Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 160: Demons and Ghosts

For some people, going to the palace for further study is a formality or even a torment. This is not the case for Qi Xuansu. Life in the Shang Palace is extremely fulfilling and busy, with almost no leisure time.

After experiencing the small twists and turns of the Ghost Festival celebration, he returned to his normal life. In addition to improving his cultivation and practicing swordsmanship, he also took various courses.

The acquired cultivation stage of San people is the foundation building stage, the holding elixir stage is the Qi training stage, the Kunlun stage of the innate people is the inner alchemy stage, the jade void stage is the jade tripod stage, and the return to the true stage is the holy fetus. territory. Now Qi Xuansu is in the Holy Embryo Realm, and this is his only complete inheritance. The other inheritances of warriors, alchemists, witches, etc. are all incomplete.

Further up are heavenly beings, the free and easy stage is the state of transformation, and the immeasurable stage is the state of escape and transformation. These two realms come from the "Supreme Secret Essentials": The interpretation of the husband's corpse is the transformation of form, the transformation of true nature, and the escape of body.

The so-called "sloughing" is like leaving the skin of a cicada to change its bones. The so-called "escape" is to maintain the Qi and solidify the shape, and then transform into an immortal. Therefore, the creation stage is for soldiers to solve the realm, ranking after the five immortals, and is the lower level for becoming immortals.

If Qi Xuansu can reach the realm of transformation, although he will not have special powers like martial artists and alchemists, he will be reborn. If he is reborn, he will not only be able to repair various hidden injuries and hidden dangers, but also cleanse the essence and marrow, which will greatly make up for his The defect of congenital root and bone deficiency, or this is the miraculousness of Sanren in the stage of heaven and human.

In this way, individual people may be able to touch the edge of the banished immortal, and change from not seeing his neck to looking at his neck. However, after careful calculation, it is still a loss, because the aptitudes of the banished immortals are extremely good, and there is no room for compensation. After becoming a heavenly being, you can also obtain the magical power of "Five Qi Chao Yuan". As the name suggests, all the zhenqi in the body is transformed into zhenqi. Yuan, Zhenyuan contains the mystery of true energy, magic power, divine power, and blood energy. Almost all methods can be learned and all methods can be used. Zhenyuan is the root of "one method can be used and all methods can be used."

But Sanren is still full of true energy, which is equivalent to using his own supernatural powers to make up for his innate deficiencies, and if he lacks one supernatural ability from others, he can neither see the gods nor be evil, nor can he fake the truth, let alone have the five qi to rise to the source, and he is still a dwarf. No wonder it is ranked at the bottom of the six major inheritances.

However, Qi Xuansu is extremely satisfied with the rebirth and cleansing of the essence and marrow of the Lian Shen Realm, because he can obtain other supernatural powers through "Xuanyu", and there is no shortage of supernatural powers. On the contrary, the problem of his qualifications has been bothering him, leaving him almost only Relying on "Xuan Jade" to improve his cultivation level, the efficiency of independent cultivation is extremely low, and even the method of practicing Dacheng is very slow. If this problem can be solved, it will really bring him one step closer to being an immortal.

For this reason, Qi Xuansu became more and more eager to seek divine power.

Today's course is "Differences between Ghosts and Spirits" taught by Assistant Professor Ning Lingyun, which replaced the original personal teaching by the master of the palace. The reason why there is such a course is because many Taoist priests live in prosperous towns. Their main responsibility is not to deal with the demons in secret societies, but to solve various problems caused by demons and ghosts. This is what the world calls demon subduing. The origin of Taoist priests, ghost-catching Taoist priests and exorcist Taoist priests. It is said that they are also related to the Imperial Palace. There is news that some people will be transferred to the Imperial Palace to fill the vacancies after completing their training.

The world often refers to demons and ghosts together, but Taoism makes detailed distinctions.

The so-called "Gang Ju Muzhang", what is the Gang and what is the purpose must be clearly distinguished. Monsters are monsters, ghosts are ghosts, and devils are devils. They cannot be confused.

No matter how the predecessors divided it, Taoism has redefined it: animals that are successfully cultivated become monsters, plants that are successfully cultivated become spirits, and dead things that are transformed into monsters.

The first two are easy to distinguish, but the last category is the most complicated. Anyone who does not belong to the first two can be classified as "weird". Things like mist, bones, stones, utensils, and even wild gods born out of thin air are all "weird". Some monsters are born from the essence of the sun and the moon, and some monsters are transformed from people. Just because human willpower has great power and wonderful uses, gods can use it to build the Kingdom of God. Taoism creates various creations driven by divine power, so those monsters that are born out of thin air are generated by human willpower.

