Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 65: Bring a message

Although Zhang Yuelu was not rich, he would not directly discount the kindness of the master in charge, not to mention that the master in charge was an elder recognized by her, not just a boss.

Seeing Qi Xuansu's expression, Zhang Yuelu probably understood what Qi Xuansu had to say, and said at a loss of whether to laugh or cry: "If you ask me to tell you something good, you really have fallen into the eyes of money. After all, these two tickets are the wishes of the real person in charge, or are they It’s better not to live up to it.”

"Yes." Qi Xuansu said sarcastically, "Where is the troupe? Is it Xuandu?"

Zhang Yuelu said: "In Taishangfang."

Qi Xuansu was startled, but he didn't expect it to be this place. Taishangfang was the first of the twenty-four squares. Qi Xuansu had always heard of its name, but had never actually been there.

Zhang Yuelu looked Qi Xuansu up and down: "Tomorrow happens to be the Lantern Festival on October 15th, Shuiguan's birthday. I will wait for you at the east gate of Taishangfang during Youshi. Remember to wear normal clothes and pay attention to your appearance."

Qi Xuansu asked: "Where is Mu Jin?"

"Why did you suddenly mention her?" Zhang Yuelu was startled for a moment, then realized, "She came to see you again?"

Qi Xuansu said: "I'm not complaining, I just don't want things to get out of hand."

Zhang Yuelu did not doubt the weight of this sentence. Qi Xuansu could calmly kill Diswen with one strike without any fear, so he had no reason to be afraid of Mu Jin. In fact, Mu Jin was not wrong. To a certain extent, Qi Xuansu and Xu Kou are indeed the same type of people.

Zhang Yuelu sighed, stretched out his hand and rubbed his temples: "Leave this matter to me."

"Okay." Qi Xuansu agreed, and took out another blank official document, preparing to rewrite it from scratch to reduce the water content.

Zhang Yuelu stood up and said, "Write it carefully, I want to check it."

"Yes, deputy hall master." Qi Xuansu said weakly.

Zhang Yuelu turned around and went to the inner room - she had a lot of things on hand.

Qi Xuansu spent most of the day rewriting a report and sent it to Sun Yongfeng, asking Sun Yongfeng to help polish it and revised it, and took his 160 yuan peace money. According to the rules, you should go to Duzhitang to collect the money. However, members of Tiangangtang often travel far away and their return dates are uncertain. They are an exception among the nine halls. They do not need to go to Duzhitang to collect the money. Instead, Duzhitang will directly transfer the money to them. Allocate it to Tiangang Hall and let Tiangang Hall distribute it on its own.

As for the settling-in fee, because the amount is so large, the process will take longer, probably until the beginning of next spring.

After Qi Xuansu left Yaoguangxuan, he met an unexpected person-Xu Kou.

The last time the two met was on August 16th. In the blink of an eye, it was already mid-October. Two months had passed since the last time they met.

Xu Kou was not as arrogant as last time, and took the initiative to ask: "Is it convenient for us to talk?"

"Okay." Qi Xuansu did not refuse.

The two of them left the Tiangangtang government office together, hired an ox cart, and left Xuandu to go to Taiqing Square.

On the way, Xu Kou asked some details about the demon slaying, and Qi Xuansu did not hide anything and answered them one by one.

There are many shops in Taiqing Square, and there are also many restaurants. Xu Kou found a relatively quiet tavern. After the two sat down, Xu Kou asked: "Can I drink?"

Qi Xuansu's drinking capacity has increased during this period, which was really tempered by Zhang Yuelu. He hesitated and said: "I can drink a little."

Xu Kou nodded and said to the owner of the tavern: "Two bottles of cold wine."

"Okay!" The boss quickly delivered two wine bottles. Judging from the size, they should be a pound.

Xu Kou and Qi Xuansu each had a jug. Xu Kou held the jug in both hands and took the initiative to say: "I asked you out this time mainly because I wanted to apologize to you. I heard from the head of Lingquan that you killed the demon. I Admit it, I judge people based on their appearance. I, Xu Kou, am convinced that you are the deacon. The deputy hall master is indeed wiser and wiser than me."

Qi Xuansu did not expect Xu Kou to be so calm. He waved his hand and said: "Brother Xu, don't worry about it. After all, I also said bad words that day, so it's even."

Xu Kou smiled: "I have been in Qizhou Daofu for a long time. It is the headquarters of Taiping Dao, and there are many children of the Li family. This family has a problem, or ability, that has been passed down from generation to generation, and that is yin and yang, cynicism. In I have been in Qizhou for a long time, and I have become accustomed to it, even if I have heard it, but I have to say that those words of brother Qi are quite like the Li family. "

Qi Xuansu couldn't tell for a moment whether Xu Kou's words were praise or criticism, so he could only raise the wine bottle and take a sip.

Xu Kou said: "You are the deputy hall master's man, but I provoke the deputy hall master. I originally thought you would not keep the appointment."

Qi Xuansu put down the wine bottle: "The deputy hall master is not a stingy person."

Xu Kou looked at his broken hand that had healed and said, "I can't say whether she's generous or stingy, but she is a ruthless character and cannot be conquered by just anyone. Li Tianzhen did not lose unjustly."

Qi Xuansu said: "The word 'surrender' is too condescending, and the Taoist sect does not like that."

