Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 61 Playing cards

After settling down, most people choose to have a good sleep. After all, after a long period of living in the open air, many people are very tired, both physically and mentally, and just want to have a good rest.

But not everyone is like this. Zhang Yuelu came to see Qi Xuansu when he had nothing to do.

Qi Xuansu happened to be worrying about how to write an official document, but he was also not sleepy at all.

Zhang Yuelu suggested that the two of them play a few "Xuansheng Cards" without using any special means to cheat.

The so-called "Xuansheng card" is three inches long and two inches wide, painted with colorful pictures. It is a small game invented by Xuansheng in his later years. It has almost no threshold and is very popular among young people in Taoist sects.

Years have passed, and the young people of those years have either passed away, or have become old immortals in the eyes of many people, so the "Xuansheng Card" has become very popular in the entire Taoist sect.

There are four camps in Xuansheng card, namely Taoism, Buddhism, Confucianism, and Ancient Immortal.

After selecting a camp, choose a leader card, 24 character cards and 12 magical power cards to form a card array.

Each character card has a number of points and is divided into three categories: heaven, earth, and human. Based on the time when Xuan Sheng made the cards, the sky card is a person who has ascended, the earth card is a person who has died, and the human card is a person who is still alive. man of.

Magic cards are divided into three categories: foreign objects, spells, and caves.

After the start, in addition to the guaranteed leader card, ten cards are randomly drawn from the card array.

The way to determine the outcome is best of three games. Decide who plays the card first by guessing heads and tails. Starting from the second round, the winner of the previous round will play cards first. If both sides are tied in the previous round, the person who ended the previous round will start playing cards.

In a round, both sides take turns playing cards or activating leader cards, until one side has no cards to play or actively presses the end button to play cards, the round ends and the points are counted, and the party with the smaller points loses.

Qi Xuansu had been exposed to the "Xuansheng Pai" as early as when he was in the Wanxiang Taoist Palace, and he was considered an expert, so he immediately agreed.

Zhang Yuelu took out a pair of "Xuansheng cards" from the Xumi objects and chose the Confucian camp and the leader card "Neo-Confucian Sage".

Qi Xuansu chose the Taoist camp and the leader card "Xuansheng".

Zhang Yuelu took out a peace coin, flicked it with his finger and made it spin rapidly, then clapped it with his palm and looked at Qi Xuansu: "Guess."

Qi Xuansu said: "There is a word."

Zhang Yuelu slowly removed his palm and saw the words "Peace in the world".

Qi Xuansu drew ten cards, namely: the human card "Donghuang Li Taiyi", the human card "Magic Sword Song Zheng", the human card "Shengjun Tantaiyun", the human card "Da Zhenren Yan Feiqing", the human card "Fei Yuan" The real person Yan Feiqing", the human card "Little Mr. Shen Changsheng", the human card "Da Zhenren Shangguan Wan", the foreign object card "Tianshi Seal", the foreign object card "Returning Soul Incense", the magic card "Taiyin Sword Formation".

Zhang Yuelu also drew ten cards.

Qi Xuansu thought for a while and then played a land card "Magic Sword Song Zheng" with nine points and no special ability. I saw a picture of a man in black holding a knife on the card, with the corners of his mouth raised, arrogant and conceited.

Zhang Yuelu then played a land card "Hermit Ziyanshanren". The drawing showed a young Confucian scholar dressed in purple with nine points. His special ability was to summon the two land cards Hermit in the array.

So Zhang Yuelu summoned the land card "Hermit Red Sheep Man" and the land card "Hermit Golden Chansou". Both of these cards had eight points, and Zhang Yuelu's total points reached twenty-five.

Qi Xuansu played a human card "Holy King Tantai Yun". The drawing showed a woman wearing a flat crown. The bead curtain hanging on the crown blocked most of her face. Only her chin could be seen, which was ten points. At the same time, it is also the longevity card among the character cards and is not affected by any effects.

Qi Xuansu's points increased to nineteen. If Zhang Yuelu gave up following the cards, Qi Xuansu would win the first game by just adding one more card.