For example, there is a certain legendary monster in a certain place. In fact, there is no such monster. However, because countless people believe it to be true, such a monster will really be born from the huge power of wishes. This is different from that of the alchemists and witches. Spells have the same principle, they are all about making false into true. In the past, charlatans often spread rumors and legends to create monsters for them to drive.

Then there are ghosts.

Taoism has already explained in detail that after death, the soul returns to heaven, the soul returns to heaven, and the three corpses wander around the world as ghosts. Because the three corpses have always been parasitic in people's bodies, they possess people's memories of their lives. This makes many people mistakenly believe that ghosts are people after death. They feel pity for them, but are harmed by ghosts instead.

The corpse is the meaning of the god. Humans have three major Dantians: upper, middle and lower, each with a god residing in it, collectively called the "three corpses". The upper corpse is fond of ornaments, the middle corpse is fond of taste, and the lower corpse is fond of lust. It is also called three insects, three pengs, three corpse gods, and three poisons. The so-called "three corpse gods jump violently and smoke comes out of the seven orifices" refers to the three corpses of human beings.

Because only after death can the three corpses be freed, the three corpses harm people's longevity and life all the time. The higher their level of cultivation, the more powerful the three corpses are. Therefore, even gods and pseudo-immortals have longevity. The end. If you can kill the three corpses, you will become immortal.

All in all, the three corpses are where many human desires gather. After death, people turn into ghosts due to their obsessions. They retain some of their pre-life wisdom and think they are souls, but in fact they are not. Therefore, many ghost-controlling creatures are derived from Taoism. The method is not taboo. But if someone takes the soul of a living person by force and prevents it from returning to heaven and earth, then everyone will have to kill him.

The last stage of the immortal stage in the human stage is called "Beheading the Three Corpses". After beheading the three corpses, one becomes indifferent, has no desires, is calm and bright, and is only a hair away from becoming an immortal.

Finally, there is the devil. It is different from the devils and demons defined by the West, and also different from the heavenly demons defined by Buddhism. The "demons" of Taoism are people, or in other words, people have been seized by inner demons and have practiced many taboos. He uses his methods to kill people and destroy order, so he is called "demon".

They are also different from cult demons, who are just "evil". At most, they have different positions and ideas from Taoism, but they can still communicate with each other. Many cult demons even surrender and submit to Taoism. But "devils" are different. In the eyes of ordinary people, they are like madmen, moody, violent and cruel, and unable to communicate. For example, if a person practices heretical methods such as the "Thirteen Swords of Taiyin", "Magic Sword", "Tai Shang Forgetting Love Sutra", etc., but goes crazy, completely loses control, and becomes a completely different person, that is a "demon".

Such "devils" have to be eliminated and suppressed.

After distinguishing between monsters, demons, ghosts, spirits, and monsters, we must treat them differently.

Demons, fairies, monsters, etc., as long as they do not actively harm people, Taoist sects will not do anything. Among them, demons are the most powerful. This can be seen from the fact that Taoist sects only have demon-locking towers. In order to appease and win over, Taoist sects even allow demons to join Taoist sects, such as Qingqiu Mountain lineage. The so-called spirits and monsters can only be attached to demons most of the time, so goblins and monsters are called both.

Ghosts and demons need to be eliminated, but they are different, similar to the difference between secret societies. Ghosts are equivalent to secret societies such as Qingpinghui and Qibaofang, while demons are equivalent to Lingshan Witch Cult and Zhiming Cult. For the secret societies, the former can turn a blind eye and focus on priorities, while the latter cannot slack off and must be resolutely eliminated. Those that cannot be eliminated for the time being should be suppressed and sealed. This is also the origin of the Demon Suppressing Well.

In fact, both the Demon Locking Tower and the Demon Suppressing Well were supposed to be uniformly dispatched and used by the Dao Sect Center. However, as the disputes between the three factions intensified and the divisions deepened, the Demon Suppressing Well and the Demon Locking Tower gradually became privately owned by one faction.

Qi Xuansu listened very carefully. He knew his own affairs. According to the division of the imperial court, the Taoist sect is also divided into civil and military officials. Taoist priests are civil servants, while spiritual officials have nothing to do with it. Although he is a Taoist priest, he is more similar to a military attache, or a leading military officer who restrains military attachés and allows him to use his brains to plan political affairs. , that will probably not work, but he is good at handling this kind of military affairs that require hands-on work. He will have to deal with these monsters and ghosts in the future, so he must be prepared.

At the same time, Qi Xuansu also noticed that Yao Pei was absent from class. Probably because of her family background, she had already been exposed to these contents, so she no longer wasted time. However, in the past few days, Yao Pei has been elusive, and her whereabouts are erratic, even Qi Xuansu had an intuition that Qi Jianyuan had not left the Wanxiang Dao Palace.

The two people seemed to be looking for something, and they seemed to be looking for someone.

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