"That's true." Xu Kou said, "When I was studying, I admired Xuansheng the most. Although Xuansheng also had shortcomings, he brought too many new atmospheres to the Taoist sect, which made it easier for those of us who have no background and family background. People have the possibility to get ahead, otherwise we will be the slaves of those aristocratic families, and we will be slaves for life. "

Qi Xuansu said: "Xuansheng said that the fact that he got the title 'Xuansheng' means that he did not finish the work and still left some room for it."

Xu Kou laughed: "In any case, I like Xuansheng better than Gaozu, and I like Taoism better than the court, so I resigned from Qingluan Guard. The family rule of Qingluan Guard is to come in alive and go out lying down. I was moved by Qingluan Guard. The master of Wei chased me and was hit by three arrows. One of them almost hit my heart, but I didn't die. Brother Qi, do you think my life is tough?"

"Hard." Qi Xuansu's answer was only one word.

Xu Kou continued: "Life is one thing, but the key is noble people. Just when I was in a desperate situation, Master Qingwei passed by and rescued me. In this way, I left Qingluan Guard and went to Qizhou Tao Mansion. With how famous Master Qingwei is, no one dares to cause trouble to me. Although Taoism does not use the master-slave approach, there is an ancient saying that a scholar will die for his confidant, plus the grace of saving his life. , I can only fight my life to repay my kindness, so over the years, I have never cared about personal gains and losses. It makes no difference whether I am a sixth-grade Taoist priest, a fifth-grade Taoist priest, or a fourth-grade Taoist priest."

Qi Xuansu said nothing.

Xu Kou looked at Qi Xuansu: "After so many years, I have done enough. When my wife died, I was staring at the leader of the Qingping Society, and I didn't even see her for the last time. I feel that I have repaid my kindness. , it was time to live my own life, so I chose to leave Qizhou Daofu and come to Tiangang Hall. Master Qingwei did not make things difficult for me, but instead helped me. I am very grateful for his kindness. When I was leaving, he came to me and asked me to give Deputy Hall Master Zhang a message. Sooner or later, he will have to compete with Deputy Hall Master Zhang again. "

Qi Xuansu asked: "Is this how you talk?"

The tavern owner turned on the lamp.

Light and shadow intertwined on Xu Kou's face, and he said, "I have followed Master Qingwei for many years. I dare not say that I know Master Qingwei, but I understand Li Tianzhen, who is still a relatively young person. This is what he wants to tell Deputy Hall Master Zhang. But I don't Thinking that the Exalted Immortal was so tyrannical and directly broke one of my hands, I don't say anything about a life-and-death fight. I can only say that I am convinced that I lost."

Qi Xuansu shook his head, not quite understanding the young master's thoughts.

Xu Kou looked at Qi Xuansu and said slowly: "Now that the words have been brought, my last errand is finally over."

Qi Xuansu put down the wine bottle in his hand and said with a smile: "I understand, Brother Xu also wants to ask me to help with the message."

Xu Kou didn't deny it, he just acquiesced.

Qi Xuansu did not refuse, took out his pocket watch, glanced at the time, and said, "I will definitely bring Brother Xu's words. If Brother Xu has nothing else to do, then I will leave first."

Xu Kou said: "Thank you."

Qi Xuansu stood up and left.

Xu Kou sat still and drank silently.

After Qi Xuansu left the tavern, he looked around and saw Taiqing Square where the lights were on.

It just so happened that he planned to buy some decent clothes.

In the past, when Qi Xuansu walked around the world, there was no need to prepare decent daily clothes. A bamboo hat was his standard accessory. It could not only cover his face, but also protect him from rain and sun. A short dress without a hem was more flexible. The key was that it was cheap, even if it was damaged. Not distressed either.

Later, when he returned to Yujing, he thought about buying a decent set of regular clothes, so he asked about the price, but the price put him off. And he had no need to socialize at that time, so he gave up the idea.

It was different now. First, he had spare money in his hand, and second, he wanted to accept Zhang Yuelu's invitation. A theater ticket costing 100 Taiping, it didn’t take much thought to realize that the people who went to the theater were either rich or noble. I just wanted to "bloom in the crowd" and there was no need to wear cheap old clothes to "stand out from the crowd".

At the foot of the mountain, even in the Imperial City, there are very few ready-made clothing shops. Most of them are cloth shops and tailors. They usually buy fabrics and let the women in the family make their own clothes. This is why women must learn female red before getting married. Or let a professional tailor tailor it for you.

But Yujing is different. The Wanxiang Taoist Palace teaches writing and drawing, the use of firearms, identifying herbal medicines, drawing talismans, preparing medicines, principles of mechanisms, geography and astronomy, etc. It only does not teach female red tailors. No matter whether they are men or women, few can make clothes. , and Yujing has a large population, and tailoring alone cannot meet the demand, so ready-made clothing shops came into being.

Qi Xuansu planned to buy a set of casual clothes. They said they were casual clothes, but they were different from the Taoist priest's crane cloak dress. In fact, they also had specific requirements, especially the casual clothes for private meetings, which were second only to formal wear.

In any case, Qi Xuansu will soon be a sixth-grade Taoist priest, and he is still a preparatory mage, so he needs to show his dignity.

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