object is the 'Eternal Life Staff', which means 'the staff of immortality'. At that time, Tantai Yun, the leader of the West Dao Sect, had a dispute with the great shaman, and the great shaman was forced to destroy a snake. Later, the staff was lost. In the hands of our Taoist sect, the damaged snake was repaired and renamed 'Gong Candle Staff'."

Qi Xuansu was not a fool and noticed Yao Pei's disdain.

Who made him read "Jianxiu Mountain Zhuhuang" as "Jianxiu Mountain Zhuheren", which made him laugh.

There is no way, the Wanxiang Taoist Palace does not train bachelors, and the energy is limited, so in terms of ancient Chinese, as long as you can read and write, you will be considered qualified. At most, you can learn some Taoist classics, and it will naturally not involve elegant things such as gold and stone seals. Later, Qi Xuansu followed Qiniang in the arena, while Yao Pei studied behind closed doors at home. He gained and lost. Qi Xuansu's experience in various arenas was better than Yao Pei's, so he had to admit that he was not as knowledgeable as Yao Pei. Nothing to be ashamed of.

This time, without waiting for Qi Xuansu to ask questions, Yao Pei had already taken the initiative to explain: "The sky and the earth are dark and yellow, and the universe is ancient. The four directions are called the universe, and it is called the universe from ancient times to the present. 'Zhou' is time, which corresponds to the mystery of this staff. In addition to In addition, the word "Zhou" also means sky, which corresponds to the longevity sky in the original name of this staff. It is said that "the merit candle reaches the universe, the virtue shines in the sky". This staff also played a role in the process of Xuansheng Zhongxing Taoism. He has made many contributions, hence the name 'Gong Candle'."

Qi Xuansu said sincerely: "Thank you for answering my questions."

While the two were talking, the staff had completely revealed its true appearance, standing not far from the dragon girl. With the staff as the center, two snake shadows could be vaguely seen intersecting end to end, forming a closed circle. The "Gong Candle Staff" revealed its true form, and the surrounding area was suddenly filled with a strange aura, making people feel as if they were stuck in a swamp and muddy.

Yao Pei seemed to be muttering to himself, and seemed to be explaining to Qi Xuansu: "Even among the many semi-immortal objects, the 'Gong Candle Staff' is the best, only one step away from the immortal objects. Its mysterious power One is to form a circle of universe. Within this closed loop, time can stand still or repeat itself. Just like a person walking along the circle, he can never get out. If this closed loop cannot be broken, then the person trapped in it will be trapped. You'll be stuck doing the same thing over and over again."

Qi Xuansu went straight to the point: "What do you need me to do?"

Yao Pei said: "Because the owner of this staff is not here, this staff will not exert its full effect. With my level of cultivation, I can barely conquer it, but I need your help."

In terms of realm cultivation, it's not necessarily Qi Xuansu. Even Qi Xuansu's realm cultivation is slightly worse, and the realm of heavenly beings is the best. But looking at the huge Wanxiang Dao Palace, only Qi Xuansu is trustworthy enough.

Qi Xuansu knew in his heart that the owner of this staff was probably the Sixth Generation Master. It was not that he was not here, but that he had ascended and passed away. This was simply an ownerless thing. However, in front of the Dragon Girl, Yao Pei couldn't say bluntly that the Sixth Generation Grand Master had ascended, so the owner of this staff was no longer here.

"You do what I do." Yao Pei stretched out his palm and reached towards the snake on the left side of the "Gong Candle Staff". However, after entering the shadow of the two snakes that shrouded a few feet around the "Gong Candle Staff", the speed of the hand's advancement suddenly slowed down, and subtle wrinkles appeared on the back of Yao Pei's hand, which did not look like the hand of a young woman. , rather like a woman's hand.

Yao Pei seemed to have expected this, unmoved, and continued to reach forward. Then, there were more and more wrinkles on his fingers, back of hands, wrists, and forearms. The closer he was to the snake's head, the older he looked. .

By the time Yao Pei held the snake's head, the entire palm was already skin and bones, the nails were withered and yellow, and the skin was covered with brown age spots, just like the palm of a dying person.

Yao Pei said expressionlessly: "It's a pity that I am not a martial artist, otherwise the blood and energy can delay the aging of the body. If you don't have the realm of heaven and human cultivation, and you don't have the blood and energy of a warrior to resist, then when you touch the snake head, you will already be dead. Bones that break at the touch of a finger, but since you have the 'Xuan Jade' given by Qiniang, you can handle it."

Qi Xuansu secretly thought that a treasure was not that easy to get, but after taking such a big risk to come here, he could not turn back temporarily. He could only bite the bullet and stretch out his hand, while using all his energy to circulate.

Qi Xuansu also stretched his palms into the two snakes' phantoms, and immediately felt that his blood began to drain away rapidly. This flow was not forcibly sucked away by others, but the natural loss of the passage of time. After getting old, Qi and blood become weaker and weaker, and the spirit becomes weaker and weaker. This is why the saying "boxing is afraid of young people" comes from this.

This natural passage is dispersed into decades and is almost undetectable, which is why it is said that you grow old unknowingly. The two phantoms of snakes connected end to end invisibly accelerate this passage. Decades are condensed into less than a stick of incense, so you are aging visibly.

Qi Xuansu's realm cultivation was not as good as Yao Pei's, but he had the blood of a martial artist, which greatly made up for his lack of realm cultivation. Finally, when his skin was as dry as cracked bark, he was able to hold the snake head on the right like Yao Pei.

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