Zhang Yuelu played a spell card "Four Seasons Sword", which can double the hermit's points and increase the total points to fifty points.

Qi Xuansu played the spell card "Taiyin Sword Formation", and the points of all land cards were forced to one point, and the three hermit cards all became one point. Because of the doubling effect of "Four Seasons Sword", one point became two points, so Zhang Yuelu only had one point left. Next six o'clock.

Qi Xuansu's land card "Magic Sword Song Zheng" was also affected, with only one point left. "Saint King Tantai Yun" was an longevity card and was not affected, still ten points, for a total of eleven points.

Zhang Yuelu played a land card "Hermit Dragon Old Man". The drawing is a short old man holding a dragon-headed crutch. It has fifteen points. Because it is an longevity card, it is not affected by the magical power card and is not forced to one point by the "Taiyin Sword Formation". Not even being doubled by the "Four Seasons Sword", Zhang Yuelu's points rose to 21.

Qi Xuansu played the human card "East Emperor Li Taiyi", which was drawn by Gu Panzixiong, a sword-wielding Taoist, with ten points. It was also an longevity card and was not affected by the magical power card. Qi Xuansu's points also rose to 21.

Zhang Yuelu was lost in thought. At this time, Qi Xuansu still had six cards in her hand, and the two hermits she summoned came from the card array, so she still had seven cards left in her hand. If Qi Xuansu folds her cards now and wants to win, she must play another card, and then she will have the advantage of two cards in her hand. Even if Qi Xuansu does not play her cards and the two sides draw, she will also have the advantage of one card in her hand.

Zhang Yuelu smiled: "Discard."

Qi Xuansu played a human card "Fei Yuan Zhenren Yan Feiqing", which showed a young Taoist with a star crown and feather robes, sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes, extraordinary handsomeness, five points. This raised Qi Xuansu's points to twenty-six, and then Qi Xuansu also chose to discard the cards.

In the first game, Qi Xuansu won and had five cards left in his hand; Zhang Yuelu lost and had seven cards left in his hand.

All cards on the field are sent to the "underworld".

Because Qi Xuansu won the first round, Qi Xuansu went first in the second round.

Qi Xuansu directly played the human card "Little Mr. Shen Changsheng", with zero points, and the special effect allowed him to draw another card from the card array.

Qi Xuansu drew a heavenly card "Great Sword Immortal Li Daoxu". The drawing showed an old man with white hair and white beard holding a sword. He was majestic and the father of Xuansheng and Donghuang. It had fifteen points and was a longevity card.

Zhang Yuelu played a human card "Hermit Mr. White Deer", which was an old Confucian scholar with white hair and white beard. At seven o'clock, he could recall a card from the underworld.

Because the longevity card is not affected by any effect, Zhang Yuelu cannot recall the land card "Hermit Dragon Old Man", so she can only do the next best thing and choose to recall the land card "Hermit Ziyanshanren", but there are no other hermit cards in her array. So it couldn't be summoned. Zhang Yuelu's points rose to sixteen.

Qi Xuansu was not polite and directly played the natural card "Great Sword Immortal Li Daoxu", and the points increased to fifteen points.

Zhang Yuelu plays the land card "Grand Sacrifice Wine Yangsong". The drawing is of a middle-aged Confucian scholar. The background is the burning academy. Nine points. The special effect can increase all his land cards by one point. Zhang Yuelu's points rise to twenty-seven. point.

Qi Xuansu played the human card "Great Master Yan Feiqing" again, and turned into a middle-aged Taoist with simple clothes and the longevity card, ten points. Qi Xuansu's points increased to twenty-five.

Zhang Yuelu observed Qi Xuansu's expression, hesitated for a moment, and then played a human card "Dajiu Sikong Daoxuan". At zero points, the special effect allowed him to draw another card.

Qi Xuansu only had three cards left in his hand, so he played the foreign object card "Tianshi Seal" and summoned all cards with the word "Tianshi" from the card array.

Qi Xuansu summoned the heaven card "Old Heavenly Master Zhang Jingxiu", the human card "Great Heavenly Master Zhang Luanshan", the human card "Little Heavenly Master Yan Feiqing", and the land card "Dead Heavenly Master Zhang Jingchen", respectively at fifteen o'clock, nine o'clock, Five points, nine points, a total of thirty-eight points, plus the previous twenty-five points, making Qi Xuansu's total points soar to sixty-three points.

Qi Xuansu only had two cards left: "Discard."

Zhang Yuelu had no way out and had to win this game before entering the third decisive game, so she played the human card "Dajijiu Huang Shiyuan", the land card "Dajijiu Wu Zhenyue", the land card "Dajijiu Wu Fengcheng", The human card is "Grand Sacrifice Wine Xie Heng", the points are nine points, ten points, eight points, and nine points respectively, for a total of thirty-six points.

Because of the effect of "Big Jijiu Yangsong", the land card "Dajijiu Wu Fengcheng" rises one point to nine points. The land card "Grand Sacrifice Wine Wu Zhenyue" is the longevity card, so it is not affected and is still ten points. The total is thirty-seven points, plus the original twenty-seven points, it is exactly sixty-four points, a little more than Qi Xuansu.

The two entered the decisive round, Qi Xuansu had two cards left in his hand, and Zhang Yuelu only had one card left in his hand.

Because Zhang Yuelu won the second game, Zhang Yuelu played first in the third game. Zhang Yuelu played the last card in his hand except the guaranteed leader card, the human card "Xie Yueyin". The drawing showed a handsome young Confucian scholar holding a folding fan. Quite chic, five o'clock.

Qi Xuansu played the human card "Da Zhen Shangguan Wan", which showed a serious woman in black robe holding a sword seal with nine o'clock.

Zhang Yuelu activated the ability "Moon Seal of Ten Thousand Rivers" of the leader card "Neo-Confucian Sage".

"Xie Yueyin" becomes a fifteen-point longevity card, and its special ability is to send a card to the underworld. Zhang Yuelu chose to send the human card "Da Zhenren Shangguan Wan" to the underworld. Because his hand was empty, he was forced to abandon the card.

Qi Xuansu used the last foreign object card "Returning Soul Incense" to recall the human card "Great Heavenly Master Zhang Luanshan" from the underworld, with nine points. Then he activates the special ability of his leader card "Xuansheng", doubling the points of all cards to eighteen points.

In this way, Qi Xuansu won the third game with a three-point advantage, and achieved a big victory with two small wins.

There is always some chance of winning when playing cards. Zhang Yuelu originally proposed to drink as a penalty, but Qi Xuansu refused because Zhang Yuelu would not suffer any loss no matter whether he won or lost, so he changed it to a peace coin.

Zhang Yuelu threw a peace coin to Qi Xuansu and said helplessly: "The Taoist number is too unexplainable."

Qi Xuansu put the Taiping money into his bag with a smile and said: "Back then, I was able to master the Taoist palace in the Bingzi Nianjia Department of Wanxiang Taoist Palace with my Taoist cards. I had few opponents. Just now I was just trying my best."

"Just brag." Zhang Yuelu didn't believe it at all, "Let's try it again. I don't need the Confucian family card, and you don't need the Dao family card."

Qi Xuansu nodded and said, "Okay, I'll use the Buddhist card."

Zhang Yuelu said: "I will also use the Buddhist card to have a civil war."

The two of them each drew a set of Buddhist cards and continued playing cards.

This time, Zhang Yuelu was superior and won two consecutive rounds to easily defeat Qi Xuansu.

Zhang Yuelu clicked his tongue and said, "It's just a bonus from getting a house number. I think you're just average."

After Qi Xuansu lost the second game, because he felt sorry for Taiping Qian, he decided to accept Zhang Yuelu's second proposal and change it to a fine of alcohol.

So for the next whole day, the two of them played cards, drank, played cards, and drank.

It wasn't until midnight that Zhang Yuelu left contentedly, smelling of alcohol.